115 research outputs found

    What is Donald Trump?:Forms of 'Celebrity' in Celebrity Politics

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    It is widely assumed that Donald Trump is a ‘celebrity politician’, and that he has cashed in his success on the reality show The Apprentice to secure political credibility and attention. In this respect he fits what Matthew Wood et al (2016) have labelled the ‘superstar celebrity politician’. This characterisation is the latest in a number of refinements to the definition and understanding of the celebrity politician. While this is a helpful move, I want to suggest that it might overlook one key dimension of the phenomenon. Definitions of the celebrity politician tend to focus on the source of their ‘celebrity’ – how they became famous, rather than on how they act out their celebrity role. This latter dimension features in media coverage, where journalists and commentators borrow from showbusiness to describe politics, but is less often analysed in the political science literature. It matters because, I want to suggest, celebrity politicians like Trump act as stars, whether of reality television, rock music or film. They do not just resemble stars; they are them. This is evident in how they are represented, how they perform and how their ‘fans’ respond to them. It is also symptomatic of wider changes in the conduct and form of the contemporary, mediatised political realm

    Concentration or representation : the struggle for popular sovereignty

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    There is a tension in the notion of popular sovereignty, and the notion of democracy associated with it, that is both older than our terms for these notions themselves and more fundamental than the apparently consensual way we tend to use them today. After a review of the competing conceptions of 'the people' that underlie two very different understandings of democracy, this article will defend what might be called a 'neo-Jacobin' commitment to popular sovereignty, understood as the formulation and imposition of a shared political will. A people's egalitarian capacity to concentrate both its collective intelligence and force, from this perspective, takes priority over concerns about how best to represent the full variety of positions and interests that differentiate and divide a community

    Syphilis at the Crossroad of Phylogenetics and Paleopathology

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    The origin of syphilis is still controversial. Different research avenues explore its fascinating history. Here we employed a new integrative approach, where paleopathology and molecular analyses are combined. As an exercise to test the validity of this approach we examined different hypotheses on the origin of syphilis and other human diseases caused by treponemes (treponematoses). Initially, we constructed a worldwide map containing all accessible reports on palaeopathological evidences of treponematoses before Columbus's return to Europe. Then, we selected the oldest ones to calibrate the time of the most recent common ancestor of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, T. pallidum subsp. endemicum and T. pallidum subsp. pertenue in phylogenetic analyses with 21 genetic regions of different T. pallidum strains previously reported. Finally, we estimated the treponemes' evolutionary rate to test three scenarios: A) if treponematoses accompanied human evolution since Homo erectus; B) if venereal syphilis arose very recently from less virulent strains caught in the New World about 500 years ago, and C) if it emerged in the Americas between 16,500 and 5,000 years ago. Two of the resulting evolutionary rates were unlikely and do not explain the existent osseous evidence. Thus, treponematoses, as we know them today, did not emerge with H. erectus, nor did venereal syphilis appear only five centuries ago. However, considering 16,500 years before present (yBP) as the time of the first colonization of the Americas, and approximately 5,000 yBP as the oldest probable evidence of venereal syphilis in the world, we could not entirely reject hypothesis C. We confirm that syphilis seems to have emerged in this time span, since the resulting evolutionary rate is compatible with those observed in other bacteria. In contrast, if the claims of precolumbian venereal syphilis outside the Americas are taken into account, the place of origin remains unsolved. Finally, the endeavor of joining paleopathology and phylogenetics proved to be a fruitful and promising approach for the study of infectious diseases

    The trophic importance of epiphytic algae in a freshwater macrophyte system (Potamogeton perfoliatus L.): stable isotope and fatty acid analyses

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    Stable isotope and fatty acid analyses were used to study carbon sources for animals in a submerged plant bed. Epiphytes growing on Potamogeton perfoliatus, sand microflora, and alder leaves were the most important carbon sources. The most abundant macrophyte, P. perfoliatus was unimportant as a food source. Modelling (IsoSource) showed that epiphytes were the most important food source for the most abundant benthic invertebrates, the isopod Asellus aquaticus (annual mean contribution 64%), the amphipod Gammarus pulex (66%), and the gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum (83%). The mean annual contributions of sand microflora were, respectively, 21, 19, and 9%; and of alder leaves, 15, 15, and 8% for these three species. The relative importance of carbon sources varied seasonally. The relative contribution of epiphytes was lowest for all three grazer species in July: A. aquaticus 38%, G. pulex 43%, and P. antipodarum 42%. A decline in epiphyte biomass in summer may have caused this switch to less attractive food sources. P. perfoliatus provided habitat and shelter for consumers, but food was mainly supplied indirectly by providing space for attached epiphytes, which are fast-growing and provide a highly nutritious food source

    Accelerated spreading of inviscid droplets prompted by the yielding of strongly elastic interfacial films

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    The complexity associated with droplets spreading on surfaces has attracted significant interest for several decades. Sustained activity results from the many natural and manufactured systems that are reliant on droplet-substrate interactions and spreading. Interfacial shear rheology and its influence on the dynamics of droplet spreading has to date received little attention. In the current study, saponin β-aescin was used as an interfacial shear rheology modifier, partitioning at the air-water interface to form a strongly elastic interface (G’/G” ∼ 6) within 1 min aging. The droplet spreading dynamics of Newtonian (water, 5 wt% ethanol, 0.0015 wt% N-dodecyl β-D-glucopyranoside) and non-Newtonian (xanthan gum) fluids were shown to proceed with a time-dependent power-law dependence of ∼0.50 and ∼0.10 (Tanner’s law) in the inertial and viscous regimes of spreading, respectively. However, water droplets stabilized by saponin β-aescin were shown to accelerate droplet spreading in the inertial regime with a depreciating time-dependent power-law of 1.05 and 0.61, eventually exhibiting a power-law dependence of ∼ 0.10 in the viscous regime of spreading. The accelerated rate of spreading is attributed to the potential energy as the interfacial film yields as well as relaxation of the crumpled interfacial film during spreading. Even though the strongly elastic film ruptures to promote droplet spreading, interfacial elasticity is retained enhancing the dampening of droplet oscillations following detachment from the dispensing capillary

    Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America

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    We report genome-wide ancient DNA from 49 individuals forming four parallel time transects in Belize, Brazil, the Central Andes, and the Southern Cone, each dating to at least 9,000 years ago. The common ancestral population radiated rapidly from just one of the two early branches that contributed to Native Americans today. We document two previously unappreciated streams of gene flow between North and South America. One affected the Central Andes by 4,200 years ago, while the other explains an affinity between the oldest North American genome associated with the Clovis culture and the oldest Central and South Americans from Chile, Brazil, and Belize. However, this was not the primary source for later South Americans, as the other ancient individuals derive from lineages without specific affinity to the Clovis-associated genome, suggesting a population replacement that began at least 9,000 years ago and was followed by substantial population continuity in multiple regions

    Plasma–liquid interactions: a review and roadmap

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    Plasma–liquid interactions represent a growing interdisciplinary area of research involving plasma science, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, photolysis, multiphase chemistry and aerosol science. This review provides an assessment of the state-of-the-art of this multidisciplinary area and identifies the key research challenges. The developments in diagnostics, modeling and further extensions of cross section and reaction rate databases that are necessary to address these challenges are discussed. The review focusses on non-equilibrium plasmas

    Rickettsia Phylogenomics: Unwinding the Intricacies of Obligate Intracellular Life

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    BACKGROUND: Completed genome sequences are rapidly increasing for Rickettsia, obligate intracellular alpha-proteobacteria responsible for various human diseases, including epidemic typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. In light of phylogeny, the establishment of orthologous groups (OGs) of open reading frames (ORFs) will distinguish the core rickettsial genes and other group specific genes (class 1 OGs or C1OGs) from those distributed indiscriminately throughout the rickettsial tree (class 2 OG or C2OGs). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We present 1823 representative (no gene duplications) and 259 non-representative (at least one gene duplication) rickettsial OGs. While the highly reductive (approximately 1.2 MB) Rickettsia genomes range in predicted ORFs from 872 to 1512, a core of 752 OGs was identified, depicting the essential Rickettsia genes. Unsurprisingly, this core lacks many metabolic genes, reflecting the dependence on host resources for growth and survival. Additionally, we bolster our recent reclassification of Rickettsia by identifying OGs that define the AG (ancestral group), TG (typhus group), TRG (transitional group), and SFG (spotted fever group) rickettsiae. OGs for insect-associated species, tick-associated species and species that harbor plasmids were also predicted. Through superimposition of all OGs over robust phylogeny estimation, we discern between C1OGs and C2OGs, the latter depicting genes either decaying from the conserved C1OGs or acquired laterally. Finally, scrutiny of non-representative OGs revealed high levels of split genes versus gene duplications, with both phenomena confounding gene orthology assignment. Interestingly, non-representative OGs, as well as OGs comprised of several gene families typically involved in microbial pathogenicity and/or the acquisition of virulence factors, fall predominantly within C2OG distributions. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Collectively, we determined the relative conservation and distribution of 14354 predicted ORFs from 10 rickettsial genomes across robust phylogeny estimation. The data, available at PATRIC (PathoSystems Resource Integration Center), provide novel information for unwinding the intricacies associated with Rickettsia pathogenesis, expanding the range of potential diagnostic, vaccine and therapeutic targets