44 research outputs found

    Traducción y paremiología : problemática específica y soluciones. Ejemplificación a través de algunos clásicos

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    La paremiología suele ser una de las mayores dificultades que se pueden encontrar dentro de una traducción. Este trabajo lleva a cabo un estudio sobre la problemática que plantea, específicamente en la combinación lingüística francés-castellano. Se centra en ejemplos tomados de obras clásicas en las que la paremiología cumple una función esencial: la Biblia, El Quijote y El Lazarillo de Tormes. Puesto que todas ellas disponen de su versión en francés, será posible la comparación de la versión española con la francesa. A partir de estas obras, se descubre el origen de muchos refranes actuales y el contexto en el que aparecieron por primera vez, su significado, su marcador de uso y algunas variantes o sinónimos. Asimismo se realiza un análisis de la traducción francesa y, en algunos casos, se aportan propuestas alternativas. Como aspecto adicional, los proverbios estudiados son, en la medida de lo posible, aquellos que han conseguido integrarse dentro del registro coloquial y se utilizan en la actualidadLa paremiologia sol ser una de les majors dificultats que es poden trobar dins d'una traducció. Aquest treball realitza un estudi sobre la problemàtica que planteja, específicament en la combinació lingüística francès-castellà. Es centra en exemples agafats d'obres clàssiques on la paremiologia compleix una funció essencial: la Bíblia, El Quixot i El lazarillo de Tormes. Ja que totes aquestes obres disposen de la seva versió en francès, serà possible la comparació de la versió espanyola amb la francesa. A partir d'aquestes obres, es descobreix l'origen de molts refranys actuals i el context on van aparèixer per primer cop, el seu significat, el seu marcador d'ús i algunes variants o sinònims. Així mateix, es realitza un anàlisi de la traducció francesa i, en alguns casos, s'aporten propostes alternatives. Com aspecte addicional, els proverbis estudiats són, en la mesura que es pugui, aquells que han aconseguit integrar-se dins del registre col·loquial i s'utilitzen en l'actualitatThe study of proverbs is one of the major difficulties founded in translation. This paper carries out a research about the problems that the study of proverbs entails, specifically in the linguistic combination between both French and Spanish. It is focused on examples from Classic Works where the study of proverbs fulfils an essential function: The Bible, Don Quixote and Lazarillo de Tormes. Since all these examples have their French version, it is possible the comparison between the Spanish version and the French one. From these works, it is found out the origin of many current sayings and the context in which they appeared for the first time, their meaning, their usage marker and some variants and synonyms. An analysis of the French translation is carried out as well and, in some cases, new alternative proposals are presented. As an additional aspect, the proverbs studied are, as far as possible, those which now are within the colloquial register and are used at presen

    Biogas from anaerobic digestion as an energy vector: Current upgrading development

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    Producción CientíficaThe present work reviews the role of biogas as advanced biofuel in the renewable energy system, summarizing the main raw materials used for biogas production and the most common technologies for biogas upgrading and delving into emerging biological methanation processes. In addition, it provides a description of current European legislative framework and the potential biomethane business models as well as the main biogas production issues to be addressed to fully deploy these upgrading technologies. Biomethane could be competitive due to negative or zero waste feedstock prices, and competitive to fossil fuels in the transport sector and power generation if upgrading technologies become cheaper and environmentally sustainable.Unión Europea - (URBIOFIN project 745785, H2020-BBI-JTI-2016)Junta de Castilla y León y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (grant CLU 2017-09

    Prospective techno-economic and environmental assessment of a national hydrogen production mix for road transport

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    Fuel cell electric vehicles arise as an alternative to conventional vehicles in the road transport sector. They could contribute to decarbonising the transport system because they have no direct CO2 emissions during the use phase. In fact, the life-cycle environmental performance of hydrogen as a transportation fuel focuses on its production. In this sense, through the case study of Spain, this article prospectively assesses the techno-economic and environmental performance of a national hydrogen production mix by following a methodological framework based on energy systems modelling enriched with endogenous carbon footprint indicators. Taking into account the need for a hydrogen economy based on clean options, alternative scenarios characterised by carbon footprint restrictions with respect to a fossil-based scenario dominated by steam methane reforming are evaluated. In these scenarios, the steam reforming of natural gas still arises as the key hydrogen production technology in the short term, whereas water electrolysis is the main technology in the medium and long term. Furthermore, in scenarios with very restrictive carbon footprint limits, biomass gasification also appears as a key hydrogen production technology in the long term. In the alternative scenarios assessed, the functional substitution of hydrogen for conventional fossil fuels in the road transport sector could lead to high greenhouse gas emission savings, ranging from 36 to 58 Mt CO2 eq in 2050. Overall, these findings and the model structure and characterisation developed for the assessment of hydrogen energy scenarios are expected to be relevant not only to the specific case study of Spain but also to analysts and decision-makers in a large number of countries facing similar concerns.This research has been partly supported by the Spanish Ministry ofEconomy, Industry and Competitiveness (ENE2015-74607-JIN AEI/FEDER/UE

    Sustainability of biohydrogen as fuel: Present scenario and future perspective

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    The role of hydrogen and fuel cells in the global energy system

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    Hydrogen technologies have experienced cycles of excessive expectations followed by disillusion. Nonetheless, a growing body of evidence suggests these technologies form an attractive option for the deep decarb onisation of global energy systems, and that recent improvements in their cost and performance point towards economic viability as well. This paper is a comprehensive review of the potential role that hydrogen could play in the provision of electricity, h eat, industry, transport and energy storage in a low - carbon energy system, and an assessment of the status of hydrogen in being able to fulfil that potential. The picture that emerges is one of qualified promise: hydrogen is well established in certain nic hes such as forklift trucks, while mainstream applications are now forthcoming. Hydrogen vehicles are available commercially in several countries, and 225,000 fuel cell home heating systems have been sold. This represents a step change from the situation of only five years ago. This review shows that challenges around cost and performance remain, and considerable improvements are still required for hydrogen to become truly competitive. But such competitiveness in the medium - term future no longer seems an unrealistic prospect, which fully justifies the growing interest and policy support for these technologies around the world

    Process Strategies for the Transition of 1G to Advanced Bioethanol Production

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    Nowadays, the transport sector is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution in cities. The use of renewable energies is therefore imperative to improve the environmental sustainability of this sector. In this regard, biofuels play an important role as they can be blended directly with fossil fuels and used in traditional vehicles’ engines. Bioethanol is the most used biofuel worldwide and can replace gasoline or form different gasoline-ethanol blends. Additionally, it is an important building block to obtain different high added-value compounds (e.g., acetaldehyde, ethylene, 1,3-butadiene, ethyl acetate). Today, bioethanol is mainly produced from food crops (first-generation (1G) biofuels), and a transition to the production of the so-called advanced ethanol (obtained from lignocellulosic feedstocks, non-food crops, or industrial waste and residue streams) is needed to meet sustainability criteria and to have a better GHG balance. This work gives an overview of the current production, use, and regulation rules of bioethanol as a fuel, as well as the advanced processes and the co-products that can be produced together with bioethanol in a biorefinery context. Special attention is given to the opportunities for making a sustainable transition from bioethanol 1G to advanced bioethanol

    Cálculo del sistema de calefacción por suelo radiante y del sistema de ACS mediante uso de energía solar térmica para una vivienda unifamiliar

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    Susmozas Ferris, JL. (2011). Cálculo del sistema de calefacción por suelo radiante y del sistema de ACS mediante uso de energía solar térmica para una vivienda unifamiliar. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13605.Archivo delegad

    Assessing the Life-Cycle Performance of Hydrogen Production via Biofuel Reforming in Europe

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    Currently, hydrogen is mainly produced through steam reforming of natural gas. However, this conventional process involves environmental and energy security concerns. This has led to the development of alternative technologies for (potentially) green hydrogen production. In this work, the environmental and energy performance of biohydrogen produced in Europe via steam reforming of glycerol and bio-oil is evaluated from a life-cycle perspective, and contrasted with that of conventional hydrogen from steam methane reforming. Glycerol as a by-product from the production of rapeseed biodiesel and bio-oil from the fast pyrolysis of poplar biomass are considered. The processing plants are simulated in Aspen Plus® to provide inventory data for the life cycle assessment. The environmental impact potentials evaluated include abiotic depletion, global warming, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidant formation, land competition, acidification and eutrophication. Furthermore, the cumulative (total and non-renewable) energy demand is calculated, as well as the corresponding renewability scores and life-cycle energy balances and efficiencies of the biohydrogen products. In addition to quantitative evidence of the (expected) relevance of the feedstock and impact categories considered, results show that poplar-derived bio-oil could be a suitable feedstock for steam reforming, in contrast to first-generation bioglycerol

    Evaluation and Identification of Key Economic Bottlenecks for Cost-Effective Microbial Oil Production from Fruit and Vegetable Residues

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    Intensive horticultural systems for the production of vegetables in greenhouses represent one of the main industries generating organic waste, as those that do not meet the quality standards for the fresh market or the processing industry are discarded. This highlights the importance of using these residues as raw material for other applications, such as bioenergy and bioproducts production, within the framework of a bio-based economy that maximizes the utilization of biomass resources in a sustainable manner. In this work, the microbial oil production from discarded pepper using the oleaginous yeast Cryptococcus curvatus was evaluated. Overall, a total lipid accumulation of 16.8 g/L was achieved with a fatty acid profile suitable to produce biodiesel. The lipid yield obtained was 0.12 g/g sugars. In addition, experimental results were used to assess the techno-economic feasibility of a proposed microbial oil plant using the software Aspen Plus. This plant yields approximately 96 kg of microbial oils/ton dry discarded pepper, with an estimated Minimum Selling Price of 7 €·kg−1. These figures point out the necessity of increasing the yield of microbial oil production and considering the utilization of possible by-products, such as mannitol and cell debris, to improve the economic performance of the process