321 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation examines the wellbeing implications of the evlatlık institution in Turkey. Evlatlık is an understudied form of unpaid domestic labor performed by a live-in young girl in the household of a family to whom she bears no biological relationship, and the person who performs this domestic labor is called an evlatlık in the context of Turkey, which is the diminutive of the word “child.” While the institution is invisible in labor force statistics, it also exists, and in some cases, is quite prevalent in many countries around the world. It emerges in the context of poverty and is a response to the intersection of the needs of poor and vulnerable households with the interests and needs of people who want to show goodwill and do a good deed under the status of “quasi- adoption.” Much of the focus of feminist economics scholarship on domestic labor has been on unpaid labor by family members or the labor of paid domestic workers. Studies have examined the invisibility of unpaid labor in economic accounting and the poor working conditions and treatment of domestic workers. In the literature on poverty, assessment of changes in poverty levels or wellbeing tends to rely on the income yardstick. This dissertation adopts the capabilities approach developed by Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen to construct an evaluation framework. The data come from primary research conducted by the author in Turkey from 2004 to 2005. A key source of data is interviews with 22 former evlatlıks. The main finding is that only 3 participants out of 22 described an increased overall wellbeing as a result of their experiences as an evlatlık. Nineteen participants carry deep emotional scars, which have hampered their overall wellbeing. They faced significant loss of self-esteem and dignity, absence of positive feelings, lack of autonomy, lack of trust and belonging, and lack of competence and prolonged social support. There is, however, some intergenerational expansion in capabilities. If the capabilities approach is meant to assist in developing policy recommendations that benefit all women and girls from diverse backgrounds, then the process and outcomes of wellbeing have to target the emotional wellbeing of individual people and society

    Five Paths to Prosperity: Transforming Business Processes

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    This book is a roadmap for modern industrial enterprises, offering five distinct paths to success: business process automation, ERP systems, e-procurement, controlling systems and consulting services. Each path combines conceptual insights, real-world application, and in-depth research, creating a multifaceted approach to business enhancement. Throughout the book, real-world case studies provide insights into the challenges and advantages of these paths. Join us on this journey to gain scientific-practical knowledge for transforming industrial enterprises based on economic insights and research


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    The subject of the research is modeling and analysis of the characteristics of multichannel and multi-node computer networks with priority services. The work is devoted to the study of the qualitative indicators of the functioning of computer networks with priority service. In this work, mathematical models are developed that make it possible to assess the quality of functioning of modern computer networks, taking into account the number of channels, waiting places in network nodes and the number of network nodes. The proposed methods for calculating the probability of failures and the probability of timely delivery of a stream of requests make it possible to determine the real values of the qualitative indicators of the functioning of computer networks and are suitable for both designed and operating computer networks. The proposed technique makes it possible to determine the number of packets in the queue and the optimal amount of buffer memory in computer network nodes.Przedmiotem badań jest modelowanie i analiza charakterystyk wielokanałowych i wielowęzłowych sieci komputerowych z usługami priorytetowymi. Praca poświęcona jest badaniu jakościowych wskaźników funkcjonowania sieci komputerowych z usługami priorytetowymi. W pracy opracowano modele matematyczne umożliwiające ocenę jakości funkcjonowania nowoczesnych sieci komputerowych z uwzględnieniem liczby kanałów, miejsc oczekiwania w węzłach sieci oraz liczby węzłów sieci. Proponowane metody obliczania prawdopodobieństwa awarii i prawdopodobieństwa terminowego dostarczenia strumienia żądań umożliwiają określenie rzeczywistych wartości wskaźników jakościowych funkcjonowania sieci komputerowych i są odpowiednie zarówno dla projektowanych, jak i działających sieci komputerowych. Proponowana technika umożliwia określenie liczby pakietów w kolejce i optymalnej ilości pamięci buforowej w węzłach sieci komputerowej

    On the association between Haplosyllis (Polychaeta, Syllidae) and gorgonians (Cnidaria, Octocorallaria), with the description of a new species

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    23 páginas, 13 figuras, 2 tablas.The present paper includes a morphological, ecological and biological updating of the three gorgonian associated species of Haplosyllis (Polychaeta, Syllidae) known to date: H. chamaeleon (symbiont with Paramuricea clavata in the Mediterranean), H. anthogorgicola (symbiont with Anthogorgia bocki in the Japanese seas) and H. villogorgicola , a new species living symbiotically with Villogorgia bebrycoides which is only known from Tenerife (Canary Islands, Eastern Central Atlantic). The new species is described on the basis of ecological, morphological, morphometric and statistical analysis of relevant characteristics. Each host colony harboured about 15 pale-yellowish worms, whose cryptic colouration mimicked that of the host. They occurred either on the host branches or partly hidden inside cavities formed by the fusion of two branches. The new species is characterized by the presence of simple chaetae with clearly bidentate tips all along the body, the presence of gland pore aggregates distributed in two lateral rows and two ventral patches on each palp and the absence of ciliary tufts on the pharyngeal papillae. H. villogorgicola sp. nov. is closely related to H. chamaeleon . Thus, it is compared with two populations of this species collected in the north-west and south-west Mediterranean. Stolons of H. chamaeleon are re-described as tetracerous and a peculiar posterior end regeneration process occurring in adult worms during the stolon formation is described. H. anthogorgicola is also re-described, with particular emphasis on its appendage and chaetal arrangements. The main features of the three associations are discussed in light of the current knowledge on symbiotic polychaetes, particularly cnidarian-associated syllids. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 455–477.This paper is a contribution to the research project INTAS-97–0916.Peer reviewe

    A Rheological Model for Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum) Pulp at Different Concentrations and Temperatures

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    This work was made aiming at studying the best model for the rheological properties of Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum, Schum) pulps with 14 (in nature), 17, 19, 23 and 25°Brix of total soluble solids (TSS) which were me asured at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60°C temperature using a conc entric cylinder rheometer. The results were adjusted to the following nine models: Ostwald-de-Waele (power law), Bingham, Casson, Generalized Casson, Heinz–Casson, Herschel–Bulkley, Mizrahi–Berk, Schulmann–Haroske–Reher and Windhab. The parameters of the best model were correlated with pulp temperature and TSS by polynomial regression analysis and were kept in the regression equation only those parameters that contributed more than 1% to the variation of the independent variable. The results indicate that the rheological behavior of Cupuassu pulp in different concentrations and temperatures can be modeled by the Windhab model, although other models can be used in a narrower band of shear stress

    New model to estimate daily global solar radiation over Nigeria

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    This study focussed on developing an appropriate model for estimating daily global solar radiation for any location in Nigeria. Data for the study were obtained from the Nigeria Meteorological Agency, covering 12 sites, spread across the six geopolitical zones, for a period between 1987 and 2010. Various statistical methods were employed to determine the performance and accuracy of the model. A multivariate model that expresses global solar irradiance in terms of location latitude, daily relative sunshine, maximum daily temperature, daily average relative humidity, and cosine of day number was developed. The inclusion of the maximum daily temperature and daily mean relative humidity makes the model much more sensitive to climatic and weather changes. Also, the seasonal fluctuations of the humid tropical region are also well captured in the model. The analysis showed a good agreement between the measured data and computed results. Thus the model can be used to predict the global solar irradiance over Nigeria with minimum error. Further to this, the global solar radiation intensity values produced by this approach can be used in the design and estimation of the performance of solar applications

    Muscular cystic hydatidosis: case report

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    BACKGROUND: Hydatidosis is a zoonosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus, and ingesting eggs released through the faeces from infected dogs infects humans. The location of the hydatid cysts is mostly hepatic and/or pulmonary, whereas musculoskeletal hydatidosis is very rare. CASE PRESENTATION: We report an unusual case of primary muscular hydatidosis in proximity of the big adductor in a young Sicilian man. The patient, 34 years old, was admitted to the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases for ultrasonographic detection, with successive confirmation by magnetic resonance imaging, of an ovular mass (13 × 8 cm) in the big adductor of the left thigh, cyst-like, and containing several small cystic formations. Serological tests for hydatidosis gave negative results. A second drawing of blood was done 10 days after the first one and showed an increase in the antibody titer for hydatidosis. The patient was submitted to surgical excision of the lesion with perioperatory prophylaxis with albendazole. The histopathological examination of the bioptic material was not diriment in the diagnosis, therefore further tests were performed: additional serological tests for hydatidosis for the evaluation of IgE and IgG serotype (Western Blot and REAST), and molecular analysis of the excised material. These more specific serological tests gave positive results for hydatidosis, and the sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction products from the cyst evidenced E. granulosus DNA, genotype G1. Any post-surgery complications was observed during 6 following months. CONCLUSION: Cystic hydatidosis should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of any cystic mass, regardless of its location, also in epidemiological contests less suggestive of the disease. The diagnosis should be achieved by taking into consideration the clinical aspects, the epidemiology of the disease, the imaging and immunological tests but, as demonstrated in this case, without neglecting the numerous possibilities offered by new serological devices and modern day molecular biology techniques

    The Effects of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning and N-Acetylcysteine with Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Rat Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Model

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    Background. Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIP) and pharmacological preconditioning are the effective methods that can be used to prevent ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of RIP and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) with RIP in the rat hepatic IR injury model. Materials and Methods. 28 rats were divided into 4 groups. Group I (sham): only laparotomy was performed. Group II (IR): following 30 minutes of hepatic pedicle occlusion, 4 hours of reperfusion was performed. Group III (RIP + IR): following 3 cycles of RIP, hepatic IR was performed. Group IV (RIP + NAC + IR): following RIP and intraperitoneal administration of NAC (150 mg/kg), hepatic IR was performed. All the rats were sacrificed after blood samples were taken for the measurements of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and liver was processed for conventional histopathology. Results. The hepatic histopathological injury scores of RIP + IR and RIP + NAC + IR groups were significantly lower than IR group (P = 0.006, P = 0.003, resp.). There were no significant differences in AST and ALT values between the IR, RIP + IR, and RIP + NAC + IR groups. Conclusions. In the present study, it was demonstrated histopathologically that RIP and RIP + NAC decreased hepatic IR injury significantly
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