2,500 research outputs found

    Modelamiento y control de una ventana de material cromogénico

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    Chromogenic materials alter their optical and thermalproperties due to an electric impulse; theirapplication on lighting control systems for buil-Chromogenic materials alter their optical and thermalproperties due to an electric impulse; theirapplication on lighting control systems for buil-Los materiales cromogénicos permiten ser alteradosen sus propiedades ópticas y térmicas a través de unaacción eléctrica, su aplicación en sistemas de controlde luz día en construcciones de edificios y viviendaspuede generar un aprovechamiento de las condicionesambientales naturales y por tanto de la energíaeléctrica empleada en iluminación artificial y en sistemasHVAC. Se diseñó y construyó una ventanaprototipo de pruebas para la realización del sistemade control realimentado. Se realizó un driver electrónico,actuador de la planta construida para regular latransmitancia del vidrio y un sensor de par emisorreceptorde luz visible, basado en diodo led de luzblanca y fotoreceptor de luz ambiente con filtro IRpara medir la transmitancia del vidrio e informar aun controlador basado en PC, quien define las señalesde entrada para la ventana cromogénica

    Star Formation and Selective Dust Extinction in Luminous Starburst Galaxies

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    We investigate the star formation and dust extinction properties of very luminous infrared galaxies whose spectra display a strong Hdelta line in absorption and a moderate [OII] emission (e[a] spectrum). This spectral combination has been suggested to be a useful method to identify dusty starburst galaxies at any redshift on the basis of optical data alone. We compare the average e(a) optical spectrum with synthetic spectra that include both the stellar and the nebular contribution, allowing dust extinction to affect differentially the stellar populations of different ages. We find that reproducing the e(a) spectrum requires the youngest stellar generations to be significantly more extinguished by dust than older stellar populations, and implies a strong ongoing star formation activity at a level higher than in quiescent spirals. A model fitting the optical spectrum does not necessarily produce the observed FIR luminosity and this can be explained by the existence of stellar populations which are practically obscured at optical wavelengths. Models in which dust and stars are uniformly mixed yield a reddening of the emerging emission lines which is too low compared to observations: additional foreground reddening is required.Comment: 17 pages, 4 Postscript figures, ApJ in pres

    Modelo de éxito del curso taller de titulación por tesis en medicina humana: publicación de repercusión internacional: Model of success of the course workshop title certification in human medicine:publication of international impact

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    Promoting Research in Medical Students and increasing scientific production in the universities of Peru and Latin America is a priority and a necessity. It is an honor to share with you that we recently published in the prestigious journal Educación Medica, of Elsevier, indexed in Scopus, the scientific article that summarizes the experience and the success model of the Thesis Workshop Course that is given in the Faculty of Human Medicine of the Ricardo Palma University: Promoting research in medical students and increasing scientific production in universities: Experience of the Undergraduate Thesis Workshop Course.The undergraduate thesis represents academic work with scientific rigor, considered as the first serious step of university students in the field of research, which according to the new university law 30220 in force in Peru, is an essential requirement to obtain the university degree .   DOI:  10.25176/RFMH.v19.n1.1787Promover la Investigación en Estudiantes de Medicina y elevar la producción científica en las universidades del Perú y de Latinoamérica es una prioridad y una necesidad. Es un honor compartir con ustedes que recientemente publicamos en la prestigiosa revista Educación Medica, de Elsevier, indexada en Scopus, el articulo científico que resume la experiencia y el modelo de éxito del Curso Taller de Tesis que se dicta en la Facultad de MedicinaHumana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma: Promoting research in medical students and increasing scientific production in universities: Experience of the Undergraduate Thesis Workshop Course. La tesis de pregrado representa el trabajo académico con rigor científico, considerado como el primer paso serio de los estudiantes universitarios en el campo de la investigación, que según la nueva ley universitaria 30220 vigente en el Perú, constituye un requisito indispensable para obtener el titulo universitario.   DOI:  10.25176/RFMH.v19.n1.178

    PAICE: A new R package to estimate the number of inter-island colonizations considering haplotype data and sample size

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    Aim: Colonization is a central topic in ecology and one of the cornerstones of island biogeography. Although the evolutionary history of island species is widely studied, the quantification of colonization is particularly challenging because the same area may be colonized multiple times by the same species, whereas initially successful colonization events may eventually be followed by extinction. Nevertheless, an estimation of the actual number of within-archipelago colonization events can be achieved when using adequate sample size and genetic data, which are essential parameters in the inference of colonization success of any species. Location: Canary Islands, Azores and Galápagos Islands. Taxon: Buteo galapagoensis, Croton scouleri, Setophaga petechia aureola and Xylocopa darwini (Galápagos); Canarina canariensis, Cistus monspeliensis, Juniperus cedrus and Olea europaea subsp. guanchica (Canary Islands); and Juniperus brevifolia and Picconia azorica (Azores). Methods: The new R package PAICE uses haplotype (from organelle DNA) sharing and haplotype relationships, and controls for sampling effort to estimate the number of within-archipelago colonization events in island-like systems. PAICE applies a sampling-effort correction based on rarefaction curves of field sampling (number of individuals or populations) and genetic sampling (number of DNA variable positions). The number of colonization events for the 10 insular species were estimated with PAICE and results compared with previous methods. Results: PAICE estimates a number of inter-island colonization events up to an order of magnitude greater than previous methods. Furthermore, PAICE can quantify the colonization events of any study species, in multiple biogeographic contexts and considering sampling size, thus providing a standardized estimate of colonization success. Main conclusions: The new package PAICE provides an estimation of the number of inter-island colonization events (regardless of dispersal routes or rates) based on haplotype data across islands. This new tool will allow gaining new insights on the intensity of long-distance-dispersal events, their drivers and consequences for the assembly of insular faunas and floras

    Genetic Characterization of Jaguars (Panthera onca) in Captivity in Zoological Parks of Colombia

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    The construction of the pedigree of captive jaguars (Panthera onca) in zoological parks of Colombia was done using the analysis of the Regional Studbook for Jaguars and DNA analysis of 9 microsatellites of 20 Jaguars (n=20). The assignments for paternities and maternities were done with for the program CERVUS and the relationship between animals were established with the KINSHIP program. The analysis of the Studbook was done with SPARKS and PM2000 software generating the following values: genetic diversity for the population (GD=0.7832), potential genetic diversity (GD=0.9113), genic value (GV=0.7846), mean coefficient of inbreeding (F=0.0179), and the Mean KINSHIP (MK) for each individual. The averages of the observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.687 and 0.684 respectively. Nevertheless, a wild jaguar sample of 156 individuals obtained in Colombia substantially showed a higher degree of gene diversity (H = 0.87) than the Colombian captive jaguar population. Thus, the captive jaguar population retained 78 % of the gene diversity of the Colombian wild jaguar population. With this study the pedigree of the captive population of jaguars was built in order to develop an ex situ conservation plan for the species in the Colombian zoological parks

    Effect of Organic Nutrition in the Nursery Growth and Nutrimental Content of Native Avocados of Ometepec, Guerrero, Mexico

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    In Mexico, there are several types of wild and criollo avocados that constitute a genetic heritage of this species; these avocados currently grow in an unordered manner on farmer's lands and in backyards, and they need to be studied as they are being lost because of agricultural activities and edaphoclimatic and phytosanitary factors. On the other hand, in orchards and avocado nurseries, high amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used affecting the physicochemical and microbiological properties of the soil, modifying the flora and fauna and polluting aquifers and springs that cause health problems among consumers. Therefore, it is very important to have a more friendly agriculture with the nature. The aim of this work was to evaluate under nursery conditions, the effect of organic fertilizers on 12 genotypes (rootstocks) of native avocados of Ometepec, Guerrero, Mexico, under an experimental design of random blocks, with four treatments: T1: sheep manure,T2: Bovine manure, T3: mycorrhizae and T4 (control: water) in four replicates. The variables were: plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), number of leaves: young (NYL) and mature (NML) per plant; and the content of NO3-, K+, Ca2+ and Na+ ions obtained by petiole extraction, and the chlorophyll content measured with SPAD, in young (CYL) and mature (CML) leaves. Additionally, an analysis of variance and Tukey mean tests (P ≤ 0.01 and 0.05) and LSD (P ≤ 0.05) were done. It was found that sheep manure was superior to other treatments in PH (76.7 cm), SD (7.2 mm), NYL (6.5 leaves/plant), NML (18.4 leaves/plant), CML (40.2 SPAD) and Ca2+(1495ppm). In conclusion, the sheep manure was better than the bovine, mycorrhiza and control (water) as it affected positively the behavior of rootstocks in plant height, stem diameter and number of young and mature leaves. In addition, organic nutrition showed no significant response in the chlorophyll content of young and mature leaves. Young leaves only reached 50% of the chlorophyll content compared to mature leaves

    Long‐term safety, efficacy, and quality of life in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis treated with intravenous abatacept for up to seven years

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    ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00095173[Abstract] Objective. The efficacy and safety of abatacept in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) who experienced an inadequate response to disease‐modifying antirheumatic drugs were previously established in a phase III study that included a 4‐month open‐label lead‐in period, a 6‐month double‐blind withdrawal period, and a long‐term extension (LTE) phase. The aim of this study was to present the safety, efficacy, and patient‐reported outcomes of abatacept treatment (10 mg/kg every 4 weeks) during the LTE phase, for up to 7 years of followup. Methods. Patients enrolled in the phase III trial could enter the open‐label LTE phase if they had not achieved a response to treatment at month 4 or if they had received abatacept or placebo during the double‐blind period. Results. One hundred fifty‐three (80.5%) of 190 patients entered the LTE phase, and 69 patients (36.3%) completed it. The overall incidence rate (events per 100 patient‐years) of adverse events decreased during the LTE phase (433.61 events during the short‐term phase [combined lead‐in and double‐blind periods] versus 132.39 events during the LTE phase). Similar results were observed for serious adverse events (6.82 versus 5.60), serious infections (1.13 versus 1.72), malignancies (1.12 versus 0), and autoimmune events (2.26 versus 1.18). American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Pediatric 30 (Pedi 30) responses, Pedi 70 responses, and clinically inactive disease status were maintained throughout the LTE phase in patients who continued to receive therapy. Improvements in the Child Health Questionnaire physical and psychosocial summary scores were maintained over time. Conclusion. Long‐term abatacept treatment for up to 7 years was associated with consistent safety, sustained efficacy, and quality‐of‐life benefits in patients with JIA

    Propuesta conceptual de categoría empresarial de conservación - Informe final

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    Existen distintos mecanismos para proteger los recursos naturales a través de iniciativas empresariales. Uno de ellos corresponde al establecimiento de áreas de conservación con o sin reconocimiento del Estado, en los que en algunos casos, además de la preservación, también se desarrollan prácticas productivas y extractivistas que permitan un aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales. De acuerdo con lo dispuesto en la legislación ambiental, el análisis de información especializada publicada, literatura gris, así como de información obtenida a través diversas entrevistas, debates guiados y encuestas anónimas con actores clave del sector empresarial y público encargado de las áreas protegidas del país, identificamos los principales desafíos, motivos, beneficios y amenazas que encuentran las empresas para la inversión de recursos en la protección de la biodiversidad, puntualmente mediante el establecimiento de áreas de conservación. Por otra parte y a partir del anterior análisis, presentamos una ruta de trabajo o árbol de decisión con los mecanismos y estrategias, que le permiten a cualquier empresario realizar inversiones voluntarias u obligatorias para la protección de los recursos naturales. Finalmente, proponemos algunas consideraciones para diferenciar el registro voluntario de un área de conservación de inciativa empresarial. Esperando que con esta información, el sector empresarial asuma un rol proactivo e innovador, para que reconozca en la protección de los recursos naturales, en especial mediante el registro de áreas naturales protegidas, uno de los pilares de sus estrategias y políticas de sostenibilidad; acciones que sin duda fortalecerán el SINAP de uno de los países con mayor diversidad biológica del planeta.Bogotá, Colombi

    A hybrid optoelectronic Mott insulator

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    The coupling of electronic degrees of freedom in materials to create "hybridized functionalities" is a holy grail of modern condensed matter physics that may produce versatile mechanisms of control. Correlated electron systems often exhibit coupled degrees of freedom with a high degree of tunability which sometimes lead to hybridized functionalities based on external stimuli. However, the mechanisms of tunability and the sensitivity to external stimuli are determined by intrinsic material properties which are not always controllable. A Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT) is technologically attractive due to the large changes in resistance, tunable by doping, strain, electric fields, and orbital occupancy but not, in and of itself, controllable with light. Here, an alternate approach is presented to produce optical functionalities using a properly engineered photoconductor/strongly correlated hybrid heterostructure. This approach combines a photoconductor, which does not exhibit an MIT, with a strongly correlated oxide, which is not photoconducting. Due to the intimate proximity between the two materials, the heterostructure exhibits giant volatile and nonvolatile, photoinduced resistivity changes with substantial shifts in the MIT transition temperatures. This approach can be extended to other judicious combinations of strongly correlated materials

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since July 2014. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the fourteenth from SDSS overall (making this, Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes public data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (July 2014-2016). Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS); the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data driven machine learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS website (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release, and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020, and will be followed by SDSS-V.Comment: SDSS-IV collaboration alphabetical author data release paper. DR14 happened on 31st July 2017. 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by ApJS on 28th Nov 2017 (this is the "post-print" and "post-proofs" version; minor corrections only from v1, and most of errors found in proofs corrected