3,210 research outputs found

    Security of 2t-root identification and signatures, Proceedings CRYPTO'96, Springer LNCS 1109, (1996), pp. 143{156 page 148, section 3, line 5 of the proof of Theorem 3. Correction.

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    Korrektur zu: C.P. Schnorr: Security of 2t-Root Identification and Signatures, Proceedings CRYPTO'96, Springer LNCS 1109, (1996), pp. 143-156 page 148, section 3, line 5 of the proof of Theorem 3. Die Korrektur wurde präsentiert als: "Factoring N via proper 2 t-Roots of 1 mod N" at Eurocrypt '97 rump session

    Security of almost ALL discrete log bits

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    Let G be a finite cyclic group with generator \alpha and with an encoding so that multiplication is computable in polynomial time. We study the security of bits of the discrete log x when given \exp_{\alpha}(x), assuming that the exponentiation function \exp_{\alpha}(x) = \alpha^x is one-way. We reduce he general problem to the case that G has odd order q. If G has odd order q the security of the least-significant bits of x and of the most significant bits of the rational number \frac{x}{q} \in [0,1) follows from the work of Peralta [P85] and Long and Wigderson [LW88]. We generalize these bits and study the security of consecutive shift bits lsb(2^{-i}x mod q) for i=k+1,...,k+j. When we restrict \exp_{\alpha} to arguments x such that some sequence of j consecutive shift bits of x is constant (i.e., not depending on x) we call it a 2^{-j}-fraction of \exp_{\alpha}. For groups of odd group order q we show that every two 2^{-j}-fractions of \exp_{\alpha} are equally one-way by a polynomial time transformation: Either they are all one-way or none of them. Our key theorem shows that arbitrary j consecutive shift bits of x are simultaneously secure when given \exp_{\alpha}(x) iff the 2^{-j}-fractions of \exp_{\alpha} are one-way. In particular this applies to the j least-significant bits of x and to the j most-significant bits of \frac{x}{q} \in [0,1). For one-way \exp_{\alpha} the individual bits of x are secure when given \exp_{\alpha}(x) by the method of Hastad, N\"aslund [HN98]. For groups of even order 2^{s}q we show that the j least-significant bits of \lfloor x/2^s\rfloor, as well as the j most-significant bits of \frac{x}{q} \in [0,1), are simultaneously secure iff the 2^{-j}-fractions of \exp_{\alpha'} are one-way for \alpha' := \alpha^{2^s}. We use and extend the models of generic algorithms of Nechaev (1994) and Shoup (1997). We determine the generic complexity of inverting fractions of \exp_{\alpha} for the case that \alpha has prime order q. As a consequence, arbitrary segments of (1-\varepsilon)\lg q consecutive shift bits of random x are for constant \varepsilon >0 simultaneously secure against generic attacks. Every generic algorithm using tt generic steps (group operations) for distinguishing bit strings of j consecutive shift bits of x from random bit strings has at most advantage O((\lg q) j\sqrt{t} (2^j/q)^{\frac14})

    New practical algorithms for the approximate shortest lattice vector

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    We present a practical algorithm that given an LLL-reduced lattice basis of dimension n, runs in time O(n3(k=6)k=4+n4) and approximates the length of the shortest, non-zero lattice vector to within a factor (k=6)n=(2k). This result is based on reasonable heuristics. Compared to previous practical algorithms the new method reduces the proven approximation factor achievable in a given time to less than its fourthth root. We also present a sieve algorithm inspired by Ajtai, Kumar, Sivakumar [AKS01]

    Satisfiability is quasilinear complete in NQL

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    Considered are the classes QL (quasilinear) and NQL (nondet quasllmear) of all those problems that can be solved by deterministic (nondetermlnlsttc, respectively) Turmg machines in time O(n(log n) ~) for some k Effloent algorithms have time bounds of th~s type, it is argued. Many of the "exhausUve search" type problems such as satlsflablhty and colorabdlty are complete in NQL with respect to reductions that take O(n(log n) k) steps This lmphes that QL = NQL iff satisfiabdlty is m QL CR CATEGORIES: 5.2

    The process complexity and effective random tests

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    We propose a variant of the Kolmogorov concept of complexity which yields a common theory of finite and infinite random sequences. The process complexity does not oscillate. We establish some concepts of effective tests which are proved to be equivalent

    Security of discrete log cryptosystems in the random oracle and the generic model

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    We introduce novel security proofs that use combinatorial counting arguments rather than reductions to the discrete logarithm or to the Diffie-Hellman problem. Our security results are sharp and clean with no polynomial reduction times involved. We consider a combination of the random oracle model and the generic model. This corresponds to assuming an ideal hash function H given by an oracle and an ideal group of prime order q, where the binary encoding of the group elements is useless for cryptographic attacks In this model, we first show that Schnorr signatures are secure against the one-more signature forgery : A generic adversary performing t generic steps including l sequential interactions with the signer cannot produce l+1 signatures with a better probability than (t 2)/q. We also characterize the different power of sequential and of parallel attacks. Secondly, we prove signed ElGamal encryption is secure against the adaptive chosen ciphertext attack, in which an attacker can arbitrarily use a decryption oracle except for the challenge ciphertext. Moreover, signed ElGamal encryption is secure against the one-more decryption attack: A generic adversary performing t generic steps including l interactions with the decryption oracle cannot distinguish the plaintexts of l + 1 ciphertexts from random strings with a probability exceeding (t 2)/q

    Security of signed ELGamal encryption

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    Assuming a cryptographically strong cyclic group G of prime order q and a random hash function H, we show that ElGamal encryption with an added Schnorr signature is secure against the adaptive chosen ciphertext attack, in which an attacker can freely use a decryption oracle except for the target ciphertext. We also prove security against the novel one-more-decyption attack. Our security proofs are in a new model, corresponding to a combination of two previously introduced models, the Random Oracle model and the Generic model. The security extends to the distributed threshold version of the scheme. Moreover, we propose a very practical scheme for private information retrieval that is based on blind decryption of ElGamal ciphertexts

    Transformational classes of grammars

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    Given two Chomsky grammars G and \-G, a homomorphism φ from G to \-G is, roughly speaking, a map which assigns to every derivation of G a derivation of \-G in such a manner that φ is uniquely determined by its restriction to the set of productions of G. Two grammars are contained in the same transformational class, if the one can be transformed into the other by a sequence of homomorphisms. If two grammars are related in such a manner, then there are two relations, one concerning the words of the languages generated and the other regarding the derivations of these words. We establish several classifications of context-free grammars in transformational classes which are recursively solvable