127 research outputs found

    Transfer immitance synthesis

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    Call number: LD2668 .R4 1966 T86

    Analysis & Visualization of EHR Patient Portal Clickstream Data

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    The purpose of this paper is the analysis of EHR clickstream data of patient portal to determine patient usage behavior. We present our analysis of patterns found in patient clickstream data. Using directed and undirected data mining approach, data can be explored to examine whether different patient groups appear to use the portal differently. We examine changes in usage over time, and also explore difference in usage, average number of clicks per session and time spent per page based on age and gender. We then use clustering to create groups that discriminate patients by their portal usage behavior. Knowledge of these usage patterns can help service providers understand the demographics and behavioral aspects of their patients, which in turn can help them develop, enhance and improve their systems to make the best use of these portals

    Explaining the Effect of Health Status on Patient Portal Use and Health System Utilization

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    Since the inception of patient portals, it has been widely assumed that portals would empower patients by increasing their participation in health decisions and subsequently reducing the burden on healthcare organizations. To investigate whether this assumption holds, we analyzed the relationship between frequency of portal use and frequency of patient clinical encounters. We found that patient portal usage is proportional to patient clinical encounters, contrary to the assumption that portal use would decrease patient encounters. Patients with poorer health tended to have more encounters and subsequently more portal usage than those with better health, who had fewer encounters, indicating a possible common factor of patientsā€™ health status. Significant differences between patients with poorer and better health status were observed for patient encounter types and portal feature usage. In addition, some portal features such as appointment scheduling, flowsheet report, medical advice, encounter details and prescription renewal were associated with fewer encounters

    A Theory of Organization-EHR Affordance Actualization

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    While organizations implement information technology (IT) to effect change, current theories of IT-associated organizational change pay insufficient attention to the change goals, the role of IT in organizational change, and the multilevel nature of change processes. We take a fresh look at IT-associated organizational change using grounded theory methods. Our longitudinal study of an electronic health record (EHR) system implementation in a multi-site medical group found user behaviors that did not fit well with existing theories. Instead, we found that they fit better with the concept of affordances from ecological psychology. In developing our affordance-based theory of IT-associated organizational change from our field data, we discovered three gaps in the affordance literature; namely, the lack of theory for (1) the process of actualizing an affordanceā€™s potential, (2) affordances in an organizational context, and (3) bundles of interrelated affordances. This paper extends the theory of affordances to handle these three gaps and, in doing so, develops a mid-range theory for EHR-associated organizational change in a healthcare organization. While the resulting theory is specific to EHR implementations, it offers a template for other mid-range affordance-actualization theories and a more general affordance-actualization lens. Our affordance-actualization lens considers the materiality of the IT artifact, the non-deterministic process by which IT leads to organizational effects, the multilevel nature of IT-associated change processes, and the intentionality of managers and users as agents of change, and thus addresses important criteria for theories of IT effects in organizations. The paper also provides practical guidance for implementing EHR systems and other organizational systems

    The microstructure of coaching practice:Behaviours and activities of an elite rugby union head coach during preparation and competition

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    The activities and behaviours of a female head coach of a national rugby union team were recorded in both training and competition, across a whole rugby season, using the newly developed Rugby Coach Activities and Behaviours Instrument (RCABI). The instrument incorporates 24 categories of behaviour, embedded within three forms of activity (training form, playing form and competitive match) and seven sub-activity types. In contrast to traditional drill-based coaching, 58.5% of training time was found to have been spent in playing form activities. Moreover, the proportion of playing form activities increased to a peak average of 83.8% in proximity to the teamā€™s annual international championship. Uniquely, one of the coachā€™s most prolific behaviours was conferring with associates (23.3%), highlighting the importance of interactions with assistant coaches, medical staff and others in shaping the coaching process. Additionally, the frequencies of key behaviours such as questioning and praise were found to vary between the different activity forms and types, raising questions about previous conceptions of effective coaching practice. The findings are discussed in the light of the Game Sense philosophy and the role of the head coach

    Current recommendations on the selection of measures for well-being

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    Measures of well-being have proliferated over the past decades. Very little guidance has been available as to which measures to use in what contexts. This paper provides a series of recommendations, based on the present state of knowledge and the existing measures available, of what measures might be preferred in which contexts. The recommendations came out of an interdisciplinary workshop on the measurement of well-being. The recommendations are shaped around the number of items that can be included in a survey, and also based on the differing potential contexts and purposes of data collection such as, for example, government surveys, or multi-use cohort studies, or studies specifically about psychological well-being. The recommendations are not intended to be definitive, but to stimulate discussion and refinement, and to provide guidance to those relatively new to the study of well-being

    Formal vs. informal coach education

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    The training of coaches is considered central to sustaining and improving the quality of sports coaching and the ongoing process of professionalisation. Sports coaches participate in a range of learning opportunities (informal to formal) that contribute to their development to varying degrees. In this article, we present our collective understanding on the varying types of learning opportunities and their contribution to coach accreditation and development. The authors presented these views (from a sports pedagogy perspective) as part of a workshop entitled "Formal vs. Informal Coach Education" at the 2007 International Council of Coach Education Master Class in Beijing. These reflections seek to stimulate the on-going, and often sterile, debate about formal versus informal coach education/learning in order to progress scholarship in coaching

    Chitin Deacetylases: Properties and Applications

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    Chitin deacetylases, occurring in marine bacteria, several fungi and a few insects, catalyze the deacetylation of chitin, a structural biopolymer found in countless forms of marine life, fungal cell and spore walls as well as insect cuticle and peritrophic matrices. The deacetylases recognize a sequence of four GlcNAc units in the substrate, one of which undergoes deacetylation: the resulting chitosan has a more regular deacetylation pattern than a chitosan treated with hot NaOH. Nevertheless plain chitin is a poor substrate, but glycolated, reprecipitated or depolymerized chitins are good ones. The marine Vibrio sp. colonize the chitin particles and decompose the chitin thanks to the concerted action of chitinases and deacetylases, otherwise they could not tolerate chitosan, a recognized antibacterial biopolymer. In fact, chitosan is used to prevent infections in fishes and crustaceans. Considering that chitin deacetylases play very important roles in the biological attack and defense systems, they may find applications for the biological control of fungal plant pathogens or insect pests in agriculture and for the biocontrol of opportunistic fungal human pathogens

    Esophageal Cancer Related Gene-4 Is a Choroid Plexus-Derived Injury Response Gene: Evidence for a Biphasic Response in Early and Late Brain Injury

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    By virtue of its ability to regulate the composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the choroid plexus (CP) is ideally suited to instigate a rapid response to traumatic brain injury (TBI) by producing growth regulatory proteins. For example, Esophageal Cancer Related Gene-4 (Ecrg4) is a tumor suppressor gene that encodes a hormone-like peptide called augurin that is present in large concentrations in CP epithelia (CPe). Because augurin is thought to regulate senescence, neuroprogenitor cell growth and differentiation in the CNS, we evaluated the kinetics of Ecrg4 expression and augurin immunoreactivity in CPe after CNS injury. Adult rats were injured with a penetrating cortical lesion and alterations in augurin immunoreactivity were examined by immunohistochemistry. Ecrg4 gene expression was characterized by in situ hybridization. Cell surface augurin was identified histologically by confocal microscopy and biochemically by sub-cellular fractionation. Both Ecrg4 gene expression and augurin protein levels were decreased 24ā€“72 hrs post-injury but restored to uninjured levels by day 7 post-injury. Protein staining in the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, used as a control brain region, did not show a decrease of auguin immunoreactivity. Ecrg4 gene expression localized to CPe cells, and augurin protein to the CPe ventricular face. Extracellular cell surface tethering of 14 kDa augurin was confirmed by cell surface fractionation of primary human CPe cells in vitro while a 6ā€“8 kDa fragment of augurin was detected in conditioned media, indicating release from the cell surface by proteolytic processing. In rat CSF however, 14 kDa augurin was detected. We hypothesize the initial release and proteolytic processing of augurin participates in the activation phase of injury while sustained Ecrg4 down-regulation is dysinhibitory during the proliferative phase. Accordingly, augurin would play a constitutive inhibitory function in normal CNS while down regulation of Ecrg4 gene expression in injury, like in cancer, dysinhibits proliferation

    Proteome analysis of the Albugo candidaā€“Brassica juncea pathosystem reveals that the timing of the expression of defence-related genes is a crucial determinant of pathogenesis

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    White rust, caused by Albugo candida, is a serious pathogen of Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) and poses a potential hazard to the presently developing canola-quality B. juncea industry worldwide. A comparative proteomic study was undertaken to explore the molecular mechanisms that underlie the defence responses of Brassica juncea to white rust disease caused by the biotrophic oomycete Albugo candida. Nineteen proteins showed reproducible differences in abundance between a susceptible (RH 819) and a resistant variety (CBJ 001) of B. juncea following inoculation with A. candida. The identities of all 19 proteins were successfully established through Q-TOF MS/MS. Five of these proteins were only detected in the resistant variety and showed significant differences in their abundance at various times following pathogen inoculation in comparison to mock-inoculated plants. Among these was a thaumatin-like protein (PR-5), a protein not previously associated with the resistance of B. juncea towards A. candida. One protein, peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (PPIase) isoform CYP20-3, was only detected in the susceptible variety and increased in abundance in response to the pathogen. PPIases have recently been discovered to play an important role in pathogenesis by suppressing the host cell's immune response. For a subset of seven proteins examined in more detail, an increase in transcript abundance always preceded their induction at the proteome level. These findings are discussed within the context of the A. candidaā€“Brassica juncea pathosystem, especially in relation to host resistance to this pathogen
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