8 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen dalam Menggunakan Smartphone Merek Xiaomi pada Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

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    A satisfication of customer is determined from customer perception on performance product or services to satisfy customer want. This research consign to knowing customer standard satisfy from using Xiaomi brand smarthphone of Bengkalis State Polytechnic Students. The type of research that use in this case as quantitative by spreading a questionner to 100 respondent people by using vote sample metode non "probability sampling with snowball sampling". The results of this research is showing that quality of product get  mean score 4,13, which is showing the standard of customer satisfy is high. A quality of services get mean score 3,92, which is showing the standard of customer  satisfy is high. Emotional get mean score 4,02, which is showing the standard of satisfy customer is high. The price get mean score 4,14 , which is showing the standard of satisfy customer is high. The cost and the easiness get mean score 4,15, which is showing the standard of satisfy customer is high. So, the most dominant factor on affect the standard of satisfy customer from using Xiaomi brand smartphone is a cost and easiness, mean while the factor who do not affect the most from the standard of satisfy customer from using Xiaomi brand smartphone is service quality


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    Pekarangan adalah lahan terbuka yang terdapat di sekitar rumah tinggal. Lahan ini jika dipelihara dengan baik akan memberikan lingkungan yang menarik nyaman dan sehat serta menyenangkan sehingga membuat orang betah tinggal di rumah. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, kesadaran serta memotivasi masyarakat khususnya Forum Kesehatan Kelurahan Bendan Duwur Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur Kota Semarang dalam pemanfaatan lahan kosong atau pekarangan sebagai sumber ketahanan pangan dan pendapatan keluarga serta menerapkan beberapa teknik penanaman dan pemeliharaan secara sederhana yang dapat diimplementasikan secara mudah oleh masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah penyuluhan dan dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dengan warga desa sebagai proses untuk mentransferkan  pengetahuan dan ketrampilan. Capaian output yang dihasilkan berdasarkan kegiatan penyuluhan diantaranya : terjadi perubahan fungsi pekarangan secara maksimal, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok warga dalam pelaksanaan teknik budidaya sayur dan tanaman obat, masyarakat sudah mengerti pentingnya penganekaragaman pangan dan kesehatan makanan yang dikonsumsi, serta memahami  pengelolaan pendapatan keluarga dengan cara menjual hasil panen sayuran tersebut. Hal ini membuat lingkungan sekitar kegiatan  menjadi lebih bersih dan hijau, dan kelompok warga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sayur dan tanaman obat di sekitar tempat tinggalny


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    The livestock sector is expected to make a real contribution to the development of the nation's economy. Livestock development is also directed at increasing the quality of production, increasing income, expanding employment opportunities and providing business opportunities for people in rural areas. Layer are one of the poultry commodities that have an important role as egg producers to support the availability of cheap and easy to obtain animal protein. The population of layer in Pati Regency in 2018 was 265,020 birds (BPS, 2020). Layer are increasingly in demand in the village of Tegalharjo as a profitable poultry business opportunity. Many breeders choose the business of layer as a side business or as their main income. The objectives of this study are 1). To determine the business income of layer, 2) To determine the business feasibility of layer, 3) To determine the effect of pullets, feed costs, medicines and labor on the income of layer. The research material was in the form of layer in Tegalharjo Village, Trangkil District, Pati Regency. Data collection for 3 months (March - May). The results of the research on layer in the village of Tegalharjo are feasible to work with an income of IDR 11,784,946.17 / ST / period and simultaneously there is an effect of the cost of pullets (X1), feed (X2), medicines (X3) and labor ( X4) to income

    Does leadership matter in managing the village-owned enterprise?

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    The establishment of the village-owned enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Desa – BUMDes), as stipulated in Law No. 6/2014 on Village, is an effort to increase economic growth, together with the equitable distribution of assets to the village community. It is expected to be a pillar of economic activity in the village that serves as an institution that remains committed to village characteristics. However, the existence of BUMDes has not fully produced satisfactory results in terms of continuation of the programs and profitability. Therefore, this qualitative study aims to determine the factors that influence the village head’s leadership. Using Northouse’s (2013) concept, this study finds that both task and relationship behaviour are very important factors to achieve success in managing BUMDes in Indonesia.El establecimiento de la empresa propiedad de la aldea (BUMDes), según lo estipulado en la Ley N° 6/2014 sobre la aldea, es un esfuerzo para aumentar el crecimiento económico, junto con la distribución equitativa de los activos a la comunidad de la aldea. Se espera que sea un pilar de la actividad económica en el pueblo que sirve como una institución que sigue comprometida con las características del pueblo. Sin embargo, la existencia de BUMDes no ha producido resultados satisfactorios en términos de la continuación de los programas y la rentabilidad. Por lo tanto, este estudio cualitativo tiene como objetivo determinar los factores que influyen en el liderazgo del jefe de la aldea. Utilizando el concepto de Northouse (2013), este estudio encuentra que tanto el comportamiento de la tarea como la relación son factores muy importantes para lograr el éxito en la gestión de BUMDes en Indonesia