73 research outputs found

    Statistical equilibrium of silicon in the solar atmosphere

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    The statistical equilibrium of neutral and ionised silicon in the solar photosphere is investigated. Line formation is discussed and the solar silicon abundance determined. High-resolution solar spectra were used to determine solar loggfϵSi\log gf\epsilon_{\rm Si} values by comparison with Si line synthesis based on LTE and NLTE level populations. The results will be used in a forthcoming paper for differential abundance analyses of metal-poor stars. A detailed analysis of silicon line spectra leads to setting up realistic model atoms, which are exposed to interactions in plane-parallel solar atmospheric models. The resulting departure coefficients are entered into a line-by-line analysis of the visible and near-infrared solar silicon spectrum. The statistical equilibrium of \ion{Si}{i} turns out to depend marginally on bound-free interaction processes, both radiative and collisional. Bound-bound interaction processes do not play a significant role either, except for hydrogen collisions, which have to be chosen adequately for fitting the cores of the near-infrared lines. Except for some near-infrared lines, the NLTE influence on the abundances is weak. Taking the deviations from LTE in silicon into account, it is possible to calculate the ionisation equilibrium from neutral and ionised lines. The solar abundance based on the experimental ff-values of Garz corrected for the Becker et al.'s measurement is 7.52±0.057.52 \pm 0.05. Combined with an extended line sample with selected NIST ff-values, the solar abundance is 7.52±0.067.52 \pm 0.06, with a nearly perfect ionisation equilibrium of \Delta\log\epsilon_\odot(\ion{Si}{ii}/\ion{Si}{i}) = -0.01.Comment: 13pages 10 figures. A&A acceptte

    The NLTE Barium Abundance in Dwarf Stars in the Metallicity Range of -1 < [Fe/H] < +0.3

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    We present the results of determination of the barium abundance considering the non-LTE (NLTE) effects in 172 dwarf stars in the metallicity range of -1< [Fe/H] <+0.3, assigned to different Galactic substructures by kinematic criteria. We used a model of the Ba atom with 31 levels of Ba I and 101 levels of Ba II. The atmosphere models for the investigated stars were computed using the ATLAS9 code modified by new opacity distribution functions. The NLTE profiles of the unblended Ba II (4554 A, 5853 A, 6496 A) were computed and then compared to those observed. The line 6141 A was also used, but with an allowance for its correlation with the iron line. The average barium abundances in the thin and thick discs are 0.01 +/- 0.08 and -0.03 +/- 0.07, respectively. The comparison to the calculations of the Galactic chemical evolution by Serminato et al. (2009) was conducted. The trend obtained for the Ba abundance versus [Fe/H] suggests a complex barium production process in the thin and thick discs

    Formation of MnI lines in the solar atmosphere

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    We present a detailed NLTE analysis of 39 MnI lines in the solar spectrum. The influence of NLTE effects on the line formation and element abundance is investigated. Our goal is the derivation of solar log gfe values for manganese lines, which will later be used in differential abundance analysis of metal-poor stars. The method of spectrum synthesis is employed, which is based on a solar model atmosphere with initially specified element abundances. A manganese abundance of 5.47 dex is used with the theoretical line-blanketed model atmosphere. Statistical equilibrium calculations are carried out for the model atom, which comprises 245 and 213 levels for MnI and MnII, respectively. Photoionization cross-sections are assumed hydrogenic. For line synthesis van der Waals broadening is calculated according to Anstee & O'Mara's formalism. It is shown that hyperfine structure of the Mn lines also has strong broadening effects, and that manganese is prone to NLTE effects in the solar atmosphere. The nature of the NLTE effects and the validity of the LTE approach are discussed in detail. The role of photoionization and collisional interaction is investigated.Comment: 17 pages, 27 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Non-LTE line formation for Pr II and Pr III in A and Ap stars

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    Non-LTE line formation for Pr II and Pr III is considered through a range of effective temperatures between 7250 K and 9500 K. A comprehensive model atom for Pr II/III is based on the measured and the predicted energy levels, in total, 6708 levels of Pr II and Pr III. We describe calculations of the Pr II energy levels and oscillator strengths for the transitions in Pr II and Pr III. The influence of departures from LTE on Pr abundance determinations is evaluated. At Teff >= 8000 K departures from LTE lead to overionization of Pr II and to systematically depleted total absorption in the line and positive abundance corrections. At the lower temperatures, different lines of Pr II may be either weakened or amplified depending on the line strength. The non-LTE effects strengthen the Pr III lines and lead to negative abundance corrections. Non-LTE corrections grow with effective temperature for the Pr II lines, and, in contrast, they decline for the Pr III lines. The Pr II/III model atom is applied to determine the Pr abundance in the atmosphere of the roAp star HD 24712 from the lines of two ionization stages. In the chemically uniform atmosphere with [Pr/H] = 3, the departures from LTE may explain only small part (0.3 dex) of the difference between the LTE abundances derived from the Pr II and Pr III lines (2 dex). We find that the lines of both ionization stages are described for the vertical distribution of the praseodymium where the Pr enriched layer with [Pr/H] > 4 exists in the outer atmosphere at log tau_5000 < -4. The departures from LTE for Pr II/III are strong in the stratified atmosphere and have the opposite sign for the Pr II and Pr III lines. Using the revised partition function of Pr II and experimental transition probabilities, we determine the solar non-LTE abundance of Pr as log (Pr/H) = -11.15\pm0.08.Comment: 17 pages, 4 tables, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Chandra grating spectroscopy of three hot white dwarfs

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    High-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopic observations of single hot white dwarfs are scarce. With the Chandra Low-Energy Transmission Grating, we have observed two white dwarfs, one is of spectral type DA (LB 1919) and the other is a non-DA of spectral type PG1159 (PG 1520+525). The spectra of both stars are analyzed, together with an archival Chandra spectrum of another DA white dwarf (GD 246). The soft X-ray spectra of the two DA white dwarfs are investigated in order to study the effect of gravitational settling and radiative levitation of metals in their photospheres. LB 1919 is of interest because it has a significantly lower metallicity than DAs with otherwise similar atmospheric parameters. GD 246 is the only white dwarf known that shows identifiable individual iron lines in the soft X-ray range. For the PG1159 star, a precise effective temperature determination is performed in order to confine the position of the blue edge of the GW Vir instability region in the HRD. (abridged)Comment: A&A, in pres

    Spectra of supernovae in the nebular phase

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    When supernovae enter the nebular phase after a few months, they reveal spectral fingerprints of their deep interiors, glowing by radioactivity produced in the explosion. We are given a unique opportunity to see what an exploded star looks like inside. The line profiles and luminosities encode information about physical conditions, explosive and hydrostatic nucleosynthesis, and ejecta morphology, which link to the progenitor properties and the explosion mechanism. Here, the fundamental properties of spectral formation of supernovae in the nebular phase are reviewed. The formalism between ejecta morphology and line profile shapes is derived, including effects of scattering and absorption. Line luminosity expressions are derived in various physical limits, with examples of applications from the literature. The physical processes at work in the supernova ejecta, including gamma-ray deposition, non-thermal electron degradation, ionization and excitation, and radiative transfer are described and linked to the computation and application of advanced spectral models. Some of the results derived so far from nebular-phase supernova analysis are discussed.Comment: Book chapter for 'Handbook of Supernovae,' edited by Alsabti and Murdin, Springer. 51 pages, 14 figure

    Kinetic equilibrium of iron in the atmospheres of cool stars III. The ionization equilibrium of selected reference stars

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    Non-LTE line formation calculations of Fe I are performed for a small number of reference stars to investigate and quantify the efficiency of neutral hydrogen collisions. Using the atomic model that was described in previous publications, the final discrimination with respect to hydrogen collisions is based on the condition that the surface gravities as determined by the Fe I/Fe II ionization equilibria are in agreement with their astrometric counterparts obtained from HIPPARCOS parallaxes. Depending on the choice of the hydrogen collision scaling factor S_H, we find deviations from LTE in Fe I ranging from 0.00 (S_H = infinity) to 0.46 dex (S_H = 0 for HD140283) in the logarithmic abundances while Fe II follows LTE. With the exception of Procyon, for which a mild temperature correction is needed to fulfil the ionization balance, excellent consistency is obtained for the metal-poor reference stars if Balmer profile temperatures are combined with S_H = 3. The correct choice of collisional damping parameters ("van-der-Waals" constants) is found to be generally more important for these little evolved metal-poor stars than considering departures from LTE. For the Sun the calibrated value for S_H leads to average Fe I non-LTE corrections of 0.02 dex and a mean abundance from Fe I lines of log epsilon(Fe) = 7.49 \pm 0.08. We confront the deduced stellar parameters with comparable spectroscopic analyses by other authors which also rely on the iron ionization equilibrium as a gravity indicator. On the basis of the HIPPARCOS astrometry our results are shown to be an order of magnitude more precise than published data sets, both in terms of offset and star-to-star scatter.Comment: 13 pages, 7 tables, 5 figures, accepted by A&

    The neon content of nearby B-type stars and its implications for the solar model problem

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    The recent downward revision of the solar photospheric abundances now leads to severe inconsistencies between the theoretical predictions for the internal structure of the Sun and the results of helioseismology. There have been claims that the solar neon abundance may be underestimated and that an increase in this poorly-known quantity could alleviate (or even completely solve) this problem. Early-type stars in the solar neighbourhood are well-suited to testing this hypothesis because they are the only stellar objects whose absolute neon abundance can be derived from the direct analysis of photospheric lines. Here we present a fully homogeneous NLTE abundance study of the optical Ne I and Ne II lines in a sample of 18 nearby, early B-type stars, which suggests log epsilon(Ne)=7.97+/-0.07 dex (on the scale in which log epsilon[H]=12) for the present-day neon abundance of the local ISM. Chemical evolution models of the Galaxy only predict a very small enrichment of the nearby interstellar gas in neon over the past 4.6 Gyr, implying that our estimate should be representative of the Sun at birth. Although higher by about 35% than the new recommended solar abundance, such a value appears insufficient by itself to restore the past agreement between the solar models and the helioseismological constraints.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 14 pages, contains colour figure