174 research outputs found

    Transcriptional regulation of androgen receptor gene expression in Sertoli cells and other cell types

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    Cooperative actions of FSH and androgens on initiation, maintenance, and restoration of spermatogenesis have been described. In the present experiments the regulatory effects of FSH on androgen receptor (AR) gene expression in Sertoli cells were studied. In immature rats injection of FSH (1 microgram/g BW, ip) resulted in a rapid down-regulation of testicular AR mRNA expression (4 h), followed by recovery to the control level (10 h). Using cultured immature Sertoli cells, a similar transient effect on AR mRNA expression was observed after the addition of FSH (500 ng/ml) or (Bu)2cAMP (0.5 mM). Cycloheximide treatment of the cells did not prevent the rapid FSH-induced down-regulation of AR mRNA expression, indicating that de novo protein synthesis is not required for this effect. Furthermore, using a transcriptional run-on assay, no marked decrease in the rate of AR gene transcription was found upon treatment of the cultured Sertoli cells with FSH for 2 or 4 h. This demonstrates that the short term effect of FSH or AR mRNA expression reflects a change in mRNA stability. The AR protein level was not markedly affected by the transient decrease in AR mRNA expression. When immature Sertoli cells were incubated with FSH for longer time periods (24-72 h), both AR mRNA and protein expression were increased. In Sertoli cells isolated from 15-day-old rats, this increase was higher (mRNA, 2- to 3-fold; protein, 2-fold) than in Sertoli cell

    Use of contraindicated antiretroviral drugs in people with HIV/HCV coinfections receiving HCV treatment with direct-acting antivirals-Results from the EuroSIDA study.

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    OBJECTIVES Our objective was to determine whether antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) were used according to the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines for people with HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection treated with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) between 30 November 2014 and 31 December 2019 in the pan-European EuroSIDA study. METHODS At each publication date of the EACS guidelines, plus 3 and 6 months, we calculated the number of people receiving DAAs with potential and actual ARV contraindications ('red shading' in the EACS guidelines). We used logistic regression to investigate factors associated with using contraindicated ARVs. RESULTS Among 1406 people starting DAAs, the median age was 51 years, 75% were male, 57% reported injected drug use as an HIV risk, and 76% were from western Europe. Of 1624 treatment episodes, 609 (37.5%) occurred while the patient was receiving ARVs with potential contraindications; among them, 38 (6.2%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 4.3-8.2) involved a contraindicated ARV (18 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors), 16 involved protease inhibitors, and four involved integrase strand transfer inhibitors. The adjusted odds of receiving a contraindicated ARV were higher (3.25; 95% CI 1.40-7.57) among participants from east/central east Europe (vs. south) and lower (0.22; 95% CI 0.08-0.65) for 2015-2018 guidelines (vs. 2014). In total, 29 of the 32 (90.6%) patients receiving a contraindicated ARV and 441 of the 461 (95.7%) with potential ARV contraindications experienced a sustained virological response ≥12 weeks after stopping treatment (SVR12; p = 0.55). CONCLUSION In this large heterogenous European cohort, more than one-third of people with HIV/HCV coinfection received DAAs with potential ARV contraindications, but few received a contraindicated ARV. Use of contraindicated ARVs declined over time, corresponding to the increased availability of ARV therapy regimens without interactions with DAA across Europe. Participants who received a contraindicated DAA and ARV combination still had a high rate of SVR12

    Testing Multiple Coordination Constraints with a Novel Bimanual Visuomotor Task

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    The acquisition of a new bimanual skill depends on several motor coordination constraints. To date, coordination constraints have often been tested relatively independently of one another, particularly with respect to isofrequency and multifrequency rhythms. Here, we used a new paradigm to test the interaction of multiple coordination constraints. Coordination constraints that were tested included temporal complexity, directionality, muscle grouping, and hand dominance. Twenty-two healthy young adults performed a bimanual dial rotation task that required left and right hand coordination to track a moving target on a computer monitor. Two groups were compared, either with or without four days of practice with augmented visual feedback. Four directional patterns were tested such that both hands moved either rightward (clockwise), leftward (counterclockwise), inward or outward relative to each other. Seven frequency ratios (3∶1, 2∶1, 3∶2, 1∶1, 2∶3. 1∶2, 1∶3) between the left and right hand were introduced. As expected, isofrequency patterns (1∶1) were performed more successfully than multifrequency patterns (non 1∶1). In addition, performance was more accurate when participants were required to move faster with the dominant right hand (1∶3, 1∶2 and 2∶3) than with the non-dominant left hand (3∶1, 2∶1, 3∶2). Interestingly, performance deteriorated as the relative angular velocity between the two hands increased, regardless of whether the required frequency ratio was an integer or non-integer. This contrasted with previous finger tapping research where the integer ratios generally led to less error than the non-integer ratios. We suggest that this is due to the different movement topologies that are required of each paradigm. Overall, we found that this visuomotor task was useful for testing the interaction of multiple coordination constraints as well as the release from these constraints with practice in the presence of augmented visual feedback

    Review article: a comparison of glucagon-like peptides 1 and 2.

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    BACKGROUND: Recent advancements in understanding the roles and functions of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and 2 (GLP-2) have provided a basis for targeting these peptides in therapeutic strategies. AIM: To summarise the preclinical and clinical research supporting the discovery of new therapeutic molecules targeting GLP-1 and GLP-2. METHODS: This review is based on a comprehensive PubMed search, representing literature published during the past 30 years related to GLP-1 and GLP-2. RESULTS: Although produced and secreted together primarily from L cells of the intestine in response to ingestion of nutrients, GLP-1 and GLP-2 exhibit distinctive biological functions that are governed by the expression of their respective receptors, GLP-1R and GLP-2R. Through widespread expression in the pancreas, intestine, nervous tissue, et cetera, GLP-1Rs facilitates an incretin effect along with effects on appetite and satiety. GLP-1 analogues resistant to degradation by dipeptidyl peptidase-IV and inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV have been developed to aid treatment of diabetes and obesity. The GLP-2R is expressed almost exclusively in the stomach and bowel. The most apparent role for GLP-2 is its promotion of growth and function of intestinal mucosa, which has been targeted for therapies that promote repair and adaptive growth. These are used as treatments for intestinal failure and related conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Our growing understanding of the biology and function of GLP-1, GLP-2 and corresponding receptors has fostered further discovery of fundamental biological function as well as new categories of potent therapeutic medicines

    Metabolite ratios as potential biomarkers for type 2 diabetes:a DIRECT study

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    Aims/hypothesis Circulating metabolites have been shown to reflect metabolic changes during the development of type 2 diabetes. In this study we examined the association of metabolite levels and pairwise metabolite ratios with insulin responses after glucose, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and arginine stimulation. We then investigated if the identified metabolite ratios were associated with measures of OGTT-derived beta cell function and with prevalent and incident type 2 diabetes. Methods We measured the levels of 188 metabolites in plasma samples from 130 healthy members of twin families (from the Netherlands Twin Register) at five time points during a modified 3 h hyperglycaemic clamp with glucose, GLP-1 and arginine stimulation. We validated our results in cohorts with OGTT data (n = 340) and epidemiological case–control studies of prevalent (n = 4925) and incident (n = 4277) diabetes. The data were analysed using regression models with adjustment for potential confounders. Results There were dynamic changes in metabolite levels in response to the different secretagogues. Furthermore, several fasting pairwise metabolite ratios were associated with one or multiple clamp-derived measures of insulin secretion (all p Conclusion/interpretation In this study we have shown that the Val_PC ae C32:2 metabolite ratio is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and measures of insulin secretion and resistance. The observed effects were stronger than that of the individual metabolites and independent of known risk factors.</p

    Establishing a hepatitis C continuum of care among HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected individuals in EuroSIDA

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    Objectives The aim of the study was to establish a methodology for evaluating the hepatitis C continuum of care in HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)-coinfected individuals and to characterize the continuum in Europe on 1 January 2015, prior to widespread access to direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy. Methods Stages included in the continuum were as follows: anti-HCV antibody positive, HCV RNA tested, currently HCV RNA positive, ever HCV RNA positive, ever received HCV treatment, completed HCV treatment, follow-up HCV RNA test, and cure. Sustained virological response (SVR) could only be assessed for those with a follow-up HCV RNA test and was defined as a negative HCV RNA result measured > 12 or 24 weeks after stopping treatment. Results Numbers and percentages for the stages of the HCV continuum of care were as follows: anti-HCV positive (n = 5173), HCV RNA tested (4207 of 5173; 81.3%), currently HCV RNA positive (3179 of 5173; 61.5%), ever HCV RNA positive (n = 3876), initiated HCV treatment (1693 of 3876; 43.7%), completed HCV treatment (1598 of 3876; 41.2%), follow-up HCV RNA test to allow SVR assessment (1195 of 3876; 30.8%), and cure (629 of 3876; 16.2%). The proportion that achieved SVR was 52.6% (629 of 1195). There were significant differences between regions at each stage of the continuum (P <0.0001). Conclusions In the proposed HCV continuum of care for HIV/HCV-coinfected individuals, we found major gaps at all stages, with almost 20% of anti-HCV-positive individuals having no documented HCV RNA test and a low proportion achieving SVR, in the pre-DAA era.Peer reviewe

    Incidence of cancer and overall risk of mortality in individuals treated with raltegravir-based and non-raltegravir-based combination antiretroviral therapy regimens

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    Objectives: There are currently few data on the long-term risk of cancer and death in individuals taking raltegravir (RAL). The aim of this analysis was to evaluate whether there is evidence for an association. Methods: The EuroSIDA cohort was divided into three groups: those starting RAL-based combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) on or after 21 December 2007 (RAL); a historical cohort (HIST) of individuals adding a new antiretroviral (ARV) drug (not RAL) to their cART between 1 January 2005 and 20 December 2007, and a concurrent cohort (CONC) of individuals adding a new ARV drug (not RAL) to their cART on or after 21 December 2007. Baseline characteristics were compared using logistic regression. The incidences of newly diagnosed malignancies and death were compared using Poisson regression. Results: The RAL cohort included 1470 individuals [with 4058 person-years of follow-up (PYFU)] compared with 3787 (4472 PYFU) and 4467 (10 691 PYFU) in the HIST and CONC cohorts, respectively. The prevalence of non-AIDS-related malignancies prior to baseline tended to be higher in the RAL cohort vs. the HIST cohort [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.31; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.95–1.80] and vs. the CONC cohort (aOR 1.89; 95% CI 1.37–2.61). In intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis (events: RAL, 50; HIST, 45; CONC, 127), the incidence of all new malignancies was 1.11 (95% CI 0.84–1.46) per 100 PYFU in the RAL cohort vs. 1.20 (95% CI 0.90–1.61) and 0.83 (95% CI 0.70–0.99) in the HIST and CONC cohorts, respectively. After adjustment, there was no evidence for a difference in the risk of malignancies [adjusted rate ratio (RR) 0.73; 95% CI 0.47–1.14 for RALvs. HIST; RR 0.95; 95% CI 0.65–1.39 for RALvs. CONC] or mortality (adjusted RR 0.87; 95% CI 0.53–1.43 for RALvs. HIST; RR 1.14; 95% CI 0.76–1.72 for RALvs. CONC). Conclusions: We found no evidence for an oncogenic risk or poorer survival associated with using RAL compared with control groups.Peer reviewe

    Infection-related and -unrelated malignancies, HIV and the aging population

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    Funding Information: Conflicts of interest: JR reports personal fees from Abbvie, Bionor, BMS, Boehringer, Gilead, Merck, Janssen, Tobira, Tibotec and ViiV, outside the submitted work. OK has received honoraria, consultancy and/or lecture fees from Abbott, Gilead, GSK, Janssen, Merck, Tibotec and Viiv outside the submitted work. All other authors state no commercial or other associations that may pose a conflict of interest. Funding: Primary support for EuroSIDA is provided by the European Commission BIOMED 1 (CT94-1637), BIOMED 2 (CT97-2713), 5th Framework (QLK2-2000-00773), 6th Framework (LSHP-CT-2006-018632) and 7th Framework (FP7/2007?2013; EuroCoord n? 260694) programmes. Current support also includes unrestricted grants from Janssen R&D, Merck and Co. Inc., Pfizer Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline LLC. The participation of centres in Switzerland was supported by The Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 108787). The authors have no financial disclosures to make. Author contributions: LS developed the project, analysed the data, and was responsible for writing the manuscript. ?HB and OK contributed to the study design and analysis, interpretation of the data and writing of the manuscript. JL proposed the project and contributed to the study design, ideas for analysis, interpretation of the data and writing of the manuscript. BL, PD, AC, JR, BK, JT and IK contributed to national coordination, study design and writing of the manuscript. AM supervised the project and contributed to the study design and analysis, interpretation of the data and writing of the manuscript. Publisher Copyright: © 2016 British HIV AssociationObjectives: HIV-positive people have increased risk of infection-related malignancies (IRMs) and infection-unrelated malignancies (IURMs). The aim of the study was to determine the impact of aging on future IRM and IURM incidence. Methods: People enrolled in EuroSIDA and followed from the latest of the first visit or 1 January 2001 until the last visit or death were included in the study. Poisson regression was used to investigate the impact of aging on the incidence of IRMs and IURMs, adjusting for demographic, clinical and laboratory confounders. Linear exponential smoothing models forecasted future incidence. Results: A total of 15 648 people contributed 95 033 person-years of follow-up, of whom 610 developed 643 malignancies [IRMs: 388 (60%); IURMs: 255 (40%)]. After adjustment, a higher IRM incidence was associated with a lower CD4 count [adjusted incidence rate ratio (aIRR) CD4 count < 200 cells/μL: 3.77; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.59, 5.51; compared with ≥ 500 cells/μL], independent of age, while a CD4 count < 200 cells/μL was associated with IURMs in people aged < 50 years only (aIRR: 2.51; 95% CI 1.40–4.54). Smoking was associated with IURMs (aIRR: 1.75; 95% CI 1.23, 2.49) compared with never smokers in people aged ≥ 50 years only, and not with IRMs. The incidences of both IURMs and IRMs increased with older age. It was projected that the incidence of IRMs would decrease by 29% over a 5-year period from 3.1 (95% CI 1.5–5.9) per 1000 person-years in 2011, whereas the IURM incidence would increase by 44% from 4.1 (95% CI 2.2–7.2) per 1000 person-years over the same period. Conclusions: Demographic and HIV-related risk factors for IURMs (aging and smoking) and IRMs (immunodeficiency and ongoing viral replication) differ markedly and the contribution from IURMs relative to IRMs will continue to increase as a result of aging of the HIV-infected population, high smoking and lung cancer prevalence and a low prevalence of untreated HIV infection. These findings suggest the need for targeted preventive measures and evaluation of the cost−benefit of screening for IURMs in HIV-infected populations.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Gender differences in the use of cardiovascular interventions in HIV-positive persons; the D:A:D Study

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