26 research outputs found

    Förvirring – en framgångsrik metod att kontrollera inomhuslevande mottfjärilar

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    Förvirring – en framgångsrik metod att kontrollera inomhuslevande mottfjärilar, Vad vi kan finna i maten: Tre mycket vanliga mottfjärilar, kvarnmott (Ephestia kuehniella), mandelmott (Ephestia cautella) och indiskt mjölmott (Plodia interpunctella) angriper matprodukter över hela världen och orsakar stor skada i fabriker, lagerlokaler och i hem. Fram till väldigt nyligen bekämpades angrepp med kemiska bekämpningsmedel, t.ex. med metylbromid. En ökande insikt om mänsklig hälsovådlighet och insekters ökade resistens mot insekticider ledde till ett förbud mot användning av dessa kemikalier. Alternativa metoder krävs nu för att minska skadeinsekters angrepp. En alternativ metod är att använda feromoner. Feromoner och möjligheten att använda dem i kontrollsyfte: Innan parning avger honan hos alla de tre nämnda arterna en specifik doft (feromon) som attraherar hanar. De tre arternas feromon består av två till fyra olika ämnen som gör doften artspecifik (tillhör endast en art). Dessa närbesläktade mottfjärilar har emellertid samma huvudkomponent i sina feromoner ((Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienylactetat) och denna ensam fungerar relativt väl för samtliga arter. ”Förvirring” är en metod som numera vinner mer och mer mark hos odlare över hela världen. Den övergripande hypotesen är att genom att sprida ut ett moln av det artspecifika doftämnet hindra hanen att hitta doftspåret till honan. Därigenom hindras parning och populationen minskar eller dör ut. Förvirringsmetoden används oftare utomhus i odlingar men dess effekt inomhus har inte hittills blivit undersökt. Vi redovisar här försök på hur förvirring har minskat antalet mottfjärilar i olika typer av lokaler, i kvarnar (kvarnmott), i husdjursfoderlager (Indiskt mjölmott) och i en chokladfabrik (mandelmott) och som tyder på att förvirring är en mycket lovande alternativ metod mot skadeangrepp av mottfjärilar. Förvirring i kvarnar och chokladfabriker: Tre kvarnar har behandlats med förvirring där populationsstorleken har mätts genom att räkna antalet fångade hanar i feromonfällor. Fällfångster minskade drastiskt i alla lokaler och jämförelser mellan år visar att metoden fungerar bättre under en längre tid (cirka 20 månader). Feromonkoncentrationen mättes med en bärbar elektroantennograf (EAG) som visade att feromonhalten ökade direkt efter uppsättandet av feromonavgivarna och att feromonet var jämnt fördelat över hela lokalerna. Färre mott kunde observeras i lokalerna och antalet kundreklamationer minskade under de år försöken pågick. I chokladfabriken kunde vi även fånga mandelmott i vattenfällor som ett oberoende mått på populationsstorleken. Fångster i dessa fällor visade en signifi kant nedgång av populationen av mandelmott. Av dessa förvirringsförsök kan vi sammanfatta att denna metod har stor möjlighet att, på ett miljövänligt sätt, kunna minska populationer av dessa tre inomhuslevande mottfjärilar

    Bees increase seed set of wild plants while the proportion of arable land has a variable effect on pollination in European agricultural landscapes

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    Background and aims - Agricultural intensification and loss of farmland heterogeneity have contributed to population declines of wild bees and other pollinators, which may have caused subsequent declines in insect-pollinated wild plants. Material and methods - Using data from 37 studies on 22 pollinator-dependent wild plant species across Europe, we investigated whether flower visitation and seed set of insect-pollinated plants decline with an increasing proportion of arable land within 1 km. Key results - Seed set increased with increasing flower visitation by bees, most of which were wild bees, but not with increasing flower visitation by other insects. Increasing proportion of arable land had a strongly variable effect on seed set and flower visitation by bees across studies. Conclusion - Factors such as landscape configuration, local habitat quality, and temporally changing resource availability (e.g. due to mass-flowering crops or honey bee hives) could have modified the effect of arable land on pollination. While our results highlight that the persistence of wild bees is crucial to maintain plant diversity, we also show that pollen limitation due to declining bee populations in homogenized agricultural landscapes is not a universal driver causing parallel losses of bees and insect-pollinated plants.Peer reviewe

    Age at first birth in women is genetically associated with increased risk of schizophrenia

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    Prof. Paunio on PGC:n jäsenPrevious studies have shown an increased risk for mental health problems in children born to both younger and older parents compared to children of average-aged parents. We previously used a novel design to reveal a latent mechanism of genetic association between schizophrenia and age at first birth in women (AFB). Here, we use independent data from the UK Biobank (N = 38,892) to replicate the finding of an association between predicted genetic risk of schizophrenia and AFB in women, and to estimate the genetic correlation between schizophrenia and AFB in women stratified into younger and older groups. We find evidence for an association between predicted genetic risk of schizophrenia and AFB in women (P-value = 1.12E-05), and we show genetic heterogeneity between younger and older AFB groups (P-value = 3.45E-03). The genetic correlation between schizophrenia and AFB in the younger AFB group is -0.16 (SE = 0.04) while that between schizophrenia and AFB in the older AFB group is 0.14 (SE = 0.08). Our results suggest that early, and perhaps also late, age at first birth in women is associated with increased genetic risk for schizophrenia in the UK Biobank sample. These findings contribute new insights into factors contributing to the complex bio-social risk architecture underpinning the association between parental age and offspring mental health.Peer reviewe

    Small biotopes: Landscape and management effects on pollinators

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    The intensification of agriculture during the second half of the twentieth century, has caused sever declines of farmland biodiversity, where loss of semi-natural habitats is one of the major drivers. To halt further loss of habitat and biodiversity, agri-environmental schemes (AES) are used to compensate farmers to use methods less harmful to the environment. In this thesis, I have investigated the importance of preserving small biotopes (e.g. field boundaries, road verges, field islets and marl pits) for the persistence of plants and pollinators in agricultural landscapes of varying complexity. I also evaluated the effectiveness of a Swedish AES focused on preventing woody encroachment of small biotopes, with the partial aim of benefiting biodiversity, on the species richness and abundances of pollinators. I surveyed plants and pollinators in different types of habitats found within agricultural landscapes, to investigate the relative importance of small biotopes as habitat for these two groups. I also investigated the local- and landscape-scale effects of removing woody vegetation from small biotopes on pollinators and pollination. The results showed that small biotopes are important for the preservation of both plants and pollinators, within agricultural landscapes of varying structural complexity. Their importance as habitat for pollinators is highest when no mass-flowering crops are available. I also show that the removal of woody vegetation from small biotopes can benefit some pollinator groups while others may be negatively impacted, and although management may benefit pollinators locally, it may not affect the occurrences of pollinators at larger spatial scales. However, the results show that benefits from management of small biotopes are likely to be higher within structurally simple landscapes. The results from this thesis, thus highlights the importance of preserving small biotopes within agricultural landscapes for the conservation of farmland biodiversity. They further illustrate the importance of evaluating and understanding the effects of agri-environmental schemes, since the efficiency of these to enhance biodiversity can vary between organism groups and depend on landscape structure

    Evaluating the Swedish Dignity Care Intervention within municipality healthcare : for older persons with palliative care needs

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    Background: Palliative care in Sweden is not equal in terms of age, disease, and place of care. An essential value within palliative care is dignity, therefore healthcare emphasizing this value must be prioritized. However, older persons are concerned their dignity would not be considered and dignity interventions are rare. The overall aim of the thesis was to evaluate the Swedish Dignity Care Intervention (DCI-SWE) and its implementation within municipal palliative healthcare in order to conserve older persons’ dignity and quality of life. Methods: Qualitative and mixed methods were used. Data were collected with an integrative review (study I), focus group and individual interviews with community nurses (CNs) (studies II, IV), healthcare professionals and managers (study IV), individual interviews with older persons and relatives (study III), reflective diaries and field notes (studies II, IV), and questionnaires measuring older persons’ dignity-related distress and quality of life (study III). Data were analysed using thematic synthesis (study I), inductive content analysis(study II), inductive thematic analysis and comparative statistical analysis (study III), directed content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis (study IV). Results: Within dignity-conserving care, broad outcomes like dignity-related distress and quality of life have been used. However, communication outcomes should also be considered (study I). The DCISWE has clear benefits if it is used with background of who the older person is and with respect of personal needs (studies II - IV). The feasibility of the DCI-SWE depends on the healthcare organization’s engagement and capacity (studies II, IV). The DCI-SWE can support CNs in communicating with older persons (studies II, IV). However, more communication training is needed, and managers leadership is an important component (studies II, IV). The implementation intervention needs further development, and the use of a behavior change model may be beneficial.

    Barn som far illa i sin hemmiljö : BVC-sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta och hjälpa barnen.

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    ABSTRACT Aim: The aim of this study was to describe child health nurses (CHN´s) experiences of meeting and helping the children exposed to child abuse in the home environment. Background: CHN´s have the opportunity to come close to families and support them. This support may strengthen the parental role which can improve the child's environment and provide help to children exposed to child abuse. Methods: A descriptive design with a qualitative approach (content analysis) was used. Six CHN´s were interviewed. Findings: The experience of to obtain an insight into the child maltreatment was described. The CHN´s experienced their meeting with child abuse as a difficult task e.g. to take a decision to notify the social services and the CHN as the child´ s agent. The CHN´s also had experiences of both providing and receiving support. Conclusions: CHN´s have a number of difficult tasks like meeting abused children. Through experience and support from colleges the CHN´s can reach a higher confidence in their own capacity of helping the children. This can affect how fast the CHN take the necessary decision to report to social services when a child is abused. KEYWORDS: Child abuse, Care failure, Child health care, Child health nurse, Failure to thrive.VÅRD I NORDEN 4/2011. PUBL. NO. 102 VOL. 31 NO. 1 PP 38–42</p

    The adaptation of the Dignity Care Intervention to a Swedish context

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    Background: The Dignity Care Intervention (DCI) was developed in Scotland by Johnston and co-workers for nurses in municipality care, to enhance dignity in persons with palliative care needs. DCI includes a questionnaire, examples of reflective questions and suggests care actions. DCI has been tested in Ireland, and is now adapted to Swedish. Objective: To translate and adapt the DCI to a Swedish palliative context. Method: The questionnaire was translated and adapted into Swedish and reviewed by an expert group, before validated in cognitive interviews (N=7) with older persons. To update evidence concerning care actions from a Swedish context, a review of Swedish research literature and interviews with older persons, relatives and health care professionals were carried out. This gathered knowledge has been integrated into the Swedish DCI (DCI-SWE) and a feasibility study now takes place in one municipality in home care, Sweden. Included nurses got repeated information and participated in a shorter DCI-education, and will use the DCI in their everyday work for three months. Follow-up interviews will be conducted and analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The Swedish version of the questionnaire was experienced relevant for older persons, and both the Swedish review and the interviews gave culturally relevant proposals about dignity care actions. Further, a feasibility study will contribute to the ongoing development of the Swedish DCI-version. Conclusion and implication for practice: Implementing DCI in Sweden can enhance dignity in persons with palliative care needs and facilitate for a person-centered care.Dignity Care Projec

    Enhancing dignity in older persons in Sweden : adaptation of the Dignity Care Intervention

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    Background : In end of life, the older persons´ experiences of dignity can be affected due to serious illness and life changes, derived from physical, psychological, social and existential dimension. Loss of dignity impact the persons´ will to live. The Dignity Care Intervention (DCI) was developed and tested in Scotland and Ireland, to enhance dignity of older persons with palliative care needs, by nurses in municipality care. DCI consists a patient dignity inventory, reflective questions and examples of evidence-based care actions. The aim was to develop and adapt the DCI to a Swedish context. Methods: The patient dignity inventory was overall accepted by older persons in home care, however some changes in the wording were performed. The Swedish care actions reflected mostly earlier care actions described in the original version. However some more care actions derived in some of the categories in the Swedish DCI (DCI-SWE) e.g. “social support”, and some less care actions derived for example in the category “aftermath concerns”.  In DCI-SWE general care actions like e.g. to show respect were concretized unlike the original DCI. Conclusions: The DCI-SWE has prospects to enhance older persons´ dignity, and is now tested in a feasibility study by twelve nurses in home care.Dignity Care Projec

    Delaktighetsfrämjande familjeintervjuer

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    Det har inte tidigare forskats om hur man intervjuar familjer i sin helhet eller med delaktighetsfrämjande metoder. Arbetets syfte är att reda ut metoder som går att tillämpa vid delaktighetsfrämjande familjeintervjuer. Det här arbetet är en del av beställningsprojektet Skärgårdsliv. I arbetet besvaras frågorna ”Vilka datainsamlingsmetoder passar att använda för barn, unga och vuxna och hur används de när man intervjuar en hel familj?” och ”Vad behöver man tänka på när man samlar data från olika former av familjer?”. Datainsamlingen skedde genom en traditionell narrativ litteraturöversikt. Materialet samlades in från olika tillförlitliga vetenskapliga källor. Slutprodukten av det här arbetet är en så kallad supermetod i form av en manual för hur man intervjuar en hel familj i sin helhet och hur manualen kan tillämpas för olika familjeformer. Supermetoden är en ihopsatt metod med komponenter från flera olika delaktighetsfrämjande metoder. Med hjälp av supermetoden ska man kunna kartlägga olika familjers hälsa och levnadsvanor.Aikaisemmin ei ole tutkittu, miten perheitä kokonaisuudessaan haastatellaan tai miten perheitä haastatellaan osallistumista edistävillä tavoilla. Työn tavoite on siten selvittää ne menetelmät, jotka ovat sovellettavissa niin lapsille, nuorille kuin aikuisillekin. Tämä työ on osa isompaa hanketta ”Saaristoelämää”. Työ vastaa kysymyksiin ”Mitkä tiedonkeruumenetelmät ovat sopivia lasten, nuorten ja aikuisten haastattelemiseen ja miten niitä tulisi käyttää perheiden kokonaisvaltaisessa haastattelussa” ja ”Mitä tulisi huomioida kerättäessä tietoa eri perhemuodoilta”. Tiedonkeruu tapahtui kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Aineisto kerättiin useista luotettavista tieteellisistä lähteistä. Työn lopputulos on niin sanottu supermenetelmä, joka on muotoiltu ohjekirjaksi ja siitä ilmenee, miten perheitä kokonaisuudessaan haastatellaan ja miten supermenetelmää voi hyödyntää eri perhemuodoissa. Supermenetelmä on menetelmä, joka on koottu monista osallistumiseen edistävistä komponenteista. Ohjekirjan avulla on tarkoitus pystyä selvittämään perheiden elämäntapoja ja terveyttä.There is no previous research on how to interview families as a group or with participative methods and therefore the purpose of this thesis is to figure out methods which can be applied to participative family interviews. This thesis is part of the project “Life in the archipelago”. The thesis will attempt to answer the following questions: “Which data collection methods are suitable for use among children, adolescents and adults, and how can these be used when interviewing a family?” and “What needs to be taken into consideration when collecting data from different family constellations?”. The data was collected from different scholarly sources using a traditional narrative literature review. The result of this thesis is a supermethod, which is presented as a manual for how to interview families as a group. The manual can be applied to different family constellations. The supermethod is based on components from several participative methods. The main purpose of the manual is to collect data from different families regarding their health and living habits