803 research outputs found

    Networks of intergenic long-range enhancers and snpRNAs drive castration-resistant phenotype of prostate cancer and contribute to pathogenesis of multiple common human disorders

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    Biological and mechanistic relevance of intergenic disease-associated genetic loci (IDAGL) containing highly statistically significant disease-linked SNPs remains unknown. Here we present the experimental and clinical evidence revealing important role of IDAGL in human diseases. Targeted RT-PCR screen coupled with sequencing of purified PCR products detects widespread transcription at multiple intergenic disease-associated genomic loci (IDAGL) and identifies 96 small non-coding trans-regulatory RNAs of ~ 100-300 nt in length containing SNPs associated with 21 common human disorders (snpRNAs). Functionality of snpRNAs is supported by multiple independent lines of experimental evidence demonstrating their cell-type-specific expression and evolutionary conservation of sequences, genomic coordinates, and biological effects. Analysis of chromatin state signatures, expression profiling experiments using microarray and Q-PCR technologies, and luciferase reporter assays indicate that many IDAGL are Polycomb-regulated long-range enhancers. Expression of snpRNAs in human and mouse cells markedly affects cellular behavior and induces allele-specific clinically-relevant phenotypic changes: NLRP1-locus snpRNAs exert regulatory effects on monocyte/macrophage trans-differentiation, induce prostate cancer (PC) susceptibility snpRNAs, and transform low-malignancy hormone-dependent human PC cells into highly malignant androgen-independent PC. Q-PCR analysis and luciferase reporter assays demonstrate that snpRNA sequences represent allele-specific “decoy” targets of microRNAs which function as SNP-allele-specific modifiers of microRNA expression and activity. We demonstrate that trans-acting RNA molecules facilitating androgen depletion-independent growth (ADIG) in vitro and castration-resistant (CR) phenotype in vivo of PC contain intergenic 8q24-locus SNP variants which were recently linked with increased risk of developing PC. Expression level of 8q24-locus PC susceptibility snpRNAs is regulated by NLRP1-locus snpRNAs, which are transcribed from the intergenic long-range enhancer sequence located in 17p13 region at ~ 30 kb distance from the NLRP1 gene. Q-PCR analysis of clinical PC samples reveals markedly increased snpRNA expression levels in tumor tissues compared to the adjacent normal prostate [122-fold and 45-fold in Gleason 7 tumors (p = 0.03); 370-fold and 127-fold in Gleason 8 tumors (p = 0.0001); for NLRP1-locus and 8q24-locus SnpRNAs, respectively]. Highly concordant expression profiles of the NLRP1-locus snpRNAs and 8q24 CR-locus snpRNAs (r = 0.896; p < 0.0001) in clinical PC samples and experimental evidence of trans-regulatory effects of NLRP1-locus snpRNAs on expression of 8q24-locus SnpRNAs indicate that ADIG and CR phenotype of human PC cells can be triggered by RNA molecules transcribed from the NLRP1-locus intergenic enhancer and down-stream activation of the 8q24-locus snpRNAs. Our results define the intergenic NLRP1 and 8q24 regions as regulatory loci of ADIG and CR phenotype of human PC, reveal previously unknown molecular links between the innate immunity/inflammasome system and development of hormone-independent PC, and identify novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets exploration of which should be highly beneficial for clinical management of PC

    Centre-level variation in outcomes and treatment for otitis media with effusion and hearing loss and the association of hearing loss with developmental outcomes at ages 5 and 7 years in children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate:the Cleft Care UK study. Part 2

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    Objectives: To explore centre-level variation in otitis media with effusion (OME), hearing loss and treatments in children in Cleft Care UK (CCUK) and to examine the association between OME, hearing loss and developmental outcomes at 5 and 7 years. Setting and Sample Population: Two hundred and sixty-eight 5-year-old British children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) recruited to CCUK. Materials and Methods: Children had air and bone conduction audiometry at age 5. Information on grommet and hearing aid treatment was obtained from parental questionnaire and medical notes. Hearing loss at age 5 was defined as >20 dB in the better ear and history of OME and hearing loss was determined from past treatment. Children with sensorineural hearing loss were excluded. Associations were examined with speech, behaviour and self-confidence at age 5 and educational attainment at age 7. Centre variation was examined using hierarchical models and associations between hearing variables and developmental outcomes were examined using logistic regression. Results: There was centre-level variation in early grommet placement (variance partition coefficient (VPC) 18%, P=.001) and fitting of hearing aids (VPC 8%, P=.03). A history of OME and hearing loss was associated with poor intelligibility of speech (adjusted odds ratio=2.87, 95% CI 1.42-5.77) and aspects of educational attainment. Conclusions: Hearing loss is an important determinant of poor speech and treatment variation across centres suggest management of OME and hearing loss could be improved

    Post-mortem culture of Balamuthia mandrillaris from the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of a case of granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis, using human brain microvascular endothelial cells

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    The first isolation in the UK of Balamuthia mandrillaris amoebae from a fatal case of granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis is reported. Using primary cultures of human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs), amoebae were isolated from the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The cultures showed a cytopathic effect at 20–28 days, but morphologically identifiable B. mandrillaris amoebae were seen in cleared plaques in subcultures at 45 days. The identification of the organism was later confirmed using PCR on Chelex-treated extracts. Serum taken while the patient was still alive reacted strongly with slide antigen prepared from cultures of the post-mortem isolate, and also with those from a baboon B. mandrillaris strain at 1 : 10 000 in indirect immunofluorescence, but with Acanthamoeba castellanii (Neff) at 1 : 160, supporting B. mandrillaris to be the causative agent. If the presence of amoebae in the post-mortem CSF reflects the condition in life, PCR studies on CSF and on biopsies of cutaneous lesions may also be a valuable tool. The role of HBMECs in understanding the interactions of B. mandrillaris with the blood–brain barrier is discussed

    The Biology of Cancer Stem Cells and Its Clinical Implication in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a highly malignant tumor with limited treatment options in its advanced state. The molecular mechanisms underlying HCC remain unclear because of the complexity of its multi-step development process. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are defined as a small population of cells within a tumor that possess the capability for self-renewal and the generation of heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells. To date, there have been two theories concerning the mechanism of carcinogenesis, i.e., the stochastic (clonal evolution) model and the hierarchical (cancer stem cell-driven) model. The concept of the CSC has been established over the past decade, and the roles of CSCs in the carcinogenic processes of various cancers, including HCC, have been emphasized. Previous experimental and clinical evidence indicated the existence of liver CSCs; however, the potential mechanistic links between liver CSCs and the development of HCC in humans are not fully understood. Although definitive cell surface markers for liver CSCs have not yet been found, several putative markers have been identified, which allow the prospective isolation of CSCs from HCC. The identification and characterization of CSCs in HCC is essential for a better understanding of tumor initiation or progression in relation to signaling pathways. These markers could be used along with clinical parameters for the prediction of chemoresistance, radioresistance, metastasis and survival and may represent potential targets for the development of new molecular therapies against HCC. This review describes the current evidence for the existence and function of liver CSCs and discuss the clinical implications of CSCs in patients demonstrating resistance to conventional anti-cancer therapies, as well as clinical outcomes. Such data may provide a future perspective for targeted therapy in HCC

    Interleukin-17D and Nrf2 mediate initial innate immune cell recruitment and restrict MCMV infection.

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    Innate immune cells quickly infiltrate the site of pathogen entry and not only stave off infection but also initiate antigen presentation and promote adaptive immunity. The recruitment of innate leukocytes has been well studied in the context of extracellular bacterial and fungal infection but less during viral infections. We have recently shown that the understudied cytokine Interleukin (IL)-17D can mediate neutrophil, natural killer (NK) cell and monocyte infiltration in sterile inflammation and cancer. Herein, we show that early immune cell accumulation at the peritoneal site of infection by mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) is mediated by IL-17D. Mice deficient in IL-17D or the transcription factor Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2), an inducer of IL-17D, featured an early decreased number of innate immune cells at the point of viral entry and were more susceptible to MCMV infection. Interestingly, we were able to artificially induce innate leukocyte infiltration by applying the Nrf2 activator tert-butylhydroquinone (tBHQ), which rendered mice less susceptible to MCMV infection. Our results implicate the Nrf2/IL-17D axis as a sensor of viral infection and suggest therapeutic benefit in boosting this pathway to promote innate antiviral responses

    Human liver regeneration following massive hepatic necrosis: Two distinct patterns

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    Massive hepatic necrosis is a rare but often fatal complication of various liver injuries. Nevertheless, some patients can survive by spontaneous hepatic regeneration. It is known that surviving hepatocytes and/or progenitor cells can participate in this process but the mechanism of hepatic recovery is vague.We examined 13 explanted human livers removed for acute liver failure. Combined immunohistochemistry, digital image analysis, and three-dimensional reconstruction of serial sections were applied.Two patterns of regeneration could be distinguished. In livers with centrilobular necrosis, the surviving injured periportal hepatocytes started to proliferate and arrange into acinar structures and expressed α-fetoprotein. If the injury wiped out almost all hepatocytes, large areas of parenchymal loss were invaded by an intense ductular reaction. The cells at the distal pole of the ductules differentiated into hepatocytes and formed foci organized by the branches of the portal vein. The expanding foci often containing complete portal triads were arranged around surviving central veins. Their fusion eventually could be an attempt to re-establish the hepatic lobules.Regeneration of human livers following massive hepatic necrosis can occur in two ways-either through proliferation of α-fetoprotein-positive acinary-arranged hepatocytes or through ductular progenitor cells, with the latter being less efficient. Further investigation of these regenerative pathways may help identify biomarkers for likelihood of complete regeneration and hence have therapeutic implications

    26S Proteasome Activity Is Down-Regulated in Lung Cancer Stem-Like Cells Propagated In Vitro

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    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a small subset of cancer cells capable of self-renewal and tumor maintenance. Eradicating cancer stem cells, the root of tumor origin and recurrence, has emerged as one promising approach to improve lung cancer survival. Cancer stem cells are reported to reside in the side population (SP) of cultured lung cancer cells. We report here the coexistence of a distinct population of non-SP (NSP) cells that have equivalent self-renewal capacity compared to SP cells in a lung tumor sphere assay. Compared with the corresponding cells in monolayer cultures, lung tumor spheres, formed from human non-small cell lung carcinoma cell lines A549 or H1299, showed marked morphologic differences and increased expression of the stem cell markers CD133 and OCT3/4. Lung tumor spheres also exhibited increased tumorigenic potential as only 10,000 lung tumor sphere cells were required to produce xenografts tumors in nude mice, whereas the same number of monolayer cells failed to induce tumors. We also demonstrate that lung tumor spheres showed decreased 26S proteasome activity compared to monolayer. By using the ZsGreen–cODC (C-terminal sequence that directs degradation of Ornithine Decarboxylase) reporter assay in NSCLC cell lines, only less than 1% monolayer cultures were ZsGreen positive indicating low 26S proteasome, whereas lung tumor sphere showed increased numbers of ZsGreen-positive cells, suggesting the enrichment of CSCs in sphere cultures

    Smell and taste changes are early indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic and political decision effectiveness

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    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments have taken drastic measures to avoid an overflow of intensive care units. Accurate metrics of disease spread are critical for the reopening strategies. Here, we show that self-reports of smell/taste changes are more closely associated with hospital overload and are earlier markers of the spread of infection of SARS-CoV-2 than current governmental indicators. We also report a decrease in self-reports of new onset smell/taste changes as early as 5 days after lockdown enforcement. Cross-country comparisons demonstrate that countries that adopted the most stringent lockdown measures had faster declines in new reports of smell/taste changes following lockdown than a country that adopted less stringent lockdown measures. We propose that an increase in the incidence of sudden smell and taste change in the general population may be used as an indicator of COVID-19 spread in the population

    Both loved and feared: third party punishers are viewed as formidable and likeable, but these reputational benefits may only be open to dominant individuals

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    Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCopyright: © 2014 Gordon et al.The datasets associated with this article are available in ORE at http://hdl.handle.net/10871/15639Third party punishment can be evolutionarily stable if there is heterogeneity in the cost of punishment or if punishers receive a reputational benefit from their actions. A dominant position might allow some individuals to punish at a lower cost than others and by doing so access these reputational benefits. Three vignette-based studies measured participants' judgements of a third party punisher in comparison to those exhibiting other aggressive/dominant behaviours (Study 1), when there was variation in the success of punishment (Study 2), and variation in the status of the punisher and the type of punishment used (Study 3). Third party punishers were judged to be more likeable than (but equally dominant as) those who engaged in other types of dominant behaviour (Study 1), were judged to be equally likeable and dominant whether their intervention succeeded or failed (Study 2), and participants believed that only a dominant punisher could intervene successfully (regardless of whether punishment was violent or non-violent) and that subordinate punishers would face a higher risk of retaliation (Study 3). The results suggest that dominance can dramatically reduce the cost of punishment, and that while individuals can gain a great deal of reputational benefit from engaging in third party punishment, these benefits are only open to dominant individuals. Taking the status of punishers into account may therefore help explain the evolution of third party punishment.School of Psychology, University of Exete

    Elevated frequencies of leukemic myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells in acute myeloid leukemia with the FLT3 internal tandem duplication

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    Some 30% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients display an internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutation in the FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) gene. FLT3-ITDs are known to drive hematopoietic stem cells towards FLT3 ligand independent growth, but the effects on dendritic cell (DC) differentiation during leukemogenesis are not clear. We compared the frequency of cells with immunophenotype of myeloid DC (mDC: Lin−, HLA-DR+, CD11c+, CD86+) and plasmacytoid DC (pDC: Lin−, HLA-DR+, CD123+, CD86+) in diagnostic samples of 47 FLT3-ITD− and 40 FLT3-ITD+ AML patients. The majority of ITD+ AML samples showed high frequencies of mDCs or pDCs, with significantly decreased HLA-DR expression compared with DCs detectable in ITD− AML samples. Interestingly, mDCs and pDCs sorted out from ITD+ AML samples contained the ITD insert revealing their leukemic origin and, upon ex vivo culture with cytokines, they acquired DC morphology. Notably, mDC/pDCs were detectable concurrently with single lineage mDCs and pDCs in all ITD+ AML (n = 11) and ITD− AML (n = 12) samples analyzed for mixed lineage DCs (Lin−, HLA-DR+, CD11c+, CD123+). ITD+ AML mDCs/pDCs could be only partially activated with CD40L and CpG for production of IFN-α, TNF-α, and IL-1α, which may affect the anti-leukemia immune surveillance in the course of disease progression