944 research outputs found

    The Life Style amongst Nomadic Tribes of Ivan Kalhor, Iran

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    Abstract Cooperation is one of the main factors amongst nomadic tribes that caused of their unity and growth; also, it has been determined their life style. Furthermore, the goal of the current literature review was to explain the role of cooperation amongst people of tribes in Ivan Kalhor, Iran; also, illustrated the importance of this humanity factor in views of various famous scientists in the world that determined based on qualitative method. Lack of consideration to some factors such as cooperation in this kind of societies creates the different type of problems, and it can be harmful to nomadic tribes; additionally, it can decrease this population. In another word, the existence of cooperation as one of the principle human needs can advance and support activity and relation of people in tribes and conduct their activity in the correct way. Overall, this literature review that organized by qualitative method (observation and interview) considered to the vital role of cooperation at nomadic tribes in Iran especially in Ivan Kalhor area, and likewise, described its effectiveness on people relationships. Keyword: Nomadic Tribes, Cooperation, Ivan Kalhor, Iran

    «Los cuentos de Juana» : una obra experimentalista de Álvaro Cepeda Samudio

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    En este artĂ­culo se analiza el Ășltimo libro de Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, teniendo en consideraciĂłn el concepto del autor sobre el gĂ©nero cuentĂ­stico. Esta obra experimentalista, formada por una serie de cuentos, gira en torno al personaje extravagante de Juana y pone de relieve el vitalismo del autor y su deseo de improvisar. Los cuentos de Juana, aunque no cumpliĂł las expectativas de muchos crĂ­ticos cuando fue publicado, merece ser releĂ­do y reevaluado ya pasados mĂĄs de cuarenta años desde su publicaciĂłn.En aquest article s'analitza l'Ășltim llibre d'Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, tenint en consideraciĂł el concepte de l'autor sobre el gĂšnere del conte. Aquesta obra experimentalista, formada per una sĂšrie de contes, gira entorn del personatge extravagant de Juana i posa en relleu el vitalisme de l'autor i el seu desig d'improvisar. Los cuentos de Juana, encara que no va complir les expectatives de molts crĂ­tics quan va ser publicat, mereix ser rellegit i reavaluat ja passats mĂ©s de quaranta anys des de la seva publicaciĂł.In this article I analyze the last book of Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, considering the author's approach to the short story form. Samudio's experimentalist work consists of a series of stories about the extravagant character of Juana and highlights the vitality of the author and his desire to improvise. Los cuentos de Juana was not well-received by many critics when it was published, but today, forty years since its publication, it deserves to be reread and reevaluated, with a new lens

    'Panentheistic' View of Divine Love in Man and Nature: A Comparative Study in Whitman's Leaves of Grass and Maulana Jalal al-Din Rumi's Mathnavi

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    This article is a part of my MA thesis A Comparative Study of Walt Whitman and Jalal Al-Din Rumi’s Poetry in Relation to Mysticism, in which the researcher has attempted to investigate the common mystical and transcendental tenets of Walt Whitman and Rumi despite their geographical distance, language differences and historical divisions. In this comparative study, Leaves of Grass and Rumi’s Mathnavi have been examined as the writers’ major works. This work deals with both poets’ mystical view of human beings and the image of the Divine. In order to do so, attention is paid to two common, major themes: ‘Man’s Divinity in Love’ and ‘God and the Nature-Mystics’. Moreover, the concepts of ‘pantheism’ and ‘panentheism’ as well as the Sufi expression wahdat al-wujud are discussed in Whitman and Rumi’s poetic works

    Hepcidin and Host Defense against Infectious Diseases.

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    Hepcidin is the master regulator of iron homeostasis in vertebrates. The synthesis of hepcidin is induced by systemic iron levels and by inflammatory stimuli. While the role of hepcidin in iron regulation is well established, its contribution to host defense is emerging as complex and multifaceted. In this review, we summarize the literature on the role of hepcidin as a mediator of antimicrobial immunity. Hepcidin induction during infection causes depletion of extracellular iron, which is thought to be a general defense mechanism against many infections by withholding iron from invading pathogens. Conversely, by promoting iron sequestration in macrophages, hepcidin may be detrimental to cellular defense against certain intracellular infections, although critical in vivo studies are needed to confirm this concept. It is not yet clear whether hepcidin exerts any iron-independent effects on host defenses

    Job Satisfaction amongst Academic Staff: A literature Review

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    AbstractJob satisfaction assumed as a one of the main factor amongst academic staff and placed as a basic inner feeling for them. Moreover, the purpose of present literature review was to brilliant the role of job satisfaction at university; also, illustrated this inner organizational feeling as a principle positive motivator amongst academic staff. Lack of consideration to the presence of job satisfaction creates numerous difficulties at university, low level of job satisfaction likewise emerges some insufficient behaviors and reactions among academic staff. In other word, the existence of job satisfaction as basic human needs can develop and support performance of academic staff and conduct their organizational behavior in the accurate way. In general, the current literature review focused on the key role of job satisfaction at university and mentioned its effectiveness on performance, behavior, and reactions of academic staff at educational system.Key Words:Job Satisfaction, Academic Staff, University, Educational Syste

    Managers' self-efficiency and its effect on Exhaustion at the public schools, Iran

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    AbstractOne of the threaten behavior among managers is exhaustion. In fact, exhaustion assumed as a state of physical and emotional tiredness that appear in interaction with employees and students during working hours at school. The existence of this irregular feeling leads to low level of presentation at school and generates in adequate outcomes. Furthermore, recognizing and applying the optimistic factors such as self-efficiency can be valuable motivator in controlling and reducing the amount of abnormal reactions such as exhaustion among managers at schools. The purpose of current study is focused on association between managers’ self-efficiency and exhaustion at public schools in Tehran, Iran. The results demonstrated that self-efficiency predicts the amount of exhaustion among managers and there is negative association between exhaustion and self–efficiency at school. Besides, the present paper supports the impact of efficiency on the amount of exhaustion among schools managers and reduction this unsatisfactory phenomenon at schools.Keywords: Managers, Self-efficacy; Exhaustion, School

    Mini Literature Review of Self-Concept

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    AbstractThe aim of the current  literature review is to focus on individualsŽ self-concept. The results of the present study reveal that self-concept assumed as an important factor for each and can change his or her belief, attitude, and reaction toward personal and social life. This study likewise  explained the beginning of self-concept, different views toward this vital factor, the role of introspection, and multicultural. Furthermore, this paper supported the imperative of self-concept; additionally, it has an essential  role in individual advance. Keyword: self-concept, individual, attitude,
