848 research outputs found

    Ethnonyms in Karabakh Folklore and their Linguistic Characteristics

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    Onomastic units in the language are related to folklore and all spiritual values. Language is not part of a culture, but it accumulates cultural ideas throughout its history, the world and human concepts through linguistic means, in other words, in words, phrases, specific lexical layers, and sometimes even in grammar. Language serves as the material of cultural expression while being the meta-language of culture, which fixes the meanings, motives and interpretations of oral texts in verbal forms. Viewing language as a source of cultural codes, forms of expression of cultural tradition, study and reference for regeneration of ancient culture, along with folklore texts, ceremonies, and folk, would be more accurate.The ancient history and geography of the people live in the language. The names of ancient tribes, clans and peoples that existed in the homeland of the language speakers have been preserved in folklore examples and have survived to this day. Tribe, folk names - ethnonyms are onomastic units frequently in Karabakh folklore.Information about Azerbaijan's ancient and medieval ethnonyms can be found mainly in the works of ancient authors and Persian-language texts from the medieval period.The study of ethnonyms is also helpful from the historical point of view of the Azerbaijani language. The phonetic differences between the written forms of ethnonyms in the sources and their pronounced documents in our toponymy are significant.The article is based on examples collected and compiled from the book of 10 volumes, "Karabakh: folklore is also a History", published by the Institute of Folklore of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The etymology of ethnonyms used in Karabakh folklore has been reviewed

    Le Crédit de TVA dans le Code General des Impôts (CGI): Essai d’analyse sur ses Origines lors du Contrôle fiscal et ses Implications fiscales

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    L' objectif pour cet Ă©tude est mettre l 'accent sur une question qui pose des interrogations  tant sur le plan lĂ©gal que pratique, en effet le mĂ©canisme de la TVA   constituĂ© par deux grandes composantes : Ă  savoir la taxation du chiffre d' affaires et les dĂ©duction de TVA grevant les intrants d’ une opĂ©ration ne peut donner lieu qu' un dĂ©bit de taxe ( taxe payĂ©e au trĂ©sors ), si d' autres conditions on Ă©tĂ© rĂ©unies comme par exemple l' application des taux uniques  de TVA tant  l'amant qu' Ă  l 'aval de la mĂŞme opĂ©ration, or dans la rĂ©alitĂ© et au vu de la structure des dispositions fiscales rĂ©gissant la TVA , la situation est plus complexe et dans beaucoup de cas, le rĂ©sultat de cette opĂ©ration donnera lieu Ă  un crĂ©dit de TVA, d' oĂą l' intĂ©rĂŞt de rechercher son origine et ses implications fiscales au travers une lecture du code des impĂ´ts et la rĂ©alitĂ© pratique  lors du contrĂ´le fiscal

    The Palestinian Woman: A History of Struggle

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    The history of the Palestinian woman cannot be separated from the national history of the Palestinian people. Throughout this century, Palestinian women marched and demonstrated, were exiled and killed for the defense and liberation of their homeland and the protection of their children, husbands, brothers and sisters. In this process of national liberation, the Palestinian woman liberated herself from some of the restrictions placed upon her by the traditional, patriarchal society. Unlike the American woman\u27s struggle which was a struggle against sexism, patriarchal institutions and male domination, the Palestinian woman\u27s struggle is a response to the national conditions of statelessness, occupation, exile and oppression

    Determination of the Heat Distribution in the Raw Cotton Packed in the Coil

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    As a result of experimental studies, a special mathematical model of raw cotton is developed. The effect of density change on the thermal conductivity coefficient is determined. A nonlinear differential equation of heat propagation in coils is obtained. The dependence of the density of raw cotton on the coil height is determined experimentally. The heat flux is intense propagating from denser layers of raw cotton to less dense ones. In a saturated form, the effect of density changes on the propagation of heat is less than in the coils. Pocket spontaneous heating occurs locally with sharp boundaries.An expression is found, which is the general solution of the mathematical model of heat propagation in raw cotton in coils, on the basis of which a number of physical real models can be constructed.The model allows to preliminarily give an estimation of the likely picture of the temperature field in the given microvolumes of raw cotton


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    When studying the role of the price mechanism in the sustainable development of the economy, in accordance with the requirements of the modern economic mechanism, first of all, attention should be paid to the issue of state regulation of prices. The attitude to state regulation of prices is ambiguous. Existing control over the implementation of state regulation of the prices of a group of products based on the social protection of the population and the economic interests of the state, and economic legitimacy is sometimes perceived as a violation of economic democracy. However, the analysis of the role of the price factor in economic development proves that this idea has no basis. Thus, it is not possible to make accurate calculations so that the price of the product can change at any time for various reasons. Therefore, it is advisable to approach these calculations on the basis of fuzzy logic.When studying the role of the price mechanism in the sustainable development of the economy, in accordance with the requirements of the modern economic mechanism, first of all, attention should be paid to the issue of state regulation of prices. The attitude to state regulation of prices is ambiguous. Existing control over the implementation of state regulation of the prices of a group of products based on the social protection of the population and the economic interests of the state, and economic legitimacy is sometimes perceived as a violation of economic democracy. However, the analysis of the role of the price factor in economic development proves that this idea has no basis. Thus, it is not possible to make accurate calculations so that the price of the product can change at any time for various reasons. Therefore, it is advisable to approach these calculations on the basis of fuzzy logic

    Bank Wakaf Mikro Sebagai Alternatif Pembiayaan Modal Pelaku UMKM Yang Efektif

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    Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are business activities that are able to expand employment opportunity, activate economic activities more broadly, reduce economic inequality and increase income of society, boost economic growth and so on. Besides its large contribution to the national economy, this enterprises face capital adequacy and also human resources as its challange. Therefore, this article proposes Micro Waqf Bank (Bank Wakaf Mikro, BWM) as a alternative financing institution to micro, small and medium enterprises. Using a qualitative approach, hopefully this BWM can enhance standard of living of society and also can reduce inequality and poverty.

    Amplification of Environmental Appraisal Coordination at General Hospital Lahore and its Implications to Evaluate Management Review

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    Quality standards have been a significant achievement for organizations worldwide. Environmental standards should be established in hospitals by coding ISO14001. Hospital water pollution can cause health issues in nearby urban areas and settlements. The study was aimed to estimate, characterize, use, and response to water quality parameters on amplification of environmental coordination at General Hospital Lahore (GHL), and their implications for evaluation in management reviewing. For these purposes, the drinking water samples were collected from different locations in the study area. All these samples were analyzed for different water quality parameters namely, pH, TDS, turbidity, and chloride, and compared with national environmental quality standards (NEQS). All the results and management processeswere also compared with ISO 14001:2015, which indicated the weakness in the general administration framework and Environmental Management System (EMS). The results show that pH 8.6, TDS 1100 mg/l, turbidity 5.5 NTU, and chloride 260 mg/l were exceeding the maximum permissible limits. The present study recommended that GHL water should be treated before its use/ disposal. In the end, an EMS (a policy with protocol) manual was developed for continual improvement of water use. Drinking water quality assessment and EMS framework offer assistance to oversee the water quality and environment in health centers. Drinking water quality management under the guidelines of the environment management system manual developed in this study will greatly help to manage the environment, particularly water pollution in local hospitals of Pakistan
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