80 research outputs found

    Identification of a possible superconducting transition above room temperature in natural graphite crystals

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    Measuring with high precision the electrical resistance of highly ordered natural graphite samples from a Brazil mine, we have identified a transition at \sim350~K with \sim40~K transition width. The step-like change in temperature of the resistance, its magnetic irreversibility and time dependence after a field change, consistent with trapped flux and flux creep, and the partial magnetic flux expulsion obtained by magnetization measurements, suggest the existence of granular superconductivity below 350~K. The zero-field virgin state can only be reached again after zero field cooling the sample from above the transition. Paradoxically, the extraordinarily high transition temperature we found for this and several other graphite samples is the reason why this transition remained undetected so far. The existence of well ordered rhombohedral graphite phase in all measured samples has been proved by x-rays diffraction measurements, suggesting its interfaces with the Bernal phase as a possible origin for the high-temperature superconductivity, as theoretical studies predicted. The localization of granular superconductivity at these two dimensional interfaces prevents the observation of a zero resistance state or of a full Meissner state.Comment: 14 pages with 21 figure

    Burned area mapping in the brazilian savanna using a one-class support vector machine trained by active fires

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    We used the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) active fire data (375 m spatial resolution) to automatically extract multispectral samples and train a One-Class Support Vector Machine for burned area mapping, and applied the resulting classification algorithm to 300-m spatial resolution imagery from the Project for On-Board Autonomy-Vegetation (PROBA-V). The active fire data were screened to prevent extraction of unrepresentative burned area samples and combined with surface reflectance bi-weekly composites to produce burned area maps. The procedure was applied over the Brazilian Cerrado savanna, validated with reference maps obtained from Landsat images and compared with the Collection 6 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) Burned Area product (MCD64A1) Results show that the algorithm developed improved the detection of small-sized scars and displayed results more similar to the reference data than MCD64A1. Unlike active fire-based region growing algorithms, the proposed approach allows for the detection and mapping of burn scars without active fires, thus eliminating a potential source of omission error. The burned area mapping approach presented here should facilitate the development of operational-automated burned area algorithms, and is very straightforward for implementation with other sensorsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Uridine Metabolism in HIV-1-Infected Patients: Effect of Infection, of Antiretroviral Therapy and of HIV-1/ART-Associated Lipodystrophy Syndrome

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    Background Uridine has been advocated for the treatment of HIV-1/HAART-associated lipodystrophy (HALS), although its metabolism in HIV-1-infected patients is poorly understood. Methods Plasma uridine concentrations were measured in 35 controls and 221 HIV-1-infected patients and fat uridine in 15 controls and 19 patients. The diagnosis of HALS was performed following the criteria of the Lipodystrophy Severity Grading Scale. Uridine was measured by a binary gradient-elution HPLC method. Analysis of genes encoding uridine metabolizing enzymes in fat was performed with TaqMan RT-PCR. Results Median plasma uridine concentrations for HIV-1-infected patients were 3.80 µmol/l (interquartile range: 1.60), and for controls 4.60 µmol/l (IQR: 1.8) (P = 0.0009). In fat, they were of 6.0 (3.67), and 2.8 (4.65) nmol/mg of protein, respectively (P = 0.0118). Patients with a mixed HALS form had a median plasma uridine level of 4.0 (IC95%: 3.40-4.80) whereas in those with isolated lipoatrophy it was 3.25 (2.55-4.15) µmol/l/l (P = 0.0066). The expression of uridine cytidine kinase and uridine phosphorylase genes was significantly decreased in all groups of patients with respect to controls. A higher expression of the mRNAs for concentrative nucleoside transporters was found in HIV-1-infected patients with respect to healthy controls. Conclusions HIV-1 infection is associated with a decrease in plasma uridine and a shift of uridine to the adipose tissue compartment. Antiretroviral therapy was not associated with plasma uridine concentrations, but pure lipoatrophic HALS was associated with significantly lower plasma uridine concentrations

    Spatial variability of physical and chemical attributes of some forest soils in southeastern of Brazil

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    Capão Bonito forest soils, São Paulo state, Brazil, have been used for forestry purposes for almost one century. Detailed knowledge about the distribution of soil attributes over the landscape is of fundamental importance for proper management of natural resources. The purpose of this study was to identify the variability and spatial dependence of chemical and physical attributes of Capão Bonito forest soils. A large soil database of regional land was raised and organized. Most of the selected variables were close to the lognormal frequency range. Soil texture presented a higher range in the A horizon, and the nugget effect and sill were greater in the B horizon. These differences are attributed to the parent material of the region (Itararé Geologic Formation), which presents uneven distribution of sediments. Chemical attributes related to soil fertility presented a higher spatial dependence range in the B horizon, probably as a result of more intensive management and erosion history of the superficial soil layer. Maps for some attributes were interpolated. These had specific areas of occurrence and a wide distribution along the perimeter of the Capão Bonito District Forest, allowing a future site-specific soil management

    Nutrição mineral de hortaliças: XXIX. absorção de macronutrientes por quatro cultivares de morangueiro (Fragaria spp.)

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    The aim of this work was to estimate the differences in growth (dry weight basis), nutrients uptake, fruits yield, total uptake and exportation of nutrients among several strawberry cultivars: Campinas (IAC-2712), Camanducaia (IAC-3530), Monte Alegre (IAC-3113) and SH-2. The experimental was carried out in the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", in field conditions, in 1975/76. The soil belongs to Terra Roxa Estruturada type, and "Luiz de Queiroz" serie. This soil has been cultivated for more than 25 years. The experimental design was that randomized blocks with four replications and analysed together following the design of split-plot. The soil of the plots were revolved to a deep of 12 cm following application of 10 kg organic matter/m². The fertilizers were applied in the groove and in the same amount for all cultivars: Ammonium sulfate (20% N), 10 g/m; triple superphosphate (20% P(2)0(5)) 10 g/m; Potassium cloride (60% K(2)0), 10 g/m. Therty days after planting, 10 g/plant of ammonium sulfate was applied. After 76 days from planting, the firsa sample was taken. Other samples were taken in equal intervals of 20 days, up to 216 days. When a decrease in fruitproduction was noted. The sample (plants) were divided in stems, leaves and fruits and chemical analysis were made for N, R, K, Ca, Mg e S. The variation on production (dry matter) nutrient uptake' and fruits yield, were obtained from data calculated by adjusted regression equation analysis. The maxima point from these equations were taken to show the total nutrient uptake. From the data obtained, the following conclusions could be drawn. Growth - The dry matter of stems, leaves and fruits were different among the cultivars. The production of dry matter by the stems and fruits were linnear for all cultivars up to 196 and 216 days. The highest productions on dry matter varied between 15 to 25 g and 12 to 20 g/plant. The maximum production of dry matter in the leaves among the cultivars varied between 20 to 30 g at 196 and 173 days respectivelly. The cultivars Campinas (IAC-2712) and Camanducaia (IAC-3530) produced more dry matter than SH-2 cultivar. Nutrient uptake -< The were differences on nutrient content in stems and leaves among cultivars (R, K, Ca, S, B) and in the fruits for N, R, K, Mg, S. The highest absorption of nutrients (days after planting) is shown in Table I. Yield - No significant difference in fruit production was observed among the cultivars. The highest yield among the cultivars showed a variation between 103 to 151 g per plant at the 207 and 207 days,Efetuou-se um estudo para avaliar a absorção e a extração dos macronutrientes nos seguintes cultivares de morangueiro: Campinas (IAC-2712); Camanducaia (IAC-3530) ; Monte Alegre (IAC-3113) e SH-2 em condições de campo. A instalação deu-se em um solo pertencente ao grande grupo Terra Roxa Estruturada, e à série "Luiz de Queiroz" cultivado intensivamente com hortaliças há mais de 25 anos, em Piracicaba-SP. A adubação aplicada foi uniforme para todos os cultivares. São apresentadas as concentrações dos macronutrientes em porcentagem nos seguintes órgãos: caules, folhas e frutos dos cultivares em função da idade (X) em dias. Constatou-se que os cultivares diferem quanto à absorção dos macronutrientes (R, K, Ca e S em relação a caules e folhas, e, N, R, K, Mg e S em relação aos frutos). Constatou-se também que os cultivares extraem totais diferentes de R, K, Ca, Mg e S sendo as extrações de R pelos cultivares menores do que as extrações de Ca e Mg, e no global as de Mg são equivalentes às de S. As quantidades máximas extraídas pelos cultivares para uma população de 150.000 plantas/ha foram : N - 192 kg; R - 24-50 kg; K - 133-244 kg; Ca - 76-116 kg; Mg - 30-34 kg; S - 13-27 kg. - A maior produção de matéria seca tanto nos órgãos como na planta inteira, ocorreu nos cultivares Campinas (IAC-2712) e Camanducaia (IAC-3530) e a menor produção verificou-se no cultivar SH-2. - Os cultivares diferem na absorção dos nutrientes: R, K, Ca, S para caules e folhas. E para frutos, N, R, K, Mg e S. - Os cultivares atingem o máximo da absorção de nutrientes nos órgãos nas seguintes épocas, em dias: - Os cultivares extraem e exportam totais diferentes de R, K, Ca e Mg. - Tanto os macronutrientes são extraídos em quantidades mais elevadas através das folhas e em menor proporção por caules e frutos. - As extrações de N, K e Ca são mais altas que aquelas dos demais macronutrientes. - As extrações de R pelos cultivares são menores que as de Ca e Mg, sendo ainda as extrações de Ca superiores às de Mg, enquanto no global as de Mg são equivalentes às de S. - A extração de macronutrientes verifica-se na ordem decrescente: K, N, Ca, Mg, S e P