9 research outputs found

    Age, time and health limit: what hours should older workers work?

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    The current policy aims at raising older worker participation and retirement age. Fast changing in workforce raises questions on what work hours could and should be for older workers. Will older workers be able to work in the same ways and for as long as their younger counterparts? What would be the prerequisites for optimising productivity, work time and employment participation in this aged group

    Statistical snapshots of people with asthma in Australia 2001

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    This report identifies the demographics and health-related characteristics that define people with asthma and that distinguish them from those who have never had asthma. It highlights the overall burden experienced by people with asthma, including the presence of other diseases, the use of medications and other health services, and effects on quality of life

    Safe and Unsafe Sexual Intentions and Behavior: The Effects of Norms and Attitudes

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    Studied 252 heterosexual men and women and homosexual men to examine the variables that influence intentions to engage in different sexual practices (SPs) and actual sexual behavior. The authors (1) predicted that the strength of intentions (SOIs) would be related to whether behavior was in accord with intentions and (2) proposed that attitudes toward one's SPs and norms would be related to intentions to engage in safe sex. The SOI to engage in 6 different SPs (e.g., vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, oral sex) and the 3 strategies that modify the risk of HIV transmission (e.g., sex with an exclusive partner) predicted actual behavior. Five safety intention groups were formed to reflect differential levels in the safety of behavioral intentions

    Deuterium- and Tritium-Labelled Compounds:Applications in the Life Sciences

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