34 research outputs found

    Optimization of touristic distribution netwoorks using genetic algorithms

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    The eight basic elements to design genetic algorithms (GA) are described and applied to solve a low demand distribution problem of passengers for a hub airport in Alicante and 30 touristic destinations in Northern Africa and Western Europe. The flexibility of GA and the possibility of creating mutually beneficial feed-back processes with human intelligence to solve complex problems as well as the difficulties in detecting erroneous codes embedded in the software are described. A new three-parent edge mapped recombination operator is used to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem required for estimating associated costs with touristic distribution networks of low demand. GA proved to be very flexible especially in changing business environments and to solve decision-making problems involving ambiguous and sometimes contradictory constraints

    Elaboración de un programa de puntos de inspección de soldadura para la empresa Esmon S.A.S

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    La ausencia de la inspección de soldadura puede generar costos excesivos debido a reprocesos, menores estándares de calidad en el producto final, inseguridad en las fabricaciones, sin dejar de lado temas tan importantes como la vida y seguridad de las personas, y una menor vida útil del producto..

    Durability damage indicator in BIM environments

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    [EN] As Building Information Modelling (BIM) is being increasingly adopted through private businesses in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operation (AECO) Industries, new tools, procedures, and functionalities appear. In the last years, BIM has proven its advantages by providing benefits to professionals and guiding them towards a new horizon. Currently, the industry is changing in the Spanish market, and refurbishment projects are more demanded than construction projects involving the design of buildings from scratch. As Spanish housing stock grows older, durability and damage in existing structures need to be analyzed during the refurbishment project's early stages. Structural durability is a critical factor in extending the life span of a building and improving the industry's sustainability. This paper presents a tool integrated into BIM environments that can evaluate the durability index in a specific structural element based on data from a visual inspection. This automated analysis shows if any damage is caused by durability factors, such as steel rebar corrosion, and how much time is left until the damage is critical. This tool enables new functionality in BIM environments to control durability and determine when it is critical to rehabilitating the structure.Fernández Mora, V.; Yepes Piqueras, V.; Navarro Martínez, IJ. (2023). Durability damage indicator in BIM environments. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 270-280. https://doi.org/10.4995/VIBRArch2022.2022.1519127028

    Vers la réhabilitation de logements: demande et besoin social

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    [EN] In 2008, a global economic crisis broke out that shook society s sciences and produced changes in its vision. In Spain, this crisis hit the real estate sector crudely, leaving thousands of empty homes. Today, there are still vestiges of this wound in society: an aging housing park and the difficulty of access to housing among other factors. This social context, coupled with the need to work to achieve a more sustainable way of living, justifies a social need that is becoming a reality. Rehabilitate housing instead of building new. A new challenge for architecture in response to society. A new challenge for which different solutions are being proposed.[CA] A l’any 2008 es va desencadenar una crisis econòmica mundial que va fer tremolar els fonaments de la societat i ha canviat la seua visió. A Espanya, aquesta crisis va afectar amb crudessa al sector inmobiliari deixant milers de vivendes buides. A l’actualitat, encara queden remanents d’aquesta ferida a la societat: un parc de vivenda envellit i la dificultat d’accés a la vivenda entre altres factors. Aquest context sumat a la necessitat de treballar cap a una manera d’habitar més sostenible justifica una necessitat social que s’està convertint en una realitat. Rehabilitar vivenda en lloc de construir-ne nova. Un nou repte per a l’arquitectura en resposta a la societat. Un nou repte per al que es plantegen diferents solucions.[ES] El año 2008 se desencadenó una crisis económica mundial que hizo temblar los cimientos de la sociedad y produjo cambios en su visión. En España, esta crisis afectó con crudeza al sector inmobiliario, dejando miles de viviendas vacías. En la actualidad, aún quedan vestigios de esta herida en la sociedad: un parque de vivienda envejecido y la dificultad de acceso a la vivienda entre otros factores. Este contexto social sumado a la necesidad de trabajar para conseguir una manera de habitar más sostenible justifica una necesidad social que se está convirtiendo en una realidad. Rehabilitar vivienda en lugar de construir nueva. Un nuevo reto para la arquitectura en respuesta a la sociedad. Un nuevo reto para el que se están planteando diferentes soluciones.[FR] L' any 2008 a éclaté une crise économique mondiale faisant trembler les fondements de la société et changeant son aperçu. En Espagne, cette crise toucha cruellement le secteur immobilier, laissant des milliers de logements vides. Actuellement il y a encore des séquelles de cette blessure dans la société : un parc de logements vieilli et la difficulté d' accès au logement, parmi d' autres facteurs. Ce contexte, en plus du besoin de travailler pour une manière d' habiter plus durable, justifie un besoin social qui est en train de devenir une réalité. Réhabiliter le logement au lieu d' en bâtir un autre. Voilà un nouvel enjeu pour l' architecture comme réponse à la société. Un nouvel enjeu pour lequel se posent plusieurs solutions.Fernández Mora, V.; Navarro Martínez, IJ.; Yepes Piqueras, V. (2023). Cap a la rehabilitació d' habitatges: demanda i necessitat social. ANUARI d Arquitectura i Societat. (3):162-187. https://doi.org/10.4995/anuari.2023.19984162187

    Universidad y pensamiento complejo. Una reflexión urgente

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    Education, in all its cycles, allows us to notice what the new generations do, think and dream. Thus, university life reveals quite well what social dynamics have changed in the last twenty or thirty years in Colombia. Such institutions, considered by modernity as the centers par excellence for the creation of new knowledge, reveal that there is already a generation of students in the country who have new expectations; students who have been permeated by a society that was invaded by the new information and communication technologies -ICT-; a matter that makes them have conceptions of knowledge, truth and information very different from that of most of their teachers. This paper reflects on this situation, starting from the idea that, in Colombia, the University as an institution of knowledge is not up to the changes that have occurred in society and the proposals to face its own problems do not come out of it. of current life, given that it remained cloistered in a formation crossed by instrumental rationality, analytical thinking and its consequent partition of knowledge into multiple portions that do not reveal the complex relationships of the world that its students live. Hence, it is concluded that a university institution founded from a complex thought is necessary. This work is the result of reflections made from the doctoral work undertaken by the authors, based on an interpretive-comprehensive methodology, with a documentary analysis technique.La educación, en todos sus ciclos, permite notar lo que hacen, piensan y sueñan las nuevas generaciones. Así, la vida universitaria revela bastante bien lo que ha cambiado la dinámica social en los últimos veinte o treinta años en Colombia. Tales instituciones, consideradas por la modernidad como los centros por excelencia para la creación de nuevos conocimientos, revelan que existe ya en el país una generación de estudiantes que tienen nuevas expectativas; estudiantes que han sido permeados por una sociedad que fue invadida por las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación -TIC-; asunto que hace que tengan concepciones del conocimiento, la verdad y la información, muy distintas a la de la mayoría de sus docentes. En el presente trabajo se reflexiona sobre dicha situación, partiendo de la idea de que, en Colombia, la Universidad como institución del saber no está a la altura de los cambios ocurridos en la sociedad y no salen de ella las propuestas para enfrentar las problemáticas propias de la vida actual, dado que se quedó enclaustrada en una formación cruzada por la racionalidad instrumental, el pensamiento analítico y su consecuente partición del saber en múltiples porciones que no revelan las complejas relaciones del mundo que vive su estudiantado. De allí que se concluya que es necesaria una institución universitaria fundada desde un pensamiento complejo. El presente trabajo es fruto de las reflexiones hechas a partir del trabajo doctoral emprendido por los autores, a partir de una metodología interpretativo-comprensiva, con una técnica de análisis documental

    Estado actual de los Pucciniales en páramos de Antioquia (Colombia), sobre la familia Cyperaceae.

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los Pucciniales encontrados en páramos de Antioquia sobre la familia Cyperaceae. Fueron realizadas colecciones de plantas parasitadas por Pucciniales en páramos del departamento de Antioquia en altitudes desde los 2800 hasta 4050 m s.n.m.; de los 136 materiales colectados, un total de 18 correspondieron a la familia Cyperaceae. Los estados espóricos se observaron bajo el estereomicroscopio permitiendo tener información sobre los soros y a partir de allí se realizaron micropreparados en lactoglicerina mediante raspados o cortes a mano alzada, se hicieron 40 mediciones de cada una de las estructuras encontradas al microscopio y con una cámara digital acoplada a este se tomaron las microfotografías. Entre los resultados obtenidos destacan la descripción de la nueva especie Puccinia sonsonensis; el primer registro para Colombia de Puccinia caricina, Puccinia dioicae y Puccinia cephalotes y se registran por primera vez especies del género Carex parasitadas por roya en Colombia. Los resultados proveen un argumento adicional sobre la urgencia de preservación y continuar con los estudios en estas áreas.This paper aims to present the Pucciniales found in paramos of Antioquia on the Cyperaceae family. Collections were made of parasitized plants by Pucciniales in páramos of Antioquia Department with altitudes from 2800 to 4050 masl.; of the 136 collected materials, a total of 18 belonged to the Cyperaceae family. The spore states were observed under the stereomicroscope to have information about sori and from there micropreparations were made in lactoglycerin through free-hand sections and scrapings, 40 measurements were made of each of the structures found under the microscope and images were taken with a digital camera coupled. Results obtained include the description of the new species Puccinia sonsonensis; the first registration for Colombia of Puccinia caricina, Puccinia dioicae and Puccinia cephalotes, and first time record of species of the genus Carex parasitized by rust in Colombia. The results provide a additional argument the urgency of preservation and continuous study for such areas

    La violencia intrafamiliar en contextos de COVID-19: realidades del amparo institucional a sujetos de especial protección en escenarios de emergencia

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la protección real y efectiva del Estado a las víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar como sujetos de especial protección: mujeres y menores de edad, en contextos de pandemia, tratando de evidenciar la problemática suscitada desde el confinamiento, las medidas de protección tomadas por Estado, y su revisión de control de constitucionalidad, para luego establecer la efectividad de las medidas adoptadas. Esta es una investigación de corte cualitativo con un enfoque hermenéutico, que tiene como propósito describir, comprender e interpretar la realidad, los grupos sociales y los individuos, en el contexto de procesos sociales ‒violencia intrafamiliar, medidas de aislamiento, pandemia del Covid-19, medidas institucionales de atención‒, mediante la interpretación de los fenómenos singulares: teorías, normas jurídicas, decisiones judiciales, decisiones institucionales. Se concluye que si bien las medidas legislativas adoptadas para conjurar la crisis podrían ser un no solo para solucionar el problema propuesto, sino también para corregir los problemas de antaño que acompañan a la institucionalidad, soluciones que van más allá de un planteamiento formalista sin efectividad clara, puesto que no incluye la asignación presupuestal y de capacidades necesaria para atender la crisis

    Haloes gone MAD: The Halo-Finder Comparison Project

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    [abridged] We present a detailed comparison of fundamental dark matter halo properties retrieved by a substantial number of different halo finders. These codes span a wide range of techniques including friends-of-friends (FOF), spherical-overdensity (SO) and phase-space based algorithms. We further introduce a robust (and publicly available) suite of test scenarios that allows halo finder developers to compare the performance of their codes against those presented here. This set includes mock haloes containing various levels and distributions of substructure at a range of resolutions as well as a cosmological simulation of the large-scale structure of the universe. All the halo finding codes tested could successfully recover the spatial location of our mock haloes. They further returned lists of particles (potentially) belonging to the object that led to coinciding values for the maximum of the circular velocity profile and the radius where it is reached. All the finders based in configuration space struggled to recover substructure that was located close to the centre of the host halo and the radial dependence of the mass recovered varies from finder to finder. Those finders based in phase space could resolve central substructure although they found difficulties in accurately recovering its properties. Via a resolution study we found that most of the finders could not reliably recover substructure containing fewer than 30-40 particles. However, also here the phase space finders excelled by resolving substructure down to 10-20 particles. By comparing the halo finders using a high resolution cosmological volume we found that they agree remarkably well on fundamental properties of astrophysical significance (e.g. mass, position, velocity, and peak of the rotation curve).Comment: 27 interesting pages, 20 beautiful figures, and 4 informative tables accepted for publication in MNRAS. The high-resolution version of the paper as well as all the test cases and analysis can be found at the web site http://popia.ft.uam.es/HaloesGoingMA

    Mutant Prourokinase with Adjunctive C1-Inhibitor Is an Effective and Safer Alternative to tPA in Rat Stroke

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    A single-site mutant (M5) of native urokinase plasminogen activator (prouPA) induces effective thrombolysis in dogs with venous or arterial thrombosis with a reduction in bleeding complications compared to tPA. This effect, related to inhibition of two-chain M5 (tcM5) by plasma C1-inhibitor (C1I), thereby preventing non-specific plasmin generation, was augmented by the addition of exogenous C1I to plasma in vitro. In the present study, tPA, M5 or placebo +/− C1I were administered in two rat stroke models. In Part-I, permanent MCA occlusion was used to evaluate intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) by the thrombolytic regimens. In Part II, thromboembolic occlusion was used with thrombolysis administered 2 h later. Infarct and edema volumes, and ICH were determined at 24 h, and neuroscore pre (2 h) and post (24 h) treatment. In Part I, fatal ICH occurred in 57% of tPA and 75% of M5 rats. Adjunctive C1I reduced this to 25% and 17% respectively. Similarly, semiquantitation of ICH by neuropathological examination showed significantly less ICH in rats given adjunctive C1I compared with tPA or M5 alone. In Part-II, tPA, M5, and M5+C1I induced comparable ischemic volume reductions (>55%) compared with the saline or C1I controls, indicating the three treatments had a similar fibrinolytic effect. ICH was seen in 40% of tPA and 50% of M5 rats, with 1 death in the latter. Only 17% of the M5+C1I rats showed ICH, and the bleeding score in this group was significantly less than that in either the tPA or M5 group. The M5+C1I group had the best Benefit Index, calculated by dividing percent brain salvaged by the ICH visual score in each group. In conclusion, adjunctive C1I inhibited bleeding by M5, induced significant neuroscore improvement and had the best Benefit Index. The C1I did not compromise fibrinolysis by M5 in contrast with tPA, consistent with previous in vitro findings

    Haloes gone MAD: The Halo-Finder Comparison Project

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    We present a detailed comparison of fundamental dark matter halo properties retrieved by a substantial number of different halo finders. These codes span a wide range of techniques including friends-of-friends, spherical-overdensity and phase-space-based algorithms. We further introduce a robust (and publicly available) suite of test scenarios that allow halo finder developers to compare the performance of their codes against those presented here. This set includes mock haloes containing various levels and distributions of substructure at a range of resolutions as well as a cosmological simulation of the large-scale structure of the universe. All the halo-finding codes tested could successfully recover the spatial location of our mock haloes. They further returned lists of particles (potentially) belonging to the object that led to coinciding values for the maximum of the circular velocity profile and the radius where it is reached. All the finders based in configuration space struggled to recover substructure that was located close to the centre of the host halo, and the radial dependence of the mass recovered varies from finder to finder. Those finders based in phase space could resolve central substructure although they found difficulties in accurately recovering its properties. Through a resolution study we found that most of the finders could not reliably recover substructure containing fewer than 30-40 particles. However, also here the phase-space finders excelled by resolving substructure down to 10-20 particles. By comparing the halo finders using a high-resolution cosmological volume, we found that they agree remarkably well on fundamental properties of astrophysical significance (e.g. mass, position, velocity and peak of the rotation curve). We further suggest to utilize the peak of the rotation curve, vmax, as a proxy for mass, given the arbitrariness in defining a proper halo edg