78 research outputs found

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Technological Innovativeness in Engineering Enterprises in Tanzania

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    This paper discusses the technological innovativeness in engineering enterprises in Tanzania and analyses the factors affecting the innovativeness. It starts by analyzing various concepts regarding innovation, then analyzed from documentary review factors affecting innovativeness and then analyzed the innovativeness in Tanzanian enterprises.From the documentary review it was learnt that the following key factors influence technological innovativeness: Existence of innovation management; Existence of market to absorb the products of innovation; Existence of partnership between the universities and the firms; Existence of positive culture and politics towards innovation; The governmentplaying its role to influence innovation; Existence of the right knowledge; and Ability of the enterprises to access to financing institutions that support innovation.The research shows that there is hardly any fundamental innovation in Tanzania, what is presented as innovation is the copying of technologies and manufacture them using local material. Theresearcher established the following factors affecting the innovativeness of engineering enterprises in Tanzania: Level of education among the entrepreneurs in engineering enterprises; financing for the enterprises in Tanzania; partnership with R&D institutions; innovativeness culture; and market for Tanzanian products

    A systemic Framework for Implementation of TQM Programmers

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a systemic framework for implementation of TQM program in a manufacturing organisation that produces motor vehicle components in Port Elizabeth - South Africa. The approach used included conceptualisation of the systemic framework and then involvement of the stakeholders in adding scenarios to be considered in the design and implementing the framework in the real field. The findings obtained during the implementation of the systemic framework established that reduction of scraprate, reduction of production costs, reduction of cycle time and employee motivation could be achieved through the implementation of a Systemic Framework for the TQM programme. The TQM team was satisfied that the implementation of TQM programme using the systemic framework was relevant in their particular situation. The developed systemic framework for implementation of TQM was tested in a company that manufactures motor vehicle components. The experience gained shows that the framework has a big potential for successful implementation of TQM. The developed systemic framework has a holistic approach in implementation of TQM; in that case it can be used to guide the design and implementation of successful TQM programmes. The developed systemic framework is a holistic approach, which took on board all four basic characteristics that portray an organisation. Organisations are portrayed by four interrelated characteristics namely, organisational processes, organisational design, organisational culture and organisational politics. For a successful implementation the TQM intervention should take into consideration these four characteristics

    Design and Development of a Prototype for a Web-Based Interface for Online Material for Tanzanian Youth

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     prototype of a web-based interface for an online database was developed to be used by youth organizations in Dar-es-Salaam. A participatory approach involving secondary students in the identification of user interface requirements, in designing and testing the prototype was used. A questionnaire was designed and manned in seven secondary schools in Dar-es-Salaam to estimate the Internet usage. Interviews were conducted to countercheck the questionnaire responses. The interview and the questionnaire helped to come up with a set of user requirements for the web-based interface of an online information search. From thespecifications of the user requirements the author was able to create a youth-friendly web based prototype that can be used by youth groups in Dar-es-Salaam

    Determinants of Tanzania and Kenya Trade in the East African Community: A Gravity Model Approach

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    The paper aims at studying the determinants of trade in the East African Community (EAC). The paper explains as to why despite having five members, the two countries Kenya and Tanzania dominates trade among EAC members.Using the aggregated gravity model, the study finds that, Tanzania and Kenya Trade are much determined by the economic size (GDP) of the EAC members rather than the Per capita GDPs of these countries. The coefficient of a distance variable has negative impact meaning the costs of trading, time related costs and costs related to market access are higher. In a disintegrated model, the economic size of the respective countries, Kenya and Tanzania,exerts a positive impact but Tanzania’s GDP have a higher value of coefficient than Kenya.  The Tanzania’s importers GDPs coefficient is positive but not significant for Tanzania, while it is positive and significant for Kenya’s export Trade. Importers population showed a remarkable contribution to bilateral trade between Tanzania, Kenya and the rest of EAC. However, per capita income coefficient explains that Kenya and Tanzania does not trade high income oriented products for the coefficient had a negative sign which is significant. The distance, representing the cost of trading, is affects Tanzania export negatively more than how it does for Kenya. The exchange rate coefficient shows that price competition is important because for Tanzania lowering her currency does not half the export as if Kenya would do. Openness variable shows trade liberalization, perhaps the formation of EAC bloc;measures have significantly improved trade flows between EAC countries. Keywords: Gravity model, export oriented economy; Regional or Free Trade Agreements; production’s specialization and competitivenes

    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Risk Management Practices in the Performance of IT Projects

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    This study assessed the effectiveness of risk management practices in the performance of IT projects. This study was guided by Project Management Theory. The study employed a mixed research approach, a mixed research approach and descriptive research design. The study was conducted at the Tanzania Revenues Authority Head Office in Dar es Salaam, the targeted population of this study is 200 and the sample size was 133 obtained suing simple random sampling techniques and purposive sampling techniques. in this study data was analysed using quantitative and qualitative techniques. The findings show that management practices are very essential in the implementation of the IT projects. It was also shown that effective project implementation depends much on the effective risk management practice because it is through them that risk can be mitigated for the sustainability of the IT projects. moreover, the results obtained through correlation analysis shows that Risk Assessment Practices (RAP) correlated (r (125)> .568, P< .000), Risk Response Practices (RRP) correlated (r (125)> 452, P < .000), Risk Response Practice (RRP) and the performance of IT Projects (PIP). Lastly Monitoring and Control Process (MCP) had a correlation of (r (125)> 652, P < .000. The results of this study concluded that there is a positive and significance relationship between risk management practices and the performance of IT projects. Despite of these supportive findings this study recommended for the proactive management of project risk because IT project implementation is subject to the limitation challenges and risks, thus through proactive management of project risk a comprehensive assessment of risk and preparation of a suitable management plan can be activated. The study recommended further research be conducted on the assessment of the effectiveness of implementation approaches toward project sustainability

    Kilimanjaro Regional Hospital in danger

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    Eviction for forest conservation : the case of West Kilimanjaro forest, Siha, Tanzania

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    In 2007 about 12,000 people were evicted from the forest of West Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. The government took such decision in response to various reports that quoted the decline of forest due to relentless pressure on forest resources arising from ever increasing demand for fuel wood, fodder, timber and demand of forestland for other uses. The people who lived in the forest for over half a century were said to be 'invaders' therefore evicted from the forest boundaries. Eviction for conservation has been condemned to cause negative impacts to livelihoods therefore there has been a call for conservation policies that incorporates wellbeing of the people. This study aimed to assess the impacts of eviction to livelihood and to evaluate how it affected the forest of West Kilimanjaro. It also aimed to assess how the costs and benefits of eviction were distributed among actors involved. The objective was to see if the current forest management conform to the goal of sustainable development as stated in their policy documents. The results shows that, contrary to claims by state actors that people were invaders of the national forest, the people, were actually recruited by European settlers to work in the forest way back in 1950s and are the one that laboured to plant the very forest that is said to be destroyed by them. Furthermore, using political ecology and historical framework to understand power relations between state actors and non-state actors in Tanzania revealed that, even the said relentless pressure to forest has its roots from the power struggle to control land and forest resources by state actors the process that led to alienating of indigenous people from their land turning them into labourers living near plantations to provide labor in settlers estates. It is further revealed that even after independence, power struggle for controlling land continued to map out of land the marginal communities leading to deterioration of their livelihood. Assessment of impacts of eviction showed that since eviction there has been increase of forest cover but there has been deterioration of livelihoods of evicted people. The study has also revealed that the costs and benefits of eviction were unequally distributed among actors whereby state actors accrue most of the benefits, while the evicted people born most of the costs. The study has therefore concluded that, despite the call for incorporation of livelihood in conservation management strategies, and despite of having sustainable development as their management objective goals, the business ended in the rhetorics but not yet translated into action

    Экономические аспекты внедрения инновационных решений при строительстве магистральных трубопроводов

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    Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является анализ экономической эффективности применения инновационной технологии сварки при строительстве и ремонте магистральных трубопроводов. Объектом исследования являются способы сварки магистральных трубопроводов. Предметом исследования является ПАО «Транснефть». В процессе работы проведен анализ существующих трубопроводных проектов, рассмотрены географические и климатические условия строительства. Изучены основные технологии строительства трубопроводов, соблюдены важные характеристики и параметры объектов. Рассмотрена программа увеличения производственных показателей и необходимость повышение надежности трубопроводных проектов. Выполнена экономическая оценка параметров проекта, сделаны необходимые расчеты, а так же проведены мероприятия по охране труда и корпоративной социальной ответственности.The objective of this work is the analysis of economic efficiency of application of innovative technologies of welding at construction and repair of pipelines. The object of research are methods of welding of pipelines. The subject of the research is public joint stock company "Transneft". In the process, the analysis of existing pipeline projects considered by the geographical and climatic conditions of construction. The basic technology of pipeline construction, the observed important characteristics and parameters of the objects. Considered program of increasing production performance and the need for improving the reliability of pipeline projects. Performed economic evaluation of project options, made the necessary calculations, as well as measures for labour protection and corporate social responsibility