91 research outputs found


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    This project has as aim to adapt innovative significant pedagogical experiences for the teaching of developed sciences in scholar institutions in Bogotá for generating, implementing and evaluating a curricular program as a workshop in service course. The workshop course is sustained methodologically in the designed and development of learning environment based on case study of pedagogical and learning innovation from problematic situations which are key in the environment the didactic of sciences: contemporary epistemology of sciences, objectives for the teaching of sciences, representational re-description, students’ project of investigations, and integration of the ICTs in the teaching-learning process.El presente proyecto tiene por objetivo adaptar experiencias pedagógicas innovadoras significativas para la enseñanza de las ciencias desarrolladas en instituciones escolares de Bogotá para generar, implementar y evaluar un programa curricular tipo curso-taller semipresencial. El curso taller se fundamenta metodológicamente en el diseño y desarrollo de ambientes de aprendizaje basados en estudios de casos de innovaciones pedagógicas y el aprendizaje a partir de situaciones problémicas ejemplares de la cada innovación y que son claves en el ámbito de la didáctica de las ciencias: epistemología contemporánea de las ciencias, objetivos de la enseñanza de las ciencias, redescripción representacional, proyectos de investigación de los estudiantes, integración de TICs a los procesos de enseñanza/aprendizaje. A fin de diseñar los ambientes de aprendizaje los investigadores trabajan con un selecto grupo de maestros en el diseño de guías de aprendizaje que integran actividades on-line previas y posteriores a la sesión presencial las cuales incluyen cuestionarios de elicitación de ideas previas, artículos de revistas de didáctica de las ciencias on-line, materiales creados por los propios maestros, etc

    Ribosome engineering reveals the importance of 5S rRNA autonomy for ribosome assembly

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    5S rRNA is an indispensable component of cytoplasmic ribosomes in all species. The functions of 5S rRNA and the reasons for its evolutionary preservation as an independent molecule remain unclear. Here we used ribosome engineering to investigate whether 5S rRNA autonomy is critical for ribosome function and cell survival. By linking circularly permutated 5S rRNA with 23S rRNA we generated a bacterial strain devoid of free 5S rRNA. Viability of the engineered cells demonstrates that autonomous 5S rRNA is dispensable for cell growth under standard conditions and is unlikely to have essential functions outside the ribosome. The fully assembled ribosomes carrying 23S-5S rRNA are highly active in translation. However, the engineered cells accumulate aberrant 50S subunits unable to form stable 70S ribosomes. Cryo-EM analysis revealed a malformed peptidyl transferase center in the misassembled 50S subunits. Our results argue that the autonomy of 5S rRNA is preserved due to its role in ribosome biogenesis

    Percepciones de mujeres relacionadas a la gestación y parto que participaron de grupos sobre el embarazo para la elaboración de planes de parto

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    Objetivo: Descrever percepções de mulheres relacionadas à gestação e parto que participaram de grupos de gestantes para elaboração de planos de parto. Métodos: Estudo descritivo qualitativo com 106 gestantes de 21 Unidades Básicas de Saúde. Os dados submetidos à análise de conteúdo conforme Bardin e representados por meio de “nuvens de palavras”. Resultados: Este artigo é o resultado da análise das informações sobre percepções relacionadas à gestação e ao processo de parto compiladas durante as discussões em grupos de gestantes formados para elaboração de seus planos de parto. Identificaram-se cinco categorias: Percepções sobre a gestação; A idealização do bebê e os preparativos para sua chegada; Percepções sobre o parto; Expectativas para a vivência do parto; Apoio humano durante o parto. Conclusão: A ansiedade foi a percepção mais frequente relacionada à gestação; o bebê foi idealizado como um ser saudável que necessita ser cuidado; cuidados e despesas necessitam ser planejadas; o parto é percebido como acontecimento único cuja dor é recompensada com o nascimento do bebê; as formas de cuidado referidas pelas mulheres se relacionaram exclusivamente ao apoio humano.Objective: The aim of this study was describe the women´s perception related to pregnancy and delivery that enrolled pregnancy care groups to elaborate a delivery plan. Methodology: This is a qualitative study with 106 pregnant women treated in 21 different Basic Health Centers. The data were submitted to Content Analysis by Bardin and represented by “word clouds”. Results: This study is a result of the analysis of information about perceptions related to the pregnancy and the delivery process compiled during discussions in pregnancy groups formed to elaborate the delivery plan. It was identified five categories: perceptions about pregnancy; the idealization of the baby and the preparation to his arrival; perceptions about the delivery; expectation about the delivery experience; human support during the delivery. Conclusion: The anxiety was the perception that appeared with more frequency related to the pregnancy; the baby was idealized as a health human being that need care; the care and the expenses need to be planned; the delivery is perceived as an event unique in which the pain is rewarded with the birth of the baby; the ways of care refered by women were related exclusively to the human support.Objetivo: Describir percepciones de mujeres relacionadas a la gestación y parto que participaron de grupos sobre el embarazo para la elaboración de planes de parto. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo cualitativo con 106 mujeres embarazadas de 21 Unidades Básicas de Salud. Los datos sometidos al análisis de contenido conforme Bardin y representados por medio de "nubes de palabras". Resultados: Este artículo es el resultado del análisis de las informaciones sobre percepciones relacionadas a la gestación y al proceso de parto compiladas durante las discusiones en grupos sobre el embarazo formados para la elaboración de sus planes de parto. Se identificaron cinco categorías: Percepciones sobre el embarazo; La idealización del bebé y los preparativos para su llegada; Percepciones sobre el parto; Expectativas para la vivencia del parto; Apoyo humano durante el parto. Conclusión: La ansiedad fue la percepción más frecuente relacionada al embarazo; el bebé fue idealizado como un ser sano que necesita ser cuidado; los cuidados y los gastos deben planificarse; el parto es percibido como un acontecimiento único cuyo dolor es recompensado con el nacimiento del bebé; las formas de cuidado referidas por las mujeres se relacionaron exclusivamente con el apoyo humano

    Novel Multifunctional Materials Based on Oxide Thin Films and Artificial Heteroepitaxial Multilayers

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    Transition metal oxides show fascinating physical properties such as high temperature superconductivity, ferro- and antiferromagnetism, ferroelectricity or even multiferroicity. The enormous progress in oxide thin film technology allows us to integrate these materials with semiconducting, normal conducting, dielectric or non-linear optical oxides in complex oxide heterostructures, providing the basis for novel multi-functional materials and various device applications. Here, we report on the combination of ferromagnetic, semiconducting, metallic, and dielectric materials properties in thin films and artificial heterostructures using laser molecular beam epitaxy. We discuss the fabrication and characterization of oxide-based ferromagnetic tunnel junctions, transition metal-doped semiconductors, intrinsic multiferroics, and artificial ferroelectric/ferromagetic heterostructures - the latter allow for the detailed study of strain effects, forming the basis of spin-mechanics. For characterization we use X-ray diffraction, SQUID magnetometry, magnetotransport measurements, and advanced methods of transmission electron microscopy with the goal to correlate macroscopic physical properties with the microstructure of the thin films and heterostructures.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures (2 figures added, typos corrected

    SN 2022crv: IIb, Or Not IIb: That is the Question

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    We present optical and near-infrared observations of SN~2022crv, a stripped envelope supernova in NGC~3054, discovered within 12 hrs of explosion by the Distance Less Than 40 Mpc Survey. We suggest SN~2022crv is a transitional object on the continuum between SNe Ib and SNe IIb. A high-velocity hydrogen feature (\sim-20,000 -- -16,000 kms1\rm km\,s^{-1}) was conspicuous in SN~2022crv at early phases, and then quickly disappeared around maximum light. By comparing with hydrodynamic modeling, we find that a hydrogen envelope of 103\sim 10^{-3} \msun{} can reproduce the behaviour of the hydrogen feature observed in SN~2022crv. The early light curve of SN~2022crv did not show envelope cooling emission, implying that SN~2022crv had a compact progenitor with extremely low amount of hydrogen. The analysis of the nebular spectra shows that SN~2022crv is consistent with the explosion of a He star with a final mass of \sim4.5 -- 5.6 \msun{} that has evolved from a \sim16 -- 22 \msun{} zero-age main sequence star in a binary system with about 1.0 -- 1.7 \msun{} of oxygen finally synthesized in the core. The high metallicity at the supernova site indicates that the progenitor experienced a strong stellar wind mass loss. In order to retain a small amount of residual hydrogen at such a high metallicity, the initial orbital separation of the binary system is likely larger than \sim1000~R\rm R_{\odot}. The near-infrared spectra of SN~2022crv show a unique absorption feature on the blue side of He I line at \sim1.005~μ\mum. This is the first time that such a feature has been observed in a Type Ib/IIb, and could be due to \ion{Sr}{2}. Further detailed modelling on SN~2022crv can shed light on the progenitor and the origin of the mysterious absorption feature in the near infrared.Comment: 33 pages, 23 figures, submitted to Ap

    Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds

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    Plastic pollution is distributed patchily around the world’s oceans. Likewise, marine organisms that are vulnerable to plastic ingestion or entanglement have uneven distributions. Understanding where wildlife encounters plastic is crucial for targeting research and mitigation. Oceanic seabirds, particularly petrels, frequently ingest plastic, are highly threatened, and cover vast distances during foraging and migration. However, the spatial overlap between petrels and plastics is poorly understood. Here we combine marine plastic density estimates with individual movement data for 7137 birds of 77 petrel species to estimate relative exposure risk. We identify high exposure risk areas in the Mediterranean and Black seas, and the northeast Pacific, northwest Pacific, South Atlantic and southwest Indian oceans. Plastic exposure risk varies greatly among species and populations, and between breeding and non-breeding seasons. Exposure risk is disproportionately high for Threatened species. Outside the Mediterranean and Black seas, exposure risk is highest in the high seas and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of the USA, Japan, and the UK. Birds generally had higher plastic exposure risk outside the EEZ of the country where they breed. We identify conservation and research priorities, and highlight that international collaboration is key to addressing the impacts of marine plastic on wide-ranging species

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Seabird Migration Strategies: Flight Budgets, Diel Activity Patterns, and Lunar Influence

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    Every year, billions of birds undertake extensive migrations between breeding and non-breeding areas, facing challenges that require behavioural adjustments, particularly to flight timing and duration. Such adjustments in daily activity patterns and the influence of extrinsic factors (e.g., environmental conditions, moonlight) have received much more research attention in terrestrial than marine migrants. Taking advantage of the widespread deployment in recent decades of combined light-level geolocator-immersion loggers, we investigated diel organisation and influence of the moon on flight activities during the non-breeding season of 21 migrant seabird species from a wide taxonomic range (6 families, 3 orders). Migrant seabirds regularly stopped (to either feed or rest) during migration, unlike some terrestrial and wetland birds which fly non-stop. We found an overall increase for most seabird species in time in flight and, for several species, also in flight bout duration, during migration compared to when resident at the non-breeding grounds. Additionally, several nocturnal species spent more of the day in flight during migration than at non-breeding areas, and vice versa for diurnal species. Nocturnal time in flight tended to increase during full moon, both during migration and at the non-breeding grounds, depending on species. Our study provides an extensive overview of activity patterns of migrant seabirds, paving the way for further research on the underlying mechanisms and drivers.</jats:p