6 research outputs found

    Post-training ethanol disrupts trace conditioned fear in rats: Effects of timing of ethanol, dose and trace interval duration

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    Ethanol has complex effects on memory performance, although hippocampus-dependent memory may be especially vulnerable to disruption by acute ethanol intoxication occurring during or shortly after a training episode. In the present experiments, the effects of post-training ethanol on delay and trace fear conditioning were examined in adolescent rats. In Experiment 1, 30-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats were given delay or trace conditioning trials in which a 10 s flashing light CS was paired with a 0.5 mA shock US. For trace groups, the trace interval was 10 s. On days 31-33, animals were administered ethanol once daily (0.0 or 2.5 g/kg via intragastric intubation), and on day 34 animals were tested for CS-elicited freezing. Results showed that post-training ethanol affected the expression of trace, but had no effect on delay conditioned fear. Experiment 2 revealed that this effect was dose-dependent; doses lower than 2.5 g/kg were without effect. Experiment 3 evaluated whether proximity of ethanol to the time of training or testing was critical. Results show that ethanol administration beginning 24 h after training was more detrimental to trace conditioned freezing than administration that was delayed by 48 h. Finally, in Experiment 4 animals were trained with one of three different trace intervals: 1, 3 or 10 s. Results indicate that post-training administration of 2.5 g/kg ethanol disrupted trace conditioned fear in subjects trained with a 10 s, but not with a I or 3 s, trace interval. Collectively the results suggest that ethanol administration impairs post-acquisition memory processing of hippocampus-dependent trace fear conditioning. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Ltv1 Is Required for Efficient Nuclear Export of the Ribosomal Small Subunit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In eukaryotes, 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits are assembled in the nucleus and exported to the cytoplasm independently of one another. Nuclear export of the 60S requires the adapter protein Nmd3, but no analogous adapter has been identified for the 40S. Ltv1 is a nonessential, nonribosomal protein that is required for 40S subunit biogenesis in yeast. Cells lacking LTV1 grow slowly, are hypersensitive to inhibitors of protein synthesis, and produce about half as many 40S subunits as do wild-type cells. Ltv1 interacts with Crm1, co-sediments in sucrose gradients with 43S/40S subunits, and copurifies with late 43S particles. Here we show that Ltv1 shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm in a Crm1-dependent manner and that it contains a functional NES that is sufficient to direct the export of an NLS-containing reporter. Small subunit export is reduced in Δltv1 mutants, as judged by the altered distribution of the 5′-ITS1 rRNA and the 40S ribosomal protein RpS3. Finally, we show a genetic interaction between LTV1 and YRB2, a gene that encodes a Ran-GTP-, Crm1-binding protein that facilitates the small subunit export. We propose that Ltv1 functions as one of several possible adapter proteins that link the nuclear export machinery to the small subunit

    Organoid Models of Human and Mouse Ductal Pancreatic Cancer

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    Summary Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal malignancies due to its late diagnosis and limited response to treatment. Tractable methods to identify and interrogate pathways involved in pancreatic tumorigenesis are urgently needed. We established organoid models from normal and neoplastic murine and human pancreas tissues. Pancreatic organoids can be rapidly generated from resected tumors and biopsies, survive cryopreservation, and exhibit ductal- and disease-stage-specific characteristics. Orthotopically transplanted neoplastic organoids recapitulate the full spectrum of tumor development by forming early-grade neoplasms that progress to locally invasive and metastatic carcinomas. Due to their ability to be genetically manipulated, organoids are a platform to probe genetic cooperation. Comprehensive transcriptional and proteomic analyses of murine pancreatic organoids revealed genes and pathways altered during disease progression. The confirmation of many of these protein changes in human tissues demonstrates that organoids are a facile model system to discover characteristics of this deadly malignancy