40 research outputs found

    Revision av subjektiva och komplexa vÀrderingar - En fallstudie av försÀkringsbranschen

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    Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka revisorns möjlighet att genomföra en kompetent och oberoende revision av komplexa och subjektiva vÀrderingar, samt hur revisionen pÄverkas av företagens incitament och möjligheter till att pÄverka resultatet, och vilka effekter detta har pÄ intressentrelationerna inom en bransch? Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie av försÀkringsbranschen med ansats utifrÄn litteraturgenomgÄng kompletterad av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med viktiga och erfarna aktörer inom vald bransch. Teoretiska perspektiv: För att kunna förklara revisorns granskningsmöjligheter samt företags incitament och möjligheter till att pÄverka intressenter tillÀmpas intressent-, legitimitets-, institutionell teori, agentteori samt impression management och earnings management. Empiri: Behandlar vÀsentliga lagrum för försÀkringsbolag samt förklaring av de försÀkringstekniska avsÀttningarna. Kompletteras med en redogörelse av revisionsprocessen och delar av det intervjumaterial som samlats in vilket sedan analyserats. Resultat/Slutsatser: Ur studien framkom att försÀkringsbolag har stora möjligheter till earnings management vid berÀkning av de försÀkringstekniska avsÀttningarna. Vidare framkom det att stÀlls det högre krav pÄ revisorns kompetens samt att denne mÄste sÀtta större tilltro till specialister. Studien pÄvisade Àven att incitamenten hos bolag skiljer sig beroende pÄ storlek och Àgarstruktur, vilket i sin tur Àven pÄverkar revisionsprocessen.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine the auditors abilities to successfully execute an independent and competent auditing of highly complex and subjective assessments, as well as examine how the auditing process is affected by the companies incitements and possibilities to adjust the earnings and how this affects the relationships between the stakeholders within a market. Methodology: A qualitative case study of the insurance industry on the basis of a literature review as well as semi-structures interviews with key stakeholders within the chosen industry. Theoretical perspectives: In order to explain the auditing abilities of the auditor as well as the companies incitements and possibilities to affect the stakeholders the legitimacy theory, the institutional theory, the principal agent theory and theories about impression management and earnings management are applied. Empirical foundation: Processes applicable law for insurance companies and explains the technical reserves. The empirical foundation also contains a description of the auditing process and parts of the data that was collected during the interviews. Conclusions: The empirical evidence showed that insurance companies have great possibilities to use technical reserves in order to adjust, either to increase or decrease, the earnings. The empirical evidence also showed that auditors who has insurance companies or other financial companies have greater requirements regarding their competence and their ability to use expert competence. The study also showed that the incitements motivating usage of earnings management varieties depending on corporate governance and the size of the company. These factors also influence the auditing process

    Kallikrein 5 induces atopic dermatitis–like lesions through PAR2-mediated thymic stromal lymphopoietin expression in Netherton syndrome

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    Netherton syndrome (NS) is a severe genetic skin disease with constant atopic manifestations that is caused by mutations in the serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5 (SPINK5) gene, which encodes the protease inhibitor lymphoepithelial Kazal-type–related inhibitor (LEKTI). Lack of LEKTI causes stratum corneum detachment secondary to epidermal proteases hyperactivity. This skin barrier defect favors allergen absorption and is generally regarded as the underlying cause for atopy in NS. We show for the first time that the pro-Th2 cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), the thymus and activation-regulated chemokine, and the macrophage-derived chemokine are overexpressed in LEKTI-deficient epidermis. This is part of an original biological cascade in which unregulated kallikrein (KLK) 5 directly activates proteinase-activated receptor 2 and induces nuclear factor ÎșB–mediated overexpression of TSLP, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, tumor necrosis factor α, and IL8. This proinflammatory and proallergic pathway is independent of the primary epithelial failure and is activated under basal conditions in NS keratinocytes. This cell-autonomous process is already established in the epidermis of Spink5−/− embryos, and the resulting proinflammatory microenvironment leads to eosinophilic and mast cell infiltration in a skin graft model in nude mice. Collectively, these data establish that uncontrolled KLK5 activity in NS epidermis can trigger atopic dermatitis (AD)–like lesions, independently of the environment and the adaptive immune system. They illustrate the crucial role of protease signaling in skin inflammation and point to new therapeutic targets for NS as well as candidate genes for AD and atopy

    Auditory cortical delta-entrainment interacts with oscillatory power in multiple fronto-parietal networks

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    The timing of slow auditory cortical activity aligns to the rhythmic fluctuations in speech. This entrainment is considered to be a marker of the prosodic and syllabic encoding of speech, and has been shown to correlate with intelligibility. Yet, whether and how auditory cortical entrainment is influenced by the activity in other speech–relevant areas remains unknown. Using source-localized MEG data, we quantified the dependency of auditory entrainment on the state of oscillatory activity in fronto-parietal regions. We found that delta band entrainment interacted with the oscillatory activity in three distinct networks. First, entrainment in the left anterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) was modulated by beta power in orbitofrontal areas, possibly reflecting predictive top-down modulations of auditory encoding. Second, entrainment in the left Heschl's Gyrus and anterior STG was dependent on alpha power in central areas, in line with the importance of motor structures for phonological analysis. And third, entrainment in the right posterior STG modulated theta power in parietal areas, consistent with the engagement of semantic memory. These results illustrate the topographical network interactions of auditory delta entrainment and reveal distinct cross-frequency mechanisms by which entrainment can interact with different cognitive processes underlying speech perception

    CNV-association meta-analysis in 191,161 European adults reveals new loci associated with anthropometric traits

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    Funding Information: This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource. This research has been conducted using the Danish National Biobank resource. The authors are grateful to the Raine Study participants and their families, and to the Raine Study research staff for cohort co-ordination and data collection. QIMR is grateful to the twins and their families for their generous participation in these studies. We would like to thank staff at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research: Anjali Henders, Dixie Statham, Lisa Bowdler, Ann Eldridge, and Marlene Grace for sample collection, processing and genotyping, Scott Gordon, Brian McEvoy, Belinda Cornes and Beben Benyamin for data QC and preparation, and David Smyth and Harry Beeby for IT support. HBCS Acknowledgements: We thank all study participants as well as everybody involved in the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Helsinki Birth Cohort Study has been supported by grants from the Academy of Finland, the Finnish Diabetes Research Society, FolkhÀlsan Research Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation, Finska LÀkaresÀllskapet, Juho Vainio Foundation, Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation, University of Helsinki, Ministry of Education, Ahokas Foundation, Emil Aaltonen Foundation. Finrisk study is grateful for the THL DNA laboratory for its skillful work to produce the DNA samples used in this study and thanks the Sanger Institute and FIMM genotyping facilities for genotyping the samples. We thank the MOLGENIS team and Genomics Coordination Center of the University Medical Center Groningen for software development and data management, in particular Marieke Bijlsma and Edith Adriaanse. This work was supported by the Leenards Foundation (to Z.K.), the Swiss National Science Foundation (31003A_169929 to Z.K., Sinergia grant CRSII33-133044 to AR), Simons Foundation (SFARI274424 to AR) and SystemsX.ch (51RTP0_151019 to Z.K.). A.R.W., H.Y. and T.M.F. are supported by the European Research Council grant: 323195:SZ-245. M.A.T., M.N.W. and An.M. are supported by the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (WT097835MF). For full funding information of all participating cohorts see Supplementary Note 2. Publisher Copyright: © 2017 The Author(s).There are few examples of robust associations between rare copy number variants (CNVs) and complex continuous human traits. Here we present a large-scale CNV association meta-analysis on anthropometric traits in up to 191,161 adult samples from 26 cohorts. The study reveals five CNV associations at 1q21.1, 3q29, 7q11.23, 11p14.2, and 18q21.32 and confirms two known loci at 16p11.2 and 22q11.21, implicating at least one anthropometric trait. The discovered CNVs are recurrent and rare (0.01-0.2%), with large effects on height (> 2.4 cm), weight ( 5 kg), and body mass index (BMI) (> 3.5 kg/m(2)). Burden analysis shows a 0.41 cm decrease in height, a 0.003 increase in waist-to-hip ratio and increase in BMI by 0.14 kg/m2 for each Mb of total deletion burden (P = 2.5 x 10(-10), 6.0 x 10(-5), and 2.9 x 10(-3)). Our study provides evidence that the same genes (e.g., MC4R, FIBIN, and FMO5) harbor both common and rare variants affecting body size and that anthropometric traits share genetic loci with developmental and psychiatric disorders.Peer reviewe

    ParkettlÀggning : En studie i dekorativ parkettlÀggning

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    Den hÀr uppsatsen handlar om tillverkningsprocessen av vad författaren har valt att kalla för ludvigkuber till delar i en gesÀllmöbel. Ludvigkuber Àr ett illusionsmönster av fanerbitar som bildar tredimensionella kuber. Mönstret har sitt ursprung frÄn bland annat antikens Grekland men blev populÀrt under Ludvig XIV:s regeringstid. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att undersöka tillverkningsprocessen av en traditionell metod och jÀmföra denna med en modern metod för att faststÀlla vilken av dessa som lÀmpar sig bÀst vid tillverkningen av delar till en gesÀllmöbel. I uppsatsen beskrivs tillverkningen och anvÀndandet av tvÄ olika jiggar samt för-och nackdelar med dessa. Resultatet visar pÄ fördelar med att anvÀnda sig av den moderna metoden just i det hÀr fallet, men att den klassiska metoden med lite mer efterforskning och justeringar skulle lÀmpa sig att anvÀnda Àven till detta ÀndamÄl

    Energiutredning av Pargas stads fastighetsmassa

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    USING CHARACTER ANIMATION AS GUI : And its impact on immersion in players

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    Denna studie undersöker om spelares immersion pÄverkas positivt eller negativt dÄ man ersÀtter traditionell GUI för uppdragsmarkörer med karaktÀrsanimation i RPGs. Detta gjordes genom att skapa tvÄ spelbara artefakter baserade pÄ olika kriterium inom teorin om total immersion, en artefakt dÀr karaktÀren pekades ut med traditionell GUI och en artefakt dÀr karaktÀren försökte fÄnga deltagarens uppmÀrksamhet med hjÀlp av animation. Studiemetoden som valdes var en labbundersökning med nÀrvarande observation, samt en kompletterande enkÀtundersökning. Undersökningen hade 14 deltagande med 7 deltagande pÄ vardera artefakt. UtifrÄn statistiken av undersökningen upplevde de som spelade artefakten med traditionell GUI mer immersion. Bristande antal deltagare gjorde dock att det inte var möjligt att fÄ ett konkret svar pÄ frÄgestÀllningen. Aspekter som bör justeras inför framtida fortsatta arbeten diskuteras i diskussionsdelen av rapporten, samt möjliga anvÀndningsomrÄden för studien inom spelindustrin

    USING CHARACTER ANIMATION AS GUI : And its impact on immersion in players

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    Denna studie undersöker om spelares immersion pÄverkas positivt eller negativt dÄ man ersÀtter traditionell GUI för uppdragsmarkörer med karaktÀrsanimation i RPGs. Detta gjordes genom att skapa tvÄ spelbara artefakter baserade pÄ olika kriterium inom teorin om total immersion, en artefakt dÀr karaktÀren pekades ut med traditionell GUI och en artefakt dÀr karaktÀren försökte fÄnga deltagarens uppmÀrksamhet med hjÀlp av animation. Studiemetoden som valdes var en labbundersökning med nÀrvarande observation, samt en kompletterande enkÀtundersökning. Undersökningen hade 14 deltagande med 7 deltagande pÄ vardera artefakt. UtifrÄn statistiken av undersökningen upplevde de som spelade artefakten med traditionell GUI mer immersion. Bristande antal deltagare gjorde dock att det inte var möjligt att fÄ ett konkret svar pÄ frÄgestÀllningen. Aspekter som bör justeras inför framtida fortsatta arbeten diskuteras i diskussionsdelen av rapporten, samt möjliga anvÀndningsomrÄden för studien inom spelindustrin