79 research outputs found

    Eficacia de la pliometría en la fatiga neuromuscular en triatlón: estudio piloto

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    Las transiciones en triatlón afectan al rendimiento y riesgo de lesión. El objetivo fue determinar la fatiga neuromuscular inducida por 40 km de ciclismo y la eficacia del entrenamiento pliométrico en la fatiga y rendimiento de la carrera a pie. Participaron doce triatletas, 5 realizaron un entrenamiento pliométrico y 7 continuaron su entrenamiento habitual. Se realizaron tests de salto antes y después de 40 km de ciclismo para determinar la fatiga y se registró el ritmo de 5 km de carrera. Se observaron diferencias significativas en la altura de salto (p<0,05) indicando que 40 km de ciclismo inducen fatiga en la extremidad inferior. Tras el entrenamiento pliométrico se observaron mejoras significativas en el test Squat Jump posterior al ciclismo (p=0,038) y en el ritmo del primer kilómetro (p=0,015). El entrenamiento pliométrico parece ser más eficaz que el entrenamiento habitual para mejorar la fatiga neuromuscular y el ritmo del primer kilómetro

    Potential use of elderberry (Sambucus nigra l.) as natural colorant and antioxidant in the food industry: a review

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    The food industry, in response to current consumer demand for natural and functional foods, is constantly evolving and reformulating traditional products formulations. Thus, during the last decades, multiple natural sources have been investigated to replace the need to add synthetic additives. In addition, the use of natural sources can also increase the nutritional quality of the food. With this in mind, elderberry is used in the food industry for certain purposes. However, its potential is much higher than the number of applications it currently has. Its high content of anthocyanins, as well as other polyphenols and vitamins, means that it can be used by the food industry both as a colorant and as an antioxidant. In addition, the incorporation of these bioactive compounds results in functional foods, with a high antioxidant capacity. Moreover, the inclusion of elderberry products in foods formulation increases their shelf-life, but the correct amount and strategy for adding elderberry to food should be studied to ensure a positive effect on nutritional and technological properties without affecting (or improving) the sensory quality of foods. Therefore, this manuscript aims to review the main bioactive compounds present in elderberries, as well as their potential uses in the food industry.The authors thank GAIN (Axencia Galega de Innovación) for supporting this review (grant number IN607A2019/01). Authors (R.D., M.P., P.E.S.M., E.M.S.L., and J.M.L.) are members of the HealthyMeat network, funded by CYTED (ref. 119RT0568). Authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to the CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020). L. Barros thanks the national funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program for her contract.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La Base de Datos de Fallas Activas en el Cuaternario de Iberia (QAFI v.2.0)

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    ABSTRACT. The Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) is an initiative lead by the Institute of Geology and Mines of Spain (IGME) for building a public repository of scientific data regarding faults having documented activity during the last 2.59 Ma (Quaternary). QAFI also addresses a need to transfer geologic knowledge to practitioners of seismic hazard and risk in Iberia by identifying and characterizing seismogenic fault-sources. QAFI is populated by the information freely provided by more than 40 Earth science researchers, storing to date a total of 262 records. In this article we describe the development and evolution of the database, as well as its internal architecture. Additionally, a first global analysis of the data is provided with a special focus on length and slip-rate fault parameters. Finally, the database completeness and the internal consistency of the data are discussed. Even though QAFI v.2.0 is the most current resource for calculating fault-related seismic hazard in Iberia, the database is still incomplete and requires further review.RESUMEN. La Base de Datos de Fallas Activas de Iberia (QAFI) es una iniciativa promovida por el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME) para construir un repositorio público de información científica sobre fallas con actividad en los últimos 2,59 Ma (Cuaternario). Además, la QAFI persigue establecer una base sobre la que facilitar la transferencia de conocimiento geológico al ámbito tecnológico de la gestión del riesgo sísmico en Iberia, en particular en la identificación y caracterización de fuentes sismogénicas tipo falla. La QAFI se ha construido a partir de la información proporcionada de modo altruista por más de 40 investigadores en ciencias de la Tierra conteniendo actualmente un total de de 262 registros. En este artículo se describe la concepción y evolución de la base de datos, y su arquitectura interna. Además, se ofrece un primer análisis global de los datos que contiene, con especial interés en parámetros tan importantes como la longitud y tasa de deslizamiento de las fallas. Finalmente se discuten dos temas cruciales en cualquier base de datos: su completitud y la homogeneidad de los datos. Se concluye que QAFI v.2.0, pese a ser la fuente más actualizada de información disponible en Iberia sobre peligrosidad sísmica de fallas concretas, dista aun de ser completa, por lo que nuevas revisiones y versiones deberán seguir llevándose a cabo en el futuro

    Conference Title : ICP 2017 : 19th International Conference on Physiotherapy

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    Asthma is a heterogeneous disease which has always had a drug treatment. Osteopathic treatment that we propose is aimed, seen through a dorsal manipulation (Dog Technic D1-D4) and a technique for diaphragm (Longitudinal Stroke) forced expiratory flow in spirometry changes there are in particular that there is an increase in the volumes of the Peak Flow and Post intervention and effort and that the application of these two techniques together is more powerful if we applied only a Longitudinal (Stroke). Also rating if this type of treatment will have repercussions on breathlessness, a very common symptom in asthma. And finally to investigate if provided vertebra pain decreased after a manipulation. Methods—Participants were recruited between students and professors of the University, aged 18-65, patients (n = 18) were assigned randomly to one of the two groups, group 1 (longitudinal Stroke and manipulation dorsal Dog Technic) and group 2 (diaphragmatic technique, Longitudinal Stroke). The statistical analysis is characterized by the comparison of the main indicator of obstruction of via area PEF (peak expiratory flow) in various situations through the peak flow meter Datospir Peak-10. The measurements were carried out in four phases: at rest, after the stress test, after the treatment, after treatment and the stress test. After each stress test was evaluated, through the Borg scale, the level of Dyspnea on each patient, regardless of the group. In Group 1 in addition to these parameters was calculated using an algometer spinous pain before and after the manipulation. All data were taken at the minute. Results—12 Group 1 (Dog Technic and Longitudinal Stroke) patients responded positively to treatment, there was an increase of 5.1% and 6.1% of the post-treatment PEF and post-treatment, and effort. The results of the scale of Borg by which we measure the level of Dyspnea were positive, a 54.95%, patients noted an improvement in breathing. In addition was confirmed through the means of both groups group 1 in which two techniques were applied was 34.05% more effective than group 2 in which applied only a. After handling pain fell by 38% of the cases. Conclusions—The impact of the technique of Dog-Technic for D1-D4 and the Longitudinal Stroke technique for diaphragm in the volumes of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in asthmatic patients were positive, there was a change of the PEF Post intervention and post-treatment, and effort and showed the most effective group in which only a technique was applied. Furthermore this type of treatment decreased facilitated vertebrae pain and was efficient in the improvement of Dyspnea and the general well-being of the patient

    Compilation of parameterized seismogenic sources in Iberia for the SHARE European-scale seismic source model.

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    Abstract: SHARE (Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe) is an EC-funded project (FP7) that aims to evaluate European seismic hazards using an integrated, standardized approach. In the context of SHARE, we are compiling a fully-parameterized active fault database for Iberia and the nearby offshore region. The principal goal of this initiative is for fault sources in the Iberian region to be represented in SHARE and incorporated into the source model that will be used to produce seismic hazard maps at the European scale. The SHARE project relies heavily on input from many regional experts throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region. At the SHARE regional meeting for Iberia, the 2010 Working Group on Iberian Seismogenic Sources (WGISS) was established; these researchers are contributing to this large effort by providing their data to the Iberian regional integrators in a standardized format. The development of the SHARE Iberian active fault database is occurring in parallel with IBERFAULT, another ongoing effort to compile a database of active faults in the Iberian region. The SHARE Iberian active fault database synthesizes a wide range of geological and geophysical observations on active seismogenic sources, and incorporates existing compilations (e.g., Cabral, 1995; Silva et al., 2008), original data contributed directly from researchers, data compiled from the literature, parameters estimated using empirical and analytical relationships, and, where necessary, parameters derived using expert judgment. The Iberian seismogenic source model derived for SHARE will be the first regional-scale source model for Iberia that includes fault data and follows an internationally standardized approach (Basili et al., 2008; 2009). This model can be used in both seismic hazard and risk analyses and will be appropriate for use in Iberian- and European-scale assessments

    Influence of the length of hospitalisation in post-discharge outcomes in patients with acute heart failure: Results of the LOHRCA study

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between length of hospitalisation (LOH) and post-discharge outcomes in acute heart failure (AHF) patients and to ascertain whether there are different patterns according to department of initial hospitalisation. Methods: Consecutive AHF patients hospitalised in 41 Spanish centres were grouped based on the LOH (15 days). Outcomes were defined as 90-day post-discharge all-cause mortality, AHF readmissions, and the combination of both. Hazard ratios (HRs), adjusted by chronic conditions and severity of decompensation, were calculated for groups with LOH >6 days vs. LOH <6 days (reference), and stratified by hospitalisation in cardiology, internal medicine, geriatrics, or short-stay units. Results: We included 8563 patients (mean age: 80 (SD = 10) years, 55.5% women), with a median LOH of 7 days (IQR 4–11): 2934 (34.3%) had a LOH 15 days. The 90-day post-discharge mortality was 11.4%, readmission 32.2%, and combined endpoint 37.4%. Mortality was increased by 36.5% (95%CI = 13.0–64.9) when LOH was 11–15 days, and by 72.0% (95%CI = 42.6–107.5) when >15 days. Conversely, no differences were found in readmission risk, and the combined endpoint only increased 21.6% (95%CI = 8.4–36.4) for LOH >15 days. Stratified analysis by hospitalisation departments rendered similar post-discharge outcomes, with all exhibiting increased mortality for LOH >15 days and no significant increments in readmission risk. Conclusions: Short hospitalisations are not associated with worse outcomes. While post-discharge readmissions are not affected by LOH, mortality risk increases as the LOH lengthens. These findings were similar across hospitalisation departments

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Consenso colombiano de atención, diagnóstico y manejo de la infección por SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 en establecimientos de atención de la salud Recomendaciones basadas en consenso de expertos e informadas en la evidencia

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    The “Asociación Colombiana de Infectología” (ACIN) and the “Instituto de Evaluación de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Salud” (IETS) created a task force to develop recommendations for Covid 19 health care diagnosis, management and treatment informed, and based, on evidence. Theses reccomendations are addressed to the health personnel on the Colombian context of health services. © 2020 Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia. All rights reserved