203 research outputs found

    Il y a une vie après MARC

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    Interventions à la journée d\u27étude organisée en hommage à Pierre-Yves-Duchemin : Bibliothécaires et normalisation documentaire : de l\u27implication individuelle au travail dans le cadre d\u27une association ou d\u27une institution (F. Bourdon, BnF) ; L\u27évolution des règles de catalogage : ISBD consolidé et RDA (F. Leresche, BnF) ; L\u27information bibliographique enrichie et la concertation entre bibliothécaires et fournisseurs de systèmes et de données (D. Lahary, BDP du Val d\u27Oise) ; Le Département des Cartes et Plans de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, ses collections et leur traitement. (O. Loiseaux, BnF) ; Le projet BN Richelieu avec notamment l’informatisation et la base PIXML (M.-Cl. Thompson, BnF) ; De MARC à XML : les nouveaux formats (T. Clavel, Enssib) ; EAD, un standard d\u27encodage pour les descriptions de manuscrits et d\u27archives (C. Sibille, DAF) ; TEI : Text Encoding Initiative (J.-L. Benoit, ATILF)

    Restricting sugar or carbohydrate intake does not impact physical activity level or energy intake over 24 h despite changes in substrate use : A randomised crossover study in healthy men and women

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    Purpose To determine the effects of dietary sugar or carbohydrate restriction on physical activity energy expenditure, energy intake, and physiological outcomes across 24 h. Methods In a randomized, open-label crossover design, twenty-five healthy men (n = 10) and women (n = 15) consumed three diets over a 24-h period: moderate carbohydrate and sugar content (MODSUG = 50% carbohydrate [20% sugars], 15% protein, 35% fat); low sugar content (LOWSUG = 50% carbohydrate [< 5% sugars], 15% protein, 35% fat); and low carbohydrate content (LOWCHO = 8% carbohydrate [< 5% sugars], 15% protein, 77% fat). Postprandial metabolic responses to a prescribed breakfast (20% EI) were monitored under laboratory conditions before an ad libitum test lunch, with subsequent diet and physical activity monitoring under free-living conditions until blood sample collection the following morning. Results The MODSUG, LOWSUG and LOWCHO diets resulted in similar mean [95%CI] rates of both physical activity energy expenditure (771 [624, 919] vs. 677 [565, 789] vs. 802 [614, 991] kcal·d−1; p = 0.29] and energy intake (2071 [1794, 2347] vs. 2195 [1918, 2473] vs. 2194 [1890, 2498] kcal·d−1; P = 0.34), respectively. The LOWCHO condition elicited the lowest glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to breakfast (P < 0.01) but the highest 24-h increase in LDL-cholesterol concentrations (P < 0.001), with no differences between the MODSUG and LOWSUG treatments. Leptin concentrations decreased over 24-h of consuming LOWCHO relative to LOWSUG (p < 0.01). Conclusion When energy density is controlled for, restricting either sugar or total dietary carbohydrate does not modulate physical activity level or energy intake over a 24-h period (~ 19-h free-living) despite substantial metabolic changes. Clinical trials registration ID NCT03509610, https://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT0350961

    Light-level geolocators reveal spatial variations in interactions between northern fulmars and fisheries

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    Seabird−fishery interactions are a common phenomenon of conservation concern. Here, we highlight how light-level geolocators provide promising opportunities to study these interactions. By examining raw light data, it is possible to detect encounters with artificial lights atnight, while conductivity data give insight on seabird behaviour during encounters. We used geolocator data from 336 northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis tracked from 12 colonies in the North-East Atlantic and Barents Sea during the non-breeding season to (1) confirm that detections of artificial lights correspond to encounters with fishing vessels by comparing overlap between fishing effort and both the position of detections and the activity of birds during encounters, (2) assess spatial differences in the number of encounters among wintering areas and (3) test whethersome individuals forage around fishing vessels more often than others. Most (88.1%) of the track encountered artificial light at least once, with 9.5 ± 0.4 (SE) detections on average per 6 mo nonbreeding season. Encounters occurred more frequently where fishing effort was high, and birds from some colonies had higher probabilities of encountering lights at night. During encounters, fulmars spent more time foraging and less time resting, strongly suggesting that artificial lights reflect the activity of birds around fishing vessels. Inter-individual variability in the probability of encountering light was high (range: 0−68 encounters per 6 mo non-breeding season), meaning that some individuals were more often associated with fishing vessels than others, independently of their colony of origin. Our study highlights the potential of geolocators to study seabird−fisheryinteractions at a large scale and a low cost.publishedVersio

    Water-stable isotopes in the LMDZ4 general circulation model: Model evaluation for present-day and past climates and applications to climatic interpretations of tropical isotopic records

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    International audienceWe present simulations of water-stable isotopes from the LMDZ general circulation model (the LMDZ-iso GCM) and evaluate them at different time scales (synoptic to interannual). LMDZ-iso reproduces reasonably well the spatial and seasonal variations of both delta O-18 and deuterium excess. When nudged with reanalyses, LMDZ-iso is able to capture the synoptic variability of isotopes in winter at a midlatitude station, and the interannual variability in mid and high latitudes is strongly improved. The degree of equilibration between the vapor and the precipitation is strongly sensitive to kinetic effects during rain reevaporation, calling for more synchronous vapor and precipitation measurements. We then evaluate the simulations of two past climates: Last Glacial Maximum (21 ka) and Mid-Holocene (6 ka). A particularity of LMDZ-iso compared to other isotopic GCMs is that it simulates a lower d excess during the LGM over most high-latitude regions, consistent with observations. Finally, we use LMDZ-iso to explore the relationship between precipitation and delta O-18 in the tropics, and we discuss its paleoclimatic implications. We show that the imprint of uniform temperature changes on tropical delta O-18 is weak. Large regional changes in delta O-18 can, however, be associated with dynamical changes of precipitation. Using LMDZ as a test bed for reconstructing past precipitation changes through local delta O-18 records, we show that past tropical precipitation changes can be well reconstructed qualitatively but not quantitatively. Over continents, nonlocal effects make the local reconstruction even less accurate

    Low level of Fibrillarin, a ribosome biogenesis factor, is a new independent marker of poor outcome in breast cancer

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    International audienceBackground: A current critical need remains in the identification of prognostic and predictive markers in early breast cancer. It appears that a distinctive trait of cancer cells is their addiction to hyperactivation of ribosome biogenesis. Thus, ribosome biogenesis might be an innovative source of biomarkers that remains to be evaluated. Methods: Here, fibrillarin (FBL) was used as a surrogate marker of ribosome biogenesis due to its essential role in the early steps of ribosome biogenesis and its association with poor prognosis in breast cancer when overexpressed. Using 3,275 non-metastatic primary breast tumors, we analysed FBL mRNA expression levels and protein nucleolar organisation. Usage of TCGA dataset allowed transcriptomic comparison between the different FBL expression levelsrelated breast tumours. Results: We unexpectedly discovered that in addition to breast tumours expressing high level of FBL, about 10% of the breast tumors express low level of FBL. A correlation between low FBL mRNA level and lack of FBL detection at protein level using immunohistochemistry was observed. Interestingly, multivariate analyses revealed that these low FBL tumors displayed poor outcome compared to current clinical gold standards. Transcriptomic data revealed that FBL expression is proportionally associated with distinct amount of ribosomes, low FBL level being associated with low amount of ribosomes. Moreover, the molecular programs supported by low and high FBL expressing tumors were distinct. Conclusion: Altogether, we identified FBL as a powerful ribosome biogenesis-related independent marker of breast cancer outcome. Surprisingly we unveil a dual association of the ribosome biogenesis FBL factor with prognosis. These data suggest that hyper-but also hypo-activation of ribosome biogenesis are molecular traits of distinct tumors

    Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic

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    Author contributionsC.A. and J.F. designed research; C.A., B. Moe, A.T., S.D., V.S.B., B. Merkel, J.Å., and J.F. performed research; C.A., B. Moe, M.B.-F., A.T., S.D., V.S.B., B. Merkel, J.Å., J.L., C.P.-P., and J.F. analyzed data; C.A., B.M., V.S.B., and J.F. sample and data collection, data coordination and management, statistical methodology; H.S. sample and data contribution and Data coordination and management; D.G., M.B.-F., F. Amélineau, F. Angelier, T.A.-N., O.C., S.C.-D., J.D., K.E., K.E.E., A.E., G.W.G., M.G., S.A.H., H.H.H., M.K.J., Y. Kolbeinsson, Y. Krasnov, M.L., J.L., S.-H.L., B.O., A.P., C.P.-P., T.K.R., G.H.S., P.M.T., T.L.T., and P.B. sample and data contribution; A.T., P.F. and S.D. sample and data contribution and statistical methodology; J.Å. statistical methodology; J.F. supervision; and C.A., B. Moe, H.S., D.G., A.T., S.D., V.S.B., B. Merkel, J.Å., F. Amélineau, F. Angelier, T.A.-N., O.C., S.C.-D., J.D., K.E., K.E.E., A.E., P.F., G.W.G., M.G., S.A.H., H.H.H., Y. Kolbeinsson, Y. Krasnov, S.-H.L., B.O., A.P., T.K.R., G.H.S., P.M.T., T.L.L., P.B., and J.F. wrote the paper.Peer reviewe

    Transcriptional Regulation of Ribosome Components Are Determined by Stress According to Cellular Compartments in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Plants have to coordinate eukaryotic ribosomes (cytoribosomes) and prokaryotic ribosomes (plastoribosomes and mitoribosomes) production to balance cellular protein synthesis in response to environmental variations. We identified 429 genes encoding potential ribosomal proteins (RP) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Because cytoribosome proteins are encoded by small nuclear gene families, plastid RP by nuclear and plastid genes and mitochondrial RP by nuclear and mitochondrial genes, several transcriptional pathways were attempted to control ribosome amounts. Examining two independent genomic expression datasets, we found two groups of RP genes showing very different and specific expression patterns in response to environmental stress. The first group represents the nuclear genes coding for plastid RP whereas the second group is composed of a subset of cytoribosome genes coding for RP isoforms. By contrast, the other cytoribosome genes and mitochondrial RP genes show less constraint in their response to stress conditions. The two subsets of cytoribosome genes code for different RP isoforms. During stress, the response of the intensively regulated subset leads to dramatic variation in ribosome diversity. Most of RP genes have same promoter structure with two motifs at conserved positions. The stress-response of the nuclear genes coding plastid RP is related with the absence of an interstitial telomere motif known as telo box in their promoters. We proposed a model for the “ribosome code” that influences the ribosome biogenesis by three main transcriptional pathways. The first pathway controls the basal program of cytoribosome and mitoribosome biogenesis. The second pathway involves a subset of cytoRP genes that are co-regulated under stress condition. The third independent pathway is devoted to the control of plastoribosome biosynthesis by regulating both nuclear and plastid genes

    Intradermal influenza vaccination of healthy adults using a new microinjection system: a 3-year randomised controlled safety and immunogenicity trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intradermal vaccination provides direct and potentially more efficient access to the immune system via specialised dendritic cells and draining lymphatic vessels. We investigated the immunogenicity and safety during 3 successive years of different dosages of a trivalent, inactivated, split-virion vaccine against seasonal influenza given intradermally using a microinjection system compared with an intramuscular control vaccine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a randomised, partially blinded, controlled study, healthy volunteers (1150 aged 18 to 57 years at enrolment) received three annual vaccinations of intradermal or intramuscular vaccine. In Year 1, subjects were randomised to one of three groups: 3 μg or 6 μg haemagglutinin/strain/dose of inactivated influenza vaccine intradermally, or a licensed inactivated influenza vaccine intramuscularly containing 15 μg/strain/dose. In Year 2 subjects were randomised again to one of two groups: 9 μg/strain/dose intradermally or 15 μg intramuscularly. In Year 3 subjects were randomised a third time to one of two groups: 9 μg intradermally or 15 μg intramuscularly. Randomisation lists in Year 1 were stratified for site. Randomisation lists in Years 2 and 3 were stratified for site and by vaccine received in previous years to ensure the inclusion of a comparable number of subjects in a vaccine group at each centre each year. Immunogenicity was assessed 21 days after each vaccination. Safety was assessed throughout the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In Years 2 and 3, 9 μg intradermal was comparably immunogenic to 15 μg intramuscular for all strains, and both vaccines met European requirements for annual licensing of influenza vaccines. The 3 μg and 6 μg intradermal formulations were less immunogenic than intramuscular 15 μg. Safety of the intradermal and intramuscular vaccinations was comparable in each year of the study. Injection site erythema and swelling was more common with the intradermal route.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>An influenza vaccine with 9 μg of haemagglutinin/strain given using an intradermal microinjection system showed comparable immunogenic and safety profiles to a licensed intramuscular vaccine, and presents a promising alternative to intramuscular vaccination for influenza for adults younger than 60 years.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00703651.</p