218 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of Cu-Sn-In alloys around the {\eta} phase field studied by neutron diffraction

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    The study of the Cu-Sn-In ternary system has become of great importance in recent years, due to new environmental regulations forcing to eliminate the use of Pb in bonding technologies for electronic devices. A key relevant issue concerns the intermetallic phases which grow in the bonding zone and are determining in their quality and performance. In this work, we focus in the {\eta}-phase (Cu2In or Cu6Sn5) that exists in both end binaries and as a ternary phase. We present a neutron diffraction study of the constitution and crystallography of a series of alloys around the 60 at.% Cu composition, and with In contents ranging from 0 to 25 at.%, quenched from 300\degreeC. The alloys were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, probe microanalysis and high-resolution neutron diffraction. The Rietveld refinement of neutron diffraction data allowed to improve the currently available model for site occupancies in the hexagonal {\eta}-phase in the binary Cu-Sn as well as in ternary alloys. For the first time, structural data is reported in the ternary Cu-Sn-In {\eta}-phase as a function of composition, information that is of fundamental technological importance as well as valuable input data for ongoing modelisations of the ternary phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Food and welfare in India, c. 1900–1950

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    In 2001, the People's Union for Civil Liberties submitted a writ petition to the Supreme Court of India on the “right to food.” The petitioner was a voluntary human rights organization; the initial respondents were the Government of India, the Food Corporation of India, and six state governments. The petition opens with three pointed questions posed to the court: * A. Does the right to life mean that people who are starving and who are too poor to buy food grains ought to be given food grains free of cost by the State from the surplus stock lying with the State, particularly when it is reported that a large part of it is lying unused and rotting? * B. Does not the right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution of India include the right to food? * C. Does not the right to food, which has been upheld by the Honourable Court, imply that the state has a duty to provide food especially in situations of drought, to people who are drought affected and are not in a position to purchase food

    Two new records of Plagiothecium

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    PhÀnomenologie und BekÀmpfung von "Cyberpiraterie" : eine kriminologische und kriminalpolitische Analyse

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    Illegale Beschaffung und Distribution von SchutzgegenstĂ€nden geistigen Eigentums ĂŒber das Internet haben sich spĂ€testens seit dem Siegeszug der sogenannten Online-Tauschbörsen (P2P-Filesharing-Systeme) zu einem regelrechten MassenphĂ€nomen entwickelt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die vielfĂ€ltigen TatbegehungsmodalitĂ€ten, die TĂ€terstruktur und -motivation, die Auswirkungen von Cyberpiraterie sowie BekĂ€mpfungs- und Überwachungsstrategien bezĂŒglich des Problems. Neben einer kritischen Beurteilung der strafrechtlichen Situation enthĂ€lt die Arbeit auch eigene LösungsvorschlĂ€ge.Die Dissertation gliedert sich in drei Teile: Der erste Teil enthĂ€lt eine EinfĂŒhrung, in der auch die wichtigsten technischen ZusammenhĂ€nge erlĂ€utert werden. Teil 2 beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Ă€ltesten Form digitaler Piraterie, der Softwarepiraterie (auch: ‘Warez-Szene’). Teil 3 schließlich behandelt das recht neue PhĂ€nomen der Online-Musikpiraterie (‘MP3-Szene’).Angesichts der starken Dynamik des Themenkreises ist bei der Wahl der BekĂ€mpfungsstrategien stets die aktuelle digitale RealitĂ€t zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Der Wahlspruch der Verwertungsgesellschaften, wonach ‘das SchĂŒtzbare zu schĂŒtzen und das Nicht-SchĂŒtzbare zu vergĂŒten’ ist, scheidet in diesem Zusammenhang die Geister. WĂ€hrend die Vertreter der Unterhaltungsindustrie sĂ€mtliche digitalen Werke fĂŒr schĂŒtzbar erklĂ€ren, zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit exemplarisch auf, dass ein umfassender Schutz digitaler Inhalte im Internet zur Zeit weder rechtlich noch technisch durchsetzbar ist. Nicht nur aus diesem Grund sondern auch aus rechtspolitischen und kriminologischen ErwĂ€gungen ist es dringend geboten, zivilrechtliche Alternativen zu dem derzeit eingeschlagenen, strafrechtlichen Weg zu etablieren

    Vibrational thermodynamics of materials

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    New national and regional bryophyte records, 45

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    Void Growth in the Early Stages of Electromigration

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    Mind and face of Nazi Germany

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