556 research outputs found

    End point determination for spent nuclear fuel drying operations

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    When spent nuclear fuel is being dried ahead of either interim storage or long term disposal it is necessary to be able to confirm that the required level of dryness has been achieved. This has typically involved a vacuum rebound test however this method has certain limitations in terms of both reliability of the result and also by introducing an additional step that is time consuming and depending on the drying system used requires additional equipment at high system cost. It would be preferable if the end point and requisite dryness could be confirmed from online data readings recorded during the drying process. This paper presents the results of a number of vacuum drying tests using a benchtop drying rig in which online dew point, temperature, pressure and mass flow rate readings were compared to the results of vacuum rebound tests. Mass flow rate, pressure and dew point readings all showed cliff edge behaviour as the drying process progressed. Flow rate provided a good indicator of progress however it was clear from the behaviour that the resolution of the instrument was not sufficient to confirm dryness. Neither pressure nor dew point readings alone were capable of indicating whether a test would be passed successfully however it was found that in combination an envelope existed in which a vacuum rebound test was always passed. Testing of the same techniques for flowed gas drying methods was limited due to the lack of a suitable way of confirming whether dryness was achieved however there was an indication that dew point measurements would be capable of confirming that a set level of dryness had been achieved

    Endocrine disrupting chemicals and the growth of environmental health in Israel

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    Coupled biogeochemical cycles : eutrophication and hypoxia in temperate estuaries and coastal marine ecosystems

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (2011): 18–26, doi:10.1890/100008.Nutrient fluxes to coastal areas have risen in recent decades, leading to widespread hypoxia and other ecological damage, particularly from nitrogen (N). Several factors make N more limiting in estuaries and coastal waters than in lakes: desorption (release) of phosphorus (P) bound to clay as salinity increases, lack of planktonic N fixation in most coastal ecosystems, and flux of relatively P-rich, N-poor waters from coastal oceans into estuaries. During eutrophication, biogeochemical feedbacks further increase the supply of N and P, but decrease availability of silica – conditions that can favor the formation and persistence of harmful algal blooms. Given sufficient N inputs, estuaries and coastal marine ecosystems can be driven to P limitation. This switch contributes to greater far-field N pollution; that is, the N moves further and contributes to eutrophication at greater distances. The physical oceanography (extent of stratification, residence time, and so forth) of coastal systems determines their sensitivity to hypoxia, and recent changes in physics have made some ecosystems more sensitive to hypoxia. Coastal hypoxia contributes to ocean acidification, which harms calcifying organisms such as mollusks and some crustaceans.Funding was supplied in part by NOAA through the Coastal Hypoxia Research Program, by the NSF through the Biocomplexity Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles competition, and by DR Atkinson through an endowment given to Cornell University

    Structural Stability Analysis of Waste Packages Containing Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste in a Silo-type Repository

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    The structural stability of a waste package is essential for containing radioactive waste for the long term in a repository. A silo-type disposal facility would require more severe verification for the structural integrity, because of radioactive waste packages staked with several tens of meters and overburdens of crushed rocks and shotcretes. In this study, structural safety was analyzed for a silo-type repository, located approximately 100 m below sea level in Gyeongju, Korea. Finite element simulation was per -formed to investigate the influence of the loads from the backfilling materials and waste package stacks on the mechanical stress of the disposed of wastes and containers. It was identified that the current design of the waste package and the compressive strength criterion for the solidified waste would not be enough to maintain structural stability. Therefore, an enhanced criterion for the compressive strength of the solidified waste and several reinforced structural designs for the disposal concrete container were proposed to prevent failure of the waste package based on the results of parametric studies

    Reproductive ecology of interior least tern and piping plover in relation to Platte River hydrology and sandbar dynamics

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    Historical and contemporary use of large, economically important rivers by threatened and/or endangered species in the United States is a subject of great interest to a wide range of stakeholders. In a recent study of the Platte River in Nebraska, Farnsworth et al. (2017) (hereinafter referred to as “the authors” or “Farnsworth et al.”) used distributions of nest initiation dates taken mostly from human-created, off-channel habitats and a model of emergent sandbar habitat to evaluate the hypothesis that least terns (Sternula antillarum) and piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) are physiologically adapted to initiate nests concurrent with the cessation of spring river flow rises. The authors conclude that (1) these species are not now, nor were they in the past, physiologically adapted to the hydrology of the Platte River, (2) habitats in the Platte River did not, and cannot support reproductive levels sufficient to maintain species subpopulations, (3) the gap in local elevation between peak river stage and typical sandbar height, in combination with the timing of the average spring flood, creates a physical environment which limits opportunities for successful nesting and precludes persistence by either species, and (4) the presence of off-channel habitats, including human-created sand and gravel mines, natural lakes, and a playa wetland, allowed the species to expand into the Platte River basin

    DOs and DON'Ts for using climate change information for water resource planning and management: guidelines for study design

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    Water managers are actively incorporating climate change information into their long- and short-term planning processes. This is generally seen as a step in the right direction because it supplements traditional methods, providing new insights that can help in planning for a non-stationary climate. However, the continuous evolution of climate change information can make it challenging to use available information appropriately. Advice on how to use the information is not always straightforward and typically requires extended dialogue between information producers and users, which is not always feasible. To help navigate better the ever-changing climate science landscape, this review is organized as a set of nine guidelines for water managers and planners that highlight better practices for incorporating climate change information into water resource planning and management. Each DOs and DON'Ts recommendation is given with context on why certain strategies are preferable and addresses frequently asked questions by exploring past studies and documents that provide guidance, including real-world examples mainly, though not exclusively, from the United States. This paper is intended to provide a foundation that can expand through continued dialogue within and between the climate science and application communities worldwide, a two-way information sharing that can increase the actionable nature of the information produced and promote greater utility and appropriate use

    Developing resilience to England's future droughts: time for cap and trade?

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    Much of England is seriously water stressed and future droughts will present major challenges to the water industry if socially and economically damaging supply restrictions are to be avoided. Demand management is seen as a key mechanism for alleviating water stress, yet there are no truly effective incentives to encourage widespread adoption of the behavioural and technological demand management practices available. Water pricing could promote conservation, but on its own it is an inefficient tool for dealing with short term restriction in water supply. Raising prices over the short term in response to a drought is likely to be ineffectual in lowering demand sufficiently; conversely, maintaining high prices over the long term implies costs to the consumer which are needlessly high most of the time. We propose a system for developing resilience to drought in highly water stressed areas, based on a cap and trade (C&T) model. The system would represent a significant innovation in England's water market. However, international experience shows that C&T is successful in other sectors, and need not be overly complex. Here, we open the debate on how a C&T system might work in England