134 research outputs found

    Online-Computation Approach to Optimal Control of Noise-Affected Nonlinear Systems with Continuous State and Control Spaces

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    © 2007 EUCA.A novel online-computation approach to optimal control of nonlinear, noise-affected systems with continuous state and control spaces is presented. In the proposed algorithm, system noise is explicitly incorporated into the control decision. This leads to superior results compared to state-of-the-art nonlinear controllers that neglect this influence. The solution of an optimal nonlinear controller for a corresponding deterministic system is employed to find a meaningful state space restriction. This restriction is obtained by means of approximate state prediction using the noisy system equation. Within this constrained state space, an optimal closed-loop solution for a finite decision-making horizon (prediction horizon) is determined within an adaptively restricted optimization space. Interleaving stochastic dynamic programming and value function approximation yields a solution to the considered optimal control problem. The enhanced performance of the proposed discrete-time controller is illustrated by means of a scalar example system. Nonlinear model predictive control is applied to address approximate treatment of infinite-horizon problems by the finite-horizon controller

    Evidence from satellite altimetry for small-scale convection in the mantle

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    Small scale convection can be defined as that part of the mantle circulation in which upwellings and downwellings can occur beneath the lithosphere within the interiors of plates, in contrast to the large scale flow associated with plate motions where upwellings and downwellings occur at ridges and trenches. The two scales of convection will interact so that the form of the small scale convection will depend on how it arises within the large scale flow. Observations based on GEOS-3 and SEASAT altimetry suggest that small scale convection occurs in at least two different ways

    Finite-Horizon Optimal State Feedback Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Based on a Minimum Principle

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    In this paper, an approach to the finite-horizon optimal state-feedback control problem of nonlinear, stochastic, discrete-time systems is presented. Starting from the dynamic programming equation, the value function will be approximated by means of Taylor series expansion up to second-order derivatives. Moreover, the problem will be reformulated, such that a minimum principle can be applied to the stochastic problem. Employing this minimum principle, the optimal control problem can be rewritten as a two-point boundary-value problem to be solved at each time step of a shrinking horizon. To avoid numerical problems, the two-point boundary-value problem will be solved by means of a continuation method. Thus, the curse of dimensionality of dynamic programming is avoided, and good candidates for the optimal state-feedback controls are obtained. The proposed approach will be evaluated by means of a scalar example system. © 2006 IEEE

    Balancing Power Consumption in Multiprocessor Systems

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    Actions usually taken to prevent processors from overheating, such as decreasing the frequency or stopping the execution flow, also degrade performance. Multiprocessor systems, however, offer the possibility of moving the task that caused a CPU to overheat away to some other, cooler CPU, so throttling becomes only a last resort taken if all of a system\u27s processors are hot. Additionally, the scheduler can take advantage of the energy characteristics of individual tasks, and distribute hot tasks as well as cool tasks evenly among all CPUs. This work presents a mechanism for determining the energy characteristics of tasks by means of event monitoring counters, and an energy-aware scheduling policy that strives to assign tasks to CPUs in a way that avoids overheating individual CPUs. Our evaluations show that the benefit of avoiding throttling outweighs the overhead of additional task migrations, and that energy-aware scheduling in many cases increases the system\u27s throughput

    Environmental barriers to sociality in an obligate eusocial sweat bee

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article and its supplementary materials.Understanding the ecological and environmental contexts in which eusociality can evolve is fundamental to elucidating its evolutionary origins. A sufficiently long active season is postulated to have been a key factor facilitating the transition to eusociality. Many primitively eusocial species exhibit an annual life cycle, which is thought to preclude the expression of eusociality where the active season is too short to produce successive worker and reproductive broods. However, few studies have attempted to test this idea experimentally. We investigated environmental constraints on the expression of eusociality in the obligate primitively eusocial sweat bee Lasioglossum malachurum, by transplanting nest foundresses from the south to the far north of the United Kingdom, far beyond the natural range of L. malachurum. We show that transplanted bees can exhibit eusociality, but that the short length of the season and harsher environmental conditions could preclude its successful expression. In one year, when foundresses were transplanted only after provisioning first brood (B1) offspring, workers emerged in the north and provisioned a second brood (B2) of reproductives. In another year, when foundresses were transplanted prior to B1 being provisioned, they were just as likely to initiate nesting and provisioned just as many B1 cells as foundresses in the south. However, the life cycle was delayed by approximately 7 weeks and nests suffered 100% B1 mortality. Our results suggest that short season length together with poor weather conditions represent an environmental barrier to the evolution and expression of eusociality in sweat bees.This work formed part of a studentship (1119965) awarded to PJD funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and the University of Sussex, supervised by JF

    Response of a multi-domain continental margin to compression: study from seismic reflection-refraction and numerical modelling in the Tagus Abyssal Plain

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    The effects of the Miocene through Present compression in the Tagus Abyssal Plain are mapped using the most up to date available to scientific community multi-channel seismic reflection and refraction data. Correlation of the rift basin fault pattern with the deep crustal structure is presented along seismic line IAM-5. Four structural domains were recognized. In the oceanic realm mild deformation concentrates in Domain I adjacent to the Tore-Madeira Rise. Domain 2 is characterized by the absence of shortening structures, except near the ocean-continent transition (OCT), implying that Miocene deformation did not propagate into the Abyssal Plain, In Domain 3 we distinguish three sub-domains: Sub-domain 3A which coincides with the OCT, Sub-domain 3B which is a highly deformed adjacent continental segment, and Sub-domain 3C. The Miocene tectonic inversion is mainly accommodated in Domain 3 by oceanwards directed thrusting at the ocean-continent transition and continentwards on the continental slope. Domain 4 corresponds to the non-rifted continental margin where only minor extensional and shortening deformation structures are observed. Finite element numerical models address the response of the various domains to the Miocene compression, emphasizing the long-wavelength differential vertical movements and the role of possible rheologic contrasts. The concentration of the Miocene deformation in the transitional zone (TC), which is the addition of Sub-domain 3A and part of 3B, is a result of two main factors: (1) focusing of compression in an already stressed region due to plate curvature and sediment loading; and (2) theological weakening. We estimate that the frictional strength in the TC is reduced in 30% relative to the surrounding regions. A model of compressive deformation propagation by means of horizontal impingement of the middle continental crust rift wedge and horizontal shearing on serpentinized mantle in the oceanic realm is presented. This model is consistent with both the geological interpretation of seismic data and the results of numerical modelling. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Instituto Nacional de Engenharia, Tecnologia e Inovacao(INETI); Landmark Graphics Corporation; Landmark University Grant Program; LATTEX/IDL [ISLF-5-32]; FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exceptional river gorge formation from unexceptional floods

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    An understanding of rates and mechanisms of incision and knickpoint retreat in bedrock rivers is fundamental to perceptions of landscape response to external drivers, yet only sparse field data are available. Here we present eye witness accounts and quantitative surveys of rapid, amphitheatre-headed gorge formation in unweathered granite from the overtopping of a rock-cut dam spillway by small-moderate floods (~100–1,500 m3 s−1). The amount of erosion demonstrates no relationship with flood magnitude or bedload availability. Instead, structural pattern of the bedrock through faults and joints appears to be the primary control on landscape change. These discontinuities facilitate rapid erosion (>270 m headward retreat; ~100 m incision; and ~160 m widening over 6 years) principally through fluvial plucking and block topple. The example demonstrates the potential for extremely rapid transient bedrock erosion even when rocks are mechanically strong and flood discharges are moderate. These observations are relevant to perceived models of gorge formation and knickpoint retreat

    Elastic thickness and heat flux estimates for the uranian satellite Ariel

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    The surface of Ariel, an icy satellite orbiting Uranus, shows extensional tectonic features suggesting an episode of endogenic heating in the satellite's past. Using topography derived from stereo-photoclinometry, we identified flexural uplift at a rift zone suggesting elastic thickness values in the range 3.8-4.4 km. We estimate the temperature at the base of the lithosphere to be in the range 99 to 146 K, depending on the strain rate assumed, with corresponding heat fluxes of 28-92 mW/m2. Neither tidal heating, assuming Ariel's current eccentricity, nor radiogenic heat production from the silicate core are enough to cause the inferred heat fluxes. None of three proposed ancient mean-motion resonances produce equilibrium tidal heating values in excess of 4.3 mW/m2. Thus, the origin of the inferred high heat fluxes is currently mysterious

    Protocol for measuring myocardial blood flow by PET/CT in cats

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to establish a protocol for measuring myocardial blood flow (MBF) by PET/CT in healthy cats. The rationale was its future use in Maine Coon cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) as a model for human HCM. METHODS: MBF was measured in nine anaesthetized healthy cats using a PET/CT scanner and (13)NH(3) at rest and during adenosine infusion. Each cat was randomly assigned to receive vasodilator stress with two or three adenosine infusions at the following rates (mug/kg per minute): 140 (Ado 1, standard rate for humans), 280 (Ado 2, twice the human standard rate), 560 (Ado 4), 840 (Ado 6) and 1,120 (Ado 8). RESULTS: The median MBF at rest was 1.26 ml/min per g (n = 9; range 0.88-1.72 ml/min per g). There was no significant difference at Ado 1 (n = 3; median 1.35, range 0.93-1.55 ml/min per g; ns) but MBF was significantly greater at Ado 2 (n = 6; 2.16, range 1.35-2.68 ml/min per g; p < 0.05) and Ado 4 (n = 6; 2.11, 1.92-2.45 ml/min per g; p < 0.05). Large ranges of MBF values at Ado 6 (n = 4; 2.53, 2.32-5.63 ml/min per g; ns) and Ado 8 (n = 3; 2.21, 1.92-5.70 ml/min per g; ns) were noted. Observed adverse effects, including hypotension, AV-block and ventricular premature contractions, were all mild, of short duration and immediately reversed after cessation of the adenosine infusion. CONCLUSION: MBF can be safely measured in cats using PET. An intravenous adenosine infusion at a rate of 280 mug/kg per minute seems most appropriate to induce maximal hyperaemic MBF response in healthy cats. Higher adenosine rates appear less suitable as they are associated with a large heterogeneity in flow increase and rate pressure product, most probably due to the large variability in haemodynamic and heart rate response

    Controls on dryland mountain landscape development along the NW Saharan desert margin: Insights from Quaternary river terrace sequences (Dadès River, south-central High Atlas, Morocco)

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    This study documents river terraces from upstream reaches of the Dad es River, a major fluvial system draining the south-central High Atlas Mountains. Terraces occur as straths with bedrock bases positioned at 10 m altitudinal intervals up to 40 m (T1-T5) above the valley floor, becoming less common between 50 and 140 m. The rock strength, stratigraphy and structure of the mountain belt influences terrace distribution. Terraces are absent in river gorges of structurally thickened limestone; whilst welldeveloped, laterally continuous terraces (T1-T4) form along wide valleys occupying syncline structures dominated by weaker interbedded limestone-mudstone. Terrace staircases develop in confined canyons associated with weaker lithologies and influence from structural dip and stratigraphic configuration. Terraces comprise a bedrock erosion surface overlain by fluvial conglomerates, rare overbank sands and colluvium. This sequence with some OSL/IRSL age control, suggests terrace formation over a 100 ka climate cycle with valley floor aggradation during full glacials and incision during glacial-interglacial transitions. This integrates with other archives (e.g. lakes, glaciers, dunes), appearing typical of landscape development along the NW Saharan margin south of the High Atlas, and similar to patterns in the western-southern Mediterranean. The 100 ka climate cycle relationship suggests that the terrace sequence documents Late-Middle Pleistocene landscape development. Consistent altitudinal spacing of terraces and their distribution throughout the orogen suggests sustained base-level lowering linked to uplift-exhumation of the High Atlas. Low incision rates (<0.2 mm a 1) and general absence of terrace deformation suggests dominance of isostatically driven base-level lowering with relief generation being Early Pleistocene or older.National Geographic research grant (8609-09