315 research outputs found

    A review of fMRI simulation studies

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    Simulation studies that validate statistical techniques for fMRI data are challenging due to the complexity of the data. Therefore, it is not surprising that no common data generating process is available (i.e. several models can be found to model BOLD activation and noise). Based on a literature search, a database of simulation studies was compiled. The information in this database was analysed and critically evaluated focusing on the parameters in the simulation design, the adopted model to generate fMRI data, and on how the simulation studies are reported. Our literature analysis demonstrates that many fMRI simulation studies do not report a thorough experimental design and almost consistently ignore crucial knowledge on how fMRI data are acquired. Advice is provided on how the quality of fMRI simulation studies can be improved

    Convulsive liability of bupropion hydrochloride metabolites in Swiss albino mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is known that following chronic dosing with bupropion HCl active metabolites are present in plasma at levels that are several times higher than that of the parent drug, but the possible convulsive effects of the major metabolites are not known.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated the convulsive liability and dose-response of the three major bupropion metabolites following intraperitoneal administration of single doses in female Swiss albino mice, namely erythrohydrobupropion HCl, threohydrobupropion HCl, and hydroxybupropion HCl. We compared these to bupropion HCl. The actual doses of the metabolites administered to mice (n = 120; 10 per dose group) were equimolar equivalents of bupropion HCl 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg. Post treatment, all animals were observed continuously for 2 h during which the number, time of onset, duration and intensity of convulsions were recorded. The primary outcome variable was the percentage of mice in each group who had a convulsion at each dose. Other outcome measures were the time to onset of convulsions, mean convulsions per mouse, and the duration and intensity of convulsions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All metabolites were associated with a greater percentage of seizures compared to bupropion, but the percentage of convulsions differed between metabolites. Hydroxybupropion HCl treatment induced the largest percentage of convulsing mice (100% at both 50 and 75 mg/kg) followed by threohydrobupropion HCl (50% and 100%), and then erythrohydrobupropion HCl (10% and 90%), compared to bupropion HCl (0% and 10%). Probit analysis also revealed the dose-response curves were significantly different (p < 0.0001) with CD<sub>50 </sub>values of 35, 50, 61 and 82 mg/kg, respectively for the four different treatments. Cox proportional hazards model results showed that bupropion HCl, erythrohydrobupropion HCl, and threohydrobupropion HCl were significantly less likely to induce convulsions within the 2-h post treatment observation period compared to hydroxybupropion HCl. The mean convulsions per mouse also showed the same dose-dependent and metabolite-dependent trends.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The demonstration of the dose-dependent and metabolite-dependent convulsive effects of bupropion metabolites is a novelty.</p

    Apicotomy: a root apical fracture for surgical treatment of impacted upper canines

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    Impacted canines, due to systemic or local factors, represent a frequent problem in most populations. Surgical intervention usually involves exposure for spontaneous eruption, exposure for orthodontic traction or extraction. The author presents the apicotomy technique, which has been successfully used during the past twenty years for conservative intervention in cases of impacted upper canines with dilaceration or apical root-ankylosis. This original method involves surgical fracture of the root apex, followed by orthodontic traction of the corono-radicular region

    Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs on GABA Responses and on Reduction of GABA Responses by PTZ and DMCM on Mouse Neurons in Cell Culture

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    The mechanisms of action of antiepileptic drugs effective against generalized absence seizures (antiabsence AEDs) remain uncertain. Antiabsence AEDs are generally effective against seizures induced in experimental animals by pentylenÉtÉtrazol (PTZ) and methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-Β-carboline-3-carboxylate (DMCM), drugs which reduce GABAergic inhibition. Thus, antiabsence AEDs have been suggested to enhance GABAergic inhibition. We studied the effects of several AEDs on GABA responses recorded from mouse spinal cord neurons grown in primary dissociated cell culture. Four antiabsence AEDs were included: ethosuximide (ESM), dimethadione (DMO), sodium valproate (VPA), and diazepam (DZP). Two experimental AEDs, CGS 9896 and ZK 91296, with anticonvulsant action against PTZ- or DMCM-induced seizures were also included. Possible effects of the antiabsence and experimental AEDS on PTZ- and DMCM-induced inhibition of GABA responses were also evaluated. PTZ and DMCM revers-ibly reduced GABA responses in a concentration-dependent manner. PTZ complÉtÉly inhibited GABA responses at 10 mM (IC 50 of 1.1 mM), whereas DMCM-induced inhibition of GABA responses reached a plateau level of 39% of control values at 1 p.M (IC 50 of 33 nM). ESM (1,200 ΜM), DMO (6 mM), VPA (200 u.M), CGS 9896 (2 ΜM), and ZK 98% (2 Μ M ) did not alter GABA responses. DZP enhanced GABA responses in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibition of GABA responses produced by PTZ 1 mM was unaltered by ESM (600 Μ M ), DMO (6 mM), CGS 9896 (1 Μ M), or ZK 9896 (1 ΜM)- Coapplication of VPA (200 ΜM) and PTZ (1 mM) slightly enhanced the PTZ effect. DZP (> 10 nM), however, reversed the PTZ-induced reduction of GABA responses. The DMCM (250 nM) inhibition of GABA-responses was unaltered by ESM (600 Μ.M), DMO (2 mM), or VPA (200 ΜM). CGS 9896 (2 Μ M ) and ZK 91296 (2 ΜM), however, antagonized the DMCM effect. DZP (> 10 nM) significantly reversed the DMCM-induced inhibition of GABA responses. The lack of effect of VPA, ESM, and DMO on postsynaptic GABA responses suggests that direct enhancement of postsynaptic GABA action is not a common mechanism of action of antiabsence AEDs. The AEDs DZP, CGS 98%, and ZK 912% all reversed DMCM, but not PTZ, reduction of GABA responses, suggesting that these AEDs blocked DMCM seizures by acting at benzodiazepine receptors. However, since only DZP enhanced GABA responses, it is unclear how CGS 98% and ZK 912% blocked PTZ seizures. Key Words: Anticonvulsants–GABA–Neuron culture–Cell culture–Spinal cord neurons–Convulsants. RESUMEN Los mecanismos de accidn de las medicaciones antiepilÉpticas eficaces contra los ataques generalizados de ausencia (AEDs antiausencia) permanecen inciertos. Los AEDs antiausencia son, generalmente, eficaces contra ataques experimentales inducidos por el pentilentetrazol (PTZ) y el metil-6,7-dimetoxy-4-etil-Pcarbolina-3-carboxilato (DMCM) en animates, medicaciones que reducen la inhibiciÓn GABAÉrgica. Hemos estudiado los efectos de varios AEDs sobre respuestas-GABA registradas en las neuronas de la mÉdula espinal de ratones que habian crecido en cultivos de cÉlulas primarieas disociadas. Cuatro AEDs antiausencia fueron incluidos: etoxusimida (ESM), dimetadiona (DMO), valproato sÓdico (VPA) y diazepan (DZP). TambtÉn se incluyeron dos AEDs experimentales, CGS 9896 y ZK 912%, con acciÓn anticonvulsiva contra los ataques inducidos por PTZ o DMCM. TambiÓn se valoraron los posibles efectos de los AEDs antiausencia y experimentales sobre el PTZ y la inhibiciÓn de las respuestas-GABA inducidas por el DMCM. El PTZ y el DMCM redujeron las respuestas-GABA de modo reversible y dependiendo de sus concentraciones. El PTZ inhibiÓ cmpleta-mente las respuestas-GABA a 10 mM (IC 50 de 1.1 mM) mientras que la inhibitiÓn de las respuestas GABA inducida por el DMCM alcanzÓ un nivel estable del 39% de los valores control con 1 Μ. M (IC 50 de 33 mM). La ESM (1200 Μ.M), la DMO (6 mM), el VPA (200 Μ M ), el CGS 98% (2 Μ M) y el ZK 98% (2 Μ M) no alteraron las respuestas-GABA. El DZP aumentÓ las respuestas GABA de una manera concentraciÓn-dependiente. La inhibition de las respuestas-GABA producidas por el PTZ (1 mM), no se altero con las ESM (600 Μ M), la DMO (6 mM), el CGS 98% (1 Μ M) o el ZK 98% (1 Μ .M). La co-aplicacion de VPA (200 Μ M) y el PTZ (1 mM) aument6 ligeramente los efectos del PTZ. Sin embargo el DZP (10 nM) revirtiÓ significativamente la inhibition de las respuestas GABA inducidas por el DMCM. La falta de efectos de CPA, ESM y DMO sobre las respuestas GABA post-sinÁpticas sugiere que el incremento de la acciÓn GABA post-sinÁptica no es un mecanismo comÚn de actuatiÓn de las AEDs antiausencia. Todas las AEDs DZP, CGS 98% y ZK 912% revirtieron la reduction de las respuestas GABA producidas por el DMCM pero no las inducidas por el PTZ lo que sugiere que estos AEDs bloquean los ataques DMCM actuando sobre los receptores de la benzodiazepina. Sin embargo, puesto que el incremento de las respuestas GABA sÓlÓ se produce por el DZP, permanece todavia sin aclarar el por quÉ el CGS 98% y el ZK 912% bloquean los ataques producidos por el PTZ. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der Wirkmechansimus von Antiepileptika gegen generalisierte Absencen ist unklar. Antiabsencemittel sind generell wirkungs-voll gegen PTZ- und Methyl-6,7-Dimethoxy-4-Äthyl-P-Carbolin-Β-Carboxylat (DMCM) induzierte tierexperimentelle AnfÄlle, also von Medikamenten, die die GABA-erge Inhibition reduzieren. Es wurde vermutet, daß Antiabsencemittel die GABA-erge Inhibition verstÄrken. Wir untersuchten die Wirkung von verschiedenen Antiepileptika auf GABA-Antworten in spinalen MÄuseneuronen, die in Zellkulturen gew-achsen waren. Es wurden 4 Absencemittel untersucht: Ethosux-imid (ESM), Dimethadion (DMD), Sodium Valproat (VPA) und Diazepam (DZP). ZusÄtzlich wurden 2 experimentelle Antiepileptika, CGS 98% und ZK 912%, die gegen PTZ0 oder DMCM-induzierte AnfÄlle wirkungsvoll sind, eingeschlossen. Mogliche Wirkungen der Antiabsence- und experimentellen Antiepileptika auf PTZ- und DMCM-induzierte Hemmung der GABA-Antworten wurden ebenfalls ausgewertet. PTZ und DMCM zeigten eine konzentrationsabhÄngige reversible Reduktion der GABA-Antworten. PTZ zeigte eine komplette Hemmung der GABA-Antworten bei 10 mM (IC 50 1,1 mM), DMCM-Hemmung der GABA-Antworten zeigte ein Plateau von 39% der Kontroll-werte bei 1 uJtf (ICJO von 33 mAfl. ESM (1200 uJtf), DMD (6 mM), VPA (200 Μ M), CGS 98% (2 Μ M) und ZK 98% (2 Μ M) anderten nicht die GABA-Antworten. DZP verstarkte die GABA-Antworten konzentrationsabhangig. Die durch PTZ (1 mM) hervorgerufene Hemmung der GABA-Antworten war bei ESM (600 Μ M), DMD (6 mM), CGS 98% (1 mAO und ZK 3836 (1 mM) unverÄndert. ZusÄtliche Anwendung von VPA (200 mM) und PTZ (1 mM) verstÄrkten geringfÜgig den PTZ-Effekt. DZP (10 nM) kehrte die durch PTZ hervorgerufene Reduktion der GABA-Antworten um. Die durch DMCM (250 nM) hervorgerufene Hemmung der GABA-Antworten war durch ESM (600 Μ .M), DMD (2 mM) und VPA (200 Μ M ) unbeeinflusst. CGS 98% (2 Μ M) und ZK 912% (2 Μ M ) antagonisierten die DMCM-Wirkung. DZP (>10 nM) kehrte die durch DMCM-induzierte Hemmung der GABA-Antworten um. Das Fehlen einer Wirkung von VPA. ESM und DMD auf die postsynaptischen GABA-Antworten legen nahe, daß eine direkte VerstÄrkung der postsynaptischen GABA-Aktion kein gemeinsamer Mechanis-mus der Antiabsencemittel darstellt. Die Antiepileptika DZP, CGS 98% und ZK 912% kehrten die DMCM-Wirkung auf die GABA-Antworten um, jedoch nicht die von PTZ, was vermuten lapt, daß diese Antiepileptika die DMCM-AnfÄlle Über die Wirkung an den Benzodiazipin-Rezeptoren verhinderte. Da jedoch nur DZP GABA-Antworten verstarkte, ist unklar, in welcher Weise CGS 98% und ZK 912% die PTZ-AnfaUe ver-hinderten.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65188/1/j.1528-1157.1989.tb05275.x.pd

    Utilisation of an operative difficulty grading scale for laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Background A reliable system for grading operative difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy would standardise description of findings and reporting of outcomes. The aim of this study was to validate a difficulty grading system (Nassar scale), testing its applicability and consistency in two large prospective datasets. Methods Patient and disease-related variables and 30-day outcomes were identified in two prospective cholecystectomy databases: the multi-centre prospective cohort of 8820 patients from the recent CholeS Study and the single-surgeon series containing 4089 patients. Operative data and patient outcomes were correlated with Nassar operative difficultly scale, using Kendall’s tau for dichotomous variables, or Jonckheere–Terpstra tests for continuous variables. A ROC curve analysis was performed, to quantify the predictive accuracy of the scale for each outcome, with continuous outcomes dichotomised, prior to analysis. Results A higher operative difficulty grade was consistently associated with worse outcomes for the patients in both the reference and CholeS cohorts. The median length of stay increased from 0 to 4 days, and the 30-day complication rate from 7.6 to 24.4% as the difficulty grade increased from 1 to 4/5 (both p < 0.001). In the CholeS cohort, a higher difficulty grade was found to be most strongly associated with conversion to open and 30-day mortality (AUROC = 0.903, 0.822, respectively). On multivariable analysis, the Nassar operative difficultly scale was found to be a significant independent predictor of operative duration, conversion to open surgery, 30-day complications and 30-day reintervention (all p < 0.001). Conclusion We have shown that an operative difficulty scale can standardise the description of operative findings by multiple grades of surgeons to facilitate audit, training assessment and research. It provides a tool for reporting operative findings, disease severity and technical difficulty and can be utilised in future research to reliably compare outcomes according to case mix and intra-operative difficulty

    A Systematic Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in Yeast Reveals That Most Factors Act Independently of Cell Size to Control Initiation of Division

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    Upstream events that trigger initiation of cell division, at a point called START in yeast, determine the overall rates of cell proliferation. The identity and complete sequence of those events remain unknown. Previous studies relied mainly on cell size changes to identify systematically genes required for the timely completion of START. Here, we evaluated panels of non-essential single gene deletion strains for altered DNA content by flow cytometry. This analysis revealed that most gene deletions that altered cell cycle progression did not change cell size. Our results highlight a strong requirement for ribosomal biogenesis and protein synthesis for initiation of cell division. We also identified numerous factors that have not been previously implicated in cell cycle control mechanisms. We found that CBS, which catalyzes the synthesis of cystathionine from serine and homocysteine, advances START in two ways: by promoting cell growth, which requires CBS's catalytic activity, and by a separate function, which does not require CBS's catalytic activity. CBS defects cause disease in humans, and in animals CBS has vital, non-catalytic, unknown roles. Hence, our results may be relevant for human biology. Taken together, these findings significantly expand the range of factors required for the timely initiation of cell division. The systematic identification of non-essential regulators of cell division we describe will be a valuable resource for analysis of cell cycle progression in yeast and other organisms

    Search for new physics with same-sign isolated dilepton events with jets and missing transverse energy

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    A search for new physics is performed in events with two same-sign isolated leptons, hadronic jets, and missing transverse energy in the final state. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.98 inverse femtobarns produced in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. This constitutes a factor of 140 increase in integrated luminosity over previously published results. The observed yields agree with the standard model predictions and thus no evidence for new physics is found. The observations are used to set upper limits on possible new physics contributions and to constrain supersymmetric models. To facilitate the interpretation of the data in a broader range of new physics scenarios, information on the event selection, detector response, and efficiencies is provided.Comment: Published in Physical Review Letter

    Measurement of jet fragmentation into charged particles in pp and PbPb collisions at sqrt(s[NN]) = 2.76 TeV

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    Jet fragmentation in pp and PbPb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair was studied using data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. Fragmentation functions are constructed using charged-particle tracks with transverse momenta pt > 4 GeV for dijet events with a leading jet of pt > 100 GeV. The fragmentation functions in PbPb events are compared to those in pp data as a function of collision centrality, as well as dijet-pt imbalance. Special emphasis is placed on the most central PbPb events including dijets with unbalanced momentum, indicative of energy loss of the hard scattered parent partons. The fragmentation patterns for both the leading and subleading jets in PbPb collisions agree with those seen in pp data at 2.76 TeV. The results provide evidence that, despite the large parton energy loss observed in PbPb collisions, the partition of the remaining momentum within the jet cone into high-pt particles is not strongly modified in comparison to that observed for jets in vacuum.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of High Energy Physic

    Preserved cognitive functions with age are determined by domain-dependent shifts in network responsivity

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    Healthy ageing has disparate effects on different cognitive domains. The neural basis of these differences, however, is largely unknown. We investigated this question by using Independent Components Analysis to obtain functional brain components from 98 healthy participants aged 23-87 years from the population-based Cam-CAN cohort. Participants performed two cognitive tasks that show age-related decrease (fluid intelligence and object naming) and a syntactic comprehension task that shows age-related preservation. We report that activation of task-positive neural components predicts inter-individual differences in performance in each task across the adult lifespan. Furthermore, only the two tasks that show performance declines with age show age-related decreases in task-positive activation of neural components and decreasing default mode (DM) suppression. Our results suggest that distributed, multi-component brain responsivity supports cognition across the adult lifespan, and the maintenance of this, along with maintained DM deactivation, characterizes successful ageing and may explain differential ageing trajectories across cognitive domains

    Preventive Antibacterial Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Pneumonia is a major risk factor of death after acute stroke. In a mouse model, preventive antibacterial therapy with moxifloxacin not only prevents the development of post-stroke infections, it also reduces mortality, and improves neurological outcome significantly. In this study we investigate whether this approach is effective in stroke patients. METHODS: Preventive ANtibacterial THERapy in acute Ischemic Stroke (PANTHERIS) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 80 patients with severe, non-lacunar, ischemic stroke (NIHSS>11) in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory. Patients received either intravenous moxifloxacin (400 mg daily) or placebo for 5 days starting within 36 hours after stroke onset. Primary endpoint was infection within 11 days. Secondary endpoints included neurological outcome, survival, development of stroke-induced immunodepression, and induction of bacterial resistance. FINDINGS: On intention-to treat analysis (79 patients), the infection rate at day 11 in the moxifloxacin treated group was 15.4% compared to 32.5% in the placebo treated group (p = 0.114). On per protocol analysis (n = 66), moxifloxacin significantly reduced infection rate from 41.9% to 17.1% (p = 0.032). Stroke associated infections were associated with a lower survival rate. In this study, neurological outcome and survival were not significantly influenced by treatment with moxifloxacin. Frequency of fluoroquinolone resistance in both treatment groups did not differ. On logistic regression analysis, treatment arm as well as the interaction between treatment arm and monocytic HLA-DR expression (a marker for immunodepression) at day 1 after stroke onset was independently and highly predictive for post-stroke infections. INTERPRETATION: PANTHERIS suggests that preventive administration of moxifloxacin is superior in reducing infections after severe non-lacunar ischemic stroke compared to placebo. In addition, the results emphasize the pivotal role of immunodepression in developing post-stroke infections. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN74386719