40 research outputs found

    Hotel Wisata di Pantai Metiaut Dili

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    Perkembangan dunia pariwisata di Timor-Leste merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan penting dalam pemajuan taraf internasional. Pariwisata alam yang eksotik, kebudayaan sosial masyarakat yang beragam serta banyaknya obyek wisata yang berkembang menjadikan daya tarik bagi wisatawan baik domestik maupun manca. Sehingga pemanfaatan sektor pariwisata menjadi salah satu jalan menuju perkembangan negara yang maju. Kota Dili sebagai ibu kota Timor-Leste yang memiliki panorama alam pantai yang indah serta udara yang sejuk, dan sudah memiliki beberapa tempat wisata yang salah satunya berupa penginapan. Namun cukup banyak penginapan di kota Dili yang didirikan, tetapi kurang mendukung dari kota tersebut. Karena Peletakan di Pusat Perkotaan sehinga orang tidak bisa bersantai dan tidak menikmati keindahan pantai pasir putih. Kota Dili adalah salah satu dari 13 distrik di Timor-Leste termasuk ibu kota. Memiliki penduduk sebesar 234.331 (sensus 2010), kebanyakan dari mereka tinggal di wilayah urban. Distrik ini memiliki luas 372 km². Distrik ini bernama sama dengan namanya pada zaman Timor Portugis. Dengan kebutuhan peristirahatan bagi wisatawan yang menikmati keindahan pantai di Kota Dili. Maka aset yang akan dibangun adalah CityHotel. City Hotel memiliki pengertian yakni suatu jenis akomodasi yang mempergunakan sebagian atau seluruh bangunan, untuk menyediakan jasa penginapan, makan dan minum, serta jasa lainnya bagi umum, yang dikelola secara komersial. Dengan melihat Tujuan penentuan wadah kegiatan City Hotel, maka diperlukanya suasana yang tenang dan asri. Dimana memiliki kenyamanan yang dapat membuat pengguna merasa rileks dan memuaskan dalam mencari peristirahatan. Dengan mengusung kebutuhan kenyamanan pengguna, sebagai dasar pemaksimalan kebutuhan beristirahat. Maka diperlukannya Tema Green Architecture sebagai dasar desain proyek perencanaan City Hotel yang berlandaskan lingkungan sekitar

    Evaluación micromagnética del nivel de tensiones en alambres de tracción de risers flexibles

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    En el presente trabajo se describe el uso de un método no destructivo que combina las medidas de los parámetros micromagnéticos para cuantificar las tensiones durante los ensayos de tracción en alambres que componen la armadura estructural de risers flexibles. Este método consideró las técnicas de análisis armónico del campo magnético tangencial, análisis de ruido Barkhausen y el análisis del incremento de la permeabilidad, mediante el ensayo de tracción con carga controlada. Se utiliza la regresión lineal de multiparámetros para analizar los datos de cada técnica en forma individual y en conjunto, con el objetivo de correlacionar los valores conocidos de las cargas con los valores medidos en los ensayos realizados. Los resultados muestran una buena relación de los valores obtenidos mediante el método micromagnético y las cargas aplicadas a los cuerpos de prueba, demostrando la eficacia de la técnica en estas aplicaciones

    Em Nome do “Pai”, do “Filho” e do Espírito de Corpo: Ou como recordar a provável 1ª Edição da Cartilha do Guerrilheiro da UNITA

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    This text presents a reflexive contribution concerning the configuration and structuring process of UNITA as a political-military organization, having as reference a document found in the Torre do Tombo archives entitled 1ª Edição da Cartilha do Guerrilheiro da “UNITA”, dated 1968, whose authorship is attributed to Jonas Savimbi. It was possible to glimpse, in the mentioned Cartilha do Guerrilheiro, a discursive production that might refer to a process of construction of an organizational identity sustained, not only by a mobilizing belief (revolutionary nationalism) but also by a logic of functioning based on the principle of discipline. Hence we have formulated the following question: to what extent can the Cartilha do Guerrilheiro be apprehended as an instrument of ideological and identity construction of the organization UNITA, and which place the principle of discipline occupies in this dynamic of construction

    Das políticas de classificação às classificações políticas (1950-1996). A configuração do campo político angolano: contributo para o estudo das relações raciais em Angola

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    Pretendeu-se com este trabalho compreender, no que concerne o estudo das relações raciais na sociedade angolana e ao longo do período compreendido entre 1950-1996, as razões que concorrem para que determinadas classificações assentes na noção de raça tenham sido um recurso fundamental nas lutas políticas, nomeadamente, em processos de inclusão e exclusão. Para levar por diante este objectivo seleccionámos um conjunto de categorias «raciais» como mestiço, branco, negro, indígena e assimilado, considerando que estas últimas são classificações que assentam em propriedades rácicas/características somáticas. Tendo em conta uma perspectiva interdisciplinar optámos por utilizar três conceitos nucleares: campo político, ideologia identitária e crise. Mediante estes três conceitos foi possível analisar a dinâmica do campo político angolano como espaço de lutas de classificação, em que classificações assentes em propriedades rácicas/características somáticas tiveram um papel fundamental, como recurso político, nos processos de institucionalização do capital político. Contudo, o campo não se estruturou nem configurou tendo em conta as propriedades rácicas/características somáticas. A sua dinâmica foi condicionada por outros princípios que relegaram para um segundo plano o papel que as classificações assentes em propriedades rácicas desempenhavam na luta política.Regarding the study of racial relations in the Angolan society in the period of 1950-1996, the aim of this research was to understand the reasons that lead certain classifications based on the notion of race to be a fundamental resource in political fights, namely, in processes of inclusion and exclusion. In order to accomplish our objective we select a set of “racial” categories such as mestizo, white, black, indigene and assimilado, considering that they are classifications based on racial proprieties/somatic characteristics. Taking into account an interdisciplinary perspective we chose to use three core concepts. That is: political field, ideological identity and crises. Through these three concepts it was possible to analyse the dynamics of the Angolan political field as a space of classification fights. Classifications based on racial proprieties/somatic characteristics played a central role, as a political resource, in the processes of institutionalization of the political capital. Nevertheless, the field was not structured nor set according to racial proprieties/somatic characteristics. Its dynamics was shaped up by other principles that relegated to the background the role classifications based on racial properties played in the political fight

    Longitudinal co-site optical microscopy study on the chelating ability of etidronate and EDTA using a comparative single-tooth model

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    In the present study the smear layer dissolution kinetics of 18% etidronate (HEBP), 9% HEBP, and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) on human dentin were quantitatively and longitudinally analyzed by using a single-tooth comparative model. Coronal dentin disks were prepared from 3 maxillary human molars. A standardized smear layer was produced on the pulpal side of each disk. The smear layer-covered surface was divided into 3 similar areas. Each of these was then exposed to 1 of the 3 irrigants under investigation, whereas the others were covered with adhesive tape. Co-site image sequences of the areas under investigation were obtained after several cumulative demineralization times. Sixteen images were obtained from each dentin area of each tooth for each experimental time at 1000x magnification. An image processing and analysis sequence measured sets of images, providing data of area fraction for thousands of tubules over time and allowing us to quantitatively follow the effect of the chelating substances. The Kruskal-Wallis H test and Dunn multiple comparison test were used to analyze the data. Overall, it can be concluded that the demineralization kinetics promoted by both 9% HEBP and 18% HEBP were significantly slower than those of 17% EDTA (P < .05). In addition, the single-tooth model is advantageous over the first co-site optical microscopy dentin assessments when different chelator solutions are compared


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    COMPROVANTES DE LIBERAÇÃO DE CRÉDITO FLORESTAL (CLCF) PARA O MUNICÍPIO DE SINOP, MATO GROSSO, BRASIL A análise e o ordenamento de informações sobre o setor florestal geram dados que podem auxiliar tanto na tomada de decisões estratégicas, quanto na elaboração de novas políticas públicas. Deste modo, torna-se essencial a análise dos Comprovantes de Liberação de Crédito Florestal (CLCF), que é atualmente uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas pelo Estado de Mato Grosso para controle e fiscalização de áreas liberadas para obtenção legal de madeira tropical, seja por meio dos Planos de Manejo Florestal Sustentável (PMFS) ou ainda, por intermédio dos Planos de Exploração Florestal (PEF). O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as Autorizações de Exploração Florestal (AUTEX e AEF) e seus respectivos CLCF referentes aos PMFS e aos PEF entre os anos de 2006 a 2013 no município de Sinop-MT. Os documentos foram obtidos junto a Secretaria Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Estado de Mato Grosso (SEMA). Foram analisados um total de 20 CLCF, sendo quatro deles referentes à PEF e outros 16 referentes à PMFS. A área avaliada totalizou 4.566,78 hectares, sendo aproximadamente 95% desta destinada ao manejo (PMFS) e o restante, pouco mais de 5%, destinada ao desmate (PEF). A variedade de espécies comerciais liberadas para exploração foi de 66 em PMFS e 30 em PEF. O Cambará (Qualea paraensis) foi à espécie mais representada nos CLCF, com maior participação volumétrica tanto em áreas destinadas aos PMFS (21,17%) quanto em áreas destinadas aos PEF (22,65%). Palavras-chave: Floresta Amazônica, Exploração Florestal, Manejo Florestal. ABSTRACTThe analysis and information ordering on the forest sector generate data that may assist both strategic decisions making and new public policies development. Thus, the analyze of Vouchers for Releasing Forestry Credit (Comprovantes de Liberação de Crédito Florestal - CLCF) is essential, which is currently one of the main tools utilized by Mato Grosso State for control and inspection released areas to legal obtaining the tropical timber, either through Sustainable Forest Management Plans (Planos de Manejo Florestal Sustentável - PMFS) or through the Forest Exploration Plans (Planos de Exploração Florestal - PEF). The study aimed to evaluate the Authorizations for Forest Exploration (Autorizações de Exploração Florestal - AUTEX and AEF) and their respective CLCF concerning PMFS and PEF from 2006 to 2013 at Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The documents were obtained from the State Department of Environment of Mato Grosso State (Secretaria Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Estado de Mato Grosso - SEMA). We analyzed 20 CLCFs, 4 related to PEF and 16 related to PMFS. The evaluated area totalized 4566.78 hectares, approximately 95% of that intended for management (PMFS) and the remaining, just over 5%, for the deforestation (PEF). The commercial species variety released for exploration was 66 in PMFS and 30 in PEF. The Cambará (Qualea paraensis) was the most represented species in CLCF with higher volumetric participation in areas intended for PMFS (21.17%) and for PEF (22.65%). Keywords: Amazon Forest, Forest Exploration, Forest Management., DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14583/2318-7670.v03n01a0


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    COMPROVANTES DE LIBERAÇÃO DE CRÉDITO FLORESTAL (CLCF) PARA O MUNICÍPIO DE SINOP, MATO GROSSO, BRASIL A análise e o ordenamento de informações sobre o setor florestal geram dados que podem auxiliar tanto na tomada de decisões estratégicas, quanto na elaboração de novas políticas públicas. Deste modo, torna-se essencial a análise dos Comprovantes de Liberação de Crédito Florestal (CLCF), que é atualmente uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas pelo Estado de Mato Grosso para controle e fiscalização de áreas liberadas para obtenção legal de madeira tropical, seja por meio dos Planos de Manejo Florestal Sustentável (PMFS) ou ainda, por intermédio dos Planos de Exploração Florestal (PEF). O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as Autorizações de Exploração Florestal (AUTEX e AEF) e seus respectivos CLCF referentes aos PMFS e aos PEF entre os anos de 2006 a 2013 no município de Sinop-MT. Os documentos foram obtidos junto a Secretaria Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Estado de Mato Grosso (SEMA). Foram analisados um total de 20 CLCF, sendo quatro deles referentes à PEF e outros 16 referentes à PMFS. A área avaliada totalizou 4.566,78 hectares, sendo aproximadamente 95% desta destinada ao manejo (PMFS) e o restante, pouco mais de 5%, destinada ao desmate (PEF). A variedade de espécies comerciais liberadas para exploração foi de 66 em PMFS e 30 em PEF. O Cambará (Qualea paraensis) foi à espécie mais representada nos CLCF, com maior participação volumétrica tanto em áreas destinadas aos PMFS (21,17%) quanto em áreas destinadas aos PEF (22,65%). Palavras-chave: Floresta Amazônica, Exploração Florestal, Manejo Florestal. ABSTRACTThe analysis and information ordering on the forest sector generate data that may assist both strategic decisions making and new public policies development. Thus, the analyze of Vouchers for Releasing Forestry Credit (Comprovantes de Liberação de Crédito Florestal - CLCF) is essential, which is currently one of the main tools utilized by Mato Grosso State for control and inspection released areas to legal obtaining the tropical timber, either through Sustainable Forest Management Plans (Planos de Manejo Florestal Sustentável - PMFS) or through the Forest Exploration Plans (Planos de Exploração Florestal - PEF). The study aimed to evaluate the Authorizations for Forest Exploration (Autorizações de Exploração Florestal - AUTEX and AEF) and their respective CLCF concerning PMFS and PEF from 2006 to 2013 at Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The documents were obtained from the State Department of Environment of Mato Grosso State (Secretaria Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Estado de Mato Grosso - SEMA). We analyzed 20 CLCFs, 4 related to PEF and 16 related to PMFS. The evaluated area totalized 4566.78 hectares, approximately 95% of that intended for management (PMFS) and the remaining, just over 5%, for the deforestation (PEF). The commercial species variety released for exploration was 66 in PMFS and 30 in PEF. The Cambará (Qualea paraensis) was the most represented species in CLCF with higher volumetric participation in areas intended for PMFS (21.17%) and for PEF (22.65%). Keywords: Amazon Forest, Forest Exploration, Forest Management., DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14583/2318-7670.v03n01a0

    Site-Specific Mucosal Immunity to Fungi: Lessons Learned from Candida albicans

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    Sodium hypochlorite with reduced surface tension does not improve in situ pulp tissue dissolution

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    INTRODUCTION: Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solutions with added wetting agents are advertised to dissolve necrotic tissue in root canals faster than their counterparts without a lowered surface tension. This was tested in the current study, and the null hypothesis formulated was that there was no difference between a commercially available NaOCl solution with a lowered surface tension (Chlor-XTRA; Vista Dental Products, Racine, WI) and a counterpart containing the same amount of available chlorine without added wetting agents regarding the soft tissue that remains in oval-shaped canals after mechanical preparation and irrigation. METHODS: Formerly vital extracted teeth (N = 44, 22 pairs) with similar anatomy were radiographically paired and chemomechanically prepared. In 1 tooth from each pair, a 5.25% NaOCl solution with reduced surface tension was used; in the other, a pure, technical-grade NaOCl solution of 5.25% was used. The percentage of remaining pulp tissue (PRPT) was histologically assessed in root cross-sections. The non-Gaussian raw data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests to verify the respective effect of the cross-section level and solution on the PRPT. The relationship between the cross-section level and the PRPT was estimated by the Spearman correlation test. The alpha-type error was set at 5%. RESULTS: The cross-section level significantly influenced the PRPT (P .05). A significant inverse correlation was found between the cross-section level and the PRPT (P < .05, r = -0.330). The lower the distance to the apex, the higher the PRPT regardless of the solution used. CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to the advertised statement, the dental solution with a reduced surface tension did not dissolve vital pulp tissue in oval root canals any better than a conventional NaOCl solution of similar strength. Closer to the apex, pulp tissue dissolution is less efficient irrespective of the solution