596 research outputs found

    Renal Allograft Rupture: A Clinicopathologic Review

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    Transplantation Proceedings Volume 32, Issue 8, December 2000, Pages 2597-2598 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doi:10.1016/S0041-1345(00)01801-7 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright © 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (4) Permissions & Reprints Renal allograft rupture: a clinicopathologic review M Ramosa, , L Martinsa, L Diasa, A.C Henriquesa, J Soaresa, J Queirósa and A.M Sarmentoa aDepartments of Urology and Nefrology, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Oporto, Portugal Available online 19 December 2000. Article Outline Patients and methods Results Discussion References Renal allograft rupture (RAR) is a rare but very serious complication of renal transplantation, requiring emergency surgery. The most common cause is acute allograft rejection, but other causes such as renal vein thrombosis (RVT), acute tubular necrosis (ATN), renal biopsy, and lymphatic obstruction have been reported.[1] and [2] We reviewed our experience with the aim of identifying RAR predisposing conditions. Patients and methods In a consecutive series of 934 renal transplants performed between July 1983 and September 1999, 11 patients (1.2%) had RAR. In these cases we studied donor and recipient characteristics, preservation conditions, clinical signs and symptoms, treatment, and pathology findings. This group of patients was then compared with their paired cohort. Data analysis was computer-based. In the statistical analysis t test and Fisher’s exact test were used. Results All 11 kidneys that suffered RAR were from cadaver donors, nine male and two female. The mean age was 29.5 years with good terminal serum creatinine (mean 1.1 mg/dL). All organs were stored in Eurocollins solution and the mean cold ischemia time was 21 hours and 25 minutes (range, 10 hours to 29 hours and 20 minutes). Excluding one black patient, all recipients were Caucasian. Eight were female and 3 were male, with a mean age of 33.8 years. The mean HLA match was 1.7, and the mean peak panel reactive antibody (PRA) was 22% (range 0 to 93%) and current was 15% (range 0 to 67%). All patients had cyclosporine treatment, eight had delayed graft function requiring dialysis, and three underwent renal allograft biopsy. In two patients rupture occurred in the second allograft; the others were first transplants. The day of RAR was a mean of 5.3 (range 2 to 13). All patients had new onset of severe allograft pain, eight had a drop in daily hematocrit, and six had hypotension. The four patients with more precocious ruptures had sudden onset of bleeding through the drainage tube. Transplant nephrectomy was performed in 10 patients, and surgical conservative treatment with fibrin glue and collagen foam was performed in one. All patients survived RAR. Three had a second transplant and currently have functioning allografts. Pathology examination revealed RVT in three patients and some degree of rejection in the remaining eight. One patient had a rupture on the second day because of hyperacute rejection, and three had severe acute cellular rejection, but in four patients the dominant figure was ATN with minimal rejection. Excluding the patient with hyperacute rejection, the day of rupture was later for those with severe acute rejection, a mean of 9.6 days (range 6 to 13). In those with ATN, the day of RAR was a mean of 4.5 (range 3 to 6) and the patients with RVT had ruptures even sooner, on mean third day (range 2 to 4). Variables associated with RAR were: sex mismatch (P = .004), current PRA (P = .012), and a need for dialysis (P = .042). Age of the recipient, transplant number, cold ischemia time, total HLA match, and peak PRA were not associated with RAR. Discussion Higher current PRA and a need for dialysis are variables associated with rejection and ATN. Therefore they are expected to be related to rupture. The well-documented conditions that are associated with ATN and rejection3 must be the same, which in extreme conditions predispose to RAR. We find no explanation for the statistically significant association of sex mismatch and RAR, other than random error. Acute allograft rejection is the most frequent cause of graft rupture in the literature (60 to 80%),3 but ATN has received little note. In our series, ATN was responsible for 36% of the ruptures, as much as severe acute rejection. ATN alone can cause RAR,4 because of interstitial edema and rise in intrarenal pressure. But when associated with rejection, it seems that these two conditions can act synergistically to cause allograft rupture. Our data suggests that rupture occurs later when caused by rejection, rather than when RVT is responsible. To our knowledge this finding had never been reported in world literature. Perhaps the timing of RVT is related to technical problems, such as twisting and kinking of the vein or intima tear, although the thrombogenic effect of cyclosporine can also have a role in this process.5 All these patients were on cyclosporine therapy, which may explain the small number of RAR caused by rejection alone and the significant number of patients that had RVT (27%). It appears that cyclosporine therapy is changing the etiology of the graft rupture.6 References 1 T. Grochowiecki, J. Szmidt and K. Madej et al., Transplantation Proc 28 (1996), p. 3461. View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (2) 2 R.S. Lord, D.J. Effeney and J.M. Hayes et al., Ann Surg 177 (1973), p. 268. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (4) 3 G.J. Azar, A. Zarifian and G.D. Frentz et al., Clin Transplantation 10 (1996), p. 635. View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (12) 4 Y.H. Chan, K.M. Wong and K.C. Lee et al., Am J Kidney Dis 34 (1999), p. 355. Abstract | Article | PDF (86 K) 5 R.M. Jones, J.A. Murie and A. Ting et al., Clin Transplant 2 (1988), p. 122. 6 A.J. Richardson, R.M. Higgins and A.J. Jaskowski et al., Br J Surg 77 (1990), p. 558. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (19

    Avaliação da incidência de antracnose, do desempenho e estado nutricional de variedades de mangueira, para cultivo orgânico, na região centro-norte do Estado de São Paulo.

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    A mudança do perfil do consumidor, aliada aos riscos da contaminação por agrotóxicos, tem levado à busca de alternativas ecologicamente apropriadas para produção de frutas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a incidência de antracnose, o desempenho e estado nutricional de variedades de mangueira conduzidas organicamente na região de Pindorama-SP. Foram utilizadas 17 variedades de mangueira. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento experimental em blocos completos ao acaso, com 17 tratamentos (variedades) e seis repetições. Foi avaliada a severidade de antracnose nas folhas, através de uma escala diagramática, atribuindo-se notas aos sintomas. Foram avaliados o crescimento e o desenvolvimento (altura da planta, perímetro do tronco e da copa) e o estado nutricional, mediante análise foliar, das diferentes variedades utilizadas. Através dos resultados obtidos, podem-se considerar como muito suscetíveis à antracnose as variedades Bourbon, Rocha e Rosa; e resistentes, as variedades IAC 111, Alfa, Beta e Parvin; as variedades de manga apresentaram o mesmo padrão de crescimento; as maiores alturas da planta corresponderam aos maiores diâmetros do tronco e da copa; a variedade Parvin apresentou o melhor desempenho dentre as variedades estudadas, com relação à resistência à antracnose, altura e diâmetro do caule e da copa, podendo ser recomendada ao cultivo orgânico. As variedades Omega e Alfa também apresentaram bom crescimento, podendo ser indicadas para esse cultivo, pelo menos nessa fase inicial; as variedades Surpresa e Rosa não apresentaram bom desempenho, no campo, em relação às demais, não devendo ser recomendadas para o cultivo orgânico, principalmente a variedade Rosa, bastante suscetível à antracnose. As concentrações de N, P e K foram elevadas na fase vegetativa das plantas, comparadas à baixa concentração de Ca; houve carência de Boro em todas as variedades estudadas. A manga Rosa, provavelmente, sofreu toxicidade ao excesso de manganês, ocasionando diminuição em seu desenvolvimento

    Milk yield and composition, feed intake and stocking rate of crossbread cows in tropical grasses managed in a rotational grazing system

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate milk yield and composition, dry matter intake, and stocking rate in pastures with tanzania grass (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia), star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis cv. Estrela-Africana), and marandu grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu). The grasses were managed in a rotational grazing system with Holstein x Zebu crossbreed cows, with a 30-day resting period and three days of paddock occupation. The pastures were fertilized with 1,000 kg/ha/year using the 20:05:20 (NPK) formula, split in three applications during the rainy season. It was used a complete random block experimental design with three factors being studied and two replications. In the experiment, four cows/paddock were used and, when it was necessary, regulator animals were added in order to obtain a supply of 7% body weight green forage dry matter. The animals were individually fed concentrate at 2 kg/day during the experimental period. Milk yield did not differ among the three grasses, with values of 9.1; 9.1; and 8.7 kg/cow/day for pastures with tanzania grass, star grass and marandu grass, respectively. Similarly, grass did not affect milk chemical composition. Stocking rate was similar among the three grasses, with values of 4.6; 4.5 and 5.0 UA/ha for tanzania grass, star grass and marandu grass, respectively. The highest dry matter intake was observed for tanzania grass with 2.6% of the body weight while stargrass (2.3%) and marandu grass (2.4%) did not differ among each other. The highest dry matter intake on tanzania grass pasture was not reflected on milk yield per animal. Milk yield and composition and stocking rate are similar among the evaluated grasses.Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a produção e composição química do leite, o consumo de matéria seca e a taxa de lotação em pastagens de capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzânia), grama-estrela (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst cv. Estrela-Africana) e capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha Stapf cv. Marandu). As gramíneas foram manejadas sob regime de lotação rotacionada com vacas mestiças Holandês x Zebu, com 30 dias de intervalo de desfolha e três dias de ocupação do piquete e foram adubadas com 1.000 kg/ha/ano da fórmula 20:05:20 (NPK), parcelada em três vezes durante a época das chuvas. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com três fatores em estudo e duas repetições. Foram utilizadas quatro vacas por piquete e, quando necessário, foram acrescentados animais reguladores objetivando obter oferta de massa seca de forragem verde de 7% do peso vivo. Os animais receberam individualmente 2 kg/dia de concentrado no período experimental. A produção de leite não diferiu entre as três gramíneas, com valores de 9,1; 9,1 e 8,7 kg/vaca/dia para as pastagens de capim-tanzânia, grama-estrela e capim-marandu, respectivamente. Da mesma forma, não houve efeito da gramínea na composição química do leite. A taxa de lotação foi semelhante entre as três gramíneas, com os valores de 4,6; 4,5 e 5,0 UA/ha para o capim-tanzânia, a grama-estrela e o capim-marandu. Maior consumo de matéria seca foi observado no capim-tanzânia com 2,6% do PV, enquanto a grama-estrela (2,3%) e o capim-marandu (2,4%) não diferiram entre si. O maior consumo de matéria seca na pastagem de capim-tanzânia não refletiu na produção de leite por animal. A produção e composição química do leite e a taxa de lotação sao similares entre as gramíneas avaliadas

    Search for a W' boson decaying to a bottom quark and a top quark in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

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    Results are presented from a search for a W' boson using a dataset corresponding to 5.0 inverse femtobarns of integrated luminosity collected during 2011 by the CMS experiment at the LHC in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV. The W' boson is modeled as a heavy W boson, but different scenarios for the couplings to fermions are considered, involving both left-handed and right-handed chiral projections of the fermions, as well as an arbitrary mixture of the two. The search is performed in the decay channel W' to t b, leading to a final state signature with a single lepton (e, mu), missing transverse energy, and jets, at least one of which is tagged as a b-jet. A W' boson that couples to fermions with the same coupling constant as the W, but to the right-handed rather than left-handed chiral projections, is excluded for masses below 1.85 TeV at the 95% confidence level. For the first time using LHC data, constraints on the W' gauge coupling for a set of left- and right-handed coupling combinations have been placed. These results represent a significant improvement over previously published limits.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters B. Replaced with version publishe