29 research outputs found

    IWRM in international river basins : hydropower dams and transboundary water conflicts in the Lower Salween river basin

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    Sharing a river's potential in terms of hydropower is a common way in transboundary river basins, especially in regions with rising energy demands. However, new strategies in river and basin management are necessary to sustainably benefit from water resources. Implementing IWRM concepts in the national policy is a standard process; the challenges are internationally shared basins. This study investigates the Salween River Basin in South East Asia, a transboundary basin shared by China, Burma and Thailand. The respective governments developed plans to use the Salween's hydropower potential and construct a dam cascade in the downstream part of the river. However, all three countries have different interests and IWRM implementation statuses in the projects due to different backgrounds and national developments. A status analysis of the basin concluded that China has mainly unilateral interests in the hydropower projects and no IWRM experience. Burma is still involved in its civil war and is in the early stages of IWRM. Thailand is actively involved in the transboundary organization of the Mekong River Commission, has integrated IWRM in its own policy and could serve as a leader in the basin. However, at this point, there is no basin-wide agreement over water resources in the Salween and the hydropower projects are the only existing cooperation plans between the riparian countries. Other transboundary agreements might be possible if certain steps and developments towards IWRM will be fulfilled

    Evolution of Relativistic Pair Beams: Implications for Laboratory and TeV Astrophysics

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    Missing cascades from TeV blazar beams indicate that collective plasma effects may play a significant role in their energy loss. It is possible to mimic the evolution of such highly energetic pair beams in laboratory experiments using modern accelerators. The fate of the beam is governed by two different processes, energy loss through the unstable mode and energetic broadening of the pair beam through diffusion in momentum space. We chalk out this evolution using a Fokker-Planck approach in which the drift and the diffusion terms respectively describe these phenomena in a compact form. We present particle-in-cell simulations to trace the complete evolution of the unstable beam-plasma system for a generic narrow Gaussian pair beam for which the growth rate is reactive. We show that the instability leads to an energetic broadening of the pair beam, slowing down the instability growth in the linear phase, in line with the analytical and numerical solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation. Whereas in a laboratory experiment the change in the momentum distribution is an easily measured observable as a feedback of the instability, the consequence of diffusive broadening in an astrophysical scenario can be translated to an increase in the opening angle of the pair beam.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Quark-hadron duality in electron scattering

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    The duality between partonic and hadronic descriptions of physical phenomena is one of the most remarkable features of strong interaction physics. A classic example of this is in electron-nucleon scattering, in which low-energy cross sections, when averaged over appropriate energy intervals, are found to exhibit the scaling behavior expected from perturbative QCD. We present a comprehensive review of data on structure functions in the resonance region, from which the global and local aspects of duality are quantified, including its flavor, spin and nuclear medium dependence. To interpret the experimental findings, we discuss various theoretical approaches which have been developed to understand the microscopic origins of quark-hadron duality in QCD. Examples from other reactions are used to place duality in a broader context, and future experimental and theoretical challenges are identified.Comment: 198 pages, 80 figures, to appear in Physics Report

    Data Driven Advertising - Vergleich der Werbewirkung verschiedener Targeting - Technologien

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    Sogenannte Datengetriebene Werbung ist unbestritten auf dem Vormarsch. Neue Wege zur individuellen Werbemittelausspielung ermöglichen es Werbern und Agenturen, ihre Zielgruppe anhand einer Vielzahl von Faktoren genau zu bestimmen und Werbung auf Nutzerebene zu personalisieren. Basis sind Werbeplattformen, die Nutzerdaten vor Auslieferung der Werbebanner analysieren und diese in Echtzeit zur Verfügung stellen. Werbetreibende haben dadurch noch vor Ausspielung der Werbemittel die Möglichkeit, deren Inhalt zu beeinflussen. Data Driven Advertising ist das Werkzeug, mit dem Werber insbesondere im Bereich Display- Werbung versuchen, durch Personalisierung und Targeting-Technologien die Relevanz von Anzeigen zu steigern und Streuverluste zu minimieren. Ein Katalog fein-granularer Stellschrauben steht ihnen dabei zur Verfügung, anhand derer sie individuell bei jedem Seitenaufruf entscheiden können, bei welchem Nutzer sie eine Anzeige platzieren möchten. In dieser Arbeit werden die technischen Mechanismen und alle Akteure des Real-Time-Advertising- Marktes vorgestellt. Zudem werden theoretische Konzepte der Werbewirkung und insbesondere Theorien mit Online-Bezug erläutert und im Anschluss die darauf basierenden Messgrößen der Werbewirkung vorgestellt. Anhand dieser Messgrößen ist eine Bewertung von Studien und Beispielen aus der Praxis möglich, um die Einflüsse des Targeting auf die Werbewirkung aufzuzeigen

    "Wem gehört der Kocher?"

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    Vortrag beim KLIMOPASS Workshop am Kocher, Künzelsau, 16.10.201

    Trockenheit und Niedrigwasser

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    Vortrag bei der studentischen Konferenz Nachhaltigkeit an der HTWG, Konstanz, 04.05.2016 Vortrag beim Papierzentrum im Murgtal, Gernsbach, 09.05.201

    Der Klimawandel und die Auswirkungen auf die Wasserwirtschaft in Deutschland

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    Vortrag an der Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, 21.11.201