9 research outputs found

    Comment surmonter les obstacles à la professionnalisation des interprètes dans les services publics en France ?

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    L’interprétation dans les services publics s’est développée de manière empirique depuis les années 1970 en France. Le secteur peine à se professionnaliser, malgré l’amorce de plusieurs réflexions depuis les années 1990 et plusieurs tentatives de structuration du métier. L’absence de formation spécifique permettant l’accès au métier et l’augmentation exponentielle de la demande dans des langues pour la plupart rarement enseignées dans les universités contraignent à recourir largement à des interprètes insuffisamment formés. Notre étude montre que deux principaux facteurs influent sur le niveau de formation des interprètes : l’ancienneté dans le métier et la zone géographique où est parlée leur principale langue de travail, ce qui implique qu’il est nécessaire d’examiner la situation dans chaque langue lorsque l’on formule des préconisations en matière de professionnalisation. Les autres obstacles examinés sont les questions de viabilité économique et d’attractivité du métier, le manque de reconnaissance par les clients, la pression des marchés publics, les enjeux de pouvoir, les pratiques de contrôle d’accès aux droits et les facteurs idéologiques. Quant aux pistes de solutions, citons l’indispensable formation, mais aussi l’adaptation des interprètes aux nécessités du marché, et surtout un engagement collectif des interprètes, des universités, des institutions et des organismes prestataires en faveur de la reconnaissance du métier

    Kasner and Mixmaster behavior in universes with equation of state w \ge 1

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    We consider cosmological models with a scalar field with equation of state w≥1w\ge 1 that contract towards a big crunch singularity, as in recent cyclic and ekpyrotic scenarios. We show that chaotic mixmaster oscillations due to anisotropy and curvature are suppressed, and the contraction is described by a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann equation if w>1w>1. We generalize the results to theories where the scalar field couples to p-forms and show that there exists a finite value of ww, depending on the p-forms, such that chaotic oscillations are suppressed. We show that Z2Z_2 orbifold compactification also contributes to suppressing chaotic behavior. In particular, chaos is avoided in contracting heterotic M-theory models if w>1w>1 at the crunch.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, references adde

    L’interprétation dans les services publics peut-elle se passer de théorie ?

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    Le recours à des interprètes dans les services publics en France n’a cessé de croître ces dernières années, tant dans le cadre de la demande d’asile que dans les services médicaux et sociaux. Les besoins énormes, en particulier dans certaines combinaisons de langues, imposent le recours à des interprètes ad hoc. Le métier a besoin de se structurer, de se professionnaliser, et plusieurs efforts ont vu le jour ces dernières années en ce sens. Toutefois, il ressort de nos observations que la définition du métier s’articule plus autour des exigences des institutions faisant appel aux interprètes que de la réflexion des théoriciens. Ainsi, après l’exploration des principaux apports théoriques, nous nous proposons d’analyser les documents normatifs établis par les différents acteurs de l’interprétation dans les services publics en France, afin de mettre en lumière les lacunes dans la prise en compte de la théorie. En effet, il semble que les aspects déontologiques prennent fortement le pas sur les aspects techniques, corroborant ainsi la thèse selon laquelle les enjeux de pouvoir influencent la définition du métier d’interprète en milieu médical dans différents pays, et ce, dans tous les services publics en France.The use of interpreters in public services in France has grown steadily in recent years, both in the context of asylum applications and in medical and social settings. The enormous needs, especially in certain language combinations, require the use of ad hoc interpreters. The occupation needs to be structured and become more professional, and several efforts have emerged in recent years in this direction. However, it has emerged from our observations that the definition of the profession is more structured around the requirements of interpreter-employing institutions than on the thoughts of interpretation theorists. Thus, after exploring core theoretical contributions, we propose to analyse the normative documents instituted by various stakeholders in public service interpretation in France, to highlight gaps in the consideration of theory. Indeed, it seems that ethical considerations strongly take precedence over technical considerations, thus corroborating the thesis according to which the stakes of power influence the definition of the profession of interpreter in medical settings in different countries, and thus, in all public services in France.Francia ha experimentado una demanda creciente de intérpretes en los servicios públicos durante los últimos años, tanto en el sector de solicitudes de asilo, como en el ámbito de los servicios médicos y sociales. Las enormes proporciones de esta demanda han recaído a menudo en determinadas combinaciones lingüísticas, una circunstancia que ha terminado por imponer la necesidad de recurrir a intérpretes ad hoc. El oficio tiene la necesidad de estructurarse y profesionalizarse. En este sentido muchos esfuerzos que perseguían dicho propósito han dado su fruto estos últimos años. Si embargo, observamos que en la actualidad la definición del oficio se estructura más en función de las exigencias de las instituciones que recurren a un intérprete que teniendo en cuenta las reflexiones de los especialistas en la materia. Así pues, exploraremos en primer lugar las principales aportaciones teóricas en la materia. Continuaremos con una propuesta de análisis de los documentos normativos elaborados por los diferentes actores que participan en la interpretación de los servicios públicos en Francia. Nuestro objetivo es poner de relieve aquellos casos en los que las teorías de interpretación no se tienen en cuenta a la hora de redactar documentos normativos. De hecho, parece que los aspectos deontológicos suelen anteponerse a los técnicos, corroborando así la tesis sobre la toma de poder y su influencia en la definición del oficio de intérprete en el sector médico en diferentes países; al igual que en todos los servicios públicos franceses

    Bridging the gap between supply and demand : factors influencing the cross-border labor mobility in the Strasbourg-Ortenau region

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    International - European BusinessThe purpose for this Master Case Study is to contribute to the scientific research in the field of labor mobility in cross-border regions. The study is using a comprehensive literature and theory review and its first purpose is to confirm the theoretical aspects in the case of the Strasbourg-Ortenau region. Nevertheless, this work intends to go a step further and to add an additional component to the existing research, the institutional awareness factor. It describes the degree of awareness of potential cross-border workers towards institutions that provide support in the context of cross-border labor mobility. Therefore, the second purpose of our work is to evaluate whether institutions have the capability to increase the willingness of French students to become cross border workers in Germany. This case study is structured into qualitative and quantitative research. While the first one is executed through experts’ interviews of cross-border institutions, the latter one is composed of two surveys distributed among companies in the German border region and students in the metropolitan area of Strasbourg. We chose the sample of students since this group has been poorly covered in the academic literature so far. Furthermore, the chosen sample may be appealing in the light of the experts’ shortage on the German labor market. With the information acquired, our purpose is to deliver a comprehensive image of the current situation of labor mobility, both in general terms and for the specific case of the Strasbourg-Ortenau region. Further, we want to use the information to analyze, in a statistical manner, whether or not a relationship between the institutional awareness and the willingness to work in the Ortenau region exists. Regarding the statistical analysis of this aspect, the underlying data of the study was able to confirm a significant, but limited, relationship. Furthermore, we were able to eventually prove some aspects of the literature for the case of the Strasbourg Ortenau Region. Especially the obstacles (i.e. the factors hindering labor mobility) can be identified in our survey in a similar way to those stated in the academic literature. Our findings provide an insight for companies who want to optimize their recruiting process, highlighting more effective recruiting channels. Also, it can be helpful for institutions as well, that offer a broad range of consultancy services, but are poorly known by companies and students in the region

    Enrichment of Logging Gaps with a High Conservation Value Species (Pericopsis elata) in a Central African Moist Forest

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    In central Africa, most of the timber species require high light at the seedling stage for survival and growth. Forest managers face a regeneration shortage of these light-demanding timber species. To achieve long-term sustainability, there is a need for enrichment methods combining low cost and high species performance. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of Pericopsis elata seedlings in enriched logging gaps in Cameroon. Over five years; the survival and size of each seedling was monitored in 27 logging gaps that were either left without maintenance or cleared. Gaps were relatively small with an average total area of 155 m2. We found that planted seedlings of P. elata performed well in logging gaps. Even without any maintenance 61% of the planted seedlings survived after five years with an average annual diameter increment of 0.28 cm. P. elata appeared to be a good candidate species for enrichment in logging gaps. We demonstrated that the seedlings of P. elata tolerated a wide range of soil conditions but that their performance was strongly influenced by light availability (gap clearance), suggesting potentially improved performance of P. elata in high light environments such as in plantation or larger gaps

    Evolution and ecology of plant architecture: integrating insights from the fossil record, extant morphology, developmental genetics and phylogenies

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