537 research outputs found

    Roche lobe effects on the atmospheric loss of "Hot Jupiters"

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    Observational evidence of a hydrodynamically evaporating upper atmosphere of HD209458b (Vidal-Madjar et al. 2003; 2004) and recent theoretical studies on evaporation scenarios of ``Hot Jupiters'' in orbits around solar-like stars with the age of the Sun indicate that the upper atmospheres of short-periodic exoplanets experience hydrodynamic blow-off conditions resulting in loss rates of the order of about 10^10 - 10^12 g s^-1 (Lammer et al. 2003; Yelle 2004; Baraffe et al. 2004; Lecavlier des Etangs et al. 2004; Jaritz et al. 2005, Tian et al. 2005; Penz et al. 2007). By studying the effect of the Roche lobe on the atmospheric loss from short-periodic gas giants we found, that the effect of the Roche lobe can enhance the hydrodynamic evaporation from HD209458b by about 2 and from OGLE-TR-56b by about 2.5 times. For similar exoplanets which are closer to their host star than OGLE-TR-56b, the enhancement of the mass loss can be even larger. Moreover, we show that the effect of the Roche lobe raises the possibility that ``Hot Jupiters'' can reach blow-off conditions at temperatures which are less than expected (< 10000 K) due to the stellar X-ray and EUV (XUV) heating.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to A&

    Observations of Mass Loss from the Transiting Exoplanet HD 209458b

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    Using the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on the {\it Hubble Space Telescope (HST)}, we obtained moderate-resolution, high signal/noise ultraviolet spectra of HD 209458 and its exoplanet HD 209458b during transit, both orbital quadratures, and secondary eclipse. We compare transit spectra with spectra obtained at non-transit phases to identify spectral features due to the exoplanet's expanding atmosphere. We find that the mean flux decreased by 7.8±1.37.8\pm 1.3% for the C II 1334.5323\AA\ and 1335.6854\AA\ lines and by 8.2±1.48.2\pm 1.4% for the Si III 1206.500\AA\ line during transit compared to non-transit times in the velocity interval --50 to +50 km s−1^{-1}. Comparison of the C II and Si III line depths and transit/non-transit line ratios shows deeper absorption features near --10 and +15 km s−1^{-1} and less certain features near --40 and +30--70 km s−1^{-1}, but future observations are needed to verify this first detection of velocity structure in the expanding atmosphere of an exoplanet. Our results for the C II lines and the non-detection of Si IV 1394.76\AA\ absorption are in agreement with \citet{Vidal-Madjar2004}, but we find absorption during transit in the Si III line contrary to the earlier result. The 8±18\pm 1% obscuration of the star during transit is far larger than the 1.5% obscuration by the exoplanet's disk. Absorption during transit at velocities between --50 and +50 km s−1^{-1} in the C II and Si III lines requires high-velocity ion absorbers, but models that assume that the absorbers are high-temperature thermal ions are inconsistent with the COS spectra. Assuming hydrodynamic model values for the gas temperature and outflow velocity at the limb of the outflow as seen in the C II lines, we find mass-loss rates in the range (8--40)×1010\times 10^{10} g s−1^{-1}.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, Astrophysical Journal in pres

    Deuterium toward the WD0621-376 sight line: Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission

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    Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer observations are presented for WD0621-376, a DA white dwarf star in the local interstellar medium (LISM) at a distance of about 78 pc. The data have a signal-to-noise ratio of about 20-40 per 20 km/s resolution element and cover the wavelength range 905-1187 \AA. LISM absorption is detected in the lines of D I, C II, C II*, C III, N I, N II, N III, O I, Ar I, and Fe II. This sight line is partially ionized, with an ionized nitrogen fraction of > 0.23. We determine the ratio D/O=(3.9±1.01.3)×10−2D/O = (3.9 \pm ^{1.3}_{1.0})\times 10^{-2} (2σ\sigma). Assuming a standard interstellar oxygen abundance, we derive D/H≈1.3×10−5{\rm D/H} \approx 1. 3 \times 10^{-5}. Using the value of N(H I) derived from EUVE data gives a similar D/H ratio. The D I/N I ratio is (3.3±0.81.0)×10−1(3.3 \pm ^{1.0}_{0.8})\times 10^{-1} (2σ\sigma).Comment: accepted for publication in the ApJ

    The long egress of GJ~436b's giant exosphere

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    The M dwarf GJ 436 hosts a transiting warm Neptune known to experience atmospheric escape. Previous observations revealed the presence of a giant hydrogen exosphere transiting the star for more than 5 h, and absorbing up to 56% of the flux in the blue wing of the stellar Lyman-{\alpha} line of neutral hydrogen (H i Ly{\alpha}). The unexpected size of this comet-like exosphere prevented observing the full transit of its tail. In this Letter, we present new Ly{\alpha} observations of GJ 436 obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) instrument onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. The stability of the Ly{\alpha} line over six years allowed us to combine these new observations with archival data sets, substantially expanding the coverage of the exospheric transit. Hydrogen atoms in the tail of the exospheric cloud keep occulting the star for 10-25 h after the transit of the planet, remarkably confirming a previous prediction based on 3D numerical simulations with the EVaporating Exoplanet code (EVE). This result strengthens the interpretation that the exosphere of GJ 436b is shaped by both radiative braking and charge exchanges with the stellar wind. We further report flux decreases of 15 +/- 2% and 47 +/- 10% in the red wing of the Ly{\alpha} line and in the line of ionised silicon (Si iii). Despite some temporal variability possibly linked with stellar activity, these two signals occur during the exospheric transit and could be of planetary origin. Follow-up observations will be required to assess the possibility that the redshifted Ly{\alpha} and Si iii absorption signatures arise from interactions between the exospheric flow and the magnetic field of the star.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, published in A&

    FUSE observations of hot white dwarfs

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    We have analyzed FUSE observations of six hot white dwarf stars: four DA white dwarfs with T_eff >= 45000K, the DAO Feige55 (T_eff = 55000K), and the DA CD -38 10980 (T_eff = 24000K). Photospheric lines from SiIV, PV, and SVI can be observed in the majority of the five hotter objects. Feige55 shows also several other heavier elements. The measured abundances agree only partly with the predictions of the radiative levitation theory. We attribute this to current limitations of the models and the probable presence of mass loss. In the spectrum of CD -38 10980, we have observed the quasi-molecular satellites of Lbeta. This confirms theoretical predictions about the visibility range for these features

    Searching for Far-Ultraviolet Auroral/Dayglow Emission from HD209458b

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    We present recent observations from the HST-Cosmic Origins Spectrograph aimed at characterizing the auroral emission from the extrasolar planet HD209458b. We obtained medium-resolution (R~18-20,000) far-ultraviolet (1150-1700A) spectra at both the Phase 0.25 and Phase 0.75 quadrature positions as well as a stellar baseline measurement at secondary eclipse. This analysis includes a catalog of stellar emission lines and a star-subtracted spectrum of the planet. We present an emission model for planetary H2 emission, and compare this model to the planetary spectrum. No unambiguously identifiable atomic or molecular features are detected, and upper limits are presented for auroral/dayglow line strengths. An orbital velocity cross-correlation analysis finds a statistically significant (3.8 sigma) feature at +15 (+/- 20) km/s in the rest frame of the planet, at 1582 A. This feature is consistent with emission from H2 B-X (2-9) P(4) (lambda_{rest} = 1581.11 A), however the physical mechanism required to excite this transition is unclear. We compare limits on relative line strengths seen in the exoplanet spectrum with models of ultraviolet fluorescence to constrain the atmospheric column density of neutral hydrogen between the star and the planetary surface. These results support models of short period extrasolar giant planets with weak magnetic fields and extended atomic atmospheres.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 12 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    HST hot-Jupiter transmission spectral survey: Haze in the atmosphere of WASP-6b

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    We report Hubble Space Telescope (HST) optical to near-infrared transmission spectroscopy of the hot Jupiter WASP-6b, measured with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and Spitzer's InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC). The resulting spectrum covers the range 0.29−4.5 Ό0.29-4.5\,\mum. We find evidence for modest stellar activity of WASP-6b and take it into account in the transmission spectrum. The overall main characteristic of the spectrum is an increasing radius as a function of decreasing wavelength corresponding to a change of Δ(Rp/R∗)=0.0071\Delta (R_p/R_{\ast})=0.0071 from 0.33 to 4.5 Ό4.5\,\mum. The spectrum suggests an effective extinction cross-section with a power law of index consistent with Rayleigh scattering, with temperatures of 973±144973\pm144 K at the planetary terminator. We compare the transmission spectrum with hot-Jupiter atmospheric models including condensate-free and aerosol-dominated models incorporating Mie theory. While none of the clear-atmosphere models is found to be in good agreement with the data, we find that the complete spectrum can be described by models that include significant opacity from aerosols including Fe-poor Mg2_2SiO4_4, MgSiO3_3, KCl and Na2_2S dust condensates. WASP-6b is the second planet after HD189733b which has equilibrium temperatures near ∌1200\sim1200 K and shows prominent atmospheric scattering in the optical.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 7 table

    Doppler follow-up of OGLE transiting companions in the Galactic bulge

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    Two years ago, the OGLE-III survey (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment) announced the detection of 54 short period multi-transiting objects in the Galactic bulge (Udalski et al., 2002a, 2002b). Some of these objects were considered to be potential hot Jupiters. In order to determine the true nature of these objects and to characterize their actual mass, we conducted a radial velocity follow-up of 18 of the smallest transiting candidates. We describe here our procedure and report the characterization of 8 low mass star transiting companions, 2 grazing eclipsing binaries, 2 triple systems, 1 confirmed exoplanet (OGLE-TR-56b), 1 possible exoplanet (OGLE-TR-10b), 1 clear false positive and 3 unsolved cases. The variety of cases encountered in our follow-up covers a large part of the possible scenarii occuring in the search for planetary transits. As a by-product, our program yields precise masses and radii of low mass stars.Comment: accepted in A&

    Stochastic processes, galactic star formation, and chemical evolution. Effects of accretion, stripping, and collisions in multiphase multi-zone models

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    This paper reports simulations allowing for stochastic accretion and mass loss within closed and open systems modeled using a previously developed multi-population, multi-zone (halo, thick disk, thin disk) treatment. The star formation rate is computed as a function of time directly from the model equations and all chemical evolution is followed without instantaneous recycling. Several types of simulations are presented here: (1) a closed system with bursty mass loss from the halo to the thick disk, and from the thick to the thin disk, in separate events to the thin disk; (2) open systems with random environmental (extragalactic) accretion, e.g. by infall of high velocity clouds directly to the thin disk; (3) schematic open system single and multiple collision events and intracluster stripping. For the open models, the mass of the Galaxy has been explicitly tracked with time. We present the evolution of the star formation rate, metallicity histories, and concentrate on the light elements. We find a wide range of possible outcomes, including an explanation for variations in the Galactic D/H ratio, and highlight the problems for uniquely reconstructing star forming histories from contemporary abundance measurements.Comment: 12 pages, 12 Postscript figures, uses A&A style macros. Accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool DA white dwarfs; Application to FUSE observations of G231-40

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    We present new theoretical calculations of the total line profiles of Lyman alpha and Lyman beta which include perturbations by both neutral hydrogen AND protons and all possible quasi-molecular states of H_2 and H_2^+. They are used to improve theoretical modeling of synthetic spectra for cool DA white dwarfs. We compare them with FUSE observation of G231-40. The appearance of the line wings between Lyman alpha and Lyman beta is shown to be sensitive to the relative abundance of hydrogen ions and neutral atoms, and thereby to provide a temperature diagnostic for stellar atmospheres and laboratory plasmas.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
