148 research outputs found

    Searches for new physics using the t(t)over-bar invariant mass distribution in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV

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    This is the pre-print version of the final published paper that is available from the link belowSearches for anomalous top quark-antiquark production are presented, based on pp collisions at √s=8  TeV . The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19:7 fb^-1, were collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The observed tt invariant mass spectrum is found to be compatible with the standard model prediction. Limits on the production cross section times branching fraction probe, for the first time, a region of parameter space for certain models of new physics not yet constrained by precision measurements

    Giyim tasarımında minimalizm

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    ÖZETMinimalizm, düşünce ve yaşam biçimini etkilemiş bir akım olarak, sanat, bilim, felsefe ve din gibi alanlarda benimsenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Minimalizm’in ortaya çıkışı ve Modernizm Dönemi ile ilişkisi irdelenerek, tarihten günümüze giyim tasarımına yansımaları değerlendirilmiş, tasarımcı ve koleksiyonlar incelenmiştir.Tezin Birinci bölümünde, problemin tanımı yapılmış, çalışmanın amacı, kapsamı ve yöntemi açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümde Minimalizm kavram ve felsefesi açıklanmış, Minimalizm öncesi Modernizm Dönemi’nde ortaya çıkan sanat akımlarından bahsedilmiş ve örnekler verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde Minimalizm’in farklı sanat alanlarında ortaya çıkışı ve etkisi araştırılarak, örneklerle sunulmuştur.Dördüncü bölümde, Giyim tasarımında, Sanayi ve Fransız Devrimiyle başlayan ve Modernizm döneminin sonuna kadar devam eden sadeleşme süreci araştırılmıştır. Minimalizm’in giyim tasarımına ne şekilde yansıdığı açıklanarak, tasarımcıların Minimalist uygulamalarından bahsedilmiştir. 21. Yüzyıla kadar geçen süreçte giyim tasarımında minimalizmin diğer sanat akımlarıyla etkileşimleri incelenmiştir. 21. Yüzyılda Minimalizm’in etkisindeki tasarımcı ve markaların koleksiyonlarından örnekler sunularak, seçilen tasarımlar, kavram, biçim, renk, detay, baskı ve desen unsurları doğrultusunda detaylı bir şekilde değerlendirilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, Giyim Tasarımında Minimalizm genel olarak değerlendirilmiş ve incelemeler sonucunda ortaya çıkan saptamalar belirtilmiştir.Anahtar Sözcükler: Minimalizm, Minimal Sanat, Giyim Tasarımında Minimalizm, Minimalist StilABSTRACTMinimalism, has been accepted in areas such as ; art, science, philosophy and religion as an art movement which has influenced the thougth system and the life style of people. In this study, the emergence of Minimalism and its relation with the Modernism era are analysed and the Minimalist reflections of Fashion Design throughout history are investigated through the work of designers and collections.In the first part of the thesis, the aim, scope, and the method of the study are explained.In the second part, the concept and the philosophy of Minimalism are explained and art movements which had occured in the Modernism era are explained and exemplified.In the third part, the emergence and impact of Minimalism on different branches of art are investigated and exemplified. In the fourth part, the Reduction Era which started with the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution and lasted till the last decade of Modernism is investigated. The Minimalist applications of the fashion designers and the reflections of Minimalism on designs are mentioned. The interactions of Minimalism with the other art movements until 21st century are investigated. The selected designs are evaluated thoroughly in elements of notion, shape, colour, detail, print and pattern by exemplifing pieces of collections of Minimalist designers and brand names of the 21st century.In the fifth part, a general evaluation of Minimalism in Fashion Design is given and statements based on the results of the evoluation are presented.Keywords: Minimalism, Minimal Art, Minimalism in fashion design, Minimalist sytl

    La problématique européenne dans l'espace partisan turc

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    The European topic animates partisan sphere in Turkey, and this since the beginning of the relations of Turkey with the European Communities, become European Union since 1993. More and more, the "European" topic constitutes a structuring element of the political life in Turkey. It was, and should continue to be it, at the base of many of the movements in their composition and rebuilding of alliances on the political and social arena in Turkey. Indeed, the meaning of the accession of Turkey into the European organizations appears, all along the modern history of the country, as a proof of success for her model of westernization and democratization. This perception is reinforced by the fact that the relations of Turkey with the European Union have a real effect in terms of consolidation —progressive certainly — of her democracy, that citizens and political forces observe via the process of adjustment to the standards enacted by the Union.La problématique européenne anime l'espace partisan en Turquie, et ce depuis le début des relations de la Turquie avec les Communautés européennes, devenues Union européenne depuis 1993. De plus en plus, le thème « européen » constitue un élément structurant de la vie politique en Turquie. Il a été, et devrait continuer de l'être, à la base d'une bonne partie des mouvements de composition et recomposition des alliances sur l'échiquier politique et social en Turquie. En effet, la signification d'une éventuelle adhésion de la Turquie aux organisations européennes apparaît dans l'histoire moderne du pays comme une preuve de réussite de son modèle d'occidentalisation et de démocratisation. Cette perception est renforcée par le fait que les relations de la Turquie avec l'Union ont un effet réel en termes de consolidation - certes progressive — de la démocratie turque, que les citoyens et les forces politiques constatent via le processus d'adaptation aux normes édictées par l'Union.Vardar Deniz. La problématique européenne dans l'espace partisan turc. In: Pôle Sud, n°23, 2005. pp. 45-60

    Kuantum Noktalarının Memeli Hücrelerindeki Sitotoksik ve Genotoksik Etkileri

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    In recent years, because of the increase in the technologies and the uses of the nanomaterials, toxicology has been the subject of many researches. Despite the potential advantages of the nanoparticles (NPs), it has been suggested to trigger undesirable hazardous interactions with biological systems generating harmful effects. Therefore, in the society, there is an increasing concern about the potential effects on human health and enviromental effects due to the exposure of NPs. Many of the NPs have been reported to induce adverse effect such as oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, DNA damage, inflammation, which are known to be crucial for the development of many diseases. Thus it is crucial to ensure safety use of new nanomaterial technologies to avoid undersirable effects. In this thesis, it was aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of quantum dots which have been aimed to be used in many areas such as bioimaging, diagnosis and mechanics. Quantum dots have been used in solar batteries and composites that consist of small particles with arrangeble energy levels. In this study, the cytotoxicity of silver sulfides of 2-mercaptopropionic acid (2-MPA) and meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) quantum dots were evaluated by neutral red uptake (NRU) in Chinese hamster fibroblast cell lines (V79). The genotoxicity of these quantum dots were assassed by single cell electrophoresis method (COMET). Epigenetic changes were also examined by real time protein chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique.Son yıllarda nanomateryal teknolojilerinin ve kullanımlarının artması nedeniyle nanopartül (NP) toksisitesi çok araştırmanın konusu olmuştur. Bir çok avantajlarına rağmen, NP’lerin biyolojik sistemlerle istenmeyen etkileşimlere girerek zararlı etkiler oluşturabileceği iddia edilmektedir. Bu nedenle toplumda NP maruziyeti nedeniyle insan sağlığına ve çevreye olası etkileri hakkında artan bir endişe bulunmaktadır. Pek çok NP’ün bazı hastalıkların gelişmesinde rol oynabilen inflamasyon, oksidatif stres, sitotoksisite, DNA hasarı gibi istenmeyen etkilere yol açtığı bildirilmiştir. İstemeyen etkileri önleyebilmek için yeni nanomateryal teknolojilerinin güvenli kullanımını sağlamak oldukça önemlidir. Bu tez çalışmasında, biyogörüntüleme, teşhis ve mekanik gibi pek çok alanda kullanılması hedeflenen kuantum noktalarının, sitotoksik ve genotoksik etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kuantum noktalar güneş pillerinde ve kompozitlerde kullanılabilen, ayarlanabilen enerji düzeyine sahip küçük partiküller içermektedir. Bu çalışmada, gümüş sülfür merkaptopropiyonik asit (Ag2S-(2-merkaptopropiyonik asit)) ve gümüş sülfür mezo-2,3-dimerkaptosüksinik asit (Ag2S-(mezo-2,3-dimerkaptosüksinik asit)) kuantum noktalarının Çin hamster fibroblast hücre hattında (V79), nötral kırmızısı alım (NKA) ve 3-(4,5-dimetiltiyazol-2-il)-2,5-difeniltetrazolyum bromür (MTT) yöntemiyle sitotoksiksitesi değerlendirilmiş ve tek hücre jel elektroforez yöntemi (COMET) ile genotoksisitesi çalışılmıştır. Epigenetikii değişiklikler de gerçek zamanlı polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (qRT-PCR) tekniği ile incelenmiştir

    La Turquie aux portes de l'Europe

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    La Turquie aux portes de l'Europe

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    Aeration-enhanced bioethanol production

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    WOS: 000344825400008In recent years, growing attention has been devoted to maximize the product yield for the conversion of biomass into ethanol. In this study, microaerated conditions were established to enhance the ethanol yield by Eschericia coli KO11. According to the results, limited aeration was found to be an important factor to increase the ethanol yield by improving the consumption of sugars and the production of biomass. The best result was obtained using oxygen transfer rate (OTR) of 5 mmol/L/h, reaching 19.66 g/L of ethanol at 48 h using quince pomace as substrate. The assays showed that less than 5% of the initial sugar remained at the end of the fermentation, achieving a biomass concentration of 7.3 g/L. In conclusion, we successfully carried out lab-scale production of bioethanol from quince pomace using the ethanologenic E. coli KO11. In particular, microaerobic ethanol fermentation at OTR = 5 mmol/L/h is suggested for the efficient utilization of sugars in quince pomace. Considering the abundance of raw material and the ease of large-scale production, this improvement will have a considerable impact on the total cost of bioethanol. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.COST Action of the European Union [FP0602]; The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [107M650]This study was a part of COST Action of the European Union, FP0602, and the authors wish to thank The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK with the grant number of 107M650) for the financial support

    Evaluation of scale-up parameters of bioethanol production from Escherichia coli KO11

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    WOS: 000351543800008Objective: In recent years, increased attention has been devoted to the conversion of biomass into fuel ethanol, as one of the cleanest liquid fuel alternatives to fossil fuels. However, industrial production of bioethanol is related with successful scaling-up studies. Methods: In this study, the experimental designs of scale-up procedures based on constant mixing time, impeller tip speed and oxygen mass transfer coefficient were performed in 8 L stirred tank reactor and were compared in terms of product yield and productivity with those obtained from 2 L stirred tank reactor using quince pomace as a substrate for bioethanol production by Escherichia coli KO11. Results: Scale-up based on constant mixing time yielded a maximum ethanol concentration of 23.42 g/L which corresponded to 0.4 g ethanol/ g reduced sugar in 8 L stirred tank reactor. Moreover, shear stress increased only 1.1 fold which resulted in low cell damage and high cell viability. Conclusion: Constant mixing time was identified as the most important key parameter especially for scaling-up of viscous fermentation broths of bioethanol production due to the significance of the homogeneity.Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [107M650]; Cost Action of the European Union [FP0602]This study was a part of Cost Action of the European Union, FP0602 and the authors wish to thank The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK with the grant number of 107M650) for the financial support

    Les mots de la Turquie

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