10 research outputs found


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    The recent election of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council gives the country an opportunity to participate more directly in shaping regional and global energy, economics, and security. A multi-vector and balanced foreign policy will allow Kazakhstan to strengthen regional security and enhance integration processes with Central Asian states. Kazakhstan can contribute to regional energy security, counterterrorism, nuclear nonproliferation, and other goals. Kazakhstan is among a few countries in the Eurasian region where primary energy production significantly exceeds energy consumption. The country also has striven to reduce regional tensions and terrorism. Meanwhile, non-proliferation has since independence has come to represent the organizing principle of the country’s cooperative foreign policy, one that seeks independence through simultaneous engagement with external power

    Déterminer la pondération de la consommation des ressources en chimiothérapie ambulatoire liée à la charge de travail des infirmiÚres

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    Les programmes de cancĂ©rologie ontariens se sont fixĂ©s comme objectif de dispenser des soins infirmiers de haute qualitĂ© et des traitements sĂ©curitaires Ă  la fois pour les patients et pour le personnel. Dans le domaine de la santĂ©, les contraintes financiĂšres inhĂ©rentes Ă  la prestation des soins exigent que les mĂ©canismes de financement rendent compte non seulement du coĂ»t des mĂ©dicaments mais encore de facteurs tels que les coĂ»ts des ressources humaines en pharmacie et en soins infirmiers. Alors que certaines organisations ont Ă©laborĂ© des systĂšmes de classification des patients afin de mesurer l’intensitĂ© des soins infirmiers et la charge de travail des infirmiĂšres, ces systĂšmes s’appliquent principalement aux clientĂšles hospitalisĂ©es et prĂ©sentent de nombreux dĂ©fis tels que la nĂ©cessitĂ© pour les infirmiĂšres de documenter la charge de travail exigĂ©e par les soins Ă  des fins de justification. Cet article a pour but de tracer les grandes lignes de la mĂ©thodologie et de l’implication des infirmiĂšres en vue d’élaborer une pondĂ©ration de la consommation des ressources basĂ©e sur les protocoles pouvant ĂȘtre appliquĂ©e aux salles de chimiothĂ©rapie ambulatoire. La mĂ©thodologie inclut la dĂ©termination de la charge de travail reliĂ©e au temps dont les infirmiĂšres ont besoin pour prĂ©parer, conseiller et Ă©valuer les patients et leur fournir l’enseignement requis ainsi que le temps nĂ©cessaire pour rassembler les fournitures, accĂ©der aux lignes de perfusion, surveiller, gĂ©rer les effets indĂ©sirables, gĂ©rer les symptĂŽmes et documenter les soins. La pondĂ©ration de la consommation des ressources fournit une meilleure mesure de la complexitĂ© des soins exigĂ©s par les patients atteints de cancer traitĂ©s en milieu ambulatoire

    InSight Constraints on the Global Character of the Martian Crust

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    International audienceAnalyses of seismic data from the InSight mission have provided the first in situ constraints on the thickness of the crust of Mars. These crustal thickness constraints are currently limited to beneath the lander that is located in the northern lowlands, and we use gravity and topography data to construct global crustal thickness models that satisfy the seismic data. These models consider a range of possible mantle and core density profiles, a range of crustal densities, a low-density surface layer, and the possibility that the crustal density of the northern lowlands is greater than that of the southern highlands. Using the preferred InSight three-layer seismic model of the crust, the average crustal thickness of the planet is found to lie between 30 and 72 km. Depending on the choice of the upper mantle density, the maximum permissible density of the northern lowlands and southern highlands crust is constrained to be between 2,850 and 3,100 kg m−3. These crustal densities are lower than typical Martian basaltic materials and are consistent with a crust that is on average more felsic than the materials found at the surface. We argue that a substantial portion of the crust of Mars is a primary crust that formed during the initial differentiation of the planet. Various hypotheses for the origin of the observed intracrustal seisimic layers are assessed, with our preferred interpretation including thick volcanic deposits, ejecta from the Utopia basin, porosity closure, and differentiation products of a Borealis impact melt sheet

    Combined proteomic and metallomic analyses in Scrobicularia plana clams to assess environmental pollution of estuarine ecosystems

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    Estuaries are very important ecosystems with great ecological and economic value, but usually highly impacted by anthropogenic pressure. Thus, the assessment of pollution levels in these habitats is critical in order to evaluate their environmental quality. In this work, we combined complementary metallomic and proteomic approaches with the aim to monitor the effects of environmental pollution on Scrobicularia piano clams captured in three estuarine systems from the south coast of Portugal; Arade estuary, Ria Formosa and Guadiana estuary. Multi-elemental profiling of digestive glands was carried out to evaluate the differential pollution levels in the three study areas. Then, proteomic analysis by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry revealed twenty-one differential proteins, which could be associated with multiple toxicological mechanisms induced in environmentally stressed organisms. Accordingly, it could be concluded that the combination of different omic approaches presents a great potential in environmental research. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Students' participation in collaborative research should be recognised

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    Letter to the editor

    Pre-mission InSights on the Interior of Mars

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