101 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico ecográfico de la malformación de la válvula tricúspide en un perro

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    Se describe un caso de diplasia de la válvula tricúspide en un perro macho mestizo de nueve meses de edad

    Nuevos retos moleculares en la conservación animal

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    The contribution of genetics to wildlife conservation has been stressed often forgetting the existing theoretical and empirical limitations in the use of genetic information to solve ecological and demographic problems. The possibilities of molecular analyses are extensive and the automation of procedures is increasing the efficiency and reducing the cost of molecular technology. With large amounts of molecular data already available, the interest is switching towards the analysis of these data and the interpretation of genetic variability within and across species from a functional perspective. The understanding of the link between genetic variation and fitness or survival is essential in conservation biology and this understanding needs the combination of molecular data with non–molecular (e.g. physiological, behavioural and ecological) data. Progress in this promising field will depend on the trust and collaboration between molecular and field biologists.La contribución de la genética a la conservación de la vida salvaje ha sido enfatizada, olvidándose a menudo que existen limitaciones teóricas y empíricas sobre el uso de la información genética para solucionar problemas ecológicos y demográficos. Los análisis moleculares ofrecen numerosas posibilidades y la automatización de los procesos está incrementando la eficiencia y reduciendo los costes de la tecnología molecular. Con grandes cantidades de datos moleculares ya disponibles, el interés se está desplazando hacia el análisis de dichos datos y la interpretación de la variabilidad genética intraespecífica e interespecífica desde una perspectiva funcional. La comprensión del vínculo entre variabilidad genética y eficacia biológica o supervivencia es esencial en la biología de la conservación, requiriendo esta comprensión la combinación de datos moleculares con datos no moleculares (por ejemplo fisiológicos, de comportamiento y ecológicos). El progreso en este campo tan prometedor debe basarse en la confianza y la colaboración entre biólogos moleculares y de campo

    Verkostoitumalla alkuun haastavalla maantiekuljetusalalla

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    Opinnäytetyö on tehty toimeksiantona maantiekuljetusyrityksen perustamista harkitsevalle henkilölle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää millainen merkitys verkostoitumisella on aloittavalle kuljetusyrittäjälle haastavalla maantiekuljetusalalla. Tämän lisäksi tutkimus tarjoaa tarpeellista tietoa maantiekuljetusalan tämän hetkisestä tilanteesta Suomessa. Tutkimuksen alussa selvitetään verkostoitumista yritystoiminnassa sekä maantiekuljetusalaa. Luvussa 2 keskitytään verkostoitumisen merkitykseen yritystoiminnassa sekä sen luomiin mahdollisuuksiin, riskeihin ja haasteisiin. Luvussa 3 perehdytään maantiekuljetusalan kuljetuslajeihin, säädöksiin, kustannuksiin, taloudelliseen tilanteeseen, tulevaisuuden näkymiin, toimintaan Uudellamaalla sekä alan verkostoitumiseen. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena syksyn 2014 ja kevään 2015 aikana. Työn aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua. Haastattelut on tehty neljän kuljetusalan yrittäjän ja yhden alan toimihenkilön kanssa. Haastattelut tehtiin helmi-maaliskuussa 2015, ja haastatteluaineiston purkaminen ja analysointi tapahtui maalis-huhtikuussa 2015. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta verkostoitumisen olevan lähes välttämätöntä aloitta-valle yrittäjälle maantiekuljetusalalla. Tutkimuksessa selvisi myös alihankinnan ja KTK- tyyppisten verkostojen olevan yleisimmät verkostomuodot alalla

    RPS4Y gene family evolution in primates

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    Background: The RPS4 gene codifies for ribosomal protein S4, a very well-conserved protein present in all kingdoms. In primates, RPS4 is codified by two functional genes located on both sex chromosomes: the RPS4X and RPS4Y genes. In humans, RPS4Y is duplicated and the Y chromosome therefore carries a third functional paralog: RPS4Y2, which presents a testis-specific expression pattern. Results: DNA sequence analysis of the intronic and cDNA regions of RPS4Y genes from species covering the entire primate phylogeny showed that the duplication event leading to the second Y-linked copy occurred after the divergence of New World monkeys, about 35 million years ago. Maximum likelihood analyses of the synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions revealed that positive selection was acting on RPS4Y2 gene in the human lineage, which represents the first evidence of positive selection on a ribosomal protein gene. Putative positive amino acid replacements affected the three domains of the protein: one of these changes is located in the KOW protein domain and affects the unique invariable position of this motif, and might thus have a dramatic effect on the protein function. Conclusion: Here, we shed new light on the evolutionary history of RPS4Y gene family, especially on that of RPS4Y2. The results point that the RPS4Y1 gene might be maintained to compensate gene dosage between sexes, while RPS4Y2 might have acquired a new function, at least in the lineage leading to humans

    Nasal Granuloma Caused by Scedosporium apiospermum in a Dog

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    A 10-month-old male American Staffordshire terrier was presented to the Autonomous University of Barcelona Veterinary Teaching Hospital because of a 6-month history of a mucopurulent bilateral nasal discharge. The dog had not responded to antibiotics. A follow-up X ray revealed a mixed pattern of osteolysis and increased radiodensity confined to the nasal cavity. Histologic sections of the biopsy specimens revealed the presence of granules containing numerous septate hyphae that were hyaline to pale brown and smooth, one-celled, subspherical-to-elongate conidia that were hyaline to brownish green, and bacteria. Cultures yielded numerous colonies belonging to Scedosporium apiospermum. Susceptibility tests were performed on the isolated strain. The isolate was sensitive to ketoconazole, intermediate to clotrimazole, and resistant to amphotericin B, 5-fluorocytosine, fluconazole, and itraconazole. The dog was treated with oral ketoconazole. During the treatment a general improvement in the lesions was observed. To our knowledge, S. apiospermum has not been implicated previously as an etiologic agent of nasal disease in dogs. This report provides its first description as such

    Low genetic variability, female-biased dispersal and high movement rates in an urban population of Eurasian badgersMeles meles

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    1. Urban and rural populations of animals can differ in their behaviour, both in order to meet their ecological requirements and due to the constraints imposed by different environments. The study of urban populations can therefore offer useful insights into the behavioural flexibility of a species as a whole, as well as indicating how the species in question adapts to a specifically urban environment. 2. The genetic structure of a population can provide information about social structure and movement patterns that is difficult to obtain by other means. Using non-invasively collected hair samples, we estimated the population size of Eurasian badgers Meles meles in the city of Brighton, England, and calculated population-specific parameters of genetic variability and sex-specific rates of outbreeding and dispersal. 3. Population density was high in the context of badger densities reported throughout their range. This was due to a high density of social groups rather than large numbers of individuals per group. 4. The allelic richness of the population was low compared with other British populations. However, the rate of extra-group paternity and the relatively frequent (mainly temporary) intergroup movements suggest that, on a local scale, the population was outbred. Although members of both sexes visited other groups, there was a trend for more females to make intergroup movements. 5. The results reveal that urban badgers can achieve high densities and suggest that while some population parameters are similar between urban and rural populations, the frequency of intergroup movements is higher among urban badgers. In a wider context, these results demonstrate the ability of non-invasive genetic sampling to provide information about the population density, social structure and behaviour of urban wildlife