190 research outputs found

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    В статті аналізується висвітлення в сучасній історіографії пострадянських країн низки проблемісторії ІІСвітової війни, насамперед концепції ревізіоністського характеру, та дається оцінка їхньої обґрунтованості.This article analyzes coverage of contemporary historiography of post-Soviet countries, a number of problems in the history ofWorldWar II, especially the concept of a revisionist nature, and assesses their validity

    Порядок проектирования пожарной защиты на производстве ККЦ-1

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    В статье освещается порядок проектирования пожарной защиты в кислородно-конвекторном цехе (ККЦ-1), металлургического предприятия ОАО ЗСМК (Кемеровской обл., г.Новокузнецка).The article covers the order of designing a fire protection at the oxygen-convector workshop of the metallurgical enterprise JSC ZSMK (Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk city)

    Mashes to Mashes, Crust to Crust. Presenting a novel microstructural marker for malting in the archaeological record

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    The detection of direct archaeological remains of alcoholic beverages and their production is still a challenge to archaeological science, as most of the markers known up to now are either not durable or diagnostic enough to be used as secure proof. The current study addresses this question by experimental work reproducing the malting processes and subsequent charring of the resulting products under laboratory conditions in order to simulate their preservation (by charring) in archaeological contexts and to explore the preservation of microstructural alterations of the cereal grains. The experimentally germinated and charred grains showed clearly degraded (thinned) aleurone cell walls. The histological alterations of the cereal grains were observed and quantified using reflected light and scanning electron microscopy and supported using morphometric and statistical analyses. In order to verify the experimental observations of histological alterations, amorphous charred objects (ACO) containing cereal remains originating from five archaeological sites dating to the 4th millennium BCE were considered: two sites were archaeologically recognisable brewing installations from Predynastic Egypt, while the three broadly contemporary central European lakeshore settlements lack specific contexts for their cereal-based food remains. The aleurone cell wall thinning known from food technological research and observed in our own experimental material was indeed also recorded in the archaeological finds. The Egyptian materials derive from beer production with certainty, supported by ample contextual and artefactual data. The Neolithic lakeshore settlement finds currently represent the oldest traces of malting in central Europe, while a bowl-shaped bread-like object from Hornstaad– Ho¨ rnle possibly even points towards early beer production in central Europe. One major further implication of our study is that the cell wall breakdown in the grain’s aleurone layer can be used as a general marker for malting processes with relevance to a wide range of charred archaeological finds of cereal products

    Generation of Large-Scale Vorticity in a Homogeneous Turbulence with a Mean Velocity Shear

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    An effect of a mean velocity shear on a turbulence and on the effective force which is determined by the gradient of Reynolds stresses is studied. Generation of a mean vorticity in a homogeneous incompressible turbulent flow with an imposed mean velocity shear due to an excitation of a large-scale instability is found. The instability is caused by a combined effect of the large-scale shear motions (''skew-induced" deflection of equilibrium mean vorticity) and ''Reynolds stress-induced" generation of perturbations of mean vorticity. Spatial characteristics, such as the minimum size of the growing perturbations and the size of perturbations with the maximum growth rate, are determined. This instability and the dynamics of the mean vorticity are associated with the Prandtl's turbulent secondary flows. This instability is similar to the mean-field magnetic dynamo instability. Astrophysical applications of the obtained results are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

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    Rom I und II: Vorschlag für ein österreichisches Anpassungsgesetz

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