24 research outputs found

    Explorando el potencial alimenticio y nutricional de tres artrópodos amazónicos comestibles

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    Ensuring food supply and availability, and consequently food safety, on a global scale represents one of the most important challenges of this century. The exploitation of local resources such as invertebrates has been extremely relevant to contribute to food security. However, most research has focused on evaluating the nutritional potential of insects, with very few studies approaching other invertebrate groups. Three types of edible arthropods, the palm weevil larva (Rhynchophorus palmarum), the leaf-cutter ant (Atta laevigata), and the Goliath bird-eating spider (Theraphosa blondi) were studied in the Northern Amazon basin. Eight composite samples of each arthropod were collected and chemically analyzed following the procedures of the Associations of Official Analytical Chemists. Proximate composition analysis was performed to quantify moisture, crude fiber, protein, crude fat, and ash. The energy content was calculated by multiplying the mean values of crude protein by the Atwater factors. All three analyzed arthropod species have high nutritional potential compared with different types of insects and other invertebrates worldwide. Results of nutritional analysis on the three arthropods selected for this study revealed statistically significant differences in their chemical composition. Such values are similar to those of insects from orders Coleoptera and Hymenoptera, with variations of 1377% in protein amounts, 1066% in lipid amounts, and 90500 kcal/100 g in energy content per unit dry weight. We recommend that future research not only demonstrates the nutritional potential of edible arthropods, but also assesses the impact they have on food security.La disponibilidad de alimentos para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria a escala global, representa uno de los desafíos más importantes del presente siglo. Los recursos locales, como el aprovechamiento de invertebrados, han sido de mucha relevancia para contribuir con la seguridad alimentaria. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios ha sido para evaluar el potencial alimentario de los insectos, y muy poco sobre otros grupos de invertebrados. Se estudiaron tres tipos de artrópodos comestibles, larvas de picudo de palma (Rhynchophorus palmarum), hormigas cortadoras de hojas (Atta laevigata) y arañas Goliat come pájaros (Theraphosa blondi) en el norte de la Amazonía. Se colectaron ocho muestras compuestas de cada tipo de artrópodo, y cada muestra se analizó químicamente de acuerdo con los procedimientos de la Associations of Official Analytical Chemists. En el análisis nutricional se determinó el contenido de agua, fibra bruta, proteína, grasa bruta y cenizas. El contenido energético se calculó multiplicando los valores medios de la proteína bruta. Las tres especies de artrópodos analizadas en este estudio tienen un alto potencial nutricional, en comparación con diferentes tipos de insectos y otros invertebrados en todo el mundo. Los resultados de los análisis nutricionales de los tres artrópodos seleccionados para este estudio revelaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en su composición química. Tales valores son similares a los de los insectos de los órdenes Coleoptera e Hymenoptera, con variaciones de 13-77% en las cantidades de proteínas, 10-66% en las cantidades de lípidos, y 90-500 kcal / 100 g en el contenido de energía por unidad de peso seco. Recomendamos que las investigaciones futuras no sólo demuestren el potencial nutricional de los artrópodos comestibles, sino que también evalúen el impacto que tienen en la seguridad alimentaria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity

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    Our growing awareness of the microbial world’s importance and diversity contrasts starkly with our limited understanding of its fundamental structure. Despite recent advances in DNA sequencing, a lack of standardized protocols and common analytical frameworks impedes comparisons among studies, hindering the development of global inferences about microbial life on Earth. Here we present a meta-analysis of microbial community samples collected by hundreds of researchers for the Earth Microbiome Project. Coordinated protocols and new analytical methods, particularly the use of exact sequences instead of clustered operational taxonomic units, enable bacterial and archaeal ribosomal RNA gene sequences to be followed across multiple studies and allow us to explore patterns of diversity at an unprecedented scale. The result is both a reference database giving global context to DNA sequence data and a framework for incorporating data from future studies, fostering increasingly complete characterization of Earth’s microbial diversity

    A communal catalogue reveals Earth's multiscale microbial diversity

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    Our growing awareness of the microbial world's importance and diversity contrasts starkly with our limited understanding of its fundamental structure. Despite recent advances in DNA sequencing, a lack of standardized protocols and common analytical frameworks impedes comparisons among studies, hindering the development of global inferences about microbial life on Earth. Here we present a meta-analysis of microbial community samples collected by hundreds of researchers for the Earth Microbiome Project. Coordinated protocols and new analytical methods, particularly the use of exact sequences instead of clustered operational taxonomic units, enable bacterial and archaeal ribosomal RNA gene sequences to be followed across multiple studies and allow us to explore patterns of diversity at an unprecedented scale. The result is both a reference database giving global context to DNA sequence data and a framework for incorporating data from future studies, fostering increasingly complete characterization of Earth's microbial diversity.Peer reviewe

    Manaca, Batata y Ñame: Posibles Sustitutos del Trigo en Alimentos para dos Etnias del Amazonas Venezolano Manaca, Sweet Potato and Yam: Possible Substitutes Of Wheat in Foods for two Ethnic Population in Venezuelan Amazon

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    En este estudio se obtuvieron harinas a partir de la manaca o acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart), de la batata (Ipomea batatas), y del ñame (Dioscorea spp.), especies vegetales cultivadas en el Amazonas venezolano. A dichas harinas se les determinó su composición proximal, actividad de agua (a w), contenido de Fe, Ca, Zn, Mg, Cu, Na y K y se usaron como ingredientes de productos destinados a dos etnias del Amazonas Venezolano (Piaroa y Hiwi). Se formularon dos tipos de productos que tradicionalmente contienen harina de trigo en su formulación (ingrediente que ellos conocen por la transculturización), a los fines de sustituirla total o parcialmente por las harinas de manaca, batata y/o ñame. Para seleccionar los productos a formular se consideraron los gustos y hábitos alimentarios de las dos etnias, la facilidad y sencillez de las preparaciones. Los productos que se formularon fueron galletas y "torticas". Para decidir la(s) formulación(es) definitiva(s) se realizaron evaluaciones sensoriales a nivel de laboratorio y en las comunidades indígenas Piaroa y Hiwi. Destaca el alto contenido de grasa (16%), fibra dietética (59,7%) y hierro (73,7mg/100g) de la harina de manaca. Dos tipos de galletas y dos de "torticas" fueron igualmente aceptadas por las comunidades indígenas Las galletas aportan un alta cantidad de hierro (aproximadamente 24mg/100g). Se demostró la factibilidad de sustituir la harina de trigo por harina de manaca, batata y ñame en productos aceptados por dos etnias del amazonas venezolano.In this study, flours from manaca or acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart), sweet potato (Ipomea batatas), and yam (Dioscorea spp.), species grown in the Venezuelan Amazon, were obtained. The proximal composition, water activity (a w), Fe, Ca, Zn, Mg, Cu, Na and K content were determined for the flours of manaca, sweet potato and yam. These flours were used as ingredients of products for the inhabitants of the indigenous populations of the Venezuelan Amazon (Piaroa and Hiwi). Two types of products that traditionally contain wheat flour in their formulation (ingredient they know by transculturation) were formulated; an attempt to substitute it totally or partially by the manaca, sweet potato and/or yam flours was made. For the selection of the products to be formulated, the preferences and eating habits of the indigenous communities and ease and simplicity of the preparations to be developed, were considered. The two products formulated were cookies and "small cakes". To decide on the formulation(s) of the final product(s), sensorial evaluations were made in the laboratory and in the indigenous communities Piaroa and Hiwi. High fat content (16%), dietetic fiber (59.7 %) and iron (25mg/100g) in manaca or acai flour were remarkable. Two types of cookies and two of "small cakes" were equally accepted by the indigenous communities. Cookies supply a high iron amount (about 24%). The feasibility of substituting the wheat flour by manaca, sweet potato and yam flour in products accepted by two ethnic populations of the Venezuelan Amazon was demonstrated

    Manaca, Batata y Ñame: Posibles Sustitutos del Trigo en Alimentos para dos Etnias del Amazonas Venezolano

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    En este estudio se obtuvieron harinas a partir de la manaca o acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart), de la batata (Ipomea batatas), y del ñame (Dioscorea spp.), especies vegetales cultivadas en el Amazonas venezolano. A dichas harinas se les determinó su composición proximal, actividad de agua (a w), contenido de Fe, Ca, Zn, Mg, Cu, Na y K y se usaron como ingredientes de productos destinados a dos etnias del Amazonas Venezolano (Piaroa y Hiwi). Se formularon dos tipos de productos que tradicionalmente contienen harina de trigo en su formulación (ingrediente que ellos conocen por la transculturización), a los fines de sustituirla total o parcialmente por las harinas de manaca, batata y/o ñame. Para seleccionar los productos a formular se consideraron los gustos y hábitos alimentarios de las dos etnias, la facilidad y sencillez de las preparaciones. Los productos que se formularon fueron galletas y "torticas". Para decidir la(s) formulación(es) definitiva(s) se realizaron evaluaciones sensoriales a nivel de laboratorio y en las comunidades indígenas Piaroa y Hiwi. Destaca el alto contenido de grasa (16%), fibra dietética (59,7%) y hierro (73,7mg/100g) de la harina de manaca. Dos tipos de galletas y dos de "torticas" fueron igualmente aceptadas por las comunidades indígenas Las galletas aportan un alta cantidad de hierro (aproximadamente 24mg/100g). Se demostró la factibilidad de sustituir la harina de trigo por harina de manaca, batata y ñame en productos aceptados por dos etnias del amazonas venezolano

    Exploring The Food and Nutritional Potential of Three Edibles Amazonian Arthropods

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    Ensuring food supply and availability, and consequently food safety, on a global scale represents one of the most important challenges of this century. The exploitation of local resources such as invertebrates has been extremelyrelevant to contribute to food security. However, most research has focused on evaluating the nutritional potential of insects, with very few studies approaching other invertebrate groups. Three types of edible arthropods, the palm weevil larva (Rhynchophorus palmarum), the leaf-cutter ant (Atta laevigata), and the Goliath bird-eating spider (Theraphosa blondi) were studied in the Northern Amazon basin. Eight composite samples of each arthropod were collected and chemically analyzed following the procedures of the Associations of Official Analytical Chemists. Proximate composition analysis was performed to quantify moisture, crude fiber, protein, crude fat, and ash. The energy content was calculated by multiplying the mean values of crude protein by the Atwater factors. All three analyzed arthropod species have high nutritional potential compared with different types of insects and other invertebrates worldwide. Results of nutritional analysis on the three arthropods selected for this study revealed statistically significant differences in their chemical composition. Such values are similar to those of insects from orders Coleoptera and Hymenoptera, with variations of 13–77% in protein amounts, 10–66% in lipid amounts,and 90–500 kcal/100 g in energy content per unit dry weight. We recommend that future research not only demonstrates the nutritional potential of edible arthropods, but also assesses the impact they have on food security

    Diferencias entre la hemoglobina observada y estimada por hematocrito y su importancia en el diagnóstico de anemia en población costera venezolana: análisis del segundo estudio nacional de crecimiento y desarrollo humano (SENACREDH) Differences between observed and estimated by hematocrit hemoglobin and its relevance in the diagnosis of anemia among coastal population in Venezuela: analysis of the second national study of human growth and development (SENACREDH)

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    Objetivos. Evaluar las diferencias entre el valor de hemoglobina observada y el valor estimado a partir del hematocrito en el marco del Segundo Estudio Nacional de Crecimiento y Desarrollo Humano de la Población Venezolana (SENACREDH) en el eje centro norte costero del país. Materiales y métodos. Por medio de un muestreo probabilístico multietápico por conglomerados se seleccionó un total de 6004 sujetos que representan 7 286 781 habitantes del eje Centro Norte Costero (Vargas, Carabobo, Distrito Capital, Aragua y Miranda). Se compararon medias de la hemoglobina observada y hemoglobina estimada (hematocrito/3), usando la prueba t para muestras relacionadas. Se realizaron regresiones lineales entre hemoglobina observada y hematocrito. Resultados. Se observó que el promedio de las diferencias entre la asignadas a la hemoglobina observada y la estimada por el hematocrito fue de -0,3446 ± 0,0002 (p<0,001); sobreestimando significativamente los valores de hemoglobina. Modelos de regresión del hematocrito para la hemoglobina arrojan un valor de r2=0,87. Al corregir la estimación, se propone una nueva forma de calcularla, con la siguiente fórmula: hemoglobina estimada = (hematocrito/3,135) + 0,257. Conclusiones. Existe una sobreestimación de hemoglobina y, por tanto, subestimación de la prevalencia de anemia a partir del hematocrito; sin embargo, se encuentra una alta correlación entre ambos componentes que permite modelar una mejor estimación de la hemoglobina a partir del hematocrito.<br>Objectives. To evaluate the differences between the observed hemoglobin levels and those estimated based on hematocrit in the context of the 2nd National Study of Human Growth and Development of the Venezuelan Population (SENACREDH). Materials and methods. 6,004 individuals were chosen by a probabilistic multistage cluster sampling representing 7,286,781 inhabitants from North Central Coastal area (Vargas, Carabobo, Capital District, Aragua and Miranda). Means of observed and estimated hemoglobin (hematocrit/3) were compared, using t test for related samples and linear regression. Results. Mean difference between the values of observed and estimated hemoglobin was -0.3446 ±0.0002 (p<0.001); significantly overestimating the hemoglobin values. Regression models of hemoglobin on hematocrit showed an r2=0,87. In order to correct the estimation, we propose a new formula for calculating hemoglobin based on haematocrit values: estimated hemoglobin=(Haematocrit/3.135)+ 0.257. Conclusions: There is an overestimation of hemoglobin levels from hematocrit levels and therefore an underestimation of the prevalence of anemia; however, a high positive correlation between them was found, allowing modeling for achieving a better estimation of the hemoglobin from the hematocrit value

    Aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos de la presión arterial en población pediátrica del eje centro norte costero de Venezuela evaluada en el SENACREDH: I. Prevalencia de valores en rango de pre-hipertensión e hipertensión arterial

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    En el contexto del Segundo Estudio Nacional deCrecimiento y Desarrollo Humano de la Rep&uacute;blicaBolivariana de Venezuela (SENACREDH), se evalu&oacute; lapresi&oacute;n arterial en 4017 individuos de 6,00 a 19,99 a&ntilde;os enlos estados Carabobo, Aragua, Miranda, Vargas y DistritoCapital, los cuales representaron para la expansi&oacute;n de losdatos 1 340 738 habitantes; 54,89 % del sexo masculino.La prevalencia de valores de presi&oacute;n arterial &ge;P90 sist&oacute;licaaislada fue 4,36 % siendo significativamente mayor enmasculinos (4,8 9 %) que en femeninos (3,7 %) (P&lt; 0,05).Se estimaron alteraciones en los valores de la presi&oacute;narterial en una proporci&oacute;n cercana a 5 % de la poblaci&oacute;npedi&aacute;trica de los estados evaluados, lo cual indica unaestimaci&oacute;n de aproximadamente 67 000 ni&ntilde;os, ni&ntilde;as yadolescentes de dicha regi&oacute;n geogr&aacute;fica con valores enrango de prehipertensi&oacute;n e hipertensi&oacute;n arterial. Loshallazgos deben conducir a un incremento de estrategias decontrol y prevenci&oacute;n de la hipertensi&oacute;n arterial en dichaspoblaciones pedi&aacute;tricas.Palabras clave: Presi&oacute;n arterial; Evaluaci&oacute;n;Hipertensi&oacute;n; Estudio poblacional;Venezuela.SUMMARYIn the context of the Second National Study of HumanGrowth and Development of the Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela (SENACREDH), blood pressure was evaluatedin 4 017 individuals 6.00 to 19.99 years-old from Carabobo,Aragua, Miranda, Vargas states and Capital District.They represented, for the weighted data, 1 340 738 pop;54.89.% males. Prevalence of isolated systolic BP values&ge;P90 was 4.36 % being significantly higher in males(4.89%) than in females (3.7%) (P&lt; 0.05). Alterationsin blood pressure values were estimated in a proportionclose to 5 % of pediatric population in the states assessed.This indicates an estimation of approximately 67 000children and adolescents from that geographical region&nbsp;with values in range of prehypertension and hypertension.Those findings should lead to an increase in the controland prevention strategies for high blood pressure in thosepediatric populations.Key words: Blood pressure; Assesment; Hypertension;Population studies; Venezuela