26 research outputs found

    International criminal justice: a dialogue between two cultures

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    The implementation of the idea that individuals, wherever they are and regardless of their official status, may be accountable for crimes against humanity breaks away from the Westphalian paradigm that each State is responsible for prosecuting (or not) its citizens. After the Cold War, several international criminal jurisdictions were created, namely the ad hoc courts for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda and a permanent criminal jurisdiction, the International Criminal Court (ICC). Power no longer serves as a means for impunity in the same way. Those leaders involved in conflicts have learned to fear international criminal justice as a “sword of Damocles”. On the other hand, the creation of international criminal jurisdictions has become a means to consolidate peace in post-conflict situations so as to restore justice

    O Timor Gap e a economia de Timor Leste

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    Grande parte da riqueza mineral do Mar de Timor está localizada no chamado TimorGap. Estimativas sobre o seu valor variam, mas as três principais reservas petrolíferasno Gap — Sunset, Bayu-Udan e Elang-Kakatua (ver mapa) — contêm um total previstode 500 milhões de barris, no valor de 17 mil milhões de USD a preços actuais(The Economist, 02/10/2000). Só Bayu-Undan contém reservas recuperáveis estimadasem 400 milhões de barris de petróleo bruto e de LPG, e 3,4 triliões de pés cúbicosde gás natural (Dow Jones 27/06/2000). Estas projecções suportariam uma produçãode petróleo de aproximadamente 110 mil barris por dia (ver site http://www.nt.gov.au/ord).Calcula-se a duração das reservas para 25 anos, iniciando-se a exploração em2003, e gerando lucros na ordem dos 300 milhões de USD por ano, provenientesde direitos de exploração e impostos (Phillips Petroleum Company 12/03/1999)

    Literary criticism in Brazil

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    O Boi-Bumbá de Parintins, Amazonas: breve história e etnografia da festa

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    Brazilian poetry from Modernism to the 1990s

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    The Brazilian theatre up to 1900

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