13 research outputs found

    The aetiology of social deficits within mental health disorders:The role of the immune system and endogenous opioids

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    The American National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) has put out a set of research goals that include a long-term plan to identify more reliable endogenous explanations for a wide variety of mental health disorders (Insel, 2013). In response to this, we have identified a major symptom that underlies multiple mental health disorders – social bonding dysfunction. We suggest that endogenous opioid abnormalities can lead to altered social bonding, which is a symptom of various mental health disorders, including depression, schizophrenia and ASD. This article first outlines how endogenous opioids play a role in social bonding. Then we show their association with the body’s inflammation immune function, and review recent literature linking inflammation to mental health ‘immunophenotypes’. We finish by explaining how these immunophenotypes may be caused by alterations in the endogenous opioid system. This is the first overview of the role of inflammation across multiple disorders where we provide a biochemical explanation for why immunophenotypes might exist across diagnoses. We propose a novel mechanism of how the immune system may be causing ‘sickness-type’ behaviours (fatigue, appetite change, social withdrawal and inhibited motivation) in those who have these immunophenotypes. We hope that this novel aetiology can be used as a basis for future research in mental health

    Development of the body Ego in the context of the early relationship with a caregiver

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    W artykule poruszono zagadnienie wpływu wczesnej relacji z opiekunem na sposób funkcjonowania Ja cielesnego. Zaproponowano autorską próbę konccptualizacji pojęcia Ja cielesnego, w której główny nacisk położono na funkcje (doznawanie, interpretacja, regulacja) pełnione przez tę instancję oraz treści (doznania, potrzeby cielesne, stany emocjonalne, poczucie tożsamości) będące przedmiotem jej opracowania. Omówiono rozwój poszczególnych reprezentacji doświadczeń cielesnych przyjmując, że ich jakość jest uzależniona od zdolności opiekuna do wspierania rozwoju funkcji przypisanych Ja cielesnemu. Opisano także znaczenie reprezentacji doświadczeń cielesnych dla poczucia tożsamości fizycznej, będącego fenomenologicznym kryterium funkcjonalności (tzw. siły) Ja cielesnego.This article analyses the impact of the early relationship with a caregiver on functioning of the bodily Ego. A definition is proposed of the bodily self as a concept which involves functions (sensing, interpretation, regulation) fulfilled by the bodily Ego and the contents on which it works (sensations, bodily needs, emotions and sense of physical identity). Development of specific bodily experiences was also discussed with emphasis on their associations with the abilities of an early caregiver to support the functions ascribed to the bodily Ego. The importance of bodily experience representations was highlighted for the sense of physical identity which is the phenomenological criterion of the functionality (i.e. strength) of the bodily Ego

    Body Ego and Trauma as Correlates of Comfort in the Physical Proximity of Others

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the associations between comfort in the physical proximity of others and interpersonal trauma and body ego. Comfort in the physical proximity of others was measured using a self-report method, as well as by means of a procedure where the experimenter initiated interpersonal touch. The results show that comfort in the physical proximity of others (based on self-report) was associated with four types of trauma (emotional, physical or sexual abuse and emotional neglect) as well as with all aspects of dysfunctional body ego (e.g. disrupted perception, problems with interpreting and regulating physical states). Defying expectations, the types of trauma studied did not differentiate individuals experiencing comfort from those experiencing discomfort, in an experimental setting of being touched. As predicted, both groups differed in all aspects of body ego. Moreover body ego proved to be a mediator between trauma and comfort in the physical proximity of others (self-report measure)

    Łuszczyca jako czynnik ryzyka dla zakłóceń w ja cielesnym – moderująca rola płci

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    Przykre doznania skórne (świąd, ból) oraz lęk przed stygmatyzacją stanowią potencjalne czynniki ryzyka dla zakłóceń w obszarze doświadczeń cielesnych i obrazu ciała u pacjentów z łuszczycą. Celem badania było sprawdzenie, czy osoby chore na łuszczycę przejawiają więcej zakłóceń w obszarze Ja cielesnego w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną i czy płeć moderuje związek między zachorowalnością na łuszczycę a negatywnymi skutkami dla Ja cielesnego. 109 pacjentów z łuszczycą w wieku 16-70 lat i 104 osoby z grupy kontrolnej wypełniły Kwestionariusz Ja Cielesnego. Do oceny nasilenia symptomów łuszczycy użyto PASI. Osoby chore na łuszczycę w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną wykazywały większą liczbę zakłóceń w regulacji emocji i potrzeb fizycznych oraz w poczuciu tożsamości cielesnej, ponadto w mniejszym stopniu akceptowały swój wygląd. U kobiet (ale nie u mężczyzn) łuszczyca okazała się czynnikiem ryzyka dla zakłóceń percepcji doznań, rozumienia i radzenia sobie z emocjami oraz poczucia tożsamości cielesnej. Zmiany w Ja cielesnym były niezależne od wieku zachorowania i nasilenia symptomów (PASI)

    The body self and the frequency, intensity and acceptance of menopausal symptoms

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    Introduction: There are many studies on the concept of body image (usually understood narrowly as body acceptance) in menopausal women, but relationships between the body self and menopausal symptoms have not been explored yet. In the research discussed in this paper, a complex model of the body self, including its functions, body identity and body image, has been presented. Aim of the study was to explore the relationships between different aspects of the body self, and the frequency, intensity and acceptance of menopausal symptoms. Material and methods: The investigated sample consisted of 81 women (age: 51.8 ± 4.2 years; range: 45-58 years). The authors used an extended version of the Menopause Symptom List and the Body Self Questionnaire. Results: Perception of sensations, interpretation and regulation of emotions and physical states as well as body identity were the most important correlates of the intensity and frequency of menopausal symptoms (psychological, vasomotor and somatic). Among the body image aspects investigated in the study, the appearance evaluation was associated with the frequency of vasomotor and psychological symptoms. The level of acceptance of symptoms was only related to the ability to cope with emotions and physical needs. Conclusions: The findings indicate that aspects of the body self (which are stable personality traits) are significant for the way women experience menopausal symptoms

    Repetitive Self-Injury and the body self

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    Summary Aim. The assessment of differences in body self and pain thresholds between people inflicting self-injuries in a repetitive manner and those, who do not engage in such behaviour. Methods. The participants were selected through screening and purposive sampling (the study group consisted of 34 people: 29 women, 5 men; and the control group of 32 people: 28 women, 4 men). The Tension Situations Questionnaire and the Inventory of Questions Concerning Self-injury were used in the study. These measures served to assess the presence and circumstances of self-injury. TempTest apparatus (measuring sensitivity to pain) and the Body Self Questionnaire were also used. Results. Individuals inflicting self-injury are characterised by higher indices of body self maladaptiveness than individuals from the control group. In the study group, disorders were found in such aspects of body self as: the perception of sensations, the interpretation and regulation of emotions and physical needs, emotional attitude to body, and the sense of body identity. Women inflicting self-injuries had a higher pain threshold than women from the control group, the reverse pattern was observed in the group of men. However, due to the small size of the male group, the obtained result should be treated with caution. Conclusions. The study showed, that the distorted aspect of personality -the body selfis the important risk factor for the repetitive self-injuries. The lowered pain threshold in men engaging in self-harm, in combination with the increased threshold of pain in self-injuring women is surprising result and demands further investigation


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    The participation of soldiers in combat missions is one of the tasks that requires not only physical - but because of stressors - also psychological preparation. Participation in warfare involves exposure to physical, cognitive, emotional and social inconvenience and is considered an important risk factor for the psychological disturbances. However, the literature on the subject also indicates the positive effects of confrontation with the stressors (e.g. postraumatic growth). The aim of the study was to determine whether the intensity of combat exposure and social support are related to both the negative and the positive psychological consequences of participating in warfare. The study, conducted by soldiers participating in the Afghan war, showed no connection between the intensity of combat experience and the well-being of soldiers. Not informing the family about difficulties experienced by soldiers was related to a greater number of psycho¬logical disturbances. Moreover, it turned out that not received social support, but the soldier’s conviction about the possibility of receiving this form of help, together with refraining from sharing their difficulties with family members, contributed to positive psychological changes. The results demonstrated that the psychological effect of participating in a military mission is not so much dependent on the intensity of the combat experience, as from the soldier’s conviction that social support is available from non-family member.Udział żołnierzy w misji bojowej jest jednym z zadań, które wymaga nie tylko przygotowania fizycznego, ale - z racji obciążenia stresorami - także psychologicznego. Uczestnictwo w działaniach wojennych wiąże się z ekspozycją na obciążające bodźce fizyczne, poznawcze, emocjonalne oraz społeczne i jest uznawane za istotny czynnik ryzyka dla zakłóceń psychologicznych. Jednak w literaturze przedmiotu wskazuje się także pozytywne skutki konfrontacji z obciążającymi sytuacjami, do których odnosi się pojęcie wzrostu potraumatycznego. Przeprowadzone badanie zmierzało do odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy intensywność doświadczeń bojowych oraz wsparcie społeczne pozostają w związku zarówno z negatywnymi, jak i pozytywnymi psychologicznymi konsekwencjami udziału w misji bojowej. Przeprowadzone badanie, w którym wzięli udział żołnierze uczestniczący w wojnie na terenie Afganistanu, wykazało brak związku między intensywnością doświadczeń bojowych a samopoczuciem żołnierzy. Nieinformowanie rodziny o swoich trudnościach szło w parze z większą liczbą zakłóceń psychologicznych. Jednocześnie okazało się, że nie tyle faktycznie otrzymywane wsparcie, co przekonanie żołnierza o sensowności i możliwości otrzymania tej formy pomocy, wraz z powstrzymywaniem się od dzielenia swoimi trudnościami z członkami rodziny, przyczyniało się do pozytywnych zmian psychologicznych. Uzyskane wyniki skłaniają do wniosku, że psychologiczne skutki udziału w misji wojskowej są nie tyle zależne od intensywności doświadczeń bojowych, co od przekonania żołnierza, iż może on uzyskać pomoc od osoby bliskiej spoza rodziny

    Body Ego and Trauma as Correlates of Comfort in the Physical Proximity of Others

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the associations between comfort in the physical proximity of others and interpersonal trauma and body ego. Comfort in the physical proximity of others was measured using a self-report method, as well as by means of a procedure where the experimenter initiated interpersonal touch. The results show that comfort in the physical proximity of others (based on self-report) was associated with four types of trauma (emotional, physical or sexual abuse and emotional neglect) as well as with all aspects of dysfunctional body ego (e.g. disrupted perception, problems with interpreting and regulating physical states). Defying expectations, the types of trauma studied did not differentiate individuals experiencing comfort from those experiencing discomfort, in an experimental setting of being touched. As predicted, both groups differed in all aspects of body ego. Moreover body ego proved to be a mediator between trauma and comfort in the physical proximity of others (self-report measure)