1,371 research outputs found

    Microtubule-severing enzymes: From cellular functions to molecular mechanism.

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    Microtubule-severing enzymes generate internal breaks in microtubules. They are conserved in eukaryotes from ciliates to mammals, and their function is important in diverse cellular processes ranging from cilia biogenesis to cell division, phototropism, and neurogenesis. Their mutation leads to neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders in humans. All three known microtubule-severing enzymes, katanin, spastin, and fidgetin, are members of the meiotic subfamily of AAA ATPases that also includes VPS4, which disassembles ESCRTIII polymers. Despite their conservation and importance to cell physiology, the cellular and molecular mechanisms of action of microtubule-severing enzymes are not well understood. Here we review a subset of cellular processes that require microtubule-severing enzymes as well as recent advances in understanding their structure, biophysical mechanism, and regulation

    What makes community-based physical activity programs for culturally and linguistically diverse older adults effects? : a systematic review

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    Objective: This integrative review aimed to determine the features of effective physical activity programs for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) older adults. Methods: We searched for relevant articles in MEDLINE, PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus and CINAHL. Articles were selected for evaluation if they included CALD older adults and implemented physical activity programs with culturally specific design features. Consistent with the Whittemore and Knafl integrative review methodology, we used the Downs and Black Checklist, Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool and the McMaster University appraisal tool for quantitative studies to assess the quality of included articles. Results: Seven articles were included in this review. Effective community-based exercise or physical activity programs for CALD populations commonly featured close-to-home delivery, native language instruction and adaptations of culturally familiar activities. Conclusion: The provision of culturally appropriate community-based physical activity programs appears to support and encourage engagement among CALD older adults

    Space–time clustering patterns in childhood leukaemia support a role for infection

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    Previous studies of space–time clustering in childhood leukaemia have produced equivocal and inconsistent results. To address this issue we have used Manchester Children's Tumour Registry leukaemia data in space–time clustering analyses. Knox tests for space–time interactions between cases were applied with fixed thresholds of close in space, < 5 km and close in time < 1 year apart. Addresses at birth as well as diagnosis were utilized. Tests were repeated replacing geographical distance with distance to the Nth nearest neighbour. N was chosen such that the mean distance was 5 km. Data were also examined by a second order procedure based on K-functions. All methods showed highly significant evidence of space–time clustering based on place of birth and time of diagnosis, particularly for all leukaemias aged 0–14 and 0–4 years, and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) 0–4 years. Some results based on location at diagnosis were significant but mainly gave larger P -values. The results are consistent with an infectious hypothesis. Furthermore, we found an excess of male cases over females involved in space–time pairs. We suggest this may be related to genetic differences in susceptibility to infection between males and females. These findings provide the basis for future studies to identify possible infectious agents. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Association between domestic water hardness, chlorine, and atopic dermatitis risk in early life: A population-based cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Domestic water hardness and chlorine have been suggested as important risk factors for atopic dermatitis (AD). OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine the link between domestic water calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and chlorine concentrations, skin barrier dysfunction (increased transepidermal water loss), and AD in infancy. METHODS: We recruited 1303 three-month-old infants from the general population and gathered data on domestic water CaCO3 (in milligrams per liter) and chlorine (Cl2; in milligrams per liter) concentrations from local water suppliers. At enrollment, infants were examined for AD and screened for filaggrin (FLG) skin barrier gene mutation status. Transepidermal water loss was measured on unaffected forearm skin. RESULTS: CaCO3 and chlorine levels were strongly correlated. A hybrid variable of greater than and less than median levels of CaCO3 and total chlorine was constructed: a baseline group of low CaCO3/low total chlorine (CaL/ClL), high CaCO3/low total chlorine (CaH/ClL), low CaCO3/high total chlorine (CaL/ClH) and high CaCO3/high total chlorine (CaH/ClH). Visible AD was more common in all 3 groups versus the baseline group: adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of 1.87 (95% CI, 1.25-2.80; P = .002) for the CaH/ClL group, AOR of 1.46 (95% CI, 0.97-2.21; P = .07) for the CaL/ClH, and AOR of 1.61 (95% CI, 1.09-2.38; P = .02) for the CaH/ClH group. The effect estimates were greater in children carrying FLG mutations, but formal interaction testing between water quality groups and filaggrin status was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: High domestic water CaCO3 levels are associated with an increased risk of AD in infancy. The influence of increased total chlorine levels remains uncertain. An intervention trial is required to see whether installation of a domestic device to decrease CaCO3 levels around the time of birth can reduce this risk

    Poor oral health including active caries in 187 UK professional male football players: clinical dental examination performed by dentists

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    The few studies that have assessed oral health in professional/elite football suggest poor oral health with minimal data on impact on performance. The aim of this research was to determine oral health in a representative sample of professional footballers in the UK and investigate possible determinants of oral health and self-reported impact on well-being, training and performance

    Introduction of an assessment toolkit associated with increased rate of DLB diagnosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and dementia in Parkinson's disease (PDD) are recognised to be under-recognised in clinical practice in the UK, with only one third to a half of expected cases diagnosed. We aimed to assess whether clinical diagnostic rates could be increased by the introduction of a structured assessment toolkit for clinicians. METHODS: We established baseline diagnostic rates for DLB and PDD in four memory clinics and three movement disorder/Parkinson's disease (PD) clinics in two separate geographical regions in the UK. An assessment toolkit specifically developed to assist with the recognition and diagnosis of DLB and PDD was then introduced to the same clinical teams and diagnostic rates for DLB and PDD were reassessed. For assessing DLB diagnosis, a total of 3820 case notes were reviewed before the introduction of the toolkit, and 2061 case notes reviewed after its introduction. For PDD diagnosis, a total of 1797 case notes were reviewed before the introduction of the toolkit and 3405 case notes after it. Mean values and proportions were analysed using Student's t test for independent samples and χ2 test, respectively. RESULTS: DLB was diagnosed in 4.6% of dementia cases prior to the introduction of the toolkit, and 6.2% of dementia cases afterwards, an absolute rise of 1.6%, equal to a 35% increase in the number of DLB cases diagnosed when using the toolkit (χ2 = 4.2, P = 0.041). The number of PD patients diagnosed with PDD was not found overall to be significantly different when using the toolkit: 9.6% of PD cases before and 8.2% of cases after its introduction (χ2 = 1.8, P = 0.18), though the ages of PD patients assessed after the toolkit's introduction were lower (73.9 years vs 80.0 years, t = 19.2, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Introduction of the assessment toolkit was associated with a significant increase in the rate of DLB diagnosis, suggesting that a structured means of assessing symptoms and clinical features associated with DLB can assist clinicians in recognising cases. The assessment toolkit did not alter the overall rate of PDD diagnosis, suggesting that alternate means may be required to improve the rate of diagnosis of dementia in Parkinson's disease

    Clinical prevalence of Lewy body dementia.

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and dementia in Parkinson's disease (PDD) in routine clinical practice is unclear. Prevalence rates observed in clinical and population-based cohorts and neuropathological studies vary greatly. Small sample sizes and methodological factors in these studies limit generalisability to clinical practice. METHODS: We investigated prevalence in a case series across nine secondary care services over an 18-month period, to determine how commonly DLB and PDD cases are diagnosed and reviewed within two regions of the UK. RESULTS: Patients with DLB comprised 4.6% (95% CI 4.0-5.2%) of all dementia cases. DLB was represented in a significantly higher proportion of dementia cases in services in the North East (5.6%) than those in East Anglia (3.3%; χ2 = 13.6, p < 0.01). DLB prevalence in individual services ranged from 2.4 to 5.9%. PDD comprised 9.7% (95% CI 8.3-11.1%) of Parkinson's disease cases. No significant variation in PDD prevalence was observed between regions or between services. CONCLUSIONS: We found that the frequency of clinical diagnosis of DLB varied between geographical regions in the UK, and that the prevalence of both DLB and PDD was much lower than would be expected in this case series, suggesting considerable under-diagnosis of both disorders. The significant variation in DLB diagnostic rates between these two regions may reflect true differences in disease prevalence, but more likely differences in diagnostic practice. The systematic introduction of more standardised diagnostic practice could improve the rates of diagnosis of both conditions

    THC: a new high-order finite-difference high-resolution shock-capturing code for special-relativistic hydrodynamics

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    We present THC: a new high-order flux-vector-splitting code for Newtonian and special-relativistic hydrodynamics designed for direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows. Our code implements a variety of different reconstruction algorithms, such as the popular weighted essentially non oscillatory and monotonicity-preserving schemes, or the more specialised bandwidth-optimised WENO scheme that has been specifically designed for the study of compressible turbulence. We show the first systematic comparison of these schemes in Newtonian physics as well as for special-relativistic flows. In particular we will present the results obtained in simulations of grid-aligned and oblique shock waves and nonlinear, large-amplitude, smooth adiabatic waves. We will also discuss the results obtained in classical benchmarks such as the double-Mach shock reflection test in Newtonian physics or the linear and nonlinear development of the relativistic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two and three dimensions. Finally, we study the turbulent flow induced by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and we show that our code is able to obtain well-converged velocity spectra, from which we benchmark the effective resolution of the different schemes.Comment: Updated to match the published versio