101 research outputs found

    Current-induced membrane discharge

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    Possible mechanisms for over-limiting current (OLC) through aqueous ion-exchange membranes (exceeding diffusion limitation) have been debated for half a century. Flows consistent with electro-osmotic instability (EOI) have recently been observed in microfluidic experiments, but the existing theory neglects chemical effects and remains to be quantitatively tested. Here, we show that charge regulation and water self-ionization can lead to OLC by "current-induced membrane discharge" (CIMD), even in the absence of fluid flow. Salt depletion leads to a large electric field which expels water co-ions, causing the membrane to discharge and lose its selectivity. Since salt co-ions and water ions contribute to OLC, CIMD interferes with electrodialysis (salt counter-ion removal) but could be exploited for current-assisted ion exchange and pH control. CIMD also suppresses the extended space charge that leads to EOI, so it should be reconsidered in both models and experiments on OLC.Comment: 4.5 page

    Het Oost-Indisch Huis te Amsterdam: problemen bij de reconstructie van een historisch interieur

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    The article deals with the reconstruction of the meeting hall of the 'heren XVII' of the Dutch East India Company in the Amsterdam East Indian House as a representative reception room of the Amsterdam University. The essence of the article is the moral question to what extent a reconstruction does justice to the history and historical values of a historically important building. The question is further worked out on the basis of the questions whether the reconstruction itself is to be called successful and whether the chosen location of the hall is historically correct. The authors take the view that a proof of professional skill was achieved in the hall, but that in parts of it the quality of the work was less good. In two cases, not clearly distinguishable to the layman, interior components were applied for embellishment, which have no historical basis. According to the authors it is most likely that the location of the hall was at the front side on the upper floor and far less likely at the rear side on the ground floor, the place of the reconstruction. The most important proof is the place of the chimneys in historical prints. In 1811 these chimneys were pulled down for the purpose of a new heating plan. Not one single clue has been found for localising the hall on the ground floor at the rear. The article is a plea for elaborate building-historical research prior to any reconstruction and recommends operating with a certain caution in the event of lack of sufficient remains

    Time-dependent ion selectivity in capacitive charging of porous electrodes

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    In a combined experimental and theoretical study, we show that capacitive charging of porous electrodes in multicomponent electrolytes may lead to the phenomenon of time-dependent ion selectivity of the electrical double layers (EDLs) in the electrodes. This effect is found in experiments on capacitive deionization of water containing NaCl/CaCl2 mixtures, when the concentration of Na+ ions in the water is five times the Ca2+-ion concentration. In this experiment, after applying a voltage difference between two porous carbon electrodes, first the majority monovalent Na+ cations are preferentially adsorbed in the EDLs, and later, they are gradually replaced by the minority, divalent Ca2+ cations. In a process where this ion adsorption step is followed by washing the electrode with freshwater under open-circuit conditions, and subsequent release of the ions while the cell is short-circuited, a product stream is obtained which is significantly enriched in divalent ions. Repeating this process three times by taking the product concentrations of one run as the feed concentrations for the next, a final increase in the Ca2+/Na+-ratio of a factor of 300 is achieved. The phenomenon of time-dependent ion selectivity of EDLs cannot be explained by linear response theory. Therefore, a nonlinear time-dependent analysis of capacitive charging is performed for both porous and flat electrodes. Both models attribute time-dependent ion selectivity to the interplay between the transport resistance for the ions in the aqueous solution outside the EDL, and the voltage-dependent ion adsorption capacity of the EDLs. Exact analytical expressions are presented for the excess ion adsorption in planar EDLs (Gouy-Chapman theory) for mixtures containing both monovalent and divalent cations

    Imposed currents in galvanic cells

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    We analyze the steady-state behavior of a general mathematical model for reversible galvanic cells, such as redox flow cells, reversible solid oxide fuel cells, and rechargeable batteries. We consider not only operation in the galvanic discharging mode, spontaneously generating a positive current against an external load, but also operation in two modes which require a net input of electrical energy: (i) the electrolytic charging mode, where a negative current is imposed to generate a voltage exceeding the open-circuit voltage, and (ii) the “super-galvanic” discharging mode, where a positive current exceeding the short-circuit current is imposed to generate a negative voltage. Analysis of the various (dis-)charging modes of galvanic cells is important to predict the efficiency of electrical to chemical energy conversion and to provide sensitive tests for experimental validation of fuel cell models. In the model, we consider effects of diffuse charge on electrochemical charge-transfer rates by combining a generalized Frumkin-Butler-Volmer equation for reaction kinetics across the compact Stern layer with the full Poisson-Nernst-Planck transport theory, without assuming local electroneutrality. Since this approach is rare in the literature, we provide a brief historical review. To illustrate the general theory, we present results for a monovalent binary electrolyte, consisting of cations, which react at the electrodes, and non-reactive anions, which are either fixed in space (as in a solid electrolyte) or are mobile (as in a liquid electrolyte). The full model is solved numerically and compared to analytical results in the limit of thin diffuse layers, relative to the membrane thickness. The spatial profiles of the ion concentrations and electrostatic potential reveal a complex dependence on the kinetic parameters and the imposed current, in which the diffuse charge at each electrode and the total membrane charge can have either sign, contrary perhaps to intuition. For thin diffuse layers, simple analytical expressions are presented for galvanic cells valid in all three (dis-)charging modes in the two subsequent limits of the ratio ή of the effective thicknesses of the compact and diffuse layers: (i) the “Helmholtz limit” (ή → ∞) where the compact layer carries the double layer voltage as in standard Butler-Volmer models, and (ii) the opposite “Gouy-Chapman limit” (ή → 0) where the diffuse layer fully determines the charge-transfer kinetics. In these limits, the model predicts both reaction-limited and diffusion-limited currents, which can be surpassed for finite positive values of the compact layer, diffuse layer and membrane thickness

    Towards an understanding of induced-charge electrokinetics at large applied voltages in concentrated solutions

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    The venerable theory of electrokinetic phenomena rests on the hypothesis of a dilute solution of point-like ions in quasi-equilibrium with a weakly charged surface, whose potential relative to the bulk is of order the thermal voltage (kT/e ≈ 25 mV at room temperature). In nonlinear electrokinetic phenomena, such as AC or induced-charge electro-osmosis (ACEO, ICEO) and induced-charge electrophoresis (ICEP), several V ≈ 100 kT/e are applied to polarizable surfaces in microscopic geometries, and the resulting electric fields and induced surface charges are large enough to violate the assumptions of the classical theory. In this article, we review the experimental and theoretical literatures, highlight discrepancies between theory and experiment, introduce possible modifications of the theory, and analyze their consequences. We argue that, in response to a large applied voltage, the “compact layer” and “shear plane” effectively advance into the liquid, due to the crowding of counterions. Using simple continuum models, we predict two general trends at large voltages: (i) ionic crowding against a blocking surface expands the diffuse double layer and thus decreases its differential capacitance, and (ii) a charge-induced viscosity increase near the surface reduces the electro-osmotic mobility; each trend is enhanced by dielectric saturation. The first effect is able to predict high-frequency flow reversal in ACEO pumps, while the second may explain the decay of ICEO flow with increasing salt concentration. Through several colloidal examples, such as ICEP of an uncharged metal sphere in an asymmetric electrolyte, we show that nonlinear electrokinetic phenomena are generally ion-specific. Similar theoretical issues arise in nanofluidics (due to confinement) and ionic liquids (due to the lack of solvent), so the paper concludes with a general framework of modified electrokinetic equations for finite-sized ions.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (contract DMS-0707641

    Ionic currents exceeding the diffusion limitation in planar nano-cavities

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    Theory predicts that ionic currents through electrochemical cells at nanometer scale can exceed the diffusion limitation due to an expansion of the interfacial electrostatic double layer. Corresponding voltammetry experiments revealed a clear absence of a plateau for the current, which cannot be described by the classical Butler–Volmer approach using realistic values for the transfer coefficient. We show that extending the classical approach by considering the double layer structure using the Frumkin correction leads to an accurate description of the anomalous experimental data. Keywords: Frumkin–Butler–Volmer equation, Double layer, Poisson–Nernst–Planck theory, Diffusion-limiting current, Nano-electrochemistr

    Theory of electrochemical cells and its application to plastic-encapsulated IC reliability

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    MicroelectronicsElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc
