30 research outputs found

    Visualization of Chronic Myocardial Infarction Using the Intravascular Contrast Agent MS-325 (Gadofosveset) in Patients

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    Aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of visualizing chronic myocardial infarction in patients using the intravascular CA MS-325 (gadofosveset, EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Mass, USA). Methods. Nine patients were enrolled in a clinical phase II multicenter trial for MRCA and perfusion imaging using MS-325. They had objective evidence of chronic myocardial infarction as visualized by previously performed late gadolinium (Gd) enhancement imaging (LGE) with a conventional extracellular Gd-DTPA CA (Magnevist, Bayer Healthcare, Germany, 0.2 mmol/kg/body weight) serving as reference standard. A prepulse-optimized LGE study was performed immediately and at several time points after injection of MS-325 (0.05 mmol/kg/body weight). The number and localization of segments demonstrating LGE with MS-325 as well as signal intensities were compared with the reference standard (Gd-DTPA). Results. Using MS-325, LGE could be detected at every time point in all 9 patients. The accuracy of LGE with MS-325 as compared to LGE with Gd-DTPA was highest 54 ± 4 minutes after contrast injection, resulting in a sensitivity of 84% with a specificity of 98%. Conclusion. The intravascular CA MS-325 has the potential to visualize chronic myocardial infarction. However, in comparison with Gd-DTPA, the transmural extent and the number of segments are smaller

    From identification to validation to gene count

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    The current GENCODE gene count of ~ 30,000, including 21,727 protein-coding and 8,483 RNA genes, is significantly lower than the 100,000 genes anticipated by early estimates. Accurate annotation of protein-coding and non-coding genes and pseudogenes is essential in calculating the true gene count and gaining insight into human evolution. As part of the GENCODE Consortium, the HAVANA team produces high quality manual gene annotation, which forms the basis for the reference gene set being used by the ENCODE project and provides a rich annotation of alternative splice variants and assignment of functional potential. However, the protein-coding potential of some splice variants is uncertain and valid splice variants can remain unannotated if they are absent from current cDNA libraries. Recent technological developments in sequencing and mass spectrometry have created a vast amount of new transcript and protein data that facilitate the identification and validation of new and existing transcripts, while harboring their own limitations and problems

    An investigation of ribosomal protein L10 gene in autism spectrum disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are severe neurodevelopmental disorders with the male:female ratio of 4:1, implying the contribution of X chromosome genetic factors to the susceptibility of ASD. The ribosomal protein L10 (RPL10) gene, located on chromosome Xq28, codes for a key protein in assembling large ribosomal subunit and protein synthesis. Two non-synonymous mutations of <it>RPL10</it>, L206M and H213Q, were identified in four boys with ASD. Moreover, functional studies of mutant RPL10 in yeast exhibited aberrant ribosomal profiles. These results provided a novel aspect of disease mechanisms for autism – aberrant processes of ribosome biosynthesis and translation. To confirm these initial findings, we re-sequenced <it>RPL10 </it>exons and quantified mRNA transcript level of <it>RPL10 </it>in our samples.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>141 individuals with ASD were recruited in this study. All <it>RPL10 </it>exons and flanking junctions were sequenced. Furthermore, mRNA transcript level of <it>RPL10 </it>was quantified in B lymphoblastoid cell lines (BLCL) of 48 patients and 27 controls using the method of SYBR Green quantitative PCR. Two sets of primer pairs were used to quantify the mRNA expression level of <it>RPL10</it>: RPL10-A and RPL10-B.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No non-synonymous mutations were detected in our cohort. Male controls showed similar transcript level of RPL10 compared with female controls (RPL10-A, U = 81, P = 0.7; RPL10-B, U = 61.5, P = 0.2). We did not observe any significant difference in RPL10 transcript levels between cases and controls (RPL10-A, U = 531, P = 0.2; RPL10-B, U = 607.5, P = 0.7).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that RPL10 has no major effect on the susceptibility to ASD.</p

    Combined magnetic resonance coronary artery imaging, myocardial perfusion and late gadolinium enhancement in patients with suspected coronary artery disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) imaging offers methods for the detection of ischemia and myocardial infarction as well as visualization of the coronary arteries (MRCA). However, a direct comparison of adenosine perfusion (PERF), late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) and MRCA or the results of their combination has not been performed. Aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility/diagnostic performance of rest/stress perfusion, late gadolinium enhancement and MRCA and their combination in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) in comparison to invasive angiography.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fifty-four patients (60 ± 10 years, 35 men, CAD 48%) underwent CMR including MRCA (steady state free precession, navigator whole heart approach, spatial resolution 0.7 × 0.7 × .0.9 mm, trigger delay and temporal resolution adjusted individually), stress PERF (adenosine 140 μg/min/kg), rest PERF (SSFP, 3 short axis, 1 saturation prepulse per slice) and LGE (3D inversion recovery technique) using Gd-BOPTA. Images were analyzed visually. Stenosis >50% in invasive angiography was considered significant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean study time was 68 ± 11 minutes. Sensitivity for PERF, LGE, MRCA and the combination of PERF/LGE and PERF/LGE/MRCA was 87%, 50%, 91%, 88% and 92%, respectively and specificity 88%, 96%, 46%, 88% and 56%, respectively. If image quality of MRCA was excellent (n = 18) the combination of MRCA/PERF/LGE yield a sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 91%. However, no test or combination improved diagnostic performance significantly compared to PERF alone.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In patients with CAD, the combination of stress PERF, LGE and MRCA is feasible. When compared to invasive angiography, adenosine stress perfusion outperforms CMR coronary angiography in direct comparison and yields the best results with non-significant improvement in combination with LGE and significant deterioration in combination with MRCA. MRCA may be of additional value only in a minority of patients with excellent image quality.</p

    The GENCODE human gene set

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    This article is part of the supplement: Beyond the Genome: The true gene count, human evolution and disease genomics, Boston, MA, USA. 11-13 October 2010.The GENCODE consortium is a sub group of the ENCODE consortium. Its aim is to provide complete annotation of genes in the human genome including protein-coding loci, non-coding loci and pseudogenes, based on experimental evidence. The final aim is for the HAVANA team to manually annotate the complete genome. This is a time-consuming process which will be completed over the course of the ENCODE project. Currently, to provide a set of annotation covering the complete genome, rather than just the regions that have been manually annotated, a merge of manual annotation from HAVANA with automatic annotation from the Ensembl automatically annotated gene set is created. This process also adds unique full-length CDS predictions from the Ensembl protein coding set into manually annotated genes, to provide the most complete up to date annotation of the genome possible. Also included in the set are short and long ncRNA genes predicted by the Ensembl prediction pipelines and a consensus set of pseudogene predictions agreed between Havana, Yale and UCSC. The CCDS set is also fully represented within the GENCODE set. The GENCODE set is the default annotation available in Ensembl and is also available in the UCSC genome browser. All the annotation is tagged as to whether it is produced by manual annotation alone, automatic annotation alone, or by both approaches. We are currently working to provide confidence levels for annotation, based on depth and type of evidence supporting it

    Landscape of transcription in human cells

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    Eukaryotic cells make many types of primary and processed RNAs that are found either in specific sub-cellular compartments or throughout the cells. A complete catalogue of these RNAs is not yet available and their characteristic sub-cellular localizations are also poorly understood. Since RNA represents the direct output of the genetic information encoded by genomes and a significant proportion of a cell’s regulatory capabilities are focused on its synthesis, processing, transport, modifications and translation, the generation of such a catalogue is crucial for understanding genome function. Here we report evidence that three quarters of the human genome is capable of being transcribed, as well as observations about the range and levels of expression, localization, processing fates, regulatory regions and modifications of almost all currently annotated and thousands of previously unannotated RNAs. These observations taken together prompt to a redefinition of the concept of a gene

    Insights into hominid evolution from the gorilla genome sequence.

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    Gorillas are humans' closest living relatives after chimpanzees, and are of comparable importance for the study of human origins and evolution. Here we present the assembly and analysis of a genome sequence for the western lowland gorilla, and compare the whole genomes of all extant great ape genera. We propose a synthesis of genetic and fossil evidence consistent with placing the human-chimpanzee and human-chimpanzee-gorilla speciation events at approximately 6 and 10 million years ago. In 30% of the genome, gorilla is closer to human or chimpanzee than the latter are to each other; this is rarer around coding genes, indicating pervasive selection throughout great ape evolution, and has functional consequences in gene expression. A comparison of protein coding genes reveals approximately 500 genes showing accelerated evolution on each of the gorilla, human and chimpanzee lineages, and evidence for parallel acceleration, particularly of genes involved in hearing. We also compare the western and eastern gorilla species, estimating an average sequence divergence time 1.75 million years ago, but with evidence for more recent genetic exchange and a population bottleneck in the eastern species. The use of the genome sequence in these and future analyses will promote a deeper understanding of great ape biology and evolution

    Improved imputation of low-frequency and rare variants using the UK10K haplotype reference panel

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    Imputing genotypes from reference panels created by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) provides a cost-effective strategy for augmenting the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) content of genome-wide arrays. The UK10K Cohorts project has generated a data set of 3,781 whole genomes sequenced at low depth (average 7x), aiming to exhaustively characterize genetic variation down to 0.1% minor allele frequency in the British population. Here we demonstrate the value of this resource for improving imputation accuracy at rare and low-frequency variants in both a UK and an Italian population. We show that large increases in imputation accuracy can be achieved by re-phasing WGS reference panels after initial genotype calling. We also present a method for combining WGS panels to improve variant coverage and downstream imputation accuracy, which we illustrate by integrating 7,562 WGS haplotypes from the UK10K project with 2,184 haplotypes from the 1000 Genomes Project. Finally, we introduce a novel approximation that maintains speed without sacrificing imputation accuracy for rare variants

    Whole-genome sequence-based analysis of thyroid function

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    Tiina Paunio on työryhmän UK10K Consortium jäsen.Normal thyroid function is essential for health, but its genetic architecture remains poorly understood. Here, for the heritable thyroid traits thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4), we analyse whole-genome sequence data from the UK10K project (N = 2,287). Using additional whole-genome sequence and deeply imputed data sets, we report meta-analysis results for common variants (MAF >= 1%) associated with TSH and FT4 (N = 16,335). For TSH, we identify a novel variant in SYN2 (MAF = 23.5%, P = 6.15 x 10(-9)) and a new independent variant in PDE8B (MAF = 10.4%, P = 5.94 x 10(-14)). For FT4, we report a low-frequency variant near B4GALT6/ SLC25A52 (MAF = 3.2%, P = 1.27 x 10(-9)) tagging a rare TTR variant (MAF = 0.4%, P = 2.14 x 10(-11)). All common variants explain >= 20% of the variance in TSH and FT4. Analysis of rare variants (MAFPeer reviewe

    TCTEX1D2 mutations underlie Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with impaired retrograde intraflagellar transport

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    Tiina Paunio on työryhmän UK10K jäsen.The analysis of individuals with ciliary chondrodysplasias can shed light on sensitive mechanisms controlling ciliogenesis and cell signalling that are essential to embryonic development and survival. Here we identify TCTEX1D2 mutations causing Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with partially penetrant inheritance. Loss of TCTEX1D2 impairs retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) in humans and the protist Chlamydomonas, accompanied by destabilization of the retrograde IFT dynein motor. We thus define TCTEX1D2 as an integral component of the evolutionarily conserved retrograde IFT machinery. In complex with several IFT dynein light chains, it is required for correct vertebrate skeletal formation but may be functionally redundant under certain conditions.Peer reviewe