104 research outputs found


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    In this clinical study 40 Traumatic arthritis patients aged 35-65 years were selected at random in OPD of TTDs S.V Ayurvedic Hospital PG Dravyaguna Dept, Tirupati. In Group I, 20 patients were treated with Terminalia arjuna powder TAP (oral intake of Arjuna powder boiled with milk). In group II, 20 patients were treated with Terminalia arjuna Ksheerapaka powder TAKP (Arjuna powder boiled with milk and filtered into semisolid and made into fine powder). The aim of the study was comparative clinical evaluation between group I and group II in the management of Traumatic arthritis.Guggulu tablets are used for joint pains. But it has Lekhana and Medohara properties and causes Vata prakopa. Thats why there is an acute need for safe herbal drug. Therefore Arjuna, a Bhagna sandhanakara drug mentioned in Vrindamadhava is taken for the study. The form of drug is Arjuna bark powder by boiled with milk (Bhagna pibeth tvak payasarjunasya).It is observed that there is no significant difference between group I and group II in the mean values of fatigue, Pain radiating to other parts and walking time but significant difference were observed in ESR before and after treatment in group I and group II. Group II showed better results in reducing restricted movement and Group I shows better results in reducing inflammation.Based on all the observed results it can be concluded that Group II has showed highly significant improvement when compared in between groups, this may be due to Jeevaniya and Sandhaniya karma of milk which causes synergetic action of Arjuna karmas. No complications were observed in the clinical study


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    Abstract With the rapid growth in construction activities, it is important to assess the amount of construction and demolition waste being generated and analyse the practices needed to handle this waste from the point of waste management and disposal and also with regard to waste utilization in concrete from the sustainability aspects. Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste constitutes a major portion of total solid waste production in the world, and most of it is used in landfills. Research by concrete engineers has clearly suggested the possibility of appropriately treating and reusing such waste as aggregate once again in concrete, especially in applications such as bed concrete and in road beds for pavement i.e. where works are of less importance as regards to the strength. The use of such waste as recycled aggregate in concrete can be useful for both environmental and economic aspects in the construction industry. In present study, five concrete mixes were used; first mix had only natural coarse aggregate and in remaining mixes natural coarse aggregate was partial replaced by 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% recycled coarse aggregate. In all the mix cement was replaced by 10% GGBS. Here an attempt is made to assess the strength and durability characteristics of concrete made using construction and demolition waste recycled coarse aggregate


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    The demand for creativity and luxury over the world is increasing the demolition activities for the construction of new buildings in place of old ones. Thus huge amount of demolition wastes is being generated around the world causing a problem for its disposal. Further to meet the needs of growing construction industry there is a heavy demand for natural aggregates because of which they are getting depleted. Hence to overcome the depletion and for making a sustainable world the use of recycled aggregates came into picture. Recycled aggregates have found their use in many works like pavements, kerbs etc. but they are rarely used for engineering works. This project aims at finding the usage of recycled aggregates for high strength concrete. The present research studies the strength of concrete made with different replacement levels of natural aggregates with recycled aggregates. The replacement ratios considered are 0.54, 0.67 and 0.81. Specimens are made to find the compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength at different W/B ratios and different F.A to T.A ratio and thus the applicability is studied

    Novel composite coded pattern for small angle measurement using imaging method

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    A novel approach for measurement of small rotation angles using imaging method is proposed and demonstrated. A plane mirror placed on a precision rotating table is used for imaging the newly designed composite coded pattern. The imaged patterns are captured with the help of a CCD camera. The angular rotation of the plane mirror is determined from a pair of the images of the pattern, captured once before and once after affecting the tilt of the mirror. Both simulation and experimental results suggest that the proposed approach not only retains the advantages of the original imaging method but also contributes significantly to the enhancement of its measuring range (±4.13ο with accuracy of the order of 1 arcsec)


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    ABSTRACT The study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of feeding ochratoxin A and citrinin either alone or in combination in broiler chicken. Two hundred broiler chicks were divided into four groups of 50 chicks each with the following treatment viz. Control diet, (group I), OA 1 ppm, (group II), CTN 12.5 ppm (group III) and combination 1 ppm OA plus 12.5 ppm CTN (group IV) up to 35 days of the trial. The experimental and the control birds were sequentially sacrificed and examined at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 th day of the experiment. On post-mortem examination grossly, the toxin fed birds showed congestion, enlargement, pallor or yellowish discoloration of liver with distended gall bladder, swollen and congested kidneys. In addition, congestion of heart with prominent vasculature, pale, dehydrated and shrunken skeletal muscles, presence of small quantity of semisolid ingesta with slight mucous in crop and proventriculous, dry and shrunken gizzard, congested appearance of intestine with small quantity of mucous and congested pancreas was observed in all the toxin fed groups throughout the period of experimentation. Microscopically degenerative changes in hepatocytes, periportal fibrosis, periductular mononuclear cell infiltration, fatty degeneration, focal necrosis in the liver, degeneration and necrotic changes in the tubular epithelial cells in kidneys, myocardial degeneration, hyaline degeneration of muscle, mucosal hyperplasia of crop, proventriculitis, ventriculitis, catarrhal enteritis, pancreatitis, lymphoid depletion in the spleen, bursa of Fabricius and thymus were the prominent lesions observed when both the toxins were fed to birds from second to fifth week of age. Severity of these lesions was found to be enhanced and suggested the additive or synergistic effect of these toxins in the broiler chicken

    Development of biofilm of Vibrio alginolyticus for oral immunostimulation of shrimp

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    Biofilm (BF) of Vibrio alginolyticus was developed on chitin flakes. BF formation was studied at various nutrient concentrations and incubation time. Highest colonyforming units of BF cells were obtained with 0.15% trypticase soya broth and at 3 days of incubation. The BF cells could be completely inactivated at 80C in 10 min and with 10% formalin in 24 h. SDS–PAGE profile of BF cells revealed repression of four proteins and expression of three new proteins compared to free cells (FC). The preliminary immune response studies showed that BF cells were superior to FC in stimulating the non-specific immune response of Penaeus monodo

    Antidiabetic and renoprotective effects of the chloroform extract of Terminalia chebula Retz. seeds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

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    BACKGROUND: Terminalia chebula (Combretaceae) has been widely used in Ayurveda for the treatment of diabetes. In the present investigation, the chloroform extract of T. chebula seed powder was investigated for its antidiabetic activity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats using short term and long term study protocols. The efficacy of the extract was also evaluated for protection of renal functions in diabetic rats. METHODS: The blood glucose lowering activity of the chloroform extract was determined in streptozotocin-induced (75 mg/kg, i.p.; dissolved in 0.1 M acetate buffer; pH 4.5) diabetic rats, after oral administration at the doses of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg in short term study. Blood samples were collected from the eye retro-orbital plexus of rats before and also at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 h after drug administration and the samples were analyzed for blood glucose by using glucose-oxidase/peroxidase method using a visible spectrophotometer. In long term study, the extract (300 mg/kg) was administered to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, daily for 8 weeks. Blood glucose was measured at weekly intervals for 4 weeks. Urine samples were collected before the induction of diabetes and at the end of 8 weeks of treatments and analyzed for urinary protein, albumin and creatinine levels. The data was compared statistically using one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Dunnet's t-test. RESULTS: The chloroform extract of T. chebula seeds produced dose-dependent reduction in blood glucose of diabetic rats and comparable with that of standard drug, glibenclamide in short term study. It also produced significant reduction in blood glucose in long term study. Significant renoprotective activity is observed in T. chebula treated rats. The results indicate a prolonged action in reduction of blood glucose by T. chebula and is probably mediated through enhanced secretion of insulin from the β-cells of Langerhans or through extra pancreatic mechanism. The probable mechanism of potent renoprotective actions of T. chebula has to be evaluated. CONCLUSION: The present studies clearly indicated a significant antidiabetic and renoprotective effects with the chloroform extract of T. chebula and lend support for its traditional usage. Further investigations on identification of the active principles and their mode of action are needed to unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in the observed effects

    The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in the Asia-Pacific region: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The final article in a series of three publications examining the global distribution of 41 dominant vector species (DVS) of malaria is presented here. The first publication examined the DVS from the Americas, with the second covering those species present in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Here we discuss the 19 DVS of the Asian-Pacific region. This region experiences a high diversity of vector species, many occurring sympatrically, which, combined with the occurrence of a high number of species complexes and suspected species complexes, and behavioural plasticity of many of these major vectors, adds a level of entomological complexity not comparable elsewhere globally. To try and untangle the intricacy of the vectors of this region and to increase the effectiveness of vector control interventions, an understanding of the contemporary distribution of each species, combined with a synthesis of the current knowledge of their behaviour and ecology is needed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Expert opinion (EO) range maps, created with the most up-to-date expert knowledge of each DVS distribution, were combined with a contemporary database of occurrence data and a suite of open access, environmental and climatic variables. Using the Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) modelling method, distribution maps of each DVS were produced. The occurrence data were abstracted from the formal, published literature, plus other relevant sources, resulting in the collation of DVS occurrence at 10116 locations across 31 countries, of which 8853 were successfully geo-referenced and 7430 were resolved to spatial areas that could be included in the BRT model. A detailed summary of the information on the bionomics of each species and species complex is also presented.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This article concludes a project aimed to establish the contemporary global distribution of the DVS of malaria. The three articles produced are intended as a detailed reference for scientists continuing research into the aspects of taxonomy, biology and ecology relevant to species-specific vector control. This research is particularly relevant to help unravel the complicated taxonomic status, ecology and epidemiology of the vectors of the Asia-Pacific region. All the occurrence data, predictive maps and EO-shape files generated during the production of these publications will be made available in the public domain. We hope that this will encourage data sharing to improve future iterations of the distribution maps.</p

    Protection of construction pit for car-park building in Ljubljana

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    V diplomski nalogi je obravnavano varovanje gradbene jame za objekt parkirno garažne hiše v Ljubljani. Varovalna konstrukcija je bila izvedena s sidranimi slopi po tehnologiji injektiranja pod visokimi pritiski (jet grouting). Sidranje smo izvedli z začasnimi geotehničnimi sidri v enem ali dveh nivojih. V nalogi je podan pregled postopkov za izvedbo jet grouting slopov in začasnih geotehničnih sider po veljavnih standardih. Pozornost je posvečena načinom izvedbe, ki so uveljavljeni pri nas, in problemom, ki se pojavljajo zaradi odstopanja od zhatev tehnične regulative ali nezmožnosti upoštevanja le-te. To je delno posledica zastarele opreme in utečenih postopkov izvajanja del. Dodatno pa na to vplivajo tudi zahteve po čim cenejši izvedbi gradbenih del. V nalogi so predstavljene izkušnje pridobljene med izvedbo varovalne konstrukcije gradbene jame, rezultati kontrolnih preiskav in problemi, ki so se pojavili med izvedbo del, ter rešitve teh problemov. V fazi izvedbe varovalne konstrukcije iz jet grouting slopov smo največ pozornosti posvetili tehnologiji enofaznega postopka injektiranja in njeni učinkovitosti v danih razmerah. Pri izvedbi geotehničnih sider pa smo največ pozornosti posvetili vgradnji in napenjanju preskusnih sider. Na gradbišču nastali problemi so lahko tudi posledica nepopolne gradbene dokumentacije, vključno s starimi in pomanjkljivimi načrti sosednjih objektov. V nalogi je prav tako obravnavano reševanje problemov, povezanih z nepričakovano sestavo temeljnih tal. Ta je pomembno vplivala na težave in zamude pri izvedbi in nemoteno napredovanje del.The subject of this thesis is the execution construction pit for multi-storey car-park building in Ljubljana. The supporting structure was made with high pressure grouting (e.q jet grouting), and anchored with temporary ground anchors in one or two levels. An overview of jet grouting and temporary ground anchors procedures accoding to current standards is shown. A special attention is put on the currently valid execution of works in our country. We primarily examined the problems occurring due to the deviation from technical regulations or inability to stick to them, which may be the consequence of either old equipment or sticking to generally accepted procedures of the execution, as well as requirements for a cheaper execution. The thesis presents the description of experiences gained during the execution works, the results of control examinations, the problems that occurred during the execution and appropriate solutions. In the phase of the jet-grouting-piles execution, which were used as a supporting structure, the attention was on the technology of the single fluid system and its effectiveness in the ground, while with ground anchors the most attention was paid to ground anchor installation and. The problems occurring on the construction site are often result of an incomplete project documentation, often involving the old and incomplete documentation of neighbouring buildings. The solution of issues in relation to the unexpected ground conditions, which significantly delayed the execution of works, is examined