742 research outputs found

    Load balancing techniques for I/O intensive tasks on heterogeneous clusters

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    Load balancing schemes in a cluster system play a critically important role in developing highperformance cluster computing platform. Existing load balancing approaches are concerned with the effective usage of CPU and memory resources. I/O-intensive tasks running on a heterogeneous cluster need a highly effective usage of global I/O resources, previous CPU-or memory-centric load balancing schemes suffer significant performance drop under I/O- intensive workload due to the imbalance of I/O load. To solve this problem, Zhang et al. developed two I/O-aware load-balancing schemes, which consider system heterogeneity and migrate more I/O-intensive tasks from a node with high I/O utilization to those with low I/O utilization. If the workload is memory-intensive in nature, the new method applies a memory-based load balancing policy to assign the tasks. Likewise, when the workload becomes CPU-intensive, their scheme leverages a CPU-based policy as an efficient means to balance the system load. In doing so, the proposed approach maintains the same level of performance as the existing schemes when I/O load is low or well balanced. Results from a trace-driven simulation study show that, when a workload is I/O-intensive, the proposed schemes improve the performance with respect to mean slowdown over the existing schemes by up to a factor of 8. In addition, the slowdowns of almost all the policies increase consistently with the system heterogeneity

    Development-induced Displacement: An Ethical and Theological Reflection on protection of the Rights of the Adivasis of Chhotanagpur, India

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    Land for the Adivasis is not just an economic resource but a spiritual resource as well. Displacement of the Adivasis from their land in the name of “national development” is unjust and unethical. Therefore, it is a violation of the rights of the Adivasi. In this thesis, I will first present the life of the Adivasis looking through their history until the present. Particularly, I will present their relationship with the land (earth), humans and the non-human world. In doing so, I will argue that the Adivasis are both victims of oppression and models of protecting the earth and nature. Secondly, I will present a theological reflection on creation using Laudato Si’ and Pope Francis’ interpretation of creation. Thirdly, I will critically analyze the present development approach of the Jharkhand government through the lens of rights-based ethics and Catholic Social Thought. Finally, I will present an alternative to the present-day approach of the government that is a “people-centered development,” or an “integral development” for the state of Jharkhand

    Vibration analysis of beam with multiple cracks

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    The present work deals with the free vibration analysis of a cracked beam with multiple transverse cracks using finite element method. In this analysis, an ‘overall additional flexibility matrix’, instead of the ‘local additional flexibility matrix’ is added to the flexibility matrix of the corresponding intact beam element to obtain the total flexibility matrix, and from there the result is compared with previous studies. The natural frequencies of free vibration of the beam with multiple cracks are computed. It is observed that with increase in number of cracks the natural frequencies decreases. The effect of cracks is more pronounced when the cracks are near to the fixed end than free end. The natural frequency decreases with increase in relative crack depth

    Application of Ant Colony optimization for MANETS

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    All networks tend to become more and more complicated. They can be wired, with lots of routers, or wireless, with lots of mobile nodes… The problem remains the same: in order to get the best from the network, there is a need to find the shortest path. The more complicated the network is, the more difficult it is to manage the routes and indicate which one is the best. The Nature gives us a solution to find the shortest path. The ants, in their necessity to find food and brings it back to the nest, manage not only to explore a vast area, but also to indicate to their peers the location of the food while bringing it back to the nest. Thus, they know where their nest is, and also their destination, without having a global view of the ground. Most of the time, they will find the shortest path and adapt to ground changes, hence proving their great efficiency toward this difficult task. The purpose of this project is to provide a clear understanding of the Ants-based algorithm, by giving a formal and comprehensive systematization of the subject. The simulation developed in Java will be a support of a deeper analysis of the factors of the algorithm, its potentialities and its limitations