59 research outputs found

    Lucy to Dutch and Jim, 3 March 1963

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    Recovering the nonlinear density field from the galaxy distribution with a Poisson-Lognormal filter

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    We present a general expression for a lognormal filter given an arbitrary nonlinear galaxy bias. We derive this filter as the maximum a posteriori solution assuming a lognormal prior distribution for the matter field with a given mean field and modeling the observed galaxy distribution by a Poissonian process. We have performed a three-dimensional implementation of this filter with a very efficient Newton-Krylov inversion scheme. Furthermore, we have tested it with a dark matter N-body simulation assuming a unit galaxy bias relation and compared the results with previous density field estimators like the inverse weighting scheme and Wiener filtering. Our results show good agreement with the underlying dark matter field for overdensities even above delta~1000 which exceeds by one order of magnitude the regime in which the lognormal is expected to be valid. The reason is that for our filter the lognormal assumption enters as a prior distribution function, but the maximum a posteriori solution is also conditioned on the data. We find that the lognormal filter is superior to the previous filtering schemes in terms of higher correlation coefficients and smaller Euclidean distances to the underlying matter field. We also show how it is able to recover the positive tail of the matter density field distribution for a unit bias relation down to scales of about >~2 Mpc/h.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Galaxies in a Simulated Λ\LambdaCDM Universe II: Observable Properties and Constraints on Feedback

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    We compare the properties of galaxies that form in a cosmological simulation without strong feedback to observations at z=0. We confirm previous findings that models without strong feedback overproduce the observed galaxy baryonic mass function, especially at the low and high mass extremes. Through post-processing we investigate what kinds of feedback would be required to reproduce observed galaxy masses and star formation rates. To mimic an extreme form of "preventive" feedback (e.g., AGN radio mode) we remove all baryonic mass that was originally accreted via "hot mode" from shock-heated gas. This does not bring the high mass end of the galaxy mass function into agreement with observations because much of the stellar mass in these systems formed at high redshift from baryons that originally accreted via "cold mode" onto lower mass progenitors. An efficient "ejective" feedback mechanism, such as supernova driven winds, must reduce the masses of these progenitors. Feedback must also reduce the masses of lower mass z=0 galaxies, which assemble at lower redshifts and have much lower star formation rates. If we monotonically re-map galaxy masses to reproduce the observed mass function, but retain the simulation's predicted star formation rates, we obtain fairly good agreement with the observed sequence of star-forming galaxies but fail to recover the observed population of passive, low star formation rate galaxies. Suppressing all hot mode accretion improves agreement for high mass galaxies but worsens the agreement at intermediate masses. Reproducing these z=0 observations requires a feedback mechanism that dramatically suppresses star formation in a fraction of galaxies, increasing with mass, while leaving star formation rates of other galaxies essentially unchanged.Comment: MNRAS in press. 15 pages, 5 figures, minimal changes from the first versio

    The effects of a hot gaseous halo on disc thickening in galaxy minor mergers

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    We employ hydrodynamical simulations to study the effects of dissipational gas physics on the vertical heating and thickening of disc galaxies during minor mergers. For the first time we present a suite of simulations that includes a diffuse, rotating, cooling, hot gaseous halo, as predicted by cosmological hydrodynamical simulations as well as models of galaxy formation. We study the effect of this new gaseous component on the vertical structure of a Milky Way-like stellar disc during 1:10 and 1:5 mergers. For 1:10 mergers we find no increased final thin disc scale height compared to the isolated simulation, leading to the conclusion that thin discs can be present even after a 1:10 merger if a reasonable amount of hot gas is present. The reason for this is the accretion of new cold gas, leading to the formation of a massive new thin stellar disc that dominates the surface brightness profile. In a previous study, in which we included only cold gas in the disk, we showed that the presence of cold gas decreased the thickening by a minor merger relative to the no-gas case. Here, we show that the evolution of the scale height in the presences of a cooling hot halo is dominated by the formation of the new stellar disc. In this scenario, the thick disc is the old stellar disc that has been thickened in a minor merger at z>1, while the thin disc is the new stellar disc that reforms after this merger. In addition, we study the evolution of the scale height during a 1:5 merger and find that a thin disc can be present even after this merger, provided enough hot gas is available. The final scale height in our simulations depends on the mass of the hot gaseous halo, the efficiency of the winds and the merger mass ratio. We find post-merger values in the range 0.5<z0<1.0 kpc in good agreement with observational constraints by local galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRA

    Star formation rate and metallicity of damped Lyman-alpha absorbers in cosmological SPH simulations

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    We study the distribution of the star formation rate and metallicity of damped Lyman-alpha absorbers using cosmological SPH simulations of the Lambda cold dark matter model in the redshift range z=0-4.5. Our approach includes a phenomenological model of galactic wind. We find that there is a positive correlation between the projected stellar mass density and the neutral hydrogen column density (NHI) of DLAs for high NHI systems, and that there is a good correspondence in the spatial distribution of stars and DLAs in the simulations. The evolution of typical star-to-gas mass ratios in DLAs can be characterised by an increase from about 2 at z=4.5 to 3 at z=3, to 10 at z=1, and finally to 20 at z=0. We also find that the projected SFR density in DLAs follows the Kennicutt law well at all redshifts, and the simulated values are consistent with the recent observational estimates of this quantity by Wolfe et al. (2003a,b). The rate of evolution in the mean metallicity of simulated DLAs as a function of redshift is mild, and is consistent with the rate estimated from observations. The predicted metallicity of DLAs is generally sub-solar in our simulations, and there is a significant scatter in the distribution of DLA metallicity for a given NHI. However, we find that the median metallicity of simulated DLAs is close to that of Lyman-break galaxies, which is higher than the values typically observed for DLAs by nearly an order of magnitude. This discrepancy with observations could be due to an inadequate treatment of SN feedback in our current simulations, perhaps indicating that metals are not expelled efficiently enough from DLAs by outflows. Alternatively, the current observations might be missing the majority of the high metallicity DLAs due to selection effects. (abridged)Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures. Accepted to MNRAS. More visual presentations and the version with high resolution figures are available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~knagamine/DLA-pics

    The GalMer database: Galaxy Mergers in the Virtual Observatory

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    We present the GalMer database, a library of galaxy merger simulations, made available to users through tools compatible with the Virtual Observatory (VO) standards adapted specially for this theoretical database. To investigate the physics of galaxy formation through hierarchical merging, it is necessary to simulate galaxy interactions varying a large number of parameters: morphological types, mass ratios, orbital configurations, etc. On one side, these simulations have to be run in a cosmological context, able to provide a large number of galaxy pairs, with boundary conditions given by the large-scale simulations, on the other side the resolution has to be high enough at galaxy scales, to provide realistic physics. The GalMer database is a library of thousands simulations of galaxy mergers at moderate spatial resolution and it is a compromise between the diversity of initial conditions and the details of underlying physics. We provide all coordinates and data of simulated particles in FITS binary tables. The main advantages of the database are VO access interfaces and value-added services which allow users to compare the results of the simulations directly to observations: stellar population modelling, dust extinction, spectra, images, visualisation using dedicated VO tools. The GalMer value-added services can be used as virtual telescope producing broadband images, 1D spectra, 3D spectral datacubes, thus making our database oriented towards the usage by observers. We present several examples of the GalMer database scientific usage obtained from the analysis of simulations and modelling their stellar population properties, including: (1) studies of the star formation efficiency in interactions; (2) creation of old counter-rotating components; (3) reshaping metallicity profiles in elliptical galaxies; (4) orbital to internal angular momentum transfer; (5) reproducing observed colour bimodality of galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 10 tables accepted to A&A. Visualisation of GalMer simulations, access to snapshot files and value-added tools described in the paper are available at http://galmer.obspm.fr

    The Baryonic Assembly of Dark Matter Halos

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    We use a suite of cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to quantify the accretion rates of baryons into dark matter halos and the resulting baryon mass fractions, as a function of halo mass, redshift, and baryon type (including cold and hot gas). We find that the net baryonic accretion rates through the virial radius are sensitive to galactic outflows and explore a range of outflow parameters to illustrate the effects. We show that the cold gas accretion rate is in general not a simple universal factor of the dark matter accretion rate, and that galactic winds can cause star formation rates to deviate significantly from the external gas accretion rates, both via gas ejection and re-accretion. Furthermore, galactic winds can inject enough energy and momentum in the surrounding medium to slow down accretion altogether, especially in low-mass halos and at low redshift. By resolving the accretion rates versus radius from the halo centers, we show how cold streams penetrate the hot atmospheres of massive halos at z>2, but gradually disappear at lower redshift. The total baryon mass fraction is also strongly suppressed by outflows in low-mass halos, but is nearly universal in the absence of feedback in halos above the UV background suppression scale. The transition halo mass, at which the gas mass in halos is equal for the cold and hot components, is roughly constant at ~10^11.5 Msun and does not depend sensitively on the wind prescription. We provide simple fitting formulae for the cold gas accretion rate into halos in the no-wind case. Finally, we show that cold accretion is broadly consistent with driving the bulk of the highly star-forming galaxies observed at z~2, but that the more intense star formers likely sample the high end of the accretion rate distribution, and may be additionally fueled by a combination of gas recycling, gas re-accretion, hot mode cooling, and mergers.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. MNRAS, in pres

    The formation of disc galaxies in a LCDM universe

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    We study the formation of disc galaxies in a fully cosmological framework using adaptive mesh refinement simulations. We perform an extensive parameter study of the main subgrid processes that control how gas is converted into stars and the coupled effect of supernovae feedback. We argue that previous attempts to form disc galaxies have been unsuccessful because of the universal adoption of strong feedback combined with high star formation efficiencies. Unless extreme amounts of energy are injected into the interstellar medium during supernovae events, these star formation parameters result in bulge dominated S0/Sa galaxies as star formation is too efficient at z~3. We show that a low efficiency of star-formation more closely models the subparsec physical processes, especially at high redshift. We highlight the successful formation of extended disc galaxies with scale lengths r_d=4-5 kpc, flat rotation curves and bulge to disc ratios of B/D~1/4. Not only do we resolve the formation of a Milky Way-like spiral galaxy, we also observe the secular evolution of the disc as it forms a pseudo-bulge. The disc properties agree well with observations and are compatible with the photometric and baryonic Tully-Fisher relations, the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation and the observed angular momentum content of spiral galaxies. We conclude that underlying small-scale star formation physics plays a larger role than previously considered in simulations of galaxy formation.Comment: Published in MNRA

    Parallel TreeSPH

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    We describe PTreeSPH, a gravity treecode combined with an SPH hydrodynamics code designed for massively parallel supercomputers having distributed memory. Our computational algorithm is based on the popular TreeSPH code of Hernquist & Katz (1989). PTreeSPH utilizes a domain decomposition procedure and a synchronous hypercube communication paradigm to build self-contained subvolumes of the simulation on each processor at every timestep. Computations then proceed in a manner analogous to a serial code. We use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) communications package, making our code easily portable to a variety of parallel systems. PTreeSPH uses individual smoothing lengths and timesteps, with a communication algorithm designed to minimize exchange of information while still providing all information required to accurately perform SPH computations. We have additionally incorporated cosmology, periodic boundary conditions with forces calculated using a quadrupole Ewald summation method, and radiative cooling and heating from a parameterized ionizing background following Katz, Weinberg & Hernquist (1996). The addition of other physical processes, such as star formation, is straightforward. A cosmological simulation from z=49 to z=2 with 64^3 gas particles and 64^3 dark matter particles requires ~6000 node-hours on a Cray T3D, with a communications overhead of ~10% and is load balanced to a ~90% level. When used on the new Cray T3E, this code will be capable of performing cosmological hydrodynamical simulations down to z=0 with ~2x10^6 particles, or to z=2 with ~10^7 particles, in a reasonable amount of time. Even larger simulations will be practical in situations where the matter is not highly clustered or when periodic boundaries are not required.Comment: 30 pages, 6 Postscript figures, Submitted to New Astronom