172 research outputs found

    Biodegradability standards for carrier bags and plastic films in aquatic environments: a critical review

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    Plastic litter is encountered in aquatic ecosystems across the globe, including polar environments and the deep sea. To mitigate the adverse societal and ecological impacts of this waste, there has been debate on whether ‘biodegradable’ materials should be granted exemptions from plastic bag bans and levies. However, great care must be exercised when attempting to define this term, due to the broad and complex range of physical and chemical conditions encountered within natural ecosystems. Here, we review existing international industry standards and regional test methods for evaluating the biodegradability of plastics within aquatic environments (wastewater, unmanaged freshwater and marine habitats). We argue that current standards and test methods are insufficient in their ability to realistically predict the biodegradability of carrier bags in these environments, due to several shortcomings in experimental procedures and a paucity of information in the scientific literature. Moreover, existing biodegradability standards and test methods for aquatic environments do not involve toxicity testing or account for the potentially adverse ecological impacts of carrier bags, plastic additives, polymer degradation products or small (microscopic) plastic particles that can arise via fragmentation. Successfully addressing these knowledge gaps is a key requirement for developing new biodegradability standard(s) for lightweight carrier bags

    Benefits of dry comminution of biomass pellets in a knife mill

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    The potential benefits of dry comminution in a knife mill for a diverse range of biomass 6 pellets are explored. The impact of dry comminution on energy consumption, particle size and shape, 7 is examined as well as the link between milling and mechanical durability. Biomass pellet comminution 8 energy was significantly lower (19.3-32.5 kW h t-1 [fresh] and 17.8-23.2 kW h t-1 [dry]) than values 9 reported in literature for non-densified biomass in similar knife mills. The impact of drying was found 10 to vary by feedstock. Dry grinding reduced milling energy by 38% for mixed wood pellets, but only 2% 11 for steam exploded pellets. Particle size and shape, particle distribution dispersion, and distribution 12 shape parameters changes between fresh and dry milling were also material dependent. Von Rittinger 13 analysis showed that to maximise mill throughput, pellets should be composed of particles which can 14 pass through the screen and thus have a neutral size change. A strong correlation was found between 15 pellet durability and energy consumption for fresh biomass pellets. Dry grinding has the potential to 16 significantly reduce energy consumption without compromising the product particle size, as well as 17 enhancing product quality and optimising biomass pellet comminution and combustion

    Experiments on torrefied wood pellet: study by gasification and characterization for waste biomass to energy applications

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    Samples of torrefied wood pellet produced by low-temperature microwave pyrolysis were tested through a series of experiments relevant to present and near future waste to energy conversion technologies. Operational performance was assessed using a modern small-scale downdraft gasifier. Owing to the pellet's shape and surface hardness, excellent flow characteristics were observed. The torrefied pellet had a high energy density, and although a beneficial property, this highlighted the present inflexibility of downdraft gasifiers in respect of feedstock tolerance due to the inability to contain very high temperatures inside the reactor during operation. Analyses indicated that the torrefaction process had not significantly altered inherent kinetic properties to a great extent; however, both activation energy and pre-exponential factor were slightly higher than virgin biomass from which the pellet was derived. Thermogravimetric analysis-derived reaction kinetics (CO2 gasification), bomb calorimetry, proximate and ultimate analyses, and the Bond Work Index grindability test provided a more comprehensive characterization of the torrefied pellet's suitability as a fuel for gasification and also other combustion applications. It exhibited significant improvements in grindability energy demand and particle size control compared to other non-treated and thermally treated biomass pellets, along with a high calorific value, and excellent resistance to water

    A laboratory study on cold-mix, cold-lay emulsion mixtures

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    This paper describes laboratory experiments and presents results for the performances of cold-mix, cold-lay emulsion mixtures. The main objective of the experiments was to evaluate and improve the properties of the cold mixtures. The mixture properties evaluated were: volumetric properties, indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM), repeated load axial creep and fatigue. These properties were compared with conventional hot asphalt mixtures not containing any waste/recycled materials. To optimise the performances of the mixtures, a target of ITSM value of 2000 MPa was selected. At full curing conditions, the stiffness of the cold mixes was found to be very similar to that of hot mixtures of the same penetration grade base bitumen (100 pen). Test results also show that the addition of 1–2% cement significantly improved the mechanical performance of the mixes and significantly accelerated their strength gain. The fatigue behaviour of the cold mixes that incorporated cement was comparable with that of the hot mixtures

    Overcoming the caking phenomenon in olive mill wastes

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    The use of olive mill wastes (orujillo) within coal fired power stations in the UK has led to unexpected difficulties with material caking within the fuel handling plant. This study replicated orujillo caking on a laboratory scale using a planetary ball mill and explored the impact of mill parameters (speed, volume, and duration) on the caking phenomenon. The impact of orujillo composition was examined for 4 sections of fresh and dried orujillo (whole, pulp 0-850 µm, pulp 850-3350 µm, and cluster 3350 µm+) for set milling conditions. Caking was induced by heat generation within the mill and was most prevalent in the pulp section of orujillo. Caking was brought on by a glass transition step, which was measured to be around 97-98 °C for a moisture content of 6-7% in a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Caking was the result of the bulk moisture content (14-18%) being higher than the standard moisture content of orujillo (< 12%), and can be mitigated through drying. Thus the key to overcoming orujillo caking in fuel handling plants is through moisture content control. Additionally, as the caking issue is most prevalent in the pulp section, all fines below the required combustion particle size (typically < 1 mm) should be removed prior to comminution and sent directly to the burner. This would also reduce the comminution load by nearly 50%, increase the energy potential of the fuel, and remove the most problematic section of orujillo from the fuel handling plant

    Contamination of indoor air by toxic soil vapours: the effects of subfloor ventilation and other protective measures

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in the journal Building and Environment. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0360-1323(97)00053-XA steady-state analytical model is derived for estimating the concentration of vapour-phase contaminants in indoor air in houses with subfloor voids, given the contaminant concentration in bulk soil. The model includes the key mechanisms of transport and dispersion—contaminant partitioning into the soil-vapour phase, molecular diffusion, suction flow, stack effect, and ventilation, including contaminant transport by ventilation flow between subfloor void and living space. Using the model, different construction styles are examined from the point of view of their resistance to ingress of soil gases. Model results indicate that indoor air concentration depends strongly on wind velocity and on geometrical parameters of void and living space. Worked examples for houses of different construction styles illustrate the effects of wind velocity and house parameters on the concentration of benzene in soil that would give rise to its maximum permissible concentration in indoor air. Brief consideration is also given to concrete raft foundations and clean cover systems

    Specifying enough light to feel reassured on pedestrian footpaths

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    This article discusses lighting for pedestrians and how investigation of reassurance might lead toward an understanding of the right amount of light. A conventional approach is to evaluate reassurance after dark under road lighting of different illuminance: this tends to show the trivial result that higher illuminances enhance reassurance, and that alone does not enable an optimum light level to be identified. One reason is that the category rating procedure widely used is prone to stimulus range bias; experimental results are presented that demonstrate stimulus range bias in reassurance evaluations. This article also recommends alternative methods for future research. One such method is the day–dark rating approach, which does not tend toward ever higher illuminances, and results are presented of two studies using this method