74 research outputs found

    The Perturbation of Material Density in F(R) Modified Gravity of Polynomial Exponential Form

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    This paper investigates the linear perturbation of material density of universe in f(R) modified gravity of polynomial exponential form on the scale of distance below the cosmic horizon (sub-horizon). The results show that the model for the evolution of universe is slightly different from that in the ΛCDM standard cosmological model. These can be used to show the difference of this modified gravitational model with the ΛCMD standard cosmological model and other cosmological models. We also investigate the ration of Ψ/ Φ and Geff / GN in the model and show that they are within allowable limits of experiments. Keywords: Linear perturbation; modified gravity; polynomial exponential form; material density of universe. DOI: 10.7176/APTA/78-05 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Some Interesting Consequences From Newton’s Modified Expression of Gravitational Force in the Vector Model for Gravitational Field

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    In this paper, based on the Vector model for gravitational field we show some interest- ing consequences from Newton’s modified expression of gravitational force: dividing the space into regions around galaxies, maximal size of stable galaxies

    General one-loop formulas for HffˉγH\rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma and its applications

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    We present general one-loop contributions to the decay processes HffˉγH\rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma including all possible the exchange of the additional heavy vector gauge bosons, heavy fermions, and charged (also neutral) scalar particles in the loop diagrams. As a result, the analytic results are valid in a wide class of beyond the standard models. Analytic formulas for the form factors are expressed in terms of Passarino-Veltman functions in the standard notations of {\tt LoopTools}. Hence, the decay rates can be computed numerically by using this package. The computations are then applied to the cases of the standard model, U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L} extension of the standard model as well as two Higgs doublet model. Phenomenological results of the decay processes for all the above models are studied. We observe that the effects of new physics are sizable contributions and these can be probed at future colliders.Comment: 32 page


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    Highly dispersed BaTiO3 nanospheres with a uniform particle size were synthesized with the hydrothermal method. The influence of Ba/Ti molar ratios on the formation of BaTiO3 nanospheres was studied by analyzing the XRD and SEM data. The TiO2·H2O synthesized with the sulfuric acid method assisted by ultrasonication was used as a starting material. Highly dispersed BaTiO3 nanospheres with an average size of about 100 nm were obtained at 200 °C in 12 hours with a Ba/Ti ratio of 1.5. The Ba/Ti ratios have a strong influence on the formation of nano BaTiO3 and the phase transition. The particle size increases with the Ba/Ti ratio, while the uniformity decreases.Vật liệu BaTiO3 nano hình cầu phân tán cao với kích thước đồng đều được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp thủy nhiệt. Ảnh hưởng của tỉ lệ mol Ba/Ti lên sự hình thành vật liệu được nghiên cứu bằng cách phân tích dữ liệu XRD và SEM. TiO2·nH2O tổng hợp bằng phương pháp axit sunfuric với sự hỗ trợ sóng siêu âm được sử dụng làm nguyên liệu ban đầu. Vật liệu nano BaTiO3 hình cầu với độ phân tán cao và kích thước trung bình khoảng 100 nm đã thu được tại 200 °C trong 12 giờ với tỉ lệ Ba/Ti = 1,5. Tỷ lệ Ba/Ti ảnh hưởng mạnh đến sự hình thành BaTiO3 nano hình cầu với quá trình chuyển pha. Khi tăng tỉ lệ Ba/Ti, kích thước hạt tăng và tính đồng nhất giảm

    Structural and electronic properties of hydrogen - functionalized armchair germanene nanoribbons: A first-principles study

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    Structural and electronic properties of armchair germanene nanoribbons functionalized by hydrogen atoms (H-AGeNR) are studied through density functional theory (DFT) method. The DFT quantities for analyzing the structural and electronic properties are fully developed through the DFT calculations, including the functionalization energy, relaxed geometric parameters, orbital- and atom-decomposed energy bands, electronic density of states, charge density, and charge density difference. Under hydrogen functionalization, the functionalization energy is achieved at -2.59 eV, and the structural parameters are slightly distorted. This provides evidence of good structural stability of the functionalized system. Besides, the very strong bonds of H-Ge are created because the electrons are transfered from Ge atoms to H adatoms, which induces hole density in the functionalized system, which is regarded as p-type doping. As a result, the π bonds of 4pz orbitals at low-lying energy are fully terminated by the strong H-Ge covalent bonds, in which the strong hybridizations of H-1s and Ge-(4s, 4px, 4py, and 4pz) orbitals have occurred at deep valence band. The termination of π bonds leads to the opened energy gap of 2.01 eV in the H-functionalized system that belongs to the p-type semiconductor. The enriched properties of the H-functionalized system identify that the H-functionalized system..


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    In this paper, silver nanowires were prepared with the polyol method under ultrasonication. The optimal concentration of polyvinyl pyrrolidone in the reaction mixture was also determined. These nanowires were characterized with the XRD, SEM, and UV-Vis techniques. The conductive solution possesses a low resistance, good adhesion, high flexibility, and thermal stability. The solution was utilized to fabricate a conductive film, which might open up new technology applications.Trong bài báo này, sợi nano bạc đã được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp polyol dưới tác động của siêu âm. Đã xác định được nồng độ tối ưu của polyvinyl pyrrolidone cho quá trình chế tạo dung dịch. Sản phẩm sợi nano được khảo sát bằng kỹ thuật XRD, SEM và UV-Vis. Dung dịch dẫn điện có điện trở thấp, bám dính tốt, tính linh hoạt cao và ổn định nhiệt. Dung dịch này đã được sử dụng để chế tạo màng dẫn điện. Sản phẩm có thể mở ra một hướng mới cho các ứng dụng công nghệ sau này

    EFSA BIOHAZ Panel (EFSA Panel on Biologicial Hazards), 2013. Scientific Opinion on the public health hazards to be covered by inspection of meat (solipeds)

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    A risk ranking process identified Trichinella spp. as the most relevant biological hazard in the context of meat inspection of domestic solipeds. Without a full and reliable soliped traceability system, it is considered that either testing all slaughtered solipeds for Trichinella spp., or inactivation meat treatments (heat or irradiation) should be used to maintain the current level of safety. With regard to general aspects of current meat inspection practices, the use of manual techniques during current post-mortem soliped meat inspection may increase microbial cross-contamination, and is considered to have a detrimental effect on the microbiological status of soliped carcass meat. Therefore, the use of visual-only inspection is suggested for “non-suspect” solipeds. For chemical hazards, phenylbutazone and cadmium were ranked as being of high potential concern. Monitoring programmes for chemical hazards should be more flexible and based on the risk of occurrence, taking into account Food Chain Information (FCI), covering the specific on-farm environmental conditions and individual animal treatments, and the ranking of chemical substances, which should be regularly updated and include new hazards. Sampling, testing and intervention protocols for chemical hazards should be better integrated and should focus particularly on cadmium, phenylbutazone and priority “essential substances” approved for treatment of equine animals. Implementation and enforcement of a more robust and reliable identification system throughout the European Union is needed to improve traceability of domestic solipeds. Meat inspection is recognised as a valuable tool for surveillance and monitoring of animal health and welfare conditions. If visual only post-mortem inspection is implemented for routine slaughter, a reduction in the detection of strangles and mild cases of rhodococcosis would occur. However, this was considered unlikely to affect the overall surveillance of both diseases. Improvement of FCI and traceability were considered as not having a negative effect on animal health and welfare surveillance

    Management of chronic hepatitis B in childhood: ESPGHAN clinical practice guidelines: Consensus of an expert panel on behalf of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

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    More than 360 million persons worldwide (6% of the world population) are chronically infected by the hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Although the incidence of HBV infection has dramatically declined since the implementation of universal immunization programs in several countries and blood-donor screening, a significant number of children are still infected each year, often developing chronic infection and requiring appropriate followup [1]. Despite a rather benign course of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) during childhood and adolescence, 3-5% and 0.01-0.03% of chronic carriers develop cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), respectively, before adulthood [2,3]. Such a risk for HCC rises to 9-24% when considering the whole lifetime, with an incidence of cirrhosis of 2-3% per year [4,5]. Worldwide universal vaccination remains the goal for eliminating HBV infection and its complications. Treatment of CHB in childhood has been hampered by the chronic delay in licensing new drugs for pediatric use. Safe and effective antiviral therapies are available in adults, but few are labeled for the use in children, and an accurate selection of whom to treat and the identification of the right timing for treatment are needed to optimize response and reduce the risk of antiviral resistance. Although several guidelines on the management of adult patients with CHB have been published by major international societies, the clinical approach to infected children is still evolving, and is mostly based on consensus of expert opinion [6-9]