66 research outputs found

    A survey on planktonic communities in Bandar Abbas coastal area

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    This study was conducted for investigation on algae bloom monitoring and oscillations of biotic and non-biotic parameters in coastal waters of Bandar Abbas from October 2013 to Septembre 2014. In this project, planktonic distribution and environmental data were collected from five stations, every 10 days. Four order and 45 genus of phytoplankton (Bacilliarophycea 29 genous, Dinophycea 13 genus, Cyanophycea 2 genus, Raphidophycea 1 genus) were identified, as well as , 10 order of zooplanckton consisted of Copepoda, Mollusca, Chaetognatha, Sarcomastigophora, Urochordata, Annalida, Nematoda, Echinodermata, Ciliophora and Granuloretica. Results showed that Bacillariophycea were dominate among phytoplankton species in all season. So that, Leptocylindrus, Chaetoceros and Nitzschia from Bacillarriophycea, Protoperidinium and Gymnodinium belong to Dinophycea, and Oscillatoria belong to Cyanophycea were dominate genus in Bandar Abbas coastal waters. The maximum and minimum density and frequency for phytoplankton were recorded respectively from Shilat Jety and Airport Stations. Based on ANOVA analysis on phytoplankton density no significant were observed seasonally (p>0.05), but significant differences were observed between stations (p<0.05). Algal blooms were recorded for Protoperidinum, Chaetoceros and Noctiluca form Shilat Jety in the study period. Result showed that Crustacea have more density amongst zooplankton community, although Arthropoda were dominate in all season. The maximum frequencies were recorded for Nauplius (78%) and Copepoda (21%), also Among copepod, Calanoida order observed 68.5% frequency in the study period. The ANOVA analysis showed significant differences both in stations and seasons for zooplankton density (p<0.05). The seasonal range of temperature were recorded between (19.43±2.58 - 31.98±2.48 ), salinity (27.15±9.48 - 38.13± 0.72ppt), dissolved Oxygen (2.8±1.81-6.87±1.25) mg/L, and pH (8.06±0.49- 8.69±0.23). Evaluation of biotic and abiotic factors indicate the probability of unhealthy and unstable Shilat jety and Gorzoozan stations coastal waters of Bandar Abbas City. One of these cases can be mentioned to high density of cyanophyceae in the estuary Gorzoozan compared other stations , high density of Phytoplankton and low diversity in the Shilat station. While the increase in Harpacticoida order of copepods As an indicator of pollution than on previous reports of other researchers In the this area, suggests pollution is pushed into the area

    Monitoring of algal bloom in coastal water of the Persian Gulf and Oman sea (Hormuzgan province)

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    This study was carried to monitor the algal bloom in Hormozgan Province costal water in 2012. The purpose of this project is to examine the changes of phytoplankton, Zooplankton, and environmental factors in this area monthly. To achieve this goal, eight sampling stations were selected in Bandar Abbass coast and three stations were selected in both port Lengeh and Jask. Physicochemical parameters of water were measured with a CTD and the minimum and maximum values were obtain for these parameters contain temperatures between 19.5 ± 0.32 and 35.34 ± 0.2 (oC), salinity between 36.8 ± 0.05 and 39 ± 0.03(p s u), dissolved oxygen between 4.75 ± 0.14 and 6.8 ± 0.2 (mg / l), pH between 7.9 ± 0.05 and 8.8 ± 0.09, chlorophyll a between 0.29 ± 0.13 and 2.97 ± 0.13 (mg/m^3). In this study 3 branches, 5 classes, 14 orders, 24 families and 42 genera of phytoplankton (including 26 genera of group Bacillariophyceae, 14 genera of group Dinophyceae and 2 genera of group Cyanophyceae) as well as 14 groups of Zooplankton populations were identified. The results of the study of phytoplankton in coastal waters of the Hormozgan province showed that in all months (with some exceptions, regardless of the dominant group have dinoflagellate) diatoms constitute the highest frequency of the dominant group. In the spring, Gymnodinium with 90% ,in summer Chaetoceros and Oscillatoria, each with a 40%, in fall Leptocylindrus and Rhizosolenia each with 71%and 26% and 33% in winter Leptocylindrus the dominant species in coastal waters of Bandar Abbas. In Port Lengeh and r Jask coastal waters Guinardia with 30% and Leptocylindrus with 39% in the Spring Nitzschia, with 69% and Rhizosolenia with 49% in the Summer, Rhizosolenia, with 57% and Gymnodinium 30% in the Autumn, and Leptocylindrus with 40% and 59% in the Winter were the dominant species in these areas.There was a significant correlation n between physicochemical parameters and total abundance of phytoplankton in all area (p<0.5). The results showed that the seasonal variation and the percent of zooplankton were, Nauplius, 49% and Calanoida, 21% in Spring, Nauplius, 41% and Tintinnida, 28% in Summer, Nauplius 49% and Cyclopoida, 20% in Autumn and Tintinnida, 31% and Cyclopoida, 26% in Winter in Hormozgan province Coasts, in other words, the maximum percentage was belong to the crustacean group

    Simulation in manufacturing and business: A review

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    Copyright @ 2009 Elsevier B.V.This paper reports the results of a review of simulation applications published within peer-reviewed literature between 1997 and 2006 to provide an up-to-date picture of the role of simulation techniques within manufacturing and business. The review is characterised by three factors: wide coverage, broad scope of the simulation techniques, and a focus on real-world applications. A structured methodology was followed to narrow down the search from around 20,000 papers to 281. Results include interesting trends and patterns. For instance, although discrete event simulation is the most popular technique, it has lower stakeholder engagement than other techniques, such as system dynamics or gaming. This is highly correlated with modelling lead time and purpose. Considering application areas, modelling is mostly used in scheduling. Finally, this review shows an increasing interest in hybrid modelling as an approach to cope with complex enterprise-wide systems

    The application of the analytic network process to the assessment of best available techniques

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    The European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau produces reference documents on Best Available Techniques, called BREFs. These documents give technical and descriptive information about the installations that represent a significant pollution potential in Europe. However, they do not provide an assessment of the Best Available Techniques, which is a decision to be made by the competent environmental authority. The present work proposes a decision-making process for assessing Best Available Techniques based on the Analytic Network Process. Seven evaluation criteria, grouped into three clusters, have been proposed. The process is applied to a case study and the results are described and analyzed. As a main conclusion, this paper describes a robust and scientific method for a better implementation of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control approach.The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Giner Santonja, G.; Aragonés Beltrán, P.; Niclos Ferragut, JJ. (2012). The application of the analytic network process to the assessment of best available techniques. Journal of Cleaner Production. 25:86-95. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.12.012S86952

    Evaluating competitiveness using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process - A case study of Chinese airlines

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    [[abstract]]With the development of a national market economy, the Chinese aviation industry is now confronted with international competition. Therefore, it is necessary to research the competitive status of Chinese national aviation, as well as advice on how to enhance the competitiveness of the Chinese aviation industry. The main objective of this paper is to propose FAHP as an effective solution for resolving the uncertainty and imprecision in the evaluation of airlines' competitiveness. In this paper, we review the research of industrial international aviation competitiveness at both home and abroad, discuss a theoretical framework for the study of aviation competitiveness, establish an index system with five first-order indicators and 17 second-order indicators, set up a Chinese aviation competitiveness model based on simple fuzzy numbers from the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, and evaluate the competitiveness of five major Chinese airlines. The results showed that this model and these indicators are scientific and practical, with a wide range of application prospects for the purpose of improving and increasing Chinese airline competitiveness in the international market. The effective approach presented in this paper is especially applicable when subjective judgments on performance ratings and attribute weights are not accessible or reliable, or when suitable decision makers are not available.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]US

    An Intelligent Approach to CAM Software Selection

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    In this paper, an intelligent approach is presented to help the companies select most suitable CAM software for their current and future needs. For this purpose, fuzzy AHP method is used to carry out CAM selection process more effectively, easily and applicable for a company. Shortly, the objectives of the research are; to define a step-by-step approach for an effective CAM software selection. The proposed approach is also illustrated on a case study

    An integrated approach to evaluating assembly-line design alternatives with equipment selection

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    The design and implementation of assembly-line systems have been critical issues for companies since the first assembly-line was started at the Ford Highland Plant in 1913. From that time onwards, most companies have met with various problems at the design and implementation stages of assembly-line systems, two of which are the allocation of different work elements to various workstations and the proper equipment selection for workstations. Therefore, in this article, to overcome both the above-mentioned problems, we propose an integrated approach in which a branch and bound algorithm and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method are used together. First, the branch and bound algorithm is used to generate a list of assembly-line design alternatives. Then, the generated alternatives are evaluated using the AHP method to determine an optimum solution (the best alternative) at minimum equipment cost. The AHP method is one of the most commonly used multiple-criteria decision-making methods in the literature, and evaluates both qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria represented in a hierarchical form. The proposed approach is also illustrated on a sample case study

    Aflatoxin M-1 in human breast milk in southeastern Turkey

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    WOS: 000399698800002PubMed ID: 28032266This study was performed to determine aflatoxin M-1 (AFM(1)) in human breast milk samples collected in AanlA +/- urfa, located in Southeastern region of Turkey, and to investigate a possible correlation between AFM(1) occurrence (frequency and levels) and sampling seasons. Human breast milk samples collected in December 2014 and in June 2015 from a total of 74 nursing women, both outpatient and inpatient volunteers in hospitals located in AanlA +/- urfa, Turkey, were analyzed using competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the presence of AFM(1). AFM(1) was detected in 66 (89.2%) out of 74 samples at an average concentration of 19.0 +/- 13.0 ng/l (min.-max., 9.6-80 ng/l). There was a statistically significant difference between December and June concerning AFM(1) levels (p < 0.05). Further detailed studies will be needed to determine the main sources of aflatoxins in food, to establish protection strategies against maternal and infant exposure to these mycotoxins.Harran Scientific Research Project Department of the Harran University [13069]The authors acknowledge the Harran Scientific Research Project Department of the Harran University for funding this study with the project number of 13069. We are grateful for the helpful comments provided by an unknown reviewer on an earlier version of this manuscript

    A fuzzy QFD approach to determine supply chain management strategies in the dairy industry

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    The aim of this study is to identify the crucial logistics requirements and supply chain management (SCM) strategies for the dairy industry. For product or service development, quality function deployment (QFD) is a useful approach to maximize customer satisfaction. The determination of design requirements and supply chain management strategies are important issues during QFD processes for product or service design. For this reason, a fuzzy QFD methodology is proposed in this study to determine these aspects and to improve customer satisfaction. Qualitative information is converted firstly into quantitative parameters, and then this data is combined with other quantitative data to parameterize two multi-objective mathematical programming models. In the first model, the most important logistic requirements for the company are determined based on total technical importance, total cost, total feasibility and total value increment objectives, and in the second model, based on these objectives, appropriate supply chain management strategies are determined. Finally, a case study from the Turkish dairy industry is given to illustrate the proposed approach