164 research outputs found

    Estimation of postmortem interval using the blowfly Phaenicia (Lucilia) sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria

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    Background: The period of insect activity (PIA) was experimentally estimated for a carcass of Cavia porcellus (guinea pig) using the blowfly Phaenicia sericata in Kaduna, northern Nigeria.Methods: Cavia porcellus (guinea pig) was killed and the carcass placed inside in a wire cage measuring 81x53x45 cm to prevent larger animals and birds from scavenging and allowed to decompose under ambient conditions and an average of 12hour light and darkness.Results: Six second-instar larvae of blowflies were collected from the decomposing carcass from which four adult flies emerged and identified (two each of P.  sericata and P. infernalis). Using P. sericata, the period of insect activity (PIA) was estimated as the difference between the total development time of the species and the time it required to become adult in the laboratory. The estimated minimum post mortem interval was 13.8 days with the probable day of oviposition between 9th and 10th January, 2016, coinciding with the actual period the animal was killedConclusions: Estimated time between death and discovery of corpse (PMI) based on the period of insect activity (PIA) may be a better alternative in some situations because it eliminate taking multiple temperature measurements at the crime scene, at the carcass as well in the maggot masses on the cadaver.

    Perspectives from MSF snakebite programme implementation in Agok, Abyei region, South Sudan

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    Introduction: Snakebite is a neglected tropical disease affecting around five million people, causing more than 100,000 annual deaths, as well as serious disabilities; however, access to antivenom and high-quality programmatic care remain a global challenge.Objective: Due to the high burden of snakebite in South Sudan and the serious negative outcomes if left untreated, Médecins Sans  Frontières (MSF) integrated snakebite care for the first time among its priorities and consolidated a programme in Agok Hospital.Method: We describe the history, implementation, and challenges of the MSF snakebite programme.Results: The number of snakebite patients at MSF Agok Hospital has increased each year. From 2013 to 2019, MSF treated 2,005  snakebite patients. In 2019 there were 527 snakebite admissions, 47% presented with severe envenomation, and one death. Puff adders, vipers and various cobras were identified. Agok Hospital gained understanding on the barriers and facilitators for the population to access care after a snakebite. MSF developed “snakebite diagnosis and treatment” algorithms, and provided clinical  training, with the validation of national health authorities. Preventive activities were reinforced. Integration of surgical services was an essential programmatic aspect to monitor and treat complications. Challenges for implementation included a lack of easily available antivenoms in the international market. and the need of a strong supply chain and procurement systems.Conclusion: The delivery of healthcare towards snakebite patients can be successfully implemented when prioritized. Global efforts to improve access and quality of antivenoms and snakebite care could help removing Snakebite Envenoming from the Neglected Tropical Diseases list. Keywords: snakebite, snake, envenoming, antivenom, implementation, humanitarianism, secondary care, South Suda

    The epidemiology of low vision and blindness associated with trichiasis in southern Sudan.

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated vision status associated with trachomatous trichiasis (TT) and explored age-sex patterns of low vision and blindness associated with trichiasis in Mankien district of southern Sudan where trachoma prevention and trichiasis surgery were absent. METHODS: A population based survey was undertaken and eligible persons underwent eye examination. Visual acuity (VA) was tested using Snellen E chart and persons with TT identified. Vision status was defined using the WHO categories of visual impairment based on presenting VA: normal vision (VA > or = 6/18 in better eye); low vision (VA or = 3/60 in better eye); and blindness (VA < 3/60 in better eye). An ordinal logistic regression model was fitted and age/sex specific distribution of vision status predicted. RESULTS: Overall 341/3,567 persons examined had any TT. Analysis was based on 319 persons, 22 persons were excluded: 20 had both TT and cataract; and 2 had missing VA data. Of the 319 persons: 158(49.5%) had trichiasis-related corneal opacity (CO); bilateral TT and bilateral CO were found in 251(78.7%) and 110 (34.5%), respectively; 146 (45.8%) had low vision or blindness; the ratio of low vision to blindness was 3.2:1; and no sex differences were observed. In our model the predicted distribution of vision status was: normal vision, 53.9% (95% CI 50.9-56.9); low vision, 35.3% (95% CI 33.3-37.2); and blindness, 10.9% (95% CI 9.7-12.0). CONCLUSION: We have reported severe trichiasis and high prevalence of vision loss among persons with trichiasis. Our survey showed that almost 1 in 20 of the entire population suffered low vision or blindness associated with trachoma. The need for trichiasis surgery, trachoma prevention services, and rehabilitation of the blind is acute

    Blinding Trachoma in Postconflict Southern Sudan

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    BACKGROUND: Trachoma is a leading cause of preventable blindness. Reports from eye surgery camps and anecdotal data indicated that blinding trachoma is a serious cause of visual impairment in Mankien payam (district) of southern Sudan. We conducted this study to estimate the prevalence of trachoma, estimate targets for interventions, and establish a baseline for monitoring and evaluation. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A population-based cross-sectional survey was conducted in May 2005. A two-stage cluster random sampling with probability proportional to size was used to select the sample population. Participants were examined for trachoma by experienced graders using the World Health Organization simplified grading scheme. A total of 3,567 persons were examined (89.7% of those enumerated) of whom 2,017 were children aged less than 15 y and 1,550 were aged 15 y and above. Prevalence of signs of active trachoma in children aged 1–9 y was: trachomatous inflammation-follicular (TF) = 57.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 54.5%–60.4%); trachomatous inflammation-intense (TI) = 39.8% (95% CI, 36.3%–43.5%); and TF and/or TI (active trachoma) = 63.3% (95% CI, 60.1%–66.4%). Prevalence of trachomatous trichiasis was 9.6% (95% CI, 8.4%–10.9%) in all ages, 2.3% (95% CI, 1.6%–3.2%) in children aged under 15 y, and 19.2% (95% CI, 17.0%–21.7%) in adults. Men were equally affected by trichiasis as women: odds ratio = 1.09 (95% CI, 0.81%–1.47%). It is estimated that there are up to 5,344 persons requiring trichiasis surgery in Mankien payam. CONCLUSIONS: Trachoma is a serious public health problem in Mankien, and the high prevalence of trichiasis in children underscores the severity of blinding trachoma. There is an urgent need to implement the surgery, antibiotics, facial cleanliness, and environmental change (SAFE) strategy for trachoma control in Mankien payam, and the end of the 21-y civil war affords an opportunity to do this

    Social Media Efficacy on Prevention and Control of Covid-19 Pandemic in Ilorin South Local Government Area, Kwara State

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    This study investigated social media efficacy on prevention and control of Covid – 19 pandemic in Ilorin South Local Government Area, Kwara State, Nigeria. This study examines the effectiveness of awareness created by Facebook, NCDC messages, and Twitter on prevention and control of Covid – 19 pandemic in Ilorin South LGA, Kwara State. The study adopted a descriptive research design of survey type. A multi-stage sampling technique of stratified and purposive techniques was employed to select 150 respondents for the study. A structured questionnaire was validated and pilot tested with the use of test re-test reliability method and 0.75r were obtained. The findings revealed that awareness created through Facebook, NCDC, and Twitter has many impacts on the prevention and control of the Covid – 19 pandemic. Based on these findings, the study recommends that health officers should encourage people on the need to use social media tools like Facebook, NCDC messages, Twitter, Youtube and soon to gain insight on prevention and control of Covid – 19 pandemic

    Identification of CCR8: A Human Monocyte and Thymus Receptor for the CC Chemokine I-309

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    The human CC chemokine I-309 is a potent monocyte chemoattractant and inhibits apoptosis in thymic cell lines. Here, we identify a specific human I-309 receptor, and name it CCR8 according to an accepted nomenclature system. The receptor has seven predicted transmembrane domains, is expressed constitutively in monocytes and thymus, and is encoded by a previously reported gene of previously unknown function named, alternatively, CY6, TER1, and CKR-L1. After transfection with the CY6 open reading frame, a mouse pre–B cell line exhibited calcium flux and chemotaxis in response to I-309 (EC50 = 2 nM for each), whereas 20 other chemokines were inactive. Signaling was sensitive to pertussis toxin, suggesting coupling to a Gi-type G protein. These properties parallel those of endogenous I-309 receptors expressed in an HL-60 clone 15 cell line model. The apparent monogamous relationship between I-309 and CCR8 is unusual among known CC chemokines and known CC chemokine receptors. CCR8 may regulate monocyte chemotaxis and thymic cell line apoptosis

    Coreceptor Usage by HIV-1 and HIV-2 Primary Isolates: The Relevance of CCR8 Chemokine Receptor as an Alternative Coreceptor

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    The human immunodeficiency virus replication cycle begins by sequential interactions between viral envelope glycoproteins with CD4 molecule and a member of the seven-transmembrane, G-protein-coupled, receptors' family (coreceptor). In this report we focused on the contribution of CCR8 as alternative coreceptor for HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates. We found that this coreceptor was efficiently used not only by HIV-2 but particularly by HIV-1 isolates. We demonstrate that CXCR4 usage, either alone or together with CCR5 and/or CCR8, was more frequently observed in HIV-1 than in HIV-2 isolates. Directly related to this is the finding that the non-usage of CXCR4 is significantly more common in HIV-2 isolates; both features could be associated with the slower disease progression generally observed in HIV-2 infected patients. The ability of some viral isolates to use alternative coreceptors besides CCR5 and CXCR4 could further impact on the efficacy of entry inhibitor therapy and possibly also in HIV pathogenesis

    Music and the brain: disorders of musical listening

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    The study of the brain bases for normal musical listening has advanced greatly in the last 30 years. The evidence from basic and clinical neuroscience suggests that listening to music involves many cognitive components with distinct brain substrates. Using patient cases reported in the literature, we develop an approach for understanding disordered musical listening that is based on the systematic assessment of the perceptual and cognitive analysis of music and its emotional effect. This approach can be applied both to acquired and congenital deficits of musical listening, and to aberrant listening in patients with musical hallucinations. Both the bases for normal musical listening and the clinical assessment of disorders now have a solid grounding in systems neuroscience