390 research outputs found

    Reasons for Resubmission of Research Projects to the Research Ethics Committee of a University Hospital in SÃO Paulo, Brazil

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    INTRODUCTION: It is important to know the reasons for resubmitting research projects to the Research Ethics Committee in order to help researchers to prepare their research projects, informed consent forms and needed research documentation. OBJECTIVES: To verify the reasons for resubmitting projects that were previously rejected by the Ethics Committee. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study that evaluated research projects involving human beings. Research projects were submitted in 2007 to the Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. RESULTS: One thousand two hundred and fifty six research projects were submitted to the ethics committee and the average time for evaluating the research projects and related documents until a final decision was reached was 49.95 days. From the total, 399 projects were reviewed in 2 or more meetings until a final decision was reached. Of these, 392 research projects were included in the study; 35 projects were subsequently excluded for involving animals. Among the research projects included, 42.5% concerned research with new drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tests, 48.5% consisted of undergraduate students' research projects, 68.9% of the research had no sponsorship, and 97.5% were eventually approved. The main reasons for returning the projects to the researchers were the use of inadequate language and/or difficulty of understanding the informed consent form (32.2%), lack of information about the protocol at the informed consent form (25.8%), as well as doubts regarding methodological and statistical issues of the protocol (77.1%). Other reasons for returning the research projects involved lack of, inaccuracy on or incomplete documentation, need of clarification or approval for participation of external entities on the research, lack of information on financial support. CONCLUSION: Among the research projects that were returned to the researchers for additional clarification, the main reasons were inadequacies or doubts about the terms used in the informed consent form as well as lack of information regarding the research at the informed consent form and methodological and statistical issues regarding the protocol

    A apneia obstrutiva do sono impede a esperada diferença de crescimento cranofacial de meninos e meninas

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    OBJECTIVES: It was to compare cephalometric measures of mouth-breather boys and girls and with the cephalometric pattern observed in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) patients. METHODS: Craniofacial measurements of lateral cephalometric radiographs obtained from 144 children aged 7-14 years were compared between boys and girls, and both were compared to cephalometric pattern of OSAS patients. RESULTS: Mouth-breather boys and girls had no gender differences regarding to craniofacial morphology while nose-breather boys and girls showed those expected differences. Nose-breather boys presented a more retruded mandible and proinclined upper incisor when compared to nose-breather girls, but mouth-breather boys and girls had no differences. The measure NS.GoGn was the only variable with an interaction with gender and breathing. CONCLUSIONS: There were no cephalometric difference in mouth breather-boys and girls related to normal growth, suggesting that oral breathing make the same craniofacial morphology and both have craniofacial morphology close to that of OSAS patients.OBJETIVOS: Foi comparar medidas cefalométricas entre meninos e meninas respiradores bucais com o padrão cefalométrico de pacientes com síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS). MÉTODOS: Medidas craniofaciais de radiografias cefalométricas laterais de 144 crianças com idade entre 7 e 14 anos foram comparadas entre meninos e meninas, e estas comparadas com o padrão cefalométrico de pacientes com SAOS. RESULTADOS: Meninos e meninas respiradores bucais não apresentaram diferenças em relação à morfologia craniofacial, enquanto meninos e meninas respiradores nasais mostraram as diferenças fisiologicamente esperadas. Meninos respiradores nasais apresentaram mandíbula mais retraída e incisivos superiores inclinados para frente quando comparados com meninas respiradoras nasais, mas os respiradores bucais não apresentaram diferenças. A medida NS.GoGn foi a única variável com interação entre gênero e tipo de respiração. CONCLUSÕES: Não houve diferença cefalométrica entre os respiradores bucais em relação ao crescimento craniofacial, sugerindo que a respiração bucal determina a mesma morfologia, e ambos os gêneros têm morfologia craniofacial semelhante àquela dos pacientes com SAOS.Universidade Federal de Sào Paulo São Paulo Hospital Department of NeurologySciEL

    L-arginine abolishes the hypothalamic serotonergic activation induced by central interleukin-1 beta administration to normal rats

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    IL-1 beta-induced anorexia may depend on interactions of the cytokine with neuropeptides and neurotransmitters of the central nervous system control of energy balance and serotonin is likely to be one catabolic mediator targeted by IL-1 beta. in the complex interplay involved in feeding modulation, nitric oxide has been ascribed a stimulatory action, which could be of significance in counteracting IL-1 beta effects.The present study aims to explore the participation of the nitric oxide and the serotonin systems on the central mechanisms induced by IL-1 beta and the relevance of their putative interactions to IL-1 beta hypophagia in normal rats. Serotonin levels were determined in microdialysates of the ventromedial hypothalamus after a single intracerebroventricular injection of 10 ng of IL-1 beta, with or without the pre-injection of 20 mu g of the nitric oxide precursor L-arginine. IL-1 beta significantly stimulated hypothalamic serotonin extracellular levels, with a peak variation of 130 +/-37% above baseline. IL-1 beta also reduced the 4-h and the 24-h food intakes (by 23% and 58%, respectively). the IL-1 beta-induced serotonergic activation was abolished by the pre-injection of L-arginine while the hypophagic effect was unaffected.The data showed that one central effect of IL-1 beta is serotonergic stimulation in the ventromedial hypothalamus, an action inhibited by nitric oxide activity. It is suggested that, although serotonin participates in IL-1 beta anorexia, other mechanisms recruited by IL-1 beta in normal rats are able to override the absence of the serotonergic hypophagic influence.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Physiol, BR-04023060 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Appl Stat, BR-04023060 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Physiol, BR-04023060 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Appl Stat, BR-04023060 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Development and pretesting of a food frequency questionnaire for undergraduate students

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    Objetivo: Desenvolver e aplicar em um projeto-piloto um questionário de frequência alimentar quantitativo de autopreenchimento destinado a graduandos da área da saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado em 151 universitários de ambos os sexos, usuários do ambulatório de Nutrição do Corpo Discente da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brasil. O questionário inicial foi composto a partir dos alimentos e preparações informados no Registro Alimentar de Três Dias. As informações em medidas caseiras foram transformadas em gramas ou mililitros com o auxílio de tabelas, e os alimentos foram ordenados segundo a porcentagem de contribuição para o valor energético total informado. Foram selecionados 198 alimentos responsáveis por 95% do consumo energético e agrupados em 77 itens alimentares de acordo com a similaridade nutricional. O tamanho das porções alimentares foi classificado conforme o valor do percentil 50 da distribuição dos pesos correspondentes às medidas caseiras referidas. Definiu-se como porção pequena, aquela cujo valor foi igual ou inferior ao percentil 25; como média, o percentil 50 e grande, o valor igual ou superior ao percentil 75. Resultados: Após o pré-teste do questionário inicial, o questionário final resultou em uma lista com 89 alimentos, agrupados em 70 itens alimentares. As instruções para o autopreenchimento foram refeitas, objetivando-se um melhor preenchimento. Conclusão: Após as modificações realizadas, o questionário de frequência alimentar quantitativo encontra-se pronto para o estudo de validação e calibração. Termos de indexação: Consumo alimentar. Inquéritos nutricionais. Questionário de frequência alimentar. Universitários. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTObjective: The objective of this study was to develop and pretest a self-administered, quantitative food frequency questionnaire for undergraduate students of the health sciences. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with 151 undergraduate students of both genders from the Students’ Healthcare Service of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil. The first version of the food frequency questionnaire was based on the foods and preparations listed in the 3-day food records. Tables were used to convert cooking units into grams or milliliters and the foods were ranked according to their percentage contribution to the total calorie intake. The 198 foods responsible for 95% of the energy intake were selected and grouped into 77 food items according to nutritional resemblance. Serving size was classified according to the 50th percentile of the weight distribution corresponding to the cooking units. Serving size was defined as small (S) when ≤25th percentile; average (A) when equal to the 50th percentile and large (L) when ≥75th percentile. Results: The pretest of the first version of the questionnaire resulted in a final version with a list of 89 foods, grouped into 70 food groups. The instructions for filling out the questionnaire were rewritten to get better answers from the students. Conclusion: After these changes, the quantitative food frequency questionnaire is ready for the validation and calibration study

    Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This paper describe development and financial performance of cooperative in District Pelalawan among 2007 - 2008. Studies on primary and secondary cooperative in 12 sub-districts. Method in this stady use performance measuring of productivity, efficiency, growth, liquidity, and solvability of cooperative. Productivity of cooperative in Pelalawan was highly but efficiency still low. Profit and income were highly, even liquidity of cooperative very high, and solvability was good

    Measurement of associated W plus charm production in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV

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