237 research outputs found

    Structural Controls on Crustal Fluid Circulation and Hot Spring Geochemistry Above a Flat‐Slab Subduction Zone, Peru

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    Hot spring geochemistry from the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru, reveal the influence of crustal‐scale structures on geothermal fluid circulation in an amagmatic region located above a flat‐slab subduction zone. To test the influence of contrasting modes of faulting in these regions, springs were targeted along the Cordillera Blanca detachment fault, within its hanging wall, in the footwall of the detachment, and in the Cordillera Huayhuash. Hot springs along the Cordillera Blanca detachment fault zone are associated with recent extension and normal faulting, and those in its footwall and the Cordillera Huayhuash are located in the Marañon fold and thrust belt where compressional structures dominate. Springs along and in the hanging wall of the Cordillera Blanca detachment fault yield brackish‐saline, alkaline‐chloride waters, with oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and chlorine stable isotope values that suggest mixing between meteoric groundwater and saline brine affected by high water‐rock interaction. Geothermometry reservoir temperature estimates (RTEs) of 91–226°C indicate maximum flow path depths of 8.7 or 11 km, depending on geothermal gradient, associated with the Cordillera Blanca detachment fault. In contrast, springs in the footwall and in the Cordillera Huayhuash exhibit a wide range of water types with an isotopic affinity to meteoric water, suggesting a greater influence from shallow groundwater and less water‐rock interaction. For these springs, RTEs of 40–98°C correspond to much shallower circulation (1.6–4 km). Results indicate that the Cordillera Blanca detachment system accommodates significantly deeper circulation of crustal fluids compared to other regional compressional structures

    Deep structure of the Ionian Sea and Sicily Dionysus - Cruise No. M111, October 10 - November 1, 2014, Catania (Italy) – Catania (Italy)

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    Summary The origin of the Ionian Sea lithosphere and the deep structure of its margins remain a little investigated part of the Mediterranean Sea. To shed light on the plate tectonic setting in this central part of southern Europe, R/V METEOR cruise M111 set out to acquire deep penetrating seismic data in the Ionian Sea. M111 formed the core of an amphibious investigation covering the Ionian Sea and island of Sicily. A total of 153 OBS/OBH deployments using French and German instruments were successfully carried out, in addition to 12 land stations installed on Sicily, which recorded the offshore air gun shots. The aim of this onshore-offshore study is to quantify the deep geometry and architecture of the Calabria subduction zone and Ionian Sea lithosphere and to shed light on the nature of the Ionian Sea crust (oceanic crust vs. thinned continental crust). Investigating the structure of the Ionian crust and lithospheric mantle will contribute to unravel the unknown ocean-continent transition and Tethys margin. Analyzing the tectonic activity and active deformation zones is essential for understanding the subduction processes that underlie the neotectonics of the Calabrian subduction zone and earthquake hazard of the Calabria/Sicily region, especially in the vicinity of local decoupling zones

    Ionian Abyssal Plain: a window into the Tethys oceanic lithosphere

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    The nature of the Ionian Sea crust has been the subject of scientific debate for more than 30 years, mainly because seismic imaging of the deep crust and upper mantle of the Ionian Abyssal Plain (IAP) has not been conclusive to date. The IAP is sandwiched between the Calabrian and Hellenic subduction zones in the central Mediterranean. A NNE–SSW-oriented 131&thinsp;km long seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection profile, consisting of eight ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones, was acquired in 2014. The profile was designed to univocally confirm the proposed oceanic nature of the IAP crust as a remnant of the Tethys and to confute its interpretation as a strongly thinned part of the African continental crust. A P-wave velocity model developed from travel-time forward modelling is refined by gravimetric data and synthetic modelling of the seismic data. A roughly 6–7&thinsp;km thick crust with velocities ranging from 5.1 to 7.2&thinsp;km&thinsp;s−1, top to bottom, can be traced throughout the IAP. In the vicinity of the Medina seamounts at the southern IAP boundary, the crust thickens to about 9&thinsp;km and seismic velocities decrease to 6.8&thinsp;km&thinsp;s−1 at the crust–mantle boundary. The seismic velocity distribution and depth of the crust–mantle boundary in the IAP document its oceanic nature and support the interpretation of the IAP as a remnant of the Tethys lithosphere with the Malta Escarpment as a transform margin and a Tethys opening in the NNW–SSE direction.</p

    Limits of the seismogenic zone in the epicentral region of the 26 December 2004 great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake: Results from seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection surveys and thermal modeling

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    The 26 December 2004 Sumatra earthquake (Mw = 9.1) initiated around 30 km depth and ruptured 1300 km of the Indo-Australian Sunda plate boundary. During the Sumatra OBS (ocean bottom seismometer) survey, a wide angle seismic profile was acquired across the epicentral region. A seismic velocity model was obtained from combined travel time tomography and forward modeling. Together with reflection seismic data from the SeaCause II cruise, the deep structure of the source region of the great earthquake is revealed. Four to five kilometers of sediments overlie the oceanic crust at the trench, and the subducting slab can be imaged down to a depth of 35 km. We find a crystalline backstop 120 km from the trench axis, below the fore arc basin. A high velocity zone at the lower landward limit of the raycovered domain, at 22 km depth, marks a shallow continental Moho, 170 km from the trench. The deep structure obtained from the seismic data was used to construct a thermal model of the fore arc in order to predict the limits of the seismogenic zone along the plate boundary fault. Assuming 100C-150C as its updip limit, the seismogenic zone is predicted to begin 530 km from the trench. The downdip limit of the 2004 rupture as inferred from aftershocks is within the 350C 450C temperature range, but this limit is 210-250 km from the trench axis and is much deeper than the fore arc Moho. The deeper part of the rupture occurred along the contact between the mantle wedge and the downgoing plate

    Landscape genomics and biased FST approaches reveal single nucleotide polymorphisms under selection in goat breeds of North-East Mediterranean

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study we compare outlier loci detected using a <it>F<smcaps>ST </smcaps></it>based method with those identified by a recently described method based on spatial analysis (SAM). We tested a panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously genotyped in individuals of goat breeds of southern areas of the Mediterranean basin (Italy, Greece and Albania). We evaluate how the SAM method performs with SNPs, which are increasingly employed due to their high number, low cost and easy of scoring.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The combined use of the two outlier detection approaches, never tested before using SNP polymorphisms, resulted in the identification of the same three loci involved in milk and meat quality data by using the two methods, while the <it>F<smcaps>ST </smcaps></it>based method identified 3 more loci as under selection sweep in the breeds examined.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data appear congruent by using the two methods for <it>F<smcaps>ST </smcaps></it>values exceeding the 99% confidence limits. The methods of <it>F<smcaps>ST </smcaps></it>and SAM can independently detect signatures of selection and therefore can reduce the probability of finding false positives if employed together. The outlier loci identified in this study could indicate adaptive variation in the analysed species, characterized by a large range of climatic conditions in the rearing areas and by a history of intense trade, that implies plasticity in adapting to new environments.</p

    The Amino-Terminus of Nitric Oxide Sensitive Guanylyl Cyclase α1 Does Not Affect Dimerization but Influences Subcellular Localization

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    BACKGROUND: Nitric oxide sensitive guanylyl cyclase (NOsGC) is a heterodimeric enzyme formed by an α- and a ÎČ₁-subunit. A splice variant (C-α₁) of the α₁-subunit, lacking at least the first 236 amino acids has been described by Sharina et al. 2008 and has been shown to be expressed in differentiating human embryonic cells. Wagner et al. 2005 have shown that the amino acids 61-128 of the α₁-subunit are mandatory for quantitative heterodimerization implying that the C-α₁-splice variant should lose its capacity to dimerize quantitatively. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the current study we demonstrate preserved quantitative dimerization of the C-α₁-splice by co-purification with the ÎČ₁-subunit. In addition we used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based on fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) using fusion proteins of the ÎČ₁-subunit and the α₁-subunit or the C-α₁ variant with ECFP or EYFP. Analysis of the respective combinations in HEK-293 cells showed that the fluorescence lifetime was significantly shorter (≈0.3 ns) for α₁/ÎČ₁ and C-α₁/ÎČ₁ than the negative control. In addition we show that lack of the amino-terminus in the α₁ splice variant directs it to a more oxidized subcellular compartment. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that the amino-terminus of the α₁-subunit is dispensable for dimerization in-vivo and ex-vivo, but influences the subcellular trafficking

    The role of changing geodynamics in the progressive contamination of Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene arc magmas in the southern Central Andes

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    The tectonic and geodynamic setting of the southern Central Andean convergent margin changed significantly between the Late Cretaceous and the Late Miocene, influencing magmatic activity and its geochemical composition. Here we investigate how these changes, which include changing slab-dip angle and convergence angles and rates, have influenced the contamination of the arc magmas with crustal material. Whole rock geochemical data for a suite of Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene arc rocks from the Pampean flat-slab segment (29–31 °S) of the southern Central Andes is presented alongside petrographic observations and high resolution age dating. In-situ U–Pb dating of magmatic zircon, combined with Ar–Ar dating of plagioclase, has led to an improved regional stratigraphy and provides an accurate temporal constraint for the geochemical data. A generally higher content of incompatible trace elements (e.g. Nb/Zr ratios from 0.019 to 0.083 and Nb/Yb from 1.5 to 16.4) is observed between the Late Cretaceous (~ 72 Ma), when the southern Central Andean margin is suggested to have been in extension, and the Miocene when the thickness of the continental crust increased and the angle of the subducting Nazca plate shallowed. Trace and rare earth element compositions obtained for the Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene arc magmatic rocks from the Principal Cordillera of Chile, combined with a lack of zircon inheritance, suggest limited assimilation of the overlying continental crust by arc magmas derived from the mantle wedge. A general increase in incompatible, fluid-mobile/immobile (e.g., Ba/Nb) and fluid-immobile/immobile (e.g., Nb/Zr) trace element ratios is attributed to the influence of the subducting slab on the melt source region and/or the influx of asthenospheric mantle. The Late Oligocene (~ 26 Ma) to Early Miocene (~ 17 Ma), and Late Miocene (~ 6 Ma) arc magmatic rocks present in the Frontal Cordillera show evidence for the bulk assimilation of the Permian–Triassic (P–T) basement, both on the basis of their trace and rare earth element compositions and the presence of P–T inherited zircon cores. Crustal reworking is also identified in the Argentinean Precordillera; Late Miocene (12–9 Ma) arc magmatic rocks display distinct trace element signatures (specifically low Th, U and REE concentrations) and contain inherited zircon cores with Proterozoic and P–T ages, suggesting the assimilation of both the P–T basement and a Grenville-aged basement. We conclude that changing geodynamics play an important role in determining the geochemical evolution of magmatic rocks at convergent margins and should be given due consideration when evaluating the petrogenesis of arc magmas.</p
